Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96964 times)


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"Splendid. This means that my plan wasn't as poorly thought as I feared." The wizard clapped her hands together and gave a small smile. Everything went pretty swimmingly so far.

"Congratulations. You have at least potential to learn some basic basics. And you gained a skill which you lacked before in the process. So I think it's already noteworthy progress."


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Sakura Matou

"We can share him, surely, hehehe. He's pretty big you know?"

Sakura nodded. "I-think we understand, right Jeanne?" Sakura nudged her friend. "If we need more people my shadows can fill in, if you're ok with that." Sakura said shyly.

"It's up to you." Sakura sounded apprehensive.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Valerie von Vincke

The evening had begun as any proper one did: with making sure nobody had moved anything in her bed chambers while she slumbered. After taking a brief accounting of her belongings, Valerie had a pair of impeccably dressed servants attend to her appearance and attire. This was to be a night of tax collecting, and the baroness enjoyed performing the duty personally on the eve of the new moon. On other nights she might have preferred to have her tenants brought to her, with other matters to concern her. It was just as she was about to get into her carriage and call the bats to gather and swirl around that everything went wrong.

And by wrong, Valerie meant how she quite literally fell from her seat into a seemingly endless abyss of darkness. With such stimulus, or lack thereof, the vampire lady took this as a prompt to indulge in some improper flailing about and obscenities. This lasted for perhaps a moment, before she got a grasp of whatever wretched Outer Realm she had been cursed into. Which of her rivals was responsible for this? How was she to get back?

Oh, there was a tendril of mana! Valerie just had to reach out and grasp it so she could follow it back, and count her blessings that whatever hostile dimension she'd found herself in could not slay what was already dead...


The richly attired woman fell from the air and landed gracefully on her feet. "Hmph! What nonsense..." she grumbled to herself in her aristocratic accent while brushing herself off and taking in her surroundings.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2017, 12:08:33 AM by Aiden »


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Ancient heroes summoned as familiars? Someone was binding around ancestor spirits into service? Interesting, but downright concerning depending on who was doing that. And who was the ancestor spirit in question. Doing that to the spirits from whom her kind descended would justifiably raise her ire. She'd be wary, but more neutral about unaffiliated spirits. But anyway, onto the matter at hand!

"What do I think? I do wonder why you didn't use that more stealthy kind of familiar in first place, but never mind, we have to think of the present and the future rather than the past. I'll exercise utmost caution and assist you with this endeavor. Whatever is her nature, she cannot be just ignored." She agreed to assist the couple. "Could I take a look at your familiar once you make it? If I've it hard to sense it, then it should be a good sign. I pride myself on my capability to sense magic after all."

Umbra of Chaos

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She turned around and pet the other girl's head. "Honey, I told you not to play with mortals like that! They might take it personally. You always do this when we're out.... am I too boring for you now?" Giving the succubus an exaggerated pouty face.


Oh! Well the people here seemed rather upfront about things. That was rather rather refreshing at least. "Greetings. I am Aurelia, scion of the First Circle of Sorcerous Workings. I, ah, assume that my condition drew you to me?" The title may not have held any meaning in this city, but it was good to take pride in who you were.


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"It's my honour to meet you, Lady Aurelia." Pavarti did a small curtsy to greet her. "This may seem like an odd question, but do you know anybody with the name of Altria? Your resemblance is uncanny."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"No... I have two siblings that look similar to me but neither of them are named Altria. Is that all you needed, Pavarti?" It wasn't as if she was especially suspicious of this woman, but it was rather odd that she hadn't mentioned Aurelia's massive beacon of mana yet.


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Pavarti nodded. That was fine, she was just a bit curious. "I understand, sorry for the strange question. I was also wondering about something else, actually. You're a magus right, or perhaps even a mage." The amount of mana this girl had was almost blinding. She was quite impressed by her. Clearly she was a great mage!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment at the notion. It was odd to not have everyone know of her issues. "A-ah, not exactly. I'm more of a scholar than a mage. My... difficulties in controlling my mana have made becoming one difficult for me."


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"Huh? Mana control?" Pavarti was surprised! She was so sure this girl was a mage!

"Well, ah, I'm sure you're a great scholar. I was um wondering if we could form a contract. I'll disappear soon if I don't get one."

Pavarti bowed. "Please!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"Oh! You're some sort of familiar then? Or another kind of bound entity? Well, it doesn't matter. It would be terrible to just let you dissapear. Are there any specifics needed for this contract or is it a simple verbal agreement?" She sounded rather excited at the thought of it being more complex than that.


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"Oh! You're some sort of familiar then? Or another kind of bound entity? Well, it doesn't matter. It would be terrible to just let you dissapear. Are there any specifics needed for this contract or is it a simple verbal agreement?" She sounded rather excited at the thought of it being more complex than that.


Pavarti was about to say it was a simple one, but she held her tongue. The girl just looked so earnest, so excited... She couldn't let her down, no! Not if she was her future master!

Pavarti nodded. "It's a fairly complicated procedure, with a few steps. It's not the most difficult task but only an good mage would be able to pull it off. First, we need mana, which you clearly have plenty of. Then we'll need to find ourselves a magic circle, let some blood, and do a magic chant."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"Ah, I wasn't joking. If the ritual requires anything beyond simply placing a lump of mana into it I'll be incapable of doing so. Like I said, scholar not mage." She wrung her hands a bit at that. It was fine saying it once or twice but not much more than that.


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"Ah, I wasn't joking. If the ritual requires anything beyond simply placing a lump of mana into it I'll be incapable of doing so. Like I said, scholar not mage." She wrung her hands a bit at that. It was fine saying it once or twice but not much more than that.


"Come on, it can't hurt to try right! I'm pretty desperate right now!" Pavarti said in a hurry. She hadn't been expecting that responce!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka nodded, glancing back at Anastasia.  "Vary well," she said, looking at the woman with a curious smile.  "I can go as long as you want.  Let me know when you need a break."

She thought it was only polite to give her a heads up.  When she was younger, she spent hours in the Kurokami household just studying from books.  In fact, that was how she obtained most of the knowledge she knew now.  Before she knew it, her education and cognition exceeded even the greatest scientists.  She enjoyed studying far more than one should, at least in the eyes of others.  It was only fair warning.