Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97412 times)


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The demon eagerly awaited his well deserved treat, but it didn't come. Instead, what came was a loud explosion that snapped him out of it. He didn't need toe words that just transpired to make him realize what just went on.

But he was still somewhat affected, maybe not by the magic more than the turn of events. Standing behind his companion, he gave the girl and her accomplice a grave pout, puffing his cheeks angrily and all. Maybe he was so shocked he tried to appear intimidating, but it was honestly adorable.

Lizzie, are you sure this is a good idea? He asked his friend.


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"Mine are bigger though..." Jeanne went over to the meta basket and picked up a basket. He small hands made it impossible for her to grab it with one hand as she soon found out by dropping it on the floor.

Making an annoyed she bent over and picked the ball up almost glaring daggers at it for making her look so stupid. She then her attention back to them. "All team against me? I don't even know how to play."

Sakura Matou

"Yeah! Tells us the rules Joe!" Sakura jumped a bit, making her boobs jiggle in front of their faces.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This was the moment, the final awakening.  Joe paused, an almost euphoric epiphany coming over him.  His eyes darted left and right, stopping at Jeanne's boobs and back to Sakura's.  This scenario couldn't be real.  This felt like something from some trashy harem show he used to binge as a teenager.  He wanted to make a comment, something, anything that could confirm that this was real and not some long dream.  Maybe he never woke up.  Maybe he was still at home, browsing the internet and stalking girl's online profiles like some modern day sexual predator.

"Bigger huh?" he mumbled, giving the two a quick runover.  It was hard to tell, especially from this far away.  He was close to Sakura, but Jeanne was all the way across the court.  Of course, that couldn't prepare him for what happened next.

What?  Jeanne had dropped the ball.  The superwoman dropped the basketball.  The woman who dodged bullets and deflected a grenade in seconds failed to hold a big round ball in her hands.  It was like a child who did not possess the fine motor skills to wield a fork.  She was even glaring at it like it was her new mortal enemy. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?!  WHAT WORLD AM I LIVING IN?!

He snapped out of his lust filled gaze, only to transition back into his dumbfounded one.  "Do you... really not know how to play basketball?!"  That was the only thing he managed to bring forth from his lips.


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She slowly started imitating what she'd see Joe do earlier, this dribbling or whatever it was called. However it was done at a slow walking place and she almost stumbled on the ball more than once. Either way they blonde was making her way back to the two of them, eventually reaching them after a harsh trial.

"Does it appear so? It really is my first timeee... whoaaaaaa!" It finally happened, talking while trying to dribble at the same time proved too much for her and Jeanne tripped over her own feet landing face first at Joe's feet.


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Sakura Matou

"Wait, wait wait!" Something had just clicked in Sakura's head. "You're not bigger, we're the same!" She proclaimed to Jeanne, nonetheless reaching down and offering her friend a hand, pulling her up easily after she grabbed it. Sakura looked up at Joe. "Why would we know how to play? She's a peasant from medieval France and I didn't have the most open childhood myself."

"Anyway, more importantly!" Sakura pulled Jeanne close to her so their boobs were touching. "See, we're-the same!" Sakura stuttered a bit but was otherwise fine. She couldn't lose this challenge! Never! Even if it was super embarrassing! Nonetheless she created a bounded field deterring attention from those outside of it, namely, those who weren't her Jeanne nor Joe.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 07:18:29 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Hmmm, I don't think destroying a non-combat familiar is such a feat as you make it out to be, but huh, I guess you have reasons to be concerned. It's still a far better outcome than the familiar getting captured instead and tampered with." Maybe she was jaded because she had seen worse. A power of flight combined with ability to retaliate with a range attack and ability to control minds seemed troublesome, but with her life experience certainly she maintained cool about the revelation. Then, the couple asked her if she could track their quarry.

"It's possible with my capabilities unless she has some magic to interfere with that. Just hearing? If I focus, I could hear her from miles away while you could track her with sight. Shared responsibilities, and I have pretty good memory as well as I know quite a lot of languages due to my study of Hermetic lore. Greek, Coptic, Hebrew, Latin, as well as Syriac, Armenian and Arabic."
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 11:21:02 AM by Kat »


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Anastasia was quietly annoyed both about the windows (which weren't cheap considering her income after all) and the fact that she grabbed the wizard as if she couldn't handle travel herself. So Anastasia simply smacked Medaka in the back of her head to express her disapproval after they landed.

"I'm not paying for the windows, so I will make sure I will exploit you to such an extent that you will think twice about pulling off that again." She stated after symbolically punishing the vampire physically. With her human strength and Medaka's recovery capabilities she doubted that it would have any effect on her, but she still did that to make a point.

