Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 106596 times)


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Red and black bled over Irene's vision, her perception turvy like mud amid the pain. She could hardly hear, but she received enough for her wrath to flare even hotter and crackle with self-chiding bloodlust at the inhuman beast that had dragged her along to this.

Her scarf had in its entirety been torn to pieces, and the stone mask fell away to roll on the grime-stamped floor. Irene's skin, ripped and burned like a demolished manor's curtain, and spilled flesh, dispersed and grilled, both pulsed hungrily. Like mud flowing against nature, it all began to crawl back to her torso, to pull the pieces of her limbs together, twitching and straining itself to do so.

One of her hands, stripped of meat down to the bone, still had enough strength to dig into the tunnel where it landed, its arteries bubbling with indignation.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 11:16:55 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, that's safer than anything else! Besides, we can just make examples of potential thieves. Give anyone else who has ideas something to think about!" She declared it rather triumphantly as they moved about with the block.


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The skeleton took a deep breath, despite the fact it did not need to do such a thing in the first place. This was quite a pickle, and oh boy did pickles love him lately. "Yes, yes." He sighed tiresomely before heading to the car. But before then, he turned his head to glance at Nep.

"Heh, it was fun. We should hang out some more next time." He said in casual cheer as he headed to the vehicle. If she came with her ass all this way to get to him, it meant she either didn't know she could talk to him through their link, was about to do something really stupid, or worse, something bad happened and it was probably his fault.

He wouldn't be surprised if it was all three.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka shook her head and said, "I must insist we leave any potential thieves alive.  You may talk me into beating on them, but killing is out of the question."  She was pretty strong.  They already had made it half a block by this point in the conversation.

Just on cue, two men came out from behind an alley.  "Whooo boi!  Do you see that Creg!  Them titties are HUGE!"  The one speaking was a tall lanky fellow.  His skinny figure was offset by the knife he was brandishing in his right hand.  "I told you Jim!  I like em- WHOOOO BOI!" shouted the shorter man as he two popped around the corner.  He was a bit more built physically, with a round face and rough features.  A single scar ran down his cheek and tattoos covered his arms.  "I think we can split these two reeeeaaaal easy!  I call the short one.  You can get the big one!"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Wow, I'm barely even being considered here, Meddy! Are all the guys here so mean?" There was an almost genuine frown on her face. As if she was sad that her body wasn't being appreciated as much as Medaka's.


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Medaka Kurokami+Rapey thugs

The shorter one chuckled.  "Don't worry girlie, I like smaller less mature girls more," he said, stepping around the two.  Medaka's eyes followed his body as he positioned himself behind them.  "Besides, the view from back here is pretty nice."

Meanwhile, the lankier man began sheathing and flipping open the knife as he drew closer to the two.  "See Creg, I don't get yer taste at all!  Why ya always got to go fur them small tittied children.  Right here we got a REAL woman!"

"HEY!" Creg shouted.  "No real woman has titties that big!"

Medaka simply turned to Set and said, "I think you are mistaken.  The shorter one is clearly into you," she said, pointing her thumb behind her at the man before turning to the one called Jim.  "And these are real!" she protested.  She refused to let anyone call her body fake.

Umbra of Chaos

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She considered for a moment, then raised her hand to grope Medaka's chest. It seethed with a toxic red energy yet it didn't do anything at all. The power soon vanished but Set's hand remained where it was. "Yep, definitely real. If they were fake I would know!"


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Her eyes followed all his serene movements as he darted across, putting an unnecessary amount of work in to help her for free. What was he playing at? He was a demon after all. Still she wouldn't be able to reject his hospitality even if the food turned out to be drugged.

What he served however could only be described as one thing and one thing only.

"That's heresy. Only a true demon would ever serve hamburgers together with tea. I see now the rumors of your demonic menace were not unfounded." Despite her dramatic speech she was all to happy to dig into it.

"I tripped up and crashed right into your little abode. But my master plan to find a cute demon companion went off without a hitch." It was obviously a lie, it had to be but Lizzie sounded like she believed it herself.


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Medaka+Rapey thugs

The side Medaka was holding up nearly crashed to the ground as the young vampire let out a pleasured yelp.  Before it could crash, she restored her composure and lifted the structure back up.  "Hey, if you don't want me to damage this, you shouldn't do that!" she shouted, her face glowing a feint red.  "Anyway, perhaps we should set this down so that we can take care of these two.  IF you don't mind, I would prefer to dispatch them myself."

