Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98562 times)


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The servant absent mindedly nodded to his explanation, she wasn't really paying much attention to the game anymore. her discussion with Sakura was proving to be far more interesting to her. She didn't miss the fact he had gotten hard from sneaking a peak downwards. He really did get affected easily, well that was good. It just made it more fun.

"He was very demanding, you could tell he was enjoying it. But no I wouldn't call it gentle at all." She would let Sakura interpret that in her own way.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka tilted her head in confusion, as if the idea of attacking her was a silly assumption.  She was a little disapointed that she wouldn't open up, but figured that she needed to earn this girl's trust first.  So she put a hand on her generous chest and said, "I am a half vampire because I sold my soul to a man who promised to revive my friend.  I can answer any questions you may have, but I warn you, its a long story."


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Relius Clover

This was far more interesting than he expected.  The simple inquiry about the mask revealed that it was in fact capable of converting normal humans into vampires.  Her soul was shaped greatly by this one moment.  The psychological effects this one event had were astounding.  However, there was something missing here.

Why does she surpress her primal desires?
What on earth caused her to remain adverse to hatred?  What kept her anchored to the world?  Those given such power are freed by it.  No, that was wrong.  At least a part of her desires distance from humanity.  He saw it in that single moment of transformation.  Conversely, she desires the solidarity offered by humanity.

Truly a polarizing phenomenon.

So he began probing more, trying to find that thing that kept her anchored to the world. 


Marcus lowered his eyes at the girl, staying silent as crows took off in the backround.  A single black feather floated down between them, coming between his line of sight for a brief moment.  "If you are referring to my life, you can't have it," he said, placing his hand behind his head.  "I'm just not that kind of man."

He was tempted to start his escape from the cops, but instead kept his eyes locked on hers.  It would be stupid to turn his back on her right now.

Umbra of Chaos

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She walked forwards to the damaged doll on the bench with a flat expression. "You are the puppet, Coppelius? My master has need of your services again. You are already well acquainted with him. He will meet you at the same location as before."


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So she was either an ignorant fool or a willing follower of the dark forces. The wizard's response depended on whichever was true. Anastasia stood up and said something that could have been interpreted as a threat: "Long story or not, better explain yourself. I might have reasons to settle this one of my ways."

Anyone able to sense magical power would notice subtle changes in the atmosphere as Anastasia drew some mana in preparation to how the 'half-vampire' would react to her 'questioning'. Either way, there was a palpable tension that even someone blind to the supernatural could recognize.


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"Yeah," Joe answered more casually.  "He will mess you up if your not careful."

Her face relaxed his muscles a bit, that reassuring smile made him feel a bit more comfortable.  After all, with the blush there, it was obvious what she meant.  He didn't say anything, instead lowering his leg.  He glanced at the screen and realized she hadn't pressed A to roll the dice, so he reached over and pointed his finger at it, stopping just short of pressing it himself.  "Its your turn you know."

Weird.  Jeanne is being awfully quiet....


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She wished to live more. It was not as if she felt her life was even near done, but realistically, she knew she could not last forever, and ached for the power she lacked no matter how strong she became. She simply wanted to see more of the world, assured that she had the might to endure, and to live what her mentors and closest friends could not.

She wanted to become a moment out of time that could see and judge what was to follow their generation. She was free to indulge her selfishness, and so her unshackled extremes only raged inwards; it was stubbornness to bar her way and to point her forward alike. If her spirit rotted before her body was gone, then her zenith had extended past its time, and those she had taught would purge her whole.

She feared weakness because she could not accept an outcome where she could possibly fade before making up for what had been lost. If she lost because she failed to be better she would rage, she would curse her past self, and yet at the time she made the fatal decision, she would accept it.

All else was secondary, and yet the face of her heightened and deadened emotions was comprised of such antinomies. To do evil upon evil, to watch when her mere presence was a force beyond control, and to invest upon others the hope of ending her when she did not trust them with the future.

Irene Maiden could not cry at her internalized revelation. But she could hold strongly in her breast that her goals were not solely founded on herself, and that she wanted to believe in the person she was as a representative of what made humanity higher.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 07:48:19 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Sakura Matou

”Mmmmm...” Sakura could just imagine it, Jeanne letting Joe grab her breasts and push her to the floor, roughly squeezing and playing with them until he realized what he was doing and stumbled back with an embarrassed laugh. The girl smiled at her mental image, and also felt a pang of jealousy. She wanted him to play with her too.

”Wow, sounds like you had a lot of fun, didn’t you? What a perverted saint you are, letting a man take you that way. What am I going to do with you? Maybe you’ll need to be punished~” Sakura chided her servant’s impropriety playfully. She still found it greatly amusing that this was the esteemed Joan of Arc’s real personality. Not that she really minded. She’d helped her through a really tough time, in more ways than one.

