Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98468 times)


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"That's what you get for trafficking with such fiends. They will take a price, but bend their word to the point that that you regret making a deal. I cannot sense any demonic corruption on you, so maybe you should count yourself lucky. The danger is not gone, so don't be surprised if I will have to turn on you if any symptoms happen." There were many people foolish or evil enough to make pacts with demons, and Medaka belonged to the first type. It was an abnormality from the wizard's viewpoint though that she couldn't detect anything suspicious about it.

"For now I'll give you some benefit of doubt. Though I have a question. Assuming you get your soul back and it's not damaged in any way, do you know a difference between being a half vampire and a full vampire? Just my personal curiosity."


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Geeze I'm throwing myself at him...

"That little thing? I was just checking your reflexes...." She rewarded him with a smile as gentle as the rays of the morning sun.

"...They were decent enough." Molly took a step forward to match his retreat. He really should feel lucky after ruining her top like that... But the pink aura did intrigue her and most importantly... It was pink. That was a good enough of a reason on it's own.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka simply stared at the girl's lecture.  She had heard this from everyone that she told the story too.  While she did think about the implications, she decided a while ago that helping people was something she did for herself and for now, that included trusting people as well.

"A full vampire is more sensitive to light and has more powerful regenerative abilities." she asked, staring at the girl.  She paused, as if she was unsure if she should ask the question.  "Is it my vamperic nature that fascinates you, or that man?"


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Focus on the more important matter or fall to a distraction?

"Honestly, your nature is an unknown to me while demons are something fairly known. I should not distract myself too much, but if you may, go on. I definitely heard some stories about your kind avoiding the sunlight, but regenerative abilities is something new. Huh, if they took your soul and you're just half vampire, so the seat of your power also lies in your body? Considering you know about your full potential, I assume you were born like this, right?"

Anastasia proceeded to make her own conclusions. She wasn't trained to be a scholar, but a soldier had to know a potential opponent. Even with a truce, she planned to learn enough in case she was forced to make a move.


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The tension was almost palpable, a clear hostility that could shake the world off its foundations. A warrior's nerve was not such a fragile thing, but once it was struck the results could be quite destructive. But that didn't really matter. All of the ruckus did however manage to wake the sword up from its nap, to which it replied with a lazy yawn.

"Oh my. Did something happen?" He said tiredly, most likely only half awake.


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"Indeed. But before we get to any paperwork, let me answer. The tournament will consist of a gauntlet of battles consisting of different environments and rules. Thanks to our magic, we can change the arena into taking different forms. Say, a dark jungle at night, or a pit of dangerous snakes. The rules can also vary, such as do not touch the ground, or reach a certain goal before your foe, etc..."

The warrior smiled mysteriously, as if recalling a fond memory. There was once a tournament of the sorts, though this was nothing but a trifle in compare. This was, after all, a ceremony for that purpose. He was walking around them, his steps being the only rhythm to accompany his words.

"Small things like that, though of course, that was only a hypothetical scenario. The areas and matches will be picked over a lottery as to not grant some fighters unfair advantages, though some fixing may be required in order to make sure fights remain fair. Nothing of underhanded nature I can assure you, but we do also need to make sure fights last long enough to offer a proper show."

He finally reached a statue of a hero, an armor of stone wielding a mighty halberd, striking down an invisible foe.

"I'm afraid I cannot divulge any further on the nature of the matches, in fact I might have spoken too much already. Still, I hope that answered your questions. It is nice to meet fellow warriors on the field." He looked sad for a second, or perhaps nostalgic. Either way he smiled as kindly as he could. His age showed in that expression alone. "Is there anything else I can confirm for you?"

Auspicious Breeze

"Ohh, that sounds almost as weird as the time they made me fight that guy who bled live scorpions!" Breeze bounced a bit in excitement at the thought of it, then frowned. "Good thing I only hit him with my fists... erm, anyway. You can sign me right up for that!"

It was something to take her mind off of things. It might even attract people who knew more about how to get back home, if not among the fighters then with the crowds! Sorcerers loved watching people kill each other for sport, right? Not that Breeze wanted to kill anyone even if she had plenty of times, but um, right it still worked out!

Oka Kurosawa

Oka shook her head. Everything he'd said made sense and excited her. The tall girl was almost quivering in excitement. She could barely wait! But wait! She did have one question! "Pokem-Familars.. are acceptable too, right?" The girl needed to make sure. She obviously wouldn't be able to fight on her own. She hated how she had to use different names for her friends. It made her feel almost dirty.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 09:12:41 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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For a moment Set took the time to think upon her situation. Far above the city, she oversaw the land from above. She floated about, idly playing with the mundane cuffs on her arm and leg. Things were so chaotic here, barely managing to hold onto the semblance of normality. It was...


Impossible. She couldn't understand it. What were the chances that this phenomena could place things in such a way that something mundane could form? Why do great beasts not appear within buildings and streets, why hasn't the land been crushed under a thousand different geometries? There was a guiding hand here, a force that kept this shallow world from devolving into madness. But who?

