Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 99912 times)


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"What are you talking about?" She sounded almost incredulous at the idea that they might not be friends. Set reached over and grabbed Medaka's hips. "We had some fun, had a spat, all kinds of stuff that friends do!"


So she gave her a quick rundown of everything that had happened. "I hope you didn't break Nep though. She seemed like an eccentric girl, and eccentric girls are some of the cutest ones around!"


"I've been here for a month or two too. So, what's your deal? What do you do?" Defaulting to this kind of conversation was far more comfortable than normal chit chat to Rebecca. Simply ironing the qualifications.


Noire listened to Lucy attentively, asking a few questions to clarify some points and answer some of her questions. She was grateful that at least one of the involved people had the decency to talk to her, unlike a certain "little old me" that was still hanging limp in her arms. When Lucy asked her question about her, Noire shook her head. "No, she's fine, watch." Noire finally let go of Neptune. There was no point in holding her captive any longer. She clearly didn't want to talk for whatever reason.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The purple haired goddess fell out of Noire's arms as she released her hold only to drop like a rock on the roof. She hit the floor face first yet she didn't stir, not a single sound was heard except for that of the impact by her body to the floor.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Wow. You sure you're friends? That doesn't look like a friend thing to do." Then she wad walking over and kneeling by the girl, her hands filled with glorious light.

"A bit roughed up but I'm sure it's nothing. Probably."


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"Wow. You sure you're friends? That doesn't look like a friend thing to do." Then she wad walking over and kneeling by the girl, her hands filled with glorious light.

"A bit roughed up but I'm sure it's nothing. Probably."

Black Heart

Noire blinked not once, not twice, but three times. Wait, what just happened? Was Neptune actually unconscious? She hadn't been holding her that hard, had she? The girl squatted down and gently picked Neptune up, flipping her over so she wasn't laying facefirst. "Hey, stop fooling around Neptune, this isn't funny." The girl demanded. She didn't really respond directly to Lucy's comments, she was busy worrying about Neptune. "So what are you doing? Can you heal people?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Her body was still limp as Noire turned her around. No response was given but a slow almost inaudible intake and exhale of air at a semi steady pace.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Mhm. It's one of my many skills. Like house cleaning and looking great. Unless you killed her she'll be just fine." The light then flowed down into Neptune in a rather beautiful display.


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Lizzie immediately let go of her hand when she saw the faint traces of discomfort. "My apologies I'll try to hold it back more next time." So she wanted to fulfill her goal within her lidfe time, surely there was a simple solution to that dilemma.

"I can't say I have much interest in the inner workings of magic, it's just something I happened to pick up on during my travels. How about you, why don't you try to extend your lifespan if achieving your goal is so important to you? That shouldn't be too difficult to any experienced mage or at least to any I've encountered."


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"Why not a real strategy game like monopoly where you can horde capital like a true bourgeoisie." She interjected in their going conversation.

"Is she really going to complain about living closer to the one she's seeing that seems rather petty."


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"Hey that's not a skill, that's just shabby self marketing." Lucy's healing seemed to work as the purple haired girl was indeed waking up. Unfortunately for her benefactor she was reacting to the arrogant remark she had made.

She sat up slowly and shook her head. "But really thanks l, this means were buddies now yay. So.... did you whisk me away form the big meanie?" She asked Lucy not even noticing that Noire was still there.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 05:56:03 PM by Bern »

Arch-Magos Winter

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"It is your call master, we haven't established ourselves here yet meaning he can't be someone sent after us. So where you wish to deal with him has little importance to our goals now."

"I'm quite certain a statue springing up out of nowhere would be frowned upon and wouldn't make either of us popular." She concisely told him while she waited for Olga to give her word.

Olga Marie

Olga nodded in agreement. "I thought so too. And if we end up fighting there, we'll be at a huge advantage. It's a win win either way it goes."

"Yeah, let's not do that right here. We don't want to attract that sort of attention." Marie added. "Do you mind coming with us to our base of operations?" It doesn't look like you were particularly busy with what you were doing, after all...

"Of course not. As I said, lead the way Miss." Trivek politely said, thinking of just what materials exactly he'd use. Marble was a good classic choice, but they might prefer a polished granite.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka stifled a yelp as Set grabbed her hips.  It was unnerving to have someone who was just tossing her around moments before suddenlty grab her hips as if she belonged to her.  "That was no mere spat, but a differing in ideologies," she noted.  "More importantly, it seems you do not understand friendship."  Despite her words, the blue haired vampire was slowly forming a smile.  "Therefore, I shall teach you the true meaning of friendship!"

This might be a bad idea.


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Joe folded his arms and said,  "Well, I want to start looking for a new place tonight and I need to plan out my new route to work, so I don't know if we will have time to finish a game tonight.  But, if your willing to put the game off until later, we can get monopoly."


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Auspicious Breeze

"It's nice to meet you!" And she meant it, too. The former slave was always glad to meet new girls. "Oh, me? I'm uh, what's the word... a gladiator? I think that's the way to put it. I fight in front of crowds when I'm not going after monsters." Girls seemed to like it when she told the truth about that one, so Breeze went with it! "What about you two?"


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G-geez. Did she have to get so close? This was embarrassing...

"Heh, of course, of course. If there's one thing i suck at, its dying." He chuckled and pushed himself away. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be here would I? Ha! Come on, don't be so gloomy. Let's get  this party started!"


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Acknowledging her master's confirmation to bring him with them Saber bowed politely to Trivek. "Then will you be so kind to follow my lead, I'll try not to lead you astray."  She moved past him and began the journey back to Olga's workshop.

"Will you require me to be naked for the making of it.?" She asked him, that was after all a common occurrence in statue making as they celebrated the divinely given shape of man.