Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 101048 times)


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Ok well, its not that I don't enjoy it, he corrected her in his head.  He was too paralyzed with arousal and embarrassment to comment.  Instead, he stood silent, his mind racing with relief and regret as Sakura helped him out.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 05:28:58 PM by yinsukin »


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Sakura Matou

"No means no!" Sakura exclaimed indignantly. She wasn't in the mood for this sort of thing! The purplehead further inserted herself in between them, attempting to pull them apart.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Now now, don't be a stick in the Mud, Rider! You simply must partake in this art exhibit, i know it will move the masses far and wide to tears of joy!"

Not waiting for an answer, the bubbly blonde reached up the several heads taller woman's shoulderless tube dress and pulled it down in a swift motion, as if she had done so a million times.

"Yes, as expected! A firm, supple Venus, dare i say even approaching a sliver of my own perfection, giving the scene an element of elegance and serene!"


  • Moon Cancer
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Marcus glared at the man as he was lifted off the ground and set down like he was moving a pebble.  "What are you her body guard?" he asked with a sarcastic tone and a mild glare.  Then, he turned his attention to the blond.  "Look, you can't hit people like that.  At least, not when they are nice enough to heal me."

Umbra of Chaos

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"Oh, I would be pretty upset! But why does that matter? It's not like all those other people are me. Why would I care about them?" Idly flicking Medaka around, pulling her up, then down, then left, then right as they spoke.


  • The God Tongue
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"Wha?" The demon's eyes shot wide open as she grabbed the sword, entirely taken by surprise. But if she looked around carefully, she'd realize after looking away from the sword that the man named Engetsu was now nowhere to be seen.

Instead, the blue nodachi was the one soul present other than the brazen young lady, shaking and protesting in indignation. He felt like he was burning red with shame, redder than if he was steel worked in a forge!

"Just what are you doing, l-lady Lizzie! Unhand me this instant!"


Vanguard shook his head. What a hopeless child. "That is correct. When it comes to theory, you are adequate. It is the practical facet that you are lacking." He told her sternly. "Still, you did well. If you can learn from your mistakes, you might just make true of your promise."

His soul warped and extended massively once more, growing tendrils that  merged and slipped into her. It was like a thousand animals surrounding her for a second, like having a myriad of eyes yet one single aura. Her wounds did not heal physically, and yet whatever pain or discomfort she might've felt was now gone. It was almost like her soul had been rejuvenated.

"Stand. Try again."

« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 11:00:07 PM by francobull3 »


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"If you're gonna insist that much master I have no choice." She let go Joe reluctantly and turned her full attention on Sakura instead. " Are you sure you aren't just being jealous?"


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She didn't miss what happened when she grabbed the sword, the person missing from the room was enough to tell her what was going on. Being called lady did evoke a small smile though, he was truly polite even when being treated this way.

She jumped down from the table and brought the sword, Engetsu's true form up to a practiced ready that would make any swordsman proud. "My apologies lord Engetsu. I was so stricken by your beauty I could hardly help myself. The crafstmanship is beyond superb, I haven't seen a sword quite like this in centuries." She sounded nervous and a bit embarassed. "May- may I wield you just for a moment? I mean you no harm, believe me!"


  • Moon Cancer
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The ghost could not take it anymore.  She tackled the red head, locking lips with the woman the moment their bodies collided.  Her larger clothed breasts enveloped the girls smaller ones and her pants tore slightly at the sudden jerk of her hips being pushed backwards.  As they headed to the floor, Megan's mind was blank.

Meanwhile, Sera's eyes widened.  She reached her hand out longingly as her mind was filled with countless ideas.  In this moment, she had completely forgotten about her original goal and whatever methods she was formulating to obtain them.  In that moment, all she thought of was sex.


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Medaka allowed herself to be tossed around, with the only real discomfort being the way her breasts flopped about with the rough winds.  Now that her body had fully healed, there was no intense pain to endure, at least none compared to being hit by lightning.  "It is more a matter of being treated the way you wish to be treated.  If you wish to be liked, then you have to think of others."


  • Moon Cancer
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Jeanne's comment snapped Joe back into reality.  Jealous?  Of what?  Doesn't she have a husband?  What is she jealous of? he wondered.  His eyes shot to Sakura, wondering what her reaction would be.  In the meantime, the hard member in between his legs softened its push against his pants, slowly fading away.

Umbra of Chaos

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The girl almost took a pitying tone in her voice as she spoke. "Why would I care about what people think of me? Besides, that's all flawed anyways. No one ever treats others the way they want to be treated."


  • The God Tongue
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She didn't miss what happened when she grabbed the sword, the person missing from the room was enough to tell her what was going on. Being called lady did evoke a small smile though, he was truly polite even when being treated this way.

She jumped down from the table and brought the sword, Engetsu's true form up to a practiced ready that would make any swordsman proud. "My apologies lord Engetsu. I was so stricken by your beauty I could hardly help myself. The crafstmanship is beyond superb, I haven't seen a sword quite like this in centuries." She sounded nervous and a bit embarassed. "May- may I wield you just for a moment? I mean you no harm, believe me!"


Beauty? Oh my, well, she certainly knew how to flatter a demon, at the very least. But he would not fall for such cheap tricks, it would take more than mere compliments to subdue him. Indeed, flattery would get her nowhere, because he knew he was a one of a kind blade from the beginning.

That aside, her form was simply breath taking. He had long forgotten this feeling, being held by her made him feel small and awkward, if not even naked. In a way, it was entirely true, and the fact she was staring at his naked body only made it all the more embarrassing. It almost looked like the blade trembled.

"Well well, I suppose that is agreeable. But don't make a mess of this place, or I will make you pay every penny!" Despite his calm demeanor, his words came off as a pout. Still, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious to witness her skills.

"But can you please loosen your grip a little? It feels like I am buried in a stone avalanche..."


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The hunter got back on her feet feeling strangely rejuvinated by whatever technique Vanguard had employed on her. It felt disturbing as it passed through her but at least it worked, to some degree seeing as her wounds weren't avtually healed. Molly observed him keenly trying to spot any weaknesses as she took a defensive stance. This was going to be a long day, his strange almost but not quite healing technique only reinforced that conclusion.


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Why was he trembling so? If it meant that much to him she had no choice but to answer in kind to his determination. She loosened her grip on him immediately. Lizzie also ran one hand along the blade in exaltation at the chance to wield such a magnificient blade, her hand could not even reach the tip such was it's length. After having gotten the feeling for his maximum potential range she spoke.

"Worry not lord Engetsu, I swear on my honour that not a single thing in here will come to harm from my actions."

Then she leapt into action, she made of a series of cuts that all flowed into each other. With every swing the sharp edge passed by something in the room whether it be a cup or a chair it passed them, always missing by a less than an inch. Not a single unncessary step was made and every step was a natural extension of a swing.

Her form was one of killing, of killing with maximum efficiency and with the least energy expended doing so. It was like a machine that waded through the battlefield tirelessly, always advancing like a slow encroaching disease.