Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 94001 times)


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Distractingly Intimdating Aura and Immunity to Back Pain. Strange combination indeed, though 'strange' had lost all meaning a long time ago. Adrienne couldn't quite place Medaka's age; her appearance seemed to differ from her mannerisms. This only served to further fuel her own curiosity.

Adrienne met Medaka's proximity with a calm smirk, not breaking eye contact for a moment. "My name is Adrienne." Spoken aloud, her name sounded like a strangely cadenced version of 'Adrian.' "And your name is...?"
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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As both the lavender-head and the emperor came, Emily couldn't help a small smile, for they were just getting started. The strange scene continued on, the redhead finding new ways to pleasure the two, catering to each of their tastes. Rider was hurt and degraded like the wanton fucktoy she wanted to be, just as Nero was exhibited in increasingly lurid ways, every appealing inch of the busty blonde put on display for Emily's and Rider's to appreciate. Well, insofar as the latter was able to appreciate the sight writhing in pain and humiliation as she was. The redhead had had plenty of fun making her cum over and over, each one drawing more attention to just how much of a glutton she was for pain and punishment. Even when she'd been forbidden from release, it seemed like she wasn't even trying to hold back her orgasms.

Of course, Nero was just as delightful to play with, in a different way from Rider. The blonde wanted to be seen, wanted to be appreciated, so the redhead did just that, running lips and teeth and tongue and fingers over every inch of the emperor, vines filling her in all sorts of ways when Emily's fingers weren't. The blonde went to the edge of running herself ragged and past without any hesitation, even that seemingly boundless energy that pouring forth from her eventually slowing to a slow drip, sweet little gasps and moans the only real reaction Nero was able to muster anymore.

Eventually, the redhead stood over the two, gasping and writhing in puddles of their own juices, vines finally slipping back into the floor as she looked over them. With all that was said and done, Emily was...disappointed. Thoroughly disappointed. While fulfilling the desires of others was its own reward, as evidenced by the beautiful sight before her, neither of them had been able to satisfy the redhead's own needs, leaving her feeling quite wanting, to say the least.

"...Really, is that all?" Emily muttered under her breath, moving off to get dressed again, retrieving a plastic bag from her shopping bag and dumping the sweat and cum-slicked one-piece in before tying it off, and looking back at the two, "Pathetic."

After that, the day went by almost entirely as planned, aside from the time lost on the morning's shopping. With her on-call hours over and done with, Emily found herself at one of the many clubs scattered around the Nexus, in a thin sweater that practically clung to her like a second skin and jeans that were only a little less snug, accentuating every curve on the redhead's body as she sat at the bar, nursing a drink as she looked around from the VIP lounge that she'd so "convincingly" asked the doorman to let her into.

What was it that had drawn her to this club? Perhaps the entertainment? Twins with tight curves, gossamer wings, and inviting smiles both literally and figuratively flying up and down the poles. Maybe. Maybe it was the bartender, handsome, dark-skinned, broad-shouldered, impeccably well-mannered, and with a wonderful baritone that she was sure she'd enjoy hearing in a more intimate setting. Or perhaps the fact that the music wasn't the kind that grated on the ears and the senses. Whatever it was, the redhead was sure she'd be visiting this place again later on.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 05:22:55 PM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"..." The demonic sword was not sure how to answer to this. He understood what she meant, and agreed with her. He should have known better, that was certain, but even knowing the truth didn't spare him from the emotions he just felt. And the truth was, he didn't know how to feel about all this, there was no way his centuries of life could have prepared him for this.

"I feel a little uneasy. I think..." He said meekly, but then hesitated. No, that came out wrong, it was almost shameful, and it wasn't what he wanted to say in the first place. But what did he want to say in this case?

Even if he knew, it might just make it even harder to say it. Instead, he opted for the easy way out.

"I should rest. Don't worry, I will be there if you need me."

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded at that idea. It seemed the smartest thing to do, after all. "Well, that depends on the type of magecraft you focus on. First off there's the fundamentals, the arcanologists and their forays into the basic nature of mana. They created the basic spell, mote, as a sort of general measure of mana and efficiency. We measure reserves with it, determine the maximum efficiency of spells based on it, and things like that."


