Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98909 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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She waved her hand dismissively at the girl's apology. "No, there's no need to apologize. I was the one who was curious. The idea was merely of interest to me. Such a thing has rarely been attempted in my world. But if that is your goal, well, how has finding peace gone?"

Her tone wasn't mocking despite her words. It was another expression of her curiosity. For as much as magic fascinated her people were also very useful to understand. How an individual felt and thought, such things were nearly as if not more important than power.


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"I'm hungry." She changed the topic as she wasn't really feeling up to the task of divulging her failed attempts at that. She did look over Grigori once more though.

"Do you know any place?" Her eyes were now hungrily appeasing the other girl's shape as if trying to figure how much meat there was on her.


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Oka Kurosawa

"There's a place like that here? Why haven't I heard of it? Where is it?" Oka asked Breeze excitedly. She missed the thrill of demolishing people in tournaments without a shred of mercy. Now all she did was run around selling people pets. That was a lot less fun.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"We could go to a restaurant if you had money. Or we could also hunt or fish somewhere. Even if we lack more traditional seasonings magic can make anything taste delicious. Or look so too." To be honest, she much preferred the latter option. Doing something more aggressive with her magic would be interesting.


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"There's also the third option... going for what is readily avaailable." She took a step closer to Grigori and her bountiful offerings. Lizzie looked at her like a starved wolf sizing up it's prey. Some of the demons she knew in the past did indeed have a taste for human flesh so it wasn't something entirely foreign to her.

"Or we can see if your magic is actually useful for something." She stopped advancing altogether, seemingly having changed her mind.

Cherry Lover

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After the man had left, the three of them returned to their meal, Sakura making sure to keep on the good side of the ribbon-stealing bully, and do her best to make the girl like her. Then, once they had finished, she led the girl to a ribbon shop, where she could buy her a bunch of ribbons in return for her own.

Umbra of Chaos

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She made a face that was a mixture of aggravation and disgust. "To talk about peace and eating others in the same breath, you're a strange kind of person." More like dangerous but Grigori wasn't one to say such things aloud.

Still her hands opened up as she began to cast her magic, a web of energy that cascaded in all directions. She expanded it as far as she could, sensing every living being in its range. Birds... birds would do. With a flick of her fingers gusts of air ripped flocks from the sky and gently flowed over to pull eggs out of nests.

A pile of dead birds and eggs were arranged in front of the two. "I hope you prefer them cooked?" Using her magic for such mundane tasks was rather nostalgic. It reminded her of when she was a small child.


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"A peaceful stomach is one that isn't hungry wouldn't you agree?" She responded with a laugh, clearly not upset by her reaction whatsoever. The same however couldn't be said about the things Grigori procured through her magic use.

"That's it?" Lizzie bent down to pick the fish and the eggs up and then.... She threw them over the horizon. Then she gave Grigori a disappointed look. "Can your magic get some real food or is this as far as you go mage?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"This isn't a wildlife preserve, Lizzie. Still..." She altered the idea a bit this time, the field selectively choosing larger animals. Now, the issue was merely getting them here. But if most of them were simply beasts then a simple mental compulsion could work.

It wasn't long before larger animals began to trickle in. Deer, wolves, horses, and a few other animals began to trickle in. Mostly from the smaller forests and more unnatural parks that peppered the nearby area. "Does this satisfy you?"


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Lizzie shook her head at the sight of the animals the mage had gathered this time around. "These are mere cattle Girgori. There's no fun in hunting these, no thrill as you fight for your own survival." This wouldn't do, this wouldn't do at all. she would have to intervene herself it seems, the young ones can't do anything properly.

Having decided on the proper course of action, Lizzie grabbed Grigori and prepared herself for the next step. The Godslayer performed a massive leap, shooting through the air as if launched from a cannon, breaking through even the clouds themselves. "You should be honoured Grigori, not many get the chance to follow me on a dragon hunt." She told the mage calmy as if she hadn't just kidnapped her and was now soaring through the sky.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 12:57:15 PM by Bern »


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Well that was convenient, he thought to himself as he walked down a crowded sidewalk.  There were lots of people around him, presumably headed to work or whatever.  It didn't matter to him.  After all, its not like he had a job himself or anything.  But there was one problem, something aching at him more than anything.

What do I do now?


