Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98701 times)


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Awww, what a considerate friend. He thought as he took big, almost waddle-like steps until they found themselves in a more private office. Well, it was truly less of an office and more of a lounge he borrowed due to his size. There was even a bar and a fridge of all things.

"Take a seat miss." He said, though the delivery was less polite than the other man.More casual in a way, like he was already trying to be her friend. "Would you like a drink? We have juices, water, sodas. It gets pretty harsh around these parts sometimes, so we even have some cool snacks if you want some refreshments." He grinned and lit up a cigarette, or rather it lit itself the moment he put it in his mouth. The smoke was already almost suffocating.

"Want one?" He asked, handing her the pack.

Umbra of Chaos

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Bleh. She waves a bit of smoke from her face and shook her head. "Nah, no thanks. I'd rather not mess up my organs. Getting them fixed up back at home wasn't cheap. Besides, I'd rather talk business right away."


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The giant's grin turned carnivorously wolfish, like he just heard something rather pleasing. "Heh, straight shooting straight to the point. I like that missy, but that alone ain't gonna cut it. I'm all ears."
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 06:26:18 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, a problem with things like this situation just ends up being trustworthiness and dedication on the part of your employees, competitors, and partners, right? But there's more than that. In terms of transporting materials or objects that rakes up its own cost. I can get rid of both of those problems with just a few words." She gave him a direct and serious look.

"Of course, I'll gladly provide an example for evidence."


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Oh bless this poor girl's heart. So that was the game she wanted to play? She'd have to try a little harder than that. Then again keeping appearances up didn't hurt.

"Ho?" He asked, his tone and posture the epitome of curiosity. Just what was this chickie about to show him?

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, I don't think that a movement one would be too interesting so how about... I'll give you a dollar if you walk around this room twice. Just shake my hand and it'll happen." Rebecca held out her hand, ready to grasp even his giant one as best she could.

"Just don't try to resist it too much if you agree. I don't like seeing people in pain."


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"Yup, I can get things like that if I put my mind to that, Ray." There were ways to get what she wanted other than an outright violence. It was an implied violence. A pinnacle of subtlety for someone like her. "Oh, right, I don't mind at all!"

The boys were for in a surprise because she would come back with another person they wouldn't want to mess with.

When she guided Ray successfully to the apartment (surprisingly struggling a bit when it came to knowing directions), they were met with deference laced with fear lurking behind the respectful facade. The doors were surprisingly fixed already, but someone left them open (presumably so that she wouldn't destroy them again. No one nearby had balls to go and steal from the place).

"Welcome to my den, Ray!"The redhead spread her arms in a dramatic fashion, putting up a show. The apartment was surprisingly austere considering lack of electronics aside from a TV set, but it wasn't poor looking either. And most importantly, there was a fridge in something that passed for a kitchen, filled with snacks that didn't require any cooking skills.


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Just like Lizzie had promised they found what they were looking for, or rather crashed right into it. A small unsuspecting dragon got knocked out of the air by the Godslayer's foot meeting its side in an unfortunate collision.

It got thrown to the ground on it's side. Uprooting a few trees in the process. Lizzie on the hand landed with Grigori a small distance away. "See I told you. You just have to believe in the hunt." Her brown hair that was fluttering in the wind could hardly hide the triumphant smile she had.


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"Just one? I'm not that cheap." He joked before rising off his couch and shaking her hand, or rather smothering it. The surprising thing was his touch felt warm, almost unnaturally so, like putting your hand in a bowl of hot soup.

He wonder what'd happen if he refused, so he was ready to walk out of the door with the coin. He took a step with that same grin, but when he completed it, he was just where he started, facing a different direction.

He realized it, of course, but that didn't help. His body just moved on its own. Scary, scary...

"Heh. So that's what I get for being a bad sport." He chuckled, his frame bulging up to tower in an even more imposing manner. Despite that, he looked absolutely thrilled and amused. "That's an interesting ability you have." He added, putting a hand on his hip. He held out his hand, as if expecting something.

Umbra of Chaos

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Rebecca just raised a brow at his outstretched hand. What, did he think she was dumb or something? "You already got your money. My side of the deal is done."


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"How rude. Relax a little, no one's going to bite you here." He sighed, miffed but grinning nonetheless when she refused the handshake. She was more gutsy than most people would give her credit for, a real diamond in the rough.

He sat back down, or perhaps slouched was a more apt way to call the way his body sank into itself to fit the couch, resting his legs lazily on the table. He lit up another cigarette. If the ventilation system wasn't as refined as it got, this might turn into a toxic area.

"So what's the plan?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, I wanna start a bit small. Work on revising ongoing contracts here, add a bit of kick to them so they're actually binding. Once that works out I was thinking of sime smaller scale stuff." She waved some smoke away from her face.


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"You know, I really hate to disappoint the cute ones. Sadly that's what I'm just about to do..."He snapped his fingers, and a lithe figure in a maid dress entered the room, depositing a platter full of all sorts of food that would take a killing in order to afford.

"Do you like seafood?" He asked her patiently, grabbing a mutated lobster's tail before crunching it apart. Meanwhile, the doll-like figure just stared at the girl emptily, yet with a piercing attention.

" *crunch* Most of our workforce is already covered, there is no need to even pay them beyond maintenance costs. On the other hand, external services such as entertainment or Cheiron workers and supplies could come in handy.  I could give you a task or two, and we can see from there. Does that sound alright?"


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Hear head getting smacked into the ground only served to evoke an angry glare from the Hunter but she couldn't stop the physical reaction her bodt made to getting touched so wantonly, her back flexed slightly as her body inched closer to him by it's own will. She then wrapped her legs around his waist and flipped him over, reversing their positions.

Now it was her turn to push him down and get what she wanted, her smaller frame couldn't ever hope to cover him like this so she had to scoot up quite a fair bit to be face to face. "Ok then.... how about being more casual and just go straight to the banging? Or is a 7 too low for you?" She wasn't glaring anymore, instead regarding him with barely restrained anticipation.


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"And there I thought knights had good manners." He lamented as his elephant began to speed up. Despite its bulky size, the elephant was displaying awesome speed, to which Lorenzo woahed before holding onto his hand casually with one hand, grinning from ear to ear. "Heh, but aren't you forgetting someone young lady?"

And as soon as he said that, a shadow soared over the two, landing right next to her elephant. Why, it was the second that was left behind. As soon as he landed he had already leapt atop him and was kicking off in turn.

"Hahahahaha! C'mon, if you're going to be that cocky we might as well have some fun about this! Let's test our riding skills!" He roared eagerly, in the sort of almost childish way that made it hard not to be a little carried by the energy as well.


Heh, that was funny. He thought she was actually a knight. That was ironic. The very thought of it tickled her funnybone. "Feh. If you insist." The girl kicked her elephant, causing it to stampede down the streets, crashing through cars and crushing them beneath its fiery feet.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end