How tiresome. This was exactly what she had been talking about. Clinging to minor things such as the basics of one's magic would continue to forestall overall progress. In fact, she wasn't even sure of the other woman's quality as a magic user. Better than fodder was the only qualifier she had right now.

"I apologize for putting you on the spot in such a manner, Lady Valerie. Allow me to make it up to you." There was a slight swell of magic as information took form, the basics of her vast mystical knowledge being distilled into a flat screen of text. It was about as descriptive as saying that, for example, she had necromancy and could raise bodies. Nevertheless, it was at least something. A lot of something consider Grigori's own vast amounts of knowledge.

It floated over to the noble woman, slightly bobbing through the air. Honestly, this was one of the major problems with working with other mages. They hoarded and clung to the basics of their magic as if she could develop a counter based solely off a bunch of pretty words and vague descriptors.


She blinked at the wording. Then closed her eyes and sighed again. "It is not a matter of feelings. It is about fulfilling the objective in a manner that would aid my master the most. I am no stranger to sexual encounters. This body had to be modified several times in order for such a thing to be possible, but it is possible. The only thing of concern was that your idea was terrible."


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Even though she lowered the spear a bit, he kept his hands up high.  "I apologize," he said.  "I am merely trying to explain my curiosity."  He paused for a second, his heart sinking into the depths of shame as he looked at the bacon and eggs then back at the girl.  "Y-yes that is a big part of it."

He didn't have to be an empath to realize she was annoyed at him.  Fighting expands too much energy, especially when hes this hungry, so he would rather not fight.


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Marcus simply stood there, unable to completely process what had just happened.  He just watched as the beautiful maid left him, her gaze turning away and her body following along with it.  She didn't care about him anymore.  Whatever burst of passion that kept her interested in him was gone.  However, he was sure that was the only thing keeping her from trying to choke him again but it felt like an even greater loss than that.  She wasn't trying to kill him or fuck him.  She just didn't care.

"Yeah I really am," he said, putting his hands in his pocket and turning in the opposite direction.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, it's been fun, Liz." A Messenger popped out of her back as she got off the other girl. "If you wanna talk just gimme a call with that bunny! We can gossip and everything real easy like that, and I'm sure I'll have a ton to talk about once I get back to work."

Then she just gave the succubus a wave and made her way out of the ruined cafe.


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"Adrienne huh?" she repeated, tilting her head slightly.  Despite how the words came out, she was actually able to repeat his voice right down to his specific inflection.  By this point, she had gotten dangerously close to his body.  Her hanging breasts gently grazed his knees and her own curious eyes gently glanced at him from below.  "My name is Medaka Kurokami.  Tell me, what drew you to me?"

She was surprised he didn't react to her coming closer.  Perhaps she had hung around Shinobu for too long, but it might be fun to play with him a little bit.


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The vampire's eyes twisted inhumanely and she scoffed, almost incredulously. For a second, it was like the entire stall was filled with venom.

"Terrible? Probably! Okay, okay, I might have bs'd a little. But just thinking of that face of yours twisting up and being defiled makes my heart flutter with... um let's see. Elation... jubilation... adoration... fuck, just plain old joy will do just fine."

She drew closer to the doll again, this time slipping her leg between hers and rubbing herself against the doll, like she was no different than an a toy to the eyes of the mad vampire. She wrapped her arms around her neck and purred lovingly, reaching to the point it wasn't sure if she might go ahead and taste her or not.

"I really hate people like you, you know? Its almost like you're laughing at me, like you're somehow better than me. But it's fine, I forgive you. Because I love you."

She looked through the doll's blue eyes candidly, almost as if she enjoyed the reflection of their glassy hue more than the eyes themselves. But all of a sudden, her eyes narrowed and shifted into confusion.

"Wait... no. That can't be right. Why did I say that again? It's not like that'd make sense. This whole situation is so out of the blue... it makes me feel like i'm just a doll strung around by a writer's sick fate." She let go of the doll and tilted her head confusedly.  Puzzlement? Or perhaps it was more akin to forgetfulness.