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Relius Clover

At first, the scientist ignored the girl's quip, turning to his doll and the vamperic mutt.  "I am afraid Orienna is right," the scientist said.  "However, if you desire food, you can accompany Orienna on her mission.  You have done well so far, so I shall entrust you with a more complex order.  There are two things I require you to do on your outing.  The first is to find and deliver a massage to another doll named Coppelius.  Inform him that I have another job available for him.  The second is to find some more interesting subjects.  In particular, if you find any ancient or undead creatures, I would like you to bring them back.  However, you must keep them alive."

With his orders issued, he returned his attention to the green haired captive, a twisted smile creeping onto his face the moment his piercing eyes tore through her delicate flesh.  Wrapping his fingers around her chin, he said, "There is no such luxury in my lab."

And so, he began his journey, diving deep into the vampire's soul.  Irene was the girl's name and she had been granted power by a stone mask.  More curiously, her spirit actively defied the more ravenous nature typical to those of her species, no of any human blessed with power.

Astounding, such resilience, such capacity for corruption.  Yes... this sort of subject is quite fascinating..

As an experiment, he dragged the girl into a black void, where only the endless darkness could keep her company.  A voice echoed through the air, seemingly coming from everywhere and no where all at once.  "Let me formally introduce myself.  I am Relius Clover, a scientist who studies human souls.  Welcome to my domain!"

« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 05:32:51 PM by yinsukin »


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The Hunter was finally able to relax at last. He just kept ordering her around here and there and it was exhausting, sometimes it even felt like he made her do those pointless tasks just to annoy her. Even this wasn't truly relaxation though.

Despite the fact she was sitting at a table outside a cafe in broad delight enjoying a sweet strawberry milkshake with a delighted expression, this wasn't truly relaxation. She was supposed to scout out interesting people for their cause and now here she was.

Here she was attracting a ton of attention from the way she was dressed, some even recognized her from the broadcast she'd done. Yet no one dared to actually approach her. It wasn't that strange really, there was nothing ordinary about either her appearance or the presence she had. And the mundanes tended to shy away from the unnatural.

If only something could happen.


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Relius Clover

"Many women that I have brought to my lair have started with a similar wit, but they all end with desperate screams and monotone voices," Relius responded simply.  For once, the implications of his words were far more satisfying than the joy of prattling on.

"Once you place the girl on the table, I must outfit you with a communicator.  I have a task for you to complete."


Joe took the game from Sakura's hand, flipping it over to examine the back.  "Oh I think I have heard of this," he said, his pitch raising as he finished the sentince.  "Its a strategy game based around resource management!"

Right after he told Sakura, he felt a stern pair of eyes piercing the side of his skull.  He turned, only to see Jeanne glaring at him with a stern expression but a surprisingly considerate lecture.  Even so, he threw his hands up and said, "Its not that i'm a burden.  I'm just lazy!  I swear!  If I don't start tonight i'll never do it!"

Wait, why does this feel like an arrogation?

Sakura Matou

Sakura shook her head at Joe and grabbed his shoulder. "You're not going to be able to convince her otherwise, once Jeanne's mind is made up she sticks with it." She shook her head sadly. "You're going to have to just relax and have fun. Working too much is bad for you, you know? I can make sure you get where you need to go tomorrow.

Sakura then tossed the game back into the bargin bin. Her shadows reached out and grabbed a bunch of the newest and hottest games they had on display up front and took them to the counter.

"I'll take all of these." Sakura said with a smile to the poor man on the counter, before turning around. "Anything else?" She asked Joe with an innocent smile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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That just led to full out laughter from Lucy. "Noire, don't-- don't you think you're going a bit far over this? It really seems like a misunderstanding. Or a joke. Maybe you should just take a step back and chill. Try to relax a bit. Like a good friend."


She took that into account for a moment before shrugging. It wasn't the weirdest thing she had heard of. All things considered, it wasn't even that weird for the Nexus, right? "I have powers that help me facilitate deals. People pay me to make sure their contracts and stuff go off without a problem."


"I am holding back, Lucy." Noire answered through gritted teeth. The white-haired girl closed her eyes and shook her head before detransforming. "I'm not going to grab you or anything, Neptune." She felt calmer now that she was in her base form. "I'm sorry I held you so tightly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end