Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96797 times)


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"Lorry Lorry.... I'm a goddess, it's kinda my job to protect you since you put your faith in me and all hehe........" However she wasn't finished there, far from it. She drew closer to him, way closer, like right into his comfort zone close, and she did it with the newly borm flames of excitment that had sprung up within her.

"...But Lorry are you saying you want Nep Nep here to show ya the way to eternal fame and glory? Alrighty, I'll take you on some super hard quests so we can grind up your level more.... Let me tell you a special secret and you can't tell anyone ok! You see that was actually my special finishing move, I'm all out of share energy right now and can't transform, but that won't stop me from training you dont worry!" Not once during her little speech had she moved away from him.


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"I have come to discuss a certain matter, it concerns how you have divided your workload recently. In particular regarding the individual you hired who decided to abandon a mission in order to.... cook some fucking fish."

He glared at Vanguard for moment without saying anything. "More importantly, there's been a disturbing development, surely you have felt it?"


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"Guahh!" He faked the agonizing sound of someone's ribs being crushed to death in response to her pounce. He had gotten used by now to her sudden outgoing nature, and in face he realized he liked it.

But dammit, this was too frustrating! Why couldn't she had showed up when he was skin and bones? He cried enough internally to refill the oceans seven times over. "Ha! I see, using your strongest technique first. Why didn't I think of that!" He ruffled her hair some more. "Don't sweat it, my lips are sealed shut. There's no way I'd do any less for the coolest Goddess I ever met (and the first)! Just tell me what to do!"


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"Heheheh. You break my heart Willy. I fucked up, there's no way to sugarcoat it. But I went out of my way to bring a participation prize, and this is how you repay me?" A sneering voice called from behind both, slithering like a hungry snake. It was all quite rude, its not like he couldn't hear or anything. But the way he appeared the moment he had been mentioned was offputting to say the least.

"I think now would be a pretty good time to truly strike, there's so much going on lately, and so little time... and a fresh new scapegoat seems to have waltzed into town. Right buddy?" He glanced at the metal husk with an almost predatory smile.


The warrior grunted irritably. That man had the skill of barging in at the worst possible times, something he shared with that black magician all too irritatingly well. But his ability was an useful one, that was all he cared about in the end. But it wasn't his fault that mongrel had turned out to be incompetent, so why should the blame befall on him?

"...yes, I can feel it. Are you planning to ask me to deal with it?" He asked William with an utter lack of vigor.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 08:30:38 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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"No, not at this moment. I'm also rather sure that I will be unable to purchase a room at a hotel today too. They seem to use a paper currency and my home mostly made transactions with mana..." She trailed off a bit. It was so strange that a city could function without a working mana system.


Oh, so Saber was here then? Time practically slowed around as Grigori shifted her perception again. "That would be the most likely scenario. Still, I'm not rude enough to deny a stranger hospitality. Would you like to come in, Lady Valerie?"


Her face was rather blank as she was picked up like that. The ideas proposed were not particularly bothersome to her. They aligned with the basic guidelines for general interaction that she had been taught before. But this position... "What are you doing?"


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"Why, isn't that obvious? Ori, you poor sheltered thing..." Her eyes drooped into a sad frown, almost like she pitied the doll. "A doll needs an audience to adore her, and dresses to show off.: She put a cold finger on the doll's lips, smiling. "Don't worry, everything I'm doing right now is for you and your master's sake. I'm sure you will thank me later."

And with that, she dragged her in the changing booth, giving the dozens who had stuck around a whimsical wink that made it even more impossible for them to leave. "Enjoy the show~"

Inside the stall, the space was even more cramped due to two being inside. They were so close they were almost touching, and all sorts of ideas would come to most if they saw a couple walk into one of these small booths.

"Mhh, let's see..." She whispered, then looked through the bunch that she had picked at random before lightning up all of a sudden. "Here." She smiled devilishly, her eyes practically palpitating with crimson as she handed the doll a Gothic maid dress to try out.


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Valerie von Vincke

Wait, what manner of being was this...? Some form of wraith, to materialize as she did? Valerie took quick stock of the newcomer without being obvious about it, once to assess the warrior for danger and then again for aesthetics. Both traits were present in very high quality. "And a good evening to you as well, Miss Saber."

