Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98288 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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Joe's face lit up a bit, turning a light strawberry pink.  He immediately turned his body away from her, instead looking down at the rice.  The onions and garlic looked and smelled tender, so he added the rice and water.  Now all he had to do was wait until it boiled.  "Well, it would be nice to have someone I know be the landlord, but you've already done so much by having me here.  I don't want you to do too much for me."

I don't want to be completely indebted to her.


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Joe's face lit up a bit, turning a light strawberry pink.  He immediately turned his body away from her, instead looking down at the rice.  The onions and garlic looked and smelled tender, so he added the rice and water.  Now all he had to do was wait until it boiled.  "Well, it would be nice to have someone I know be the landlord, but you've already done so much by having me here.  I don't want you to do too much for me."

I don't want to be completely indebted to her.

Sakura Matou

"It's nothing, really, though..." Sakura complained. It wasn't a big deal, so why didn't people jump on her offer. "Mmmmnnn, smells good." Sakura deftly changed the subject. They didn't have to broach it right now. It could wait until later. "Are you sure you only cook infrequently?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The water was beginning to bubble, sure signs that it was about to reach the boiling point.  He wanted to stay on that topic, but Sakura changed it quickly.  "Hey consistency matters more than frequency.  I've had plenty of time to get goodish," he said, enjoying the whiff of garlic entering his lunges.  "That reminds me though.  What do you do to keep yourself in shape?  Your really strong, even without the magic."

He should probably think about working out soon, especially since he needs to be able to keep up with Rin and Sakura.


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It seemed to her that she missed her point, and considering that her certain soul related problem prevented her from becoming a full on vampire, she also was wrong about it being a biological state. Pressing the topic further would probably result in more stubborness on the girl's side.

"Is it just curiosity that drives you or it's also because you want to learn from me? Answer again." Depending on her answer, she'd decide what to do when it came to 'a demonstration'.


  • Moon Cancer
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Medaka Kurokami

"I have always been fascinated by magic," she said honestly.  "The first person I met here was a fire mage and I always enjoyed the spectacle of his magic.  Truthfully, I just want to enjoy the sight of it once again."

Now that she thought about it, she would have tried to learn it even if she wasn't seeking power.


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"So a mere glimpse would be sufficient for you, I guess. But know that I'm no parlour trickster, I don't think my magic is well suited for any kind of entertainment." But partly resigned, she tried to come up with something.

Maybe she would just focus on lowering the room's temperature. That was subtle yet noticeable and didn't mean wrecking anything around. Just dropping it to just above zero level should do. She closed her eyes to focus and have some finer control over this. Mercury in a termometer on a wall began to shrink in size.


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"Eeeeeeeh? I would never!" He feigned ignorance and looked away as if insulted by the prospects,returning her pout. "But it sure sounds nice, having a cute assistant helping me out at the inn free of charge."

His smile turned eerie, the truly devious grin of a devil.

"Fu fu fu fu, yes. That would be a proper punishment for waking me up so rudely." His ears suddenly perked and he dropped the fake bad guy act. "Oh my, and there she goes."
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 12:04:02 AM by francobull3 »


  • Moon Cancer
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The blue haired vampire felt a sudden chill.  Admittedly, she was a bit disappointing she could not receive something more flashy, but not everyone could be Lorenzo.  However, this was still an impressive feat non the less.  So she smiled and said, "Ah, so you can command temperature.  That is quite the admirable feat.  How many years did it take you to learn how to do that?"

She wondered if this was a basic or advanced technique.


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"Years. I've been since my early childhood in fact. The principles are basic, but the level of command and power over my magic depends on sheer training and self-control. This was just metaphorically the tip of the iceberg. As much as I don't hold too much attachment to this place, I neither want to wreck the place. A cheap apartment is still not too cheap, and the authorities would take umbrage at me if I destroyed it."

She wouldn't be surprised if someone wouldn't ask Anastasia to train them after hearing this, but unfortunately Medaka seemed to be stubborn so either she wouldn't be shocked if she asked her anyway. Still, the wizard didn't figure out anyway if she had any capability for magic. At least partial loss of soul, the fact that as a vampire she could have worked differently, and she also could lack potential for magic to begin with.


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Medaka's smile did not waver at the girl's response.  Instead, it made her feel more reassured.  "So it is like martial arts," she said, clasping her hands together in an expression of delight.  "Do you think it is possible for me to learn?"
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 12:25:16 AM by yinsukin »


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"I know you cannot die of old age, so any such argument like that it will take years will fall on deaf ears. Still, though, are you ready to become my follower as an apprentice? And to abandon notions of learning from me if it turns out you cannot use a magic like mine?" Those were not casual questions. She'd need to answer them seriously for Anastasia to consider teaching her.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka nodded and said, "Yes I am.  I will look for someone else if it turns out I have no potential, but I am not one to give up easy either.  If there is even the slightest chance I could learn this, I shall take it."


  • Moon Cancer
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"You would look for someone else like that fire mage? I guess so, but considering that you have committed yourself, I have no choice but to test you. But first, are you aware of existence of leylines? Or perhaps can you see magical energy? If you can't, then don't worry, there's still some chance you might have it in." She explained, her tone of voice implying that it would be easier to train her if she could see magical energy or those leylines.

Anastasia wasn't usually for any dangerous methods for awakening someone's magical potential, but Medaka could regenerate after all. Maybe her body could endure strain if she had some potential. But if she had no potential to begin with, no method would work.


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Medaka nodded and said,  "Yes there are many different types of mages that exist in this city.  Considering the nature of this place, I would not be surprised if I had an affinity for a different type of magic if yours does not work for me."

In response to her question about laylines, the blue haired vampire began looking around.  "No, I do not think I do."


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"That complicates matters. Or, maybe I have phrased it in a manner unfamiliar to you. Can you see spirits or ghosts?" She did too, so while that didn't guarantee that Medaka had a potential for her magic, it still increased the likehood to an extent.