Maybe it was a bit unprofessional to dwell on that matter, but still, it's not like spirits would go away. And she really wanted to drill into Medaka to not do it again.


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Raikou popped the cap off the bottle with his thumb and gulped down half of the beer before looking back at her. Even if she was a spook, it wasn't surprising you'd be overwhelmed by hearing all this stuff. Yet, hard to nail down how much of that was what with the questions she kept asking.

"Mm? These threads are just what I like," he answered, letting down the bottle on the table with a clink. "You still haven't told me your name. Going to spill it now that we've shared a drink?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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It took her a while to notice but when she did it couldn't be ignored. He had stopped thrusting, but surely that can't be right, not after so short a while. But it was right, and that realization slowly dawned on her making her pleasant look morph into a visage of annoyance. "Really? Done already? After all that big talk you turn out to be a quickshot boy.... I'm impressed, impressed at your ineptitude."


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There was a moment, a vary brief one where Joe's face lit up.  Jeanne appeared to be picking up the dribbling skill without much effort.  Yeah, she was going slow, but she was clearly getting it.  Just as his mouth began to curl into a competitive smile and his eyes glinting with that little spark of competitiveness again, she fell forward, landing just in front of his feet.

I don't.... understand... anything, he thought to himself, staring at Jeanne with that same bewildered look.

There was something that broke that look.  As Sakura pulled Jeanne up, she began pressing her boobs together with the blond, insisting that her boobs were the same as Jeanne's.  "I...well.. yours do look bigger since your showing more skin though...."

Why did I say that?!  Just get to the game!

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

"Yes, of course, destroying my familiar in itself is not difficult", she responded, nodding. "But, it looked like a powerful attack, and she summoned it out of nowhere with no apparent effort, not to mention that she managed to detect the familiar in the first place. Plus, she can fly and, apparently, mind-control people to an extent. And she has a huge mana signature, too, far bigger than anything we've ever seen before, and we've seen ancient heroes summoned as familiars made purely of magic."

Sakura decided not to mention that one of said familiars was currently contracted to her. It wasn't important right now, and they didn't know for sure that the girl was friendly, so she didn't wish to give away unnecessary information about their status.

"Yes, she's right", Shirou added. "Her mana signature alone indicates that she must be a powerful being, or at least an extremely unusual one. The attack just confirms it, and her actions indicate that she is likely not friendly. We certainly need more information."

"If you can manage to listen to what she's saying from a distance, that would be very helpful. She's inside a building right now, so we can't see much, but we can get a little closer if we must. We have to be careful, though", he continued.

"Well, I can create another familiar, one which hides its mana signature better. And keep it further away. Whether we'll be able to use it to spy on her properly I'm not sure, though", Sakura said.

"So, what do you think?" she finished, addressing the other girl.


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Medaka rubbed the back of her head.  "Do not worry, I will pay for that!" she said with a cat like grin.  "Besides wasn't that more fun than taking the door?" She didn't look vary sorry at all, despite being reprimanded. All of the cuts from the broken glass began to heal, pushing out the glass from her skin.  It didn't fix her outfit though, which was filled with holes.


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"M-my name is Sera," she said, keeping her gaze focused on her soda glass.  "D-do you have umm, weird powers too?"

He wasn't a rock star or drama person like she first thought, but he sure was cool and handsome.  Plus he was so confident, so different from how she was.  He had these exotic features and awesome purple hair.  All she had was an embarrassing eye patch and flat figure.  She wondered if the inside was as pretty as the outside.


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"Were you that nonchalant about breaking through windows before obtaining regeneration or you were that kind of capricious fool from the start?" No remorse at all. Maybe it was pointless to continue that for too long. They've had something to do. Let's see

Anastasia patiently looked down at the alley below the building, in search of any spiritual activity. Spirits either sustained themselves through acts of worship or through feeding on acts that were aligned to their nature. So it wasn't surprising for her to spot... small cat-bear hybrid spirit lounging around in presence of raccoons looking through the trash in the alley. Definitely a spirit, even if downright pathetic in power.

"Do you see anything but raccoons down in the alley, Medaka?" She asked the vampire an important question. It's not like that they neded to search for a powerful spirit to get their answer.


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No this couldn't be happening, not when she was making such good progress. Then Sakura just had to go make this into a competition just as she was getting a hang of the ball movement But because of that she couldn't back down now. The blonde pouted and broke free from the hold Sakura had on her while moving closer to Joe.

In a faint blue show of light her armor seemingly evaporated, leaving her in an outfit that was far more revealing. It showed of her legs much like Sakura's outfit and was far more tight around her chest.

"No mine are clearly bigger!" If Sakura was gonna play that game then she'd just have to match her.