Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98467 times)


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The sirens were almost upon them now, any second this most vile threat would appear and ruin their day. But the maid was far too distracted to worry about that right now. A slight gasp escaped her tiny form as Marcus spun her around only to have her end up with her back to him.

"Geez, will you stop teasing me already!" It would have sounded convincing if not for the fact that you could clearly see she was enjoying it. "Fine... I'll let you carry me... I'm counting on you after all."


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Well, this was good, possibly stuck in another world, or maybe just a pocket dimension or something, kinda like a Hollow without the surrounding Hedge, but at least the one who brought them here seemed to be rather easy to win over. Should be a simple matter to convince her to let them out once all was said and done here. Hopefully.

"Ah, of course, Nero," Emily said with a nod, calling up more vines to start wrapping around the busty blonde, "And I'll get to you as well, Rider."

With that, Emily willed the vines to snake up around Nero's leg, caressing her thighs as they lifted her up, more vines coming up to support her back and wrap around her torso, squeezing against supple skin ever so slightly as they crept up around her. More vines wrapped snugly around the blonde's impressive breasts, squeezing them quite firmly before they started wrapping around her arms to support more of her weight.

"Right, as for Rider here..." Emily trailed off for a moment before smirking as an idea came to her, "Well, judging by that display earlier, I'd say our Emperor here likes roses, and you know what they say about a rose..."

With that, the vines wrapping around Rider's chest started growing buds before roses bloomed forth. At the same time, the accompanying thorns grew out as well, digging into the lavender-head's skin, snug as the vines were around her. With a moment's thought, more roses bloomed around the lavender-head's supple thighs, the accompanying thorns following soon afterwards.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka shook her head and said,  "No it is nothing so complicated.  I merely wish to help strangers.  It makes me happy.  However, I must admit that becoming a vampire has saved me quite a few trips to the hospital.  Judging from your tone, it appears that you trust me just a bit more now?"


"Then hold on tight."

So he did as he said he would, picking her up bridal style and leaping away like some cheesy superhero.  Except he was close to being a wanted criminal and he was carrying a girl who tried to kill him.  In any case, it did not take too long to ditch the cops, as they had to waste time asking the citizen's questions.  Meanwhile, he bolted down several blocks, turning occasionally in case someone was following him.  Eventually, he came across a small clearing, an athletic field for a high school.  It didn't look like anyone was on it right now.

"Alright then, my job is done.  You sure you don't want me to pay you back?" he asked.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 07:49:21 PM by yinsukin »


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"That certainly sounds quite convenient. I got discharged from a hospital few hours ago, so my memories are still fresh." For a fleeting moment she sounded a bit intrigued and curious, though she didn't seem to dwell long on that as she quickly answered the vampire's question without much of a pause.

"And right, I think I can show you some goodwill even if you did in the past was very foolish. Hopefully you learned your lesson or I'll have to correct that."

There was a hint of scorn, but nothing hostile. She seemed more to chastise her for her own good.


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The blue haired vampire lit up.  "So does that mean you will finally tell me about yourself?  I am not one to enjoy talking about myself."

She purposely did not respond to the comment.  She knew the girl meant well, but she had already decided what she needed to do, obtain more power so that she could remain foolish.


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"Yes, I haven't introduced myself either. I'm Anastasia, I'm a sort of a soldier who uses magic. That's really all that there is to that." She answered with some reluctance, not so hot on revealing all her secrets. But she guessed she owed at least that much in exchange for that valuable knowledge she had learned so far. "I don't either enjoy that, but you're literally the first vampire I met, so I won't let you off hook that easily."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka leaned forward, clasping her hands together in triumph.  "A mage!  That's amazing!  And a soldier as well!  I have studied a few different forms of martial arts, but I am no soldier.  Please tell me!  I want to help!"

She frowned, making a puppy like face at the soldier.  "I can give you something back if you want."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka leaned forward, clasping her hands together in triumph.  "A mage!  That's amazing!  And a soldier as well! I have studied a few different forms of martial arts, but I am no soldier.  Please tell me!  I want to help!"

She frowned, making a puppy like face at the soldier.  "I can give you something back if you want."


"I... " Anastasia was being bombarded by Medaka's willingness to learn, but she probably had not so good for news for the vampire. "... don't know if you can pick anything up from me, no matter what your intentions are. I was born this way, unlike you. So unless you have some aptitude that you don't know about, the chances are slim. Let's not talk about paying me back unless you know you can learn even basics."

Of course, it was also her decision whether to impart any secrets on her, but she'd be already honest about her chances.


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Medaka instantly broke her puppy dog face at the girl's obvious plight.  "I just want to know why you were sad," she said.  "But I have long been fascinated by magic, so I would love to learn that too."

Perhaps she was pushing too hard.  After all, they had just met.


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"Look, I really don't know how you got that impression. I'm just a bit tired due to recent events. Some break maybe would be reasonable. I can't promise anything, but let's just check for your potential later." The mage bottled her depression and pretended to forget about it for now. It usually worked.

"Honestly, I've never had a disciple, so I guess that'd be new too. If I don't find any fault in you and you have the right potential, I'll try. But you will have to listen to me and become sort of my glorified assistant that is also a servant until you become my senior disciple. That's just how it works." She was rambling a bit at that point, but it was a good distraction.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka tilted her head at the girl.  "I suppose that is alright," she said, moving beside the girl.  She began walking, non verbally asking her to take a walk with her.  "I have nothing better to do."

Then, she turned around, her voice lowering as she continued.  "But you are changing the subject.  What is wrong?"


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"See, I just barely got out of the hospital, so I'm not in a mood. Let's just go somewhere and grab something to eat. If you can eat food. I don't know if you can just drink blood or not." Avoiding the subject again. That was the best excuse she could come up with now, and it wasn't really most convincing one.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka glanced at Anastaisa and said,  "I do not need to eat no.  In fact, I get all my nourishment from blood.  However, I do enjoy eating still, so grabbing a bite sounds nice.  But before that..."

She turned her body to the side, wrapping her arms around the girl's body and smothering her with her own body heat.  "You need a hug!"
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 10:42:39 PM by yinsukin »


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"Err, what?" Anastasia was frankly befuddled with what was going in that girl's head. There was no blushing or embarassment, she was just completely puzzled about it. It felt a bit nice though, her body was pretty warm. So she neither struggled nor protested, just took it in silently.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 10:54:16 PM by Kat »


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Medaka nuzzled her hips, twisting them back and forth so the girl wouldn't get accumulated to her touch.  "You can just say it feels nice you know," she said, giving the girl a reassuring smile.