Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54512 times)


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"Spank you out here, why would I do something as indecent as that master?" You're truly a deviant at heart, it fills me with abject shame to serve such a woman." She teased her happily. Olga was such an easy target, as easy and fun as it was to her she really was doing for her master's sake. Making her more resilient to taunts and such things.

"No but actually I'm just giving you a hug, is there aything wrong with that?" Yes play the disheartened servant who just got rejected and phase two will be complete.


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Naturally, Rikuyo did her best to not get outdone by Ray, but she had her own opinion about this whole set up. If the giant man wouldn't let her, the victor, decide that Ray comes with her, she would just take the matters into her own hands, hijack this whole place at a proverbial gunpoint and order the staff to amend the rules more to her liking. She wasn't technically a career criminal, but with a bounty already on her head, she as well could be one, and she certainly had experience in breaking the law, private or public.

"Not really a big deal." She commented about this 'test'. "But you know, I'm a package deal, mister I'm no good in fights. He goes with me." She grinned when facing the person who organized this trial. What would be his answer?


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"Hah!!" She cried out as she dodged instinctively, changing her momentum and trajectory in a moment's notice with beastly fluidity.A streak of crimson light paralleled the streak of blue reflecting from the doll's eyes, and in the middle stood the puppet master, toying with all like marionettes under his strings.

"Take this!!" She roared mid her leap, throwing bloody blades that ripped off her fingers with deadly accuracy, the bloody wepons spinning in unpredictable arcs before shooting for her target from all angles, ready to explode on impact.


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The Cpu of Planeptune let go of the pirate as she heard a familiar voice. Right on time too, it was getting hard to feign anger over the beatdown and the arrival of the other goddess provided an excellent excuse.

"Really Nowa accusing him just because he's a skeleton, this is why you don't have any friends. Oh well I guess it can't be helped at this point." She reached inside her jacket and moved closer to Noire. The item she retrieved was none other than the calender she'd mentioned over the phone earlier.

She flipped it open to show off the increasingly lewder pictures of her and Vert. "See I told you we did it, sold like crazy it did." She reached the picture she'd mentioned, the one where they were kissing each other, their bodies tangeled together in the most tantilizing way.


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Relius Clover

The scientist simply used the time it took to dodge to shift the position of his legs, lowering the barrier and raising it again once he was facing the girl.  "Orienna, restrain her too please," he said, calmly, as if he were asking for help with chores.  At the vary least, the girl forced him to move.  Once she was restrained, it would be a simple matter of holding her down with a binding spell.


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She sent him a questioning glance as they trekked on towards their goal. "No. Saying and doing is one in the same. To anyone who's learned to harness their potential, making a distinction is pointless at best and foolish at worst. As for your question, I could learn everything you know and take your place, that's my goal right now."


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"Oh, is that so? I wasn't sure how the seasons worked here, good to know! In that case we shall look out for swimsuits!"

As she turned around, an attractive saleswoman had already replaced the schoolgirl that had led her here.

"My that was fast! And you run this place here? Hm, you certainly look the part! I am here to create art, of course! With my body a canvas, i shall give you the opportunity to paint with fabric a true masterpiece!"


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Vanguard smiled. "And it shall be yours, assuming you have the skill. But if you try to reach a step too far ahead, you may slip and break."

After all, if she had the courage to challenge him so brazenly, he hoped she could at least make her promise too.

"But it'd be a waste. I admit, you have talents I could not emulate in a thousand years. If possible, I would require a favor from you. You're far skilled at acting than I am."


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"If you're gonna be this stubborn..." She relaxed with a sigh. Annoyed as she was with the cleaning she couldn't continue until that had been taken care of. "Move aside old man." Of course if he was gonna act like that he'd better be prepared.

Despite her words she moved around him and breezed through the arduous task, every tiny shard and speck of dust cleanly removed from the premise in her unnatural wake. It was sublime in it's execution and worthy of a great royal reception.