She smiled for the lovely and lethal ladies she found herself surrounded by. "But no matter; I shall accept your offer, Miss Grigori." How nice to see that this strange place still held to some notion of propriety. It would make getting her bearings simpler.


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The goddess was clearly enjoying getting her hair ruffles but that didn't mean she shouldn't complain that it was happening. He was a mortal and guy too.... but it felt really good.

"Hey pal if anyone saw you doing that back home you'd like get thrown in jail by my guards mhmm....." It did feel really good. "...To do right.... first we're gonna get you all fixed up, there should be some priest guy or whatever who could do that..." This was really relaxing.

Umbra of Chaos

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This was something that she was unsure was actually relevant to her master's interests. Regardless, if it placated the mutt she found no issues in playing along with it. She took a moment again to feel the clothing and examine it before taking off her dress and putting this maid one on instead. "You find it pleasing?"


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"Awww. But I don't see any guards in here. Besides, we're not back home." She might think she could sneak her way past this, but she was sorely mistaken. She might have won a battle, but the war had only just begun. He'd take her advice to heart and use only his strongest attacks, attacks that would prove deadly even for a goddess.

He had gone past mere ruffling and was now pleasantly scratching her scalp, going for all the right places.  But her words were most concerning. "If a priest was the real deal, he'd probably shriek in terror and flee the moment he saw me. That or crush me with a cross to death." He told her casually, like that sort of thing happened daily and was no different than the sky getting cloudy from time to time.

Well, even if that'd happen, he didn't mind going along with her plan. It might just be more fun to go for the bumpy road for once, and its not like he could do it himself!

"Sure! I'm game for that. So, look for a mage or priest. Mhhh, where could we find one..." He seemed to be deep in thought while going for behind the ears, expertly scratching and rubbing like he was born to mess with Goddesses heads.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 09:25:04 PM by francobull3 »


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The vampire put a finger on her chin, deep in thought. Its almost like she was playing chess and considering her next move. Then, she lifted her shoulders and shrugged. "Iunno!" Then, with the swift grace of someone used to handling a body, she turned the doll around gently, to make her understand there was something to see. It was odd to be touched by someone, only to look at the reflection and see she was the only one there. But this only got the point further across.

The doll was just there, alone, idly in front of a mirror. That was all that mattered. "What do you think?" She asked her with a smile.

Umbra of Chaos

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She stared for a moment, as if unsure what she should be looking at. Orianna did note how the sleeves were long enough to obscure the joints on her arms and at her wrists. Very excellent. It would make her appear less suspicious. It also fit well and was aesthetically pleasing.

"It is adequate," she said, firmly.


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Costin clicked her tongue. She was a tough cookie, but no matter! It would just make it sweeter once she bit into her. "Tch. No, no, no , no. This won't do, this won't do at all. You're missing the point."

"The clothes look nice, yes. I wouldn't have picked them if they wouldn't do that much. Its a nice dress, but if I wanted to ask you how it looked, wouldn't it be better to just leave it on the mannequin?"

She was using the doll's back as a wall, supporting her right on her and glancing back at the mirror in a relaxed manner, arms crossed and all.

"This isn't about some stupid dress. It's about you." She looked over the pile and reached for another one, this time a trendy white turtleneck with jeans. It migt be a bit smaller, but they definitely stretched to fit, and it'd bring out the main subject that much more nicely. "Here, try this one and tell me  what do you see." She told her with a devil's grin that was up to no good.

Umbra of Chaos

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She lost the dress and put on those clothes instead. It was... a different kind of style. There was a degree of casualness to it, something that was both pretty yet still useful. "It would serve me well as a more casual guise."


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Now, was she avoiding the subject because she didn't understand, or because she had hit the jackpot? Regardless, the vampire's smile was the same. She had possibly found the chip in her armor.

"Orianna." She told her gravely, uncharacteristically seriously at that. "Why are you only talking about the clothes? Is that the only notable thing you see in that mirror? Please look harder and tell me what do you think."