Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97621 times)


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"Now now, I am not that old. Merely a thousand, or so I think. Truth be told, there was no room for all the candles after a point. I might have lost count." He laughed in embarrassment.

"Indeed. It looks wonderful." The phantom smiled while looming over Lizzie like a ghost, looking down at the treat with closed eyes and a peaceful beam.

He took hold of his cup of tea. Mhhh, this smelled adequate, this was truly a fine establishment. So with that, he completely ignored whatever perversities were happening on the next table, or perhaps he truly didn't notice. All of his focus was directed at the truly important things, like tea.

"Oh my, this truly does taste better than it smells." He smiled after taking a hot sip. "I must offer praise to the owner for such a fine selection of herbs. Perhaps I will come here more often."


  • Moon Cancer
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If that was gentle in Medaka's definition, then she didn't want to speculate was a harsh feeding in her dictionary. As Anastasia had to focus on the fine control of the magic filling her veins, she couldn't put up any meaningful resistance if she had to. In other words, Medaka could devour her if she put her mind to that. For all Medaka's naive friendliness, there was no denial that a monster lurked deep down her, a burden that she willingly carried. Probably this action let her know more about Medaka than the prior conversation.

In other words, Medaka was dangerous, but could be trusted. Taking in such an apprentice would be interesting indeed, no matter whether she had an aptitude for the same magic or could be taught just basics. Anastasia was weakened, but retained enough strength to remain upright, albeit with a tired expression on her face. "This could have backfired for either of us, but I hope that the risk pays off. After you recover, I guess we will check if we drew out something."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka felt her eyes growing a bit hazy, blurry from the pain.  "Vary well," she nodded.  "Than I shall take a quick nap."  With that, she meekly made her way to the couch and passed out on the soft fabric.


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She was really spent too, not just because of the drained blood, but because this day was honestly one of most intense, tension wracked and unauspicious days she had experienced so far. Maybe she ought to take some rest too, but not before taking a shower to clear her thoughts. Yup, a cold shower would do her good in this situation.

While she soaked her body in the cold water, she reflected on her situation: she might have taken potentially a rather strong ally as an apprentice, but this didn't increase her chances much. Medaka and Anastasia were both 'monstrous' in their own way, but assuming the worst case scenario, they were disadvantaged in quantity alone. The giant metallic man, the demonic abomination, and possibly the other mage. Taking at least two more 'allies' and making sure they face only one of them at a point would be the bare minimum strategy. She would talk with Medaka how much the vampire who turned her would be inclined to interfere, for starters, as well as about her other potential acquaintances.

Anyway, her shower was done. She changed into a fresh of set of jeans and T-shirt and decided to just fall on her bed and nap as well. That'd be the most efficient course of the action. And then some food after she would wake up.


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Medaka's head slowly rose from the fabric, light returning to her eyes.  She glanced down, her vision still hazy, and noticed a damp spot on the couch.  She had drooled like a baby while she was napping, a sign of deep sleep.  That would explain why she felt so refreshed.  Once she moved to a sitting position, her stomach let out a fierce growl.  Not one to deny her body, she made her way into the kitchen, snacking on fruits in the fridge.  It didn't take long for her to become more involved, whipping up a batch of spaghetti as she went through Annastasia's food.

When the girl woke up, she would probably see Medaka devouring spaghetti like it was her last meal.


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In contrast to Medaka, the mage was a light sleeper courtesy to longlife habits that couldn't be rooted out easily. Not for her was hibernating like an animal in a midst of winter. Instead, she woke up thanks to the ruckus in the kitchen. It didn't take her long to get up and investigate.

"I thought you were sustained by blood rather than food." The vampire indeed looked ravenous, contrary to her claims."Let me guess, the half vampire deal, again?"


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Medaka perked up from the spaghetti, the sauce dripping from her lips.  From a distance, it looked a lot like blood.  The young vampire blinked at the girl's question, as if it were a silly thing to ask.  "I just like the taste of food," she said.  "Do you want some?"


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"From my point of view it should be me rather than you to ask that question. I'm a host after all." She pointed out, but set out to look throughout the fridge as well, picking up a carton of milk to drink from. She couldn't imagine a diet without plenty of calcium. Sticking a straw into the carton, she started sipping looking a bit absentmindedly.

"Do you actually feel any different now?" She started off the conversation with that important question.


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"I can feel something feint flowing through my body yes," she said, slurping up a noodle.  "However, I am not entirely sure what that means."


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Olga Marie of House Animusphere

Olga felt a bit uncomfortable. She felt as if she was wittnessing someone in a state that she shouldn't see. Sort of. "Well, that's something we need to do, definitely, but I was just wondering if you could check my work and give me some advice-I've been practicing the arrays like you showed me but I've only had middling results so far." Olga smiled sheepishly at Grigori and displayed the sticks and rocks she had in her arms.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Grigori raised a brow, her magic wrapping around the objects and levitating them closer. Her eyes were focused and analytical, carefully scanning over the arrays in order to take her mind off of things. "Yes, I can see your problem. You're working with a very simple vocabulary, the runes are far too large, and they aren't arranged in a way that best balances and represents the spell. That they didn't all explode is rather amazing in and of itself."

"But it is not terrible for a start. You want to learn more?" Directing her gaze back to the other girl.


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Olga Marie

"Yeah, of course I do!" Olga nodded without a shred of hesitation.  Being a mage was her life. The chance to learn something completely new like this wasn't something she could possibly think of not being excited about.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"I see. You'll have a lot to learn, but you seem the type that can apply your talents in a meaningful way." She stood up, her hands flaring up with mana as a tide of symbols filled the air. "But, of course we are dealing with an incredibly complex language. It has taken lifetimes of work to get me to where I am."


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"I see. You'll have a lot to learn, but you seem the type that can apply your talents in a meaningful way." She stood up, her hands flaring up with mana as a tide of symbols filled the air. "But, of course we are dealing with an incredibly complex language. It has taken lifetimes of work to get me to where I am."

Olga Marie

"I know that. I'm the same way. I'm just the lastest of the Animusphere family's work to reach the root of magic." Olga's entire body glowed green with an incredibly intracate magical pattern as she flowed mana through her crest to demonstrate. "Regardless, I desperately want to learn. How could I forgive myself if I passed up this thoroughly unique opportunity to learn new things and better myself! How could I even call myself a mage!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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A loudmouth huh. That was boring. Elizabeth hoped she at least would have a bit of bite to back up her bark. She'd give the girl a 7 for her entrance but a 3 for everything since then. "So how do they feel, no problems right?" Elizabeth asked Lucy teasingly. Suddenly, as the new obnoxious girl attempted to eat her cake, her fork kept mysteriously missing the plate, stabbing at the table or the air. She hoped her reaction would be entertaining.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end