Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98322 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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So she thought she was strong, huh? This was either gonna be stupidly sad or actually surprising. "You know, if you disappoint me I'm gonna break your arms and legs. Might still keep you around though. We'll see."

Sakura settled into the same position, her hand grasping the other girls. "Go!" She didn't even try to hold back in the slightest. At the rate she was going she could crush an ordinary guy's hand to pulp and rip his arm off with the sheer force she was exerting.


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So she thought she was strong, huh? This was either gonna be stupidly sad or actually surprising. "You know, if you disappoint me I'm gonna break your arms and legs. Might still keep you around though. We'll see."

Sakura settled into the same position, her hand grasping the other girls. "Go!" She didn't even try to hold back in the slightest. At the rate she was going she could crush an ordinary guy's hand to pulp and rip his arm off with the sheer force she was exerting.


"Oh, not bad. You're quite an impressive young girl. And such a pretty face too~" Jeanne didn't hold back even an ounce either. Her muscles bulged as she showed off her own equally inhuman strength. She matched Sakura completely, neither able to gain an advantage over the other. Her hand hadn't even moved a millimeter towards Sakura's victory.

"So what was that about breaking my arms?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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She let out a harsh bark of laughter as she attempted to force the other girl down with all her might. "Well, with all the damn weaklings around here what was I supposed to expect? You could have been some dumb bitch not good enough for licking my shoes clean. But nevermind that, this is starting to get fun!"

The counter was cracking under the forces exerted on it, just a moment more needed before the whole thing broke apart.


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She let out a harsh bark of laughter as she attempted to force the other girl down with all her might. "Well, with all the damn weaklings around here what was I supposed to expect? You could have been some dumb bitch not good enough for licking my shoes clean. But nevermind that, this is starting to get fun!"

The counter was cracking under the forces exerted on it, just a moment more needed before the whole thing broke apart.


Jeanne laughed. She felt her elbow digging into the countertop, which was threatening to bluckle under the force of their conflict. And it soon did. A loud cracking noise rang through their struggle, and the table collapsed, sending both their elbows sinking down with their destroyed footing, leaving the match as a draw. The rubble crashed down onto the floor with many of the goods it had been holding.

"You're not bad yourself, you know."
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 03:58:37 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"Oh shut up. That was nothing. But I guess it was good enough. So, how do you wanna do this contract thing?" Despite her words there was at least a degree of respect in her eyes now. Instead of being a plain projection it was a circle on the ground, constantly shifting and moving.


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"Oh shut up. That was nothing. But I guess it was good enough. So, how do you wanna do this contract thing?" Despite her words there was at least a degree of respect in her eyes now. Instead of being a plain projection it was a circle on the ground, constantly shifting and moving.


"Oh, it's quite easy, really. All you need to do is offer to be my master and form a contract with me, and then I accept. Or the other way around. Doesn't really matter. All you'll be doing is anchoring me to the world so I stop disappearing, and sending me mana if you feel like it. Do you accept me as your servant, Sakura? " Jeanne wanted to get this out of the way so she could ask about her shadow. It was creepy and she wanted to know more. She was a little bit impatient.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 04:16:27 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"Sure, I'll accept you as my servant. It'd be a waste if we did all this just for you to pop out of existence or something anyways." What a shitty mastery. If she was just gonna be keeping Jeanne around she could at least get some rent or something.


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No this wouldn't do, this wouldn't do at all. To not be able to offer the base degree of hospitality after the favour he had granted was a shame to great to bear. So great was it in fact the blond Servant saw no other choice but to immediately remedy this great offense by rushing away, out from their base.

She returned a few moments later with a a sandwhich, stuffed with the most delicous of meat and sauces. Saber offered it to Trivek reluctantly, it couldn't really make up for the great service he had performed but it was all she had at the moment. "My deepest apologies Trivek, this is all I have." She bowed in shame as she spoke.


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"Now now, this is not the time to fight." He tried to keep a composed zen smile and held his hands out, perking his ears worriedly. This was getting rather heated up, if possible he'd rather prevent it from escalating further. "But this is a sensitive subject for my friend here. I would request if you could drop it." He told her seriously, adressing the magician directly. He was sympathetic to say the least, at least to some extent, but he would hardly take a no for an answer. Not right now.


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Great, her best bud Lorry didn't even ask he provided like a good friend does: The CPU knew she had made the right choice befriending him, now she wouldn't even have to transform to get anywhere.

She didn't even wait for him to ask to get on it. Instead the goddess of Planeptune immediately leapt onto the giant flaming creature to comandeer it. "Onwards great steed, to infinity and beyond!" She shouted out for all to hear, there would be no doubts as to the importance of the two of them, especially her.


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The pink-haired succubus flew around without a care in the world, zipping through the sky over the city without a care in the world. She zipped around in between buildings, simply breathing the fresh air and taking in the new sights. She'd never been in a city that looked like this before. She stopped and hovered in front of a tall metal and glass building, looking at it in fascination. The girl muttered to herself as she inspected it before swiftly moving on. She couldn't dilly dally for too long. She had stuff to do.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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After her brief excursion, Elizabeth landed back on the ground around where she'd taken off. She wrinkled her nose at how crummy it looked. And smelled. It was foul. And perfect for her. The nearly naked demon strutted down the middle of the street as if she owned the place, looking around for a nice juicy target.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Skrrrraaaaa!!!" The great bird screeched, spreading its wings before taking off with great speed, encouraged by the goddess's words in order to soar even higher. "Wo-hooooo!" He shouted cheerfully, zipping between skyscrapers over his elemental like a comet.

"So, how's that black-haired pal of yours doing?" He asked her while commanding his steed. He sounded aloof, truthfully, but there was some concern about it. He could tell a vixen when he saw one, something about the whole thing felt off. Well, it wasn't his business to pry, but he wanted to make sure his friend was alright more than anything.


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"Sure, I'll accept you as my servant. It'd be a waste if we did all this just for you to pop out of existence or something anyways." What a shitty mastery. If she was just gonna be keeping Jeanne around she could at least get some rent or something.


Jeanne chuckled at the halfassed nature of their contract. She felt better already. Not having the world trying to destroy her really did feel good. She tossed another bottle at Sakura. "Have any plans? Other than petty theivery. With our powers we could probably do something pretty big. Like set ourselves up as warlords or something."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Led by one of her reborn Messengers Lucy sauntered over to a particularly scummy part of the Nexus. They had sensed something really big! It reminded her of that time they had found out where William was. Good times. It felt like forever ago.

Eventually she ended spotting this little demon girl and Lucy knew that was it. So she waved excitedly at her. "Hey! Over here!"


"Dunno, was thinking about setting up another sort of gang here. Maybe taking over one of the bigger ones already around. But that can get pretty annoying. Having to check my food for poison and break traitor legs gets really fucking boring after a while." She finished this can too before dropping it on the ground.

"Let's go do something else."