Any spell would have frayed upon her entrance. No ritual upheld this, not that she could sense. Then perhaps a divinity? But she could not sense such a thing anywhere. If the totality of this world held naught but this one city then its places of worship would be located here. Yet the stench of the gods was nowhere. Their miracles and overwhelming might were nonexistent. Then... whose game was this?

The rules had been so simple before, the targets made obvious. Now everything changed. But the answer, the answer had to be the same. Freedom for those who had never known it. Liberation for those that had been slaves.

She blinked. And laughed, laughed so hard that that she nearly started to cry. "Ah... I'll just break it all."

From her position in the sky she carefully oversaw the Nexus. There was so much here, she couldn't possibly do it herself. So for now she could wait, enjoy herself, but there would be an opening soon. She could feel it. Humming a small tune, she descended back to the earth.



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That voice... could it be?

"Oh, Engetsu. Did you sleep well?..." Her voice which at first sounded excited and cheerful quickly turned more strained as she continued. "... I was talking to this mage to see if she was a despicable necromancer or not. And it appears I was right." She'd turned her attention back to Grigori.

"It doesn't matter if you're binding their souls or not. Merely making their bodies move once more is a disgrace of the highest order!"

« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 02:52:56 AM by Bern »

Umbra of Chaos

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"Your bias is impressive. Is it up to you to decide what people will do with their bodies after death? The individual may decide what should be done with their corpse after death. Whether they are buried, burned, or given up for others to use." Still, despite the tension the blade managed to catch her attention. A living weapon? Soul bound or the alternate shape of some creature?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 05:36:15 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


  • Moon Cancer
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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka shook her head and said,  "I was turned less than a year ago.  Don't worry, it was nothing malevolent.  I was transformed into a vampire simply for the purpose of companionship.  It is rather hard to be immortal alone.  As for the nature of my power, I am not sure.  All I know is that my power is restricted by the splitting of my soul."

Medaka finally stood up, pressing her generous chest against the other girl.  All the while, she ran one finger through her own hair, twirling with the strand as if pondering something.  "You do not need to be so cautious.  I am only trying to help.  If I wanted your blood or something, I would have attacked while you were lost in thought."


Decent enough my ass, he thought as raised an eyebrow at her comment.   He took hold of her hand and twirled her around, spinning her like a princess on a ballroom dance floor, stopping only once she had been positioned with her rear to his cock, her back to his chest.

"Then will you let me carry you?"

It was obvious she could just leave on her own if she wanted.  She was more than fast enough to do that on her own.  Why did she change now?  She was prepared to kill him until he activated his power. Wait, does she know what it does?  I guess that lie won't work then.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 04:34:45 AM by yinsukin »


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Jeanne Alter

Just as she was about to reach the wretched fool, a buxom blond burst out of the windshield of the car and was rapidly closing in directly towards her with a laughably telegraphed grab. She'd have laughed if getting interrupted wasn't so damn annoying. Plus she wasn't in the best of spots. She'd surely get grabbed successfully, right. It was just her luck.

"Hah! As if!" Jeanne's voice taunted Hazel mercilously as her body disintigrated into glimmering gold particles, leaving her grasping at nothing but air. Now in her spiritual form, Jeanne watched as the girl sailed right through her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou

After an intense series of minigames, dice, candy, capitalism, and theft, the game had finally ended. Sakura had been set to win when Jeanne had suddenly come from behind with a duelo candy and stolen her stars, not only costing Sakura the victory but securing it for herself. The purple-haired girl glowered at her servant as she pouted, still comfortably sitting on Joe.

Eventually, she got over it and sighed. "Well I don't feel like playing that game again. What do you guys want to do now?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Yes, I think I was pretty much at my sloppiest point. I have to thank you grudgingly for giving me a reason to do something. I've my own goal, but at this point it seems like something I can't achieve in short term. I think I can tentatively trust you somewhat." Unless she was all along a type of person whose machinations were deviously subtle. She'd carefully observe her for now. Which again, begged another question.

"You say that it happened out of companionship. Was it your idea or the other vampire asked you to agree for that? I sincerely hope that neither you nor the other vampire treat that casually. There could be enough immortality obsessed scoundrels who would abuse your trust if they got wind of that." Immortality caused by a phenomenon like this 'vampirism' did not exist in her world. But there were some people who would turn themselves into spiritual beings or use dark arts to prolong their life just to complete overly ambitious project.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 03:20:54 AM by Kat »


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Medaka took a step back, removing her breasts from the girl's chest.  "It is why I do not pass out something like that casually," Medaka said, dropping her hand to her side.  "Even I would only turn someone into a vampire under special circumstances.  I have no ambitious projects.  I only seek to help strangers such as yourself."


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"Even you? Honestly it sounds as if you were usually prone to not think things through and make decisions lightly but this was the sole case when your decision making policy was serious. Honestly I think learning some discipline would only do you great. Are you one of those 'adventurers' who still poke around even when it exposes them to too high risk?"

Mavericks like here were ultimately seen by the society as useful but disposable. Somewhat different than when it came to soldiers like her who were disposable but seen as integral part of the society rather than potential outcasts.

"Heh, if you're one of them then becoming a vampire probably did you some good. If you step into a trap or explosion then there is a good chance you won't die on anyone. Unless as a 'half-vampire' your regeneration is not actually that impressive."