It was frightening, almost like witnessing some strange metamorphosis, or maybe a more correct metaphor would be a piece of code breaking itself in order to prevent a contradiction and reverting back to its initial state. You could compare it to a sick defense mechanism, the sort that induced more headaches to the one bearing the trauma than the ones nearby. As if to prove it, she held  her forehead and  tried supporting herself on the stall's wall, as if genuinely pained for a second.

"Right. I must be so hungry I can't quite think straight. Its not like you'd understand though, I don't think dolls do get hungry." She muttered to herself in a dead tone, only to shake all feeling off and revert to the dumb mutt she pretended to be.

"No matter! I'm bored, so let's go do something. Anything! Feel free to boss me around this time around, I don't even care." Costin finally cheered in her usual glee.


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Valerie von Vincke

It was clear that this Grigori woman lacked much patience. How fortunate then that Olga Marie and Saber appeared to have manners more in line with their station. "Why yes, I do agree, Saber. But, far be it for me to deny my gracious host satisfaction for her curiosity." She released a put-upon sigh, resting a hand over her chest, and turned to Olga with a smile. "Thank you. I may perhaps take you up on that offer to sup later."

Well, there were far more direct ways for this trio to annihilate her if they so wished. This floating orb could hardly be dangerous... the vampire reached out to touch it, wrap it in the faint pyre light of her dark magic. And then it hit her - an understanding of the ridiculously holistic practices this woman, Grigori, held within her mind. Wards and summons and such, Valerie was familiar with. Necromancy, even, which reassured her that this Grigori woman at least would not persecute her for that part.

And yet it seemed... different. "... I see the Outer Realms hold multitudes of practices, indeed." Her smile widened, a bit more genuine now. "I suppose I can comfortably say, then, that I am primarily a necromancer."


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The violent warrior instead of seeking another opportunity for a brawl instead retreated to the outskirts of the city, planning to spend the time until the sunset on continuing some basic training. She could have easily killed some time bringing chaos to the city, but doing the same thing too much would get tiring in a while. She could follow whatever silly rules the tournament had in order to restrain herself. So for example she wouldn't blow up the ring until finals or if she ran into an enemy who would corner her. She would wear a mask of a 'good girl' for now. Yeah, she got to be patient or channel it in another way.

Absorbed in her psychopathic thoughts, she continued her training. For every tree or rock she hit, she imagined face of anyone she fought before. A sort of mental training that overlapped with physical one. Limbs snapped, bones broke, blood was spilt in her vivid and morbid imagination. Bodies were vaporized, malls were torched down, panicked civilians fled. Then she dabbed a pizza in a pool of blood. Getting carried away a bit, huh? Anyone who could take a peek into her mind would be probably revolted by what the imagined mayhem and chaos. And she wasn't bothered in slightest. Stalking, hunting and devouring was part of the core nature she inherited from her parents.

After destroying trees and rocks around, the red haired girl sat on the sole rock she spared. She still haven't changed since the fight with Ray. Her jeans were kinda worn by now, her shirt still sported a hole from getting stabbed by her opponent's sword. The wound healed by now, but still itched a bit.

"Huh, this should be interesting. My regeneration is kinda annoying sometimes when I want to be have some fun." She reflected on the past fight. She also was really hungry for a pizza. With any good sauce. Mmmm.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 11:00:47 PM by Kat »


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It was a voice that came from nowhere. The voice had no presence up until now, being unable to be found by mere instinct. As a creature of the night, Bey had a high affinity for making it extremely hard to find him. That, however, can be counterintuitive, as it just happened now. "Y'know.." The pale man finally decides to show himself, rising from behind a rather large rock he was using as shade for the sunlight. His eyes dart up and down Rikuyo's frame, taking a good, good look into the girl's appearance. "You don't come to someone's bedroom dressed like a stray bitch and wake them up, you damn brat!" The change in voice came as sudden. The albino's voice, previously being calm as a still sea with no emotion showing, suddenly exploded with overwhelming bloodlust. "Oh, you've got me going now. You better have an excuse, y'know. I haven't had fun in a really long time."