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ThugkuraHuh. Wasn't posturing, wasn't screaming, wasn't crying... this pasty bitch has some spine! Sakura sauntered over to the other girl, carelessly stomping on the people she'd knocked out. "So, what could someone like you be doing here?"
Thugkura"Sure, sure. Gimme one. Try not to pick something too trashy though. Most of the stuff here is garbage, but there's stuff here even worse than that." She sat down, her shadow catching her and forming a nice and comfy chair under her.
ThugkuraShe popped the can open and drank it in a single swig before tossing it with perfect accuracy. It landed perfectly on some guy's forehead. "Sakura. You?" She held out her hand again for another drink.
ThugkuraPffft. What kind of edgelord called themselves Avenger? That took a special kind of person. Whatever, she seemed better than all the other people at any rate. "So, servant Avenger, who's your master? And who are you out to get?"
ThugkuraRight, right. Either this girl was fucking crazy or one of the weirdos around here. Probably both. "So you're some kind of ghost or demon thing that needs to make a contract with someone? Nice. Why didn't you just beat up some poor bastard out there and make them contract with you though?"
ThugkuraShe folded her arms and gave the other girl a good luck. "And what am I getting out of it? Unless you can do something more than pop open soda cans I'm not seeing a reason to do a thing for you."
Thugkura"Well well, you gotta be useful for me to even think of that as an option. Come on, show me what you got! The only thing that's worse than a loser is a nobody who acts up." Sakura raised a foot and stomped on the ground lightly, shattering it and pulverizing the floor right beneath her shoe.