"Now then." She clapped her hands together with dramatic flair after a job well done. "The answer would be no, I haven't been around here before. Are you a monk old man? Your behaviour is far too serene to be natural and not part of a rigorous training regiment the likes that would please the gods in all their wretchedness." She spat out the last part clearly not a fan of them.


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The giant observed the two and paused for a moment, digesting the situation. An enormous grin met the girl's as he raised his arms sideways for dramatic effect.

"Nah. Congratulations, you both pass."His alligator-like expression was only accentuated by wild gesticulations, like that of a performer. "Seriously, why would we kick out potentially interesting guys from this? Even if you were weaker, we need fodder for the show too.  What we don't need are pussies who talk big but can't even deliver a bare minimum of entertainment."

He snapped his fingers and pointed at the man in sunglasses, like he already felt a sort of kinship with the inferior fella.

"But you didn't back down, even if you were outclassed. That makes for a great show. Now then, we need to go take your pictures. SInce you're the first ones here, how about you enjoy yourselves a little? There's snacks and the like at the caf."


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"Bluwhuhwuhwoah-!" He blurted out, literally shook by divine retribution. His eyesockets twisted into spirals as he felt the contents of his burning stomach well up once more. But before he could spill the ghost of the lunch he had months ago, someone else showed up.

What a strange question. He was surprised, to say the least, at how she could ask something so obvious. How foolish!

"Yep." He declared honestly. He had no reason to lie shamefully like some thief, in fact this was as brutally frank as it got.

"Calm down chickie, I ain't in a mood to fight. She just played a mean prank on my friend there." He pointed back to nep with his thumb. "Are you her pal or somethin?" He asked her amiably, extending a hand like to shake it. Despite the blatant crime that had been committed, he didn't seem to have any bad intentions. It was an odd contrast to say the least.


The Cpu of Planeptune let go of the pirate as she heard a familiar voice. Right on time too, it was getting hard to feign anger over the beatdown and the arrival of the other goddess provided an excellent excuse.

"Really Nowa accusing him just because he's a skeleton, this is why you don't have any friends. Oh well I guess it can't be helped at this point." She reached inside her jacket and moved closer to Noire. The item she retrieved was none other than the calender she'd mentioned over the phone earlier.

She flipped it open to show off the increasingly lewder pictures of her and Vert. "See I told you we did it, sold like crazy it did." She reached the picture she'd mentioned, the one where they were kissing each other, their bodies tangeled together in the most tantilizing way.


"What do you mean just because he's a skeleton! You're the only two here!" Noire wasn't exactly miffed at how Neptune just completely didn't get the mood. This was just how she was! She was rather confused why she was now shoving lewd pictures of her and Vert into her face. Jeez, some of these were just straight up from an erotic magazine. What kind of photoshoot was this?

Wait, aren't I getting distracted?
Noire quickly ran over to her downed friend and picked her up, patting her on the cheek to wake her up. She'd be able to tell her what'd happened!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The pirate sneaked back and took a peek, only for streams of blood to fall down his skeletal nose. H-how scandalous, nay, immoral! To think a woman could love a woman so, it was shocking and out of this world.

While the black haired girl was distracted with the other welp, he timidly shifted next to Nep and whispered, reaching for his coat's inner pocket. It looked like a highschooler partaking in a shady drug deal.

"How much?"

« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 04:57:54 PM by francobull3 »


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"Who am I? Shouldn't you introduce yourself properly Bloody Man?" Rosa reprimanded him for his rudeness. It was just common courtesy to tell people your name first after all!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The elder vampire nodded approvingly as Medaka began massaging her feet. "Good work... that it the spot." Her upper body sliped farther and farther back on the couch as she enjoyed the welcome service. Her conciousness slipped away bit by bt. Staying up during the day was far from preferable and eventually Shinobu drifted off to sleep.


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"Yeah walks are nice," he said, his head returning from the door to face her.  "Besides, you could give me a tour of the area."


"Sure, that sounds fun." Sakura was proud of her good community service and upkeep of the neighborhood. It took a lot of effort and time! "We're going to be going out and get a game, you wanna come along?" Sakura asked Jeanne as she led Joe down to the stairs.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end