“O-oh, sorry.” Sakura smiled at Joe apologetically. “So I just press A to roll the dice?” Sakura did as he asked, which started the dice spinning, but that’s all that happened: it spun while her character just stood there. The purplehead furrowed her eyebrows. “Do I have to do something else?” Sakura shook the controller, and her character finally jumped, rolling a ten. Sakura turned excitedly to Joe. “That’s a good roll right!?”

She watched her character move forward ten spaces, grabbing a piece of candy and landing on a blue space, which netted her three coins. “Hehe, looks like I’m winning right now.”

”How big do you think he is downstairs? You’re curious too right? Hehehehe.” Sakura sounded like she was in an exceptionally good mood.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka stayed seated as the girl stood up, her face and posture remaining the same throughout the assertive claim. She could feel the atmosphere changing, even if she could not sense magic.  It was more a matter of experience than any instinct or ability.

"There is no need to be upset," she said.  "If you want to know I will answer as many questions as you desire."


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Cooperative, huh? She couldn't determine at this point whether her attitude was genuine or it was a ruse. Either way, she had some questioning to do. Except she wasn't really trained for such kind of job, so she was more adept at executing suspects than wringling out the truth from them, whether by force or by words.

"Maybe there will be no need for me to be upset if the answers you give me won't provide me any reason to be suspect you of anything. First, do you know who that man[/] is?"


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As soon as her stakes impaled the fool, Jeanne leapt off of the elephant towards Ryu. The girl smirked at the rampant destruction that was unfolding around her. The raging blasts from the malfunctioning rockets bathed the battlefield with the sweet melody of death while the shockwaves' loving carress reminded her of the defeaning sound of bombards breaching walls. It was wonderful. Sublime, even. Her so called master had preformed adequetly, one could even say she was mildly impressed. The same went for the girl who had stolen his elephant and proceeded to use it as a club.

"Maybe being in the Nexus won't be so bad after all." Jeanne Alter replied to Lorenzo through their link. It was funny, she didn't recall telling him about it. She sounded almost cheerful.

Within a second, she'd landed in front of Ryu. The poor fool was trying to use his power to break free from her embrace. It was adorable! "Ahahaha! BURN!" She couldn't help but to laugh as she set the man alight, a great bonfire bursting from the ground and consuming him, at the same time she swung her newly materialized flag towards his neck with expert precision, intent on breaking it cleanly before he broke free. Nobody was allowed to escape from the stakes! She wouldn't, couldn't allow it under any circumstances!
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 09:28:31 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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A lightshow and everything! Today was a pretty good day. Sakura chased after the guy, slamming into her elephant so that it its bulk crashed into the man as he hit the wall. It would plow him through the whole wall and then some.


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So it didn't work huh?

That much was obvious, considering there was no explosion behind her.  He did hear something above them, so clearly the attack was intercepted.  That just meant he was going to die here.  He was so close to clearing the elephant, his body moving to the tip of the elephants back, but she slammed into it, causing his lower body to be struck by the full force of the elephant's fury.  Rocks and rubble flew everywhere as his body slammed through the wall, his body finally landing on the ground beside the flaming elephant.

Parker was always one of the weaker members of the gang, given authority more for his clear mind then his strength. He knew that if the plan failed that he would die.  However, he wondered why it went this badly.  Jones said they would try to get rid of the missiles, but she didn't even move and he didn't see the other person move either. 

Oh its the elemental.  So he backstabbed us after all.

However, before he could fully give himself over to the assailant, the men who were now gathering on either side of the room fired a spray of bullets.  "We got you Parker!  If you die we die!"  They had the chance to run, but they didn't, instead letting loose mighty roars that barely surpassed the sound of gunfire.


The cyborg's face darkened, the sheer audacity of the skeleton crushing the man's composure in an instant.  "You realize you are costing us lives right?  We can only afford to save one!  If you didn't want them to die, you should have got them out the moment you came here, or let me or the boss know ahead of time."

While he was talking, he began preparing his next move, a strike far more drastic than this kiddy assault for cops.  Within the next 30 seconds, the next threat would arrive, other than the surprise the one down there failed to think about.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 12:49:37 AM by yinsukin »


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka tilted her head.  "What man?" she asked, genuinly curious.  She couldn't possibly be talking about that man right?  "I am afraid you have to be more specific.  If you want, I can tell you my story and we can compare notes."

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"Underhanded? I consider my schemes rather open. Once I've studied it enough and gotten all my research finished I'd like to attempt the rejuvenation of the corpse. I've done it on humans before but dragons are of higher quality." By now her control over the corpse was already more refined, her magic thoroughly inhabiting it.