All the while, the taller lankier man with the knife licked his lips, his pants visibly tightening around that thing growing in there.  "Whooooooooo wheee!  Did you see that Creig?!  They are REEEEEEEAAAAAAL Boi!!!"

Creig simply moved closer, coming within arms length of the two.  "I told you Jim!  I don't care about big titties!  I need that smoll body!  I can tell you this tho Jim!"  His arm scooped upward, attempting to slap the smaller one on the ass.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 11:27:10 AM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the approaching guy. "Don't worry. I can handle it. Won't even need my hands!"

Electricity flared into existence  around her body just as the man was going to smack her. It lashed out when his fingers touched the volatile energy, a bolt of power that blasted him to ash and charred bone bits which flew everywhere. "Whoops."


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Medaka Kurokami

The chard eyeball flew into the back of Medaka's head, prompting it to turn around and face what was left of that man.  Her hair instantly changed color, growing into a deep crimson.  A dark aura that could make a demon cry out in fear flared up.  "I told you not to kill anyone!" she growled, dropping the pyramid to the ground.

"CREIG!" the guy shouted, "I told you not to grope people without their permission!  We have to be respectable rapists!  Now look at you, dead!"  He turned around and tried to flee.  There was no way he would stick around with monsters like that as their victums.

"Are you by any chance capable of undoing your actions?" she asked.  There was always a chance that she would have that sort of ability.  If not, there would be hell to pay.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Nope." Her body was still crackling with power. "Besides, if you want to do something you should do it yourself. I didn't have any obligation to listen to you. If you really cared about it you would have intervened and stopped him!"
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 01:58:51 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"What? No, I just took the time to clean out the liquor storage in the kitchen while no one was looking. It was the perfect opportunity." She replied back happily. the two of them sure took their sweet time in his room. That and it would do him good to spend some time alone with Sakura and get to know her better. Not that she voiced any of this. No she was far too busy with getting dragged along out with an impossible grip that couldn't be broken. Truly the work of an evil wtch.


Joe kept a respectful distance from them. While he was still in earshot, he wanted to make sure to give them their space. After all, it sounded like a private conversation. Even so, he couldn't help but be curious.

I wonder why she would decide to clean the liquor storage now of all times? Are we drinking later? he thought, before allowing his thoughts to drift to Shirou. Huh, Jeanne made it sound like she didn't get along with everyone in the house, but I guess she is pretty tight with Sakura's husband.

Now that he thought about it, its probably a good idea to stay on the good side of your boss. It made him curious. What kind of person was this Shirou guy?


"Oh, phew." Sakura sighed in relief. "I guess I'll need to get you some more, won't I?" It sounded like Jeanne partaking in this sort of activity was a regular occurance in the Matou household.

"Joe, keep up!" Sakura called out to him. It didn't like she'd been able to dispell Rin's bullshit about her from his mind yet. She was getting more and more irked towards her sister.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Well I guess bloody man isn't a bad name.  I guess I don't mind going by that," he said with a wry smile before turning to Sakura.  Upon looking at her concerned face, he reflexively closed his eyes and  scratched his head.  "Ahhhh... well I was sort of hitting on this girl and she kicked my ass."

He was sure to keep his eyes closed as he silently awaited some for some form of punishment.


"Don't be such a stick in the mud, Purple. Bloody Man is a great name given to him by the mighty Rosa herself. He clearly has good taste." Rosa genuinely smiled at him with child-like pride in her work. The blond girl patted Marcus on the head and continued defending him from Purple. "And he's hurt, don't ask dumb questions about what kind of girl she was, she was obviously a great villain and deserves to be punished for her crimes."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The demon smiled serenely, his ears clearly reacting to the compliment and perking excitedly. "Ah, I see. Well, I don't mind being your companion." He said calmly before drinking his cup, but left the food utterly untouched. It was strange, was he somehow not hungry?

Mh, the leaves turned out quite splendidly.

"Though I wonder, how much do you know about demons?" He asked her, the look of curiosity far from hidden in his eyes. "You don't strike me as an exorcist or omnyouji. Ah, forgive me, it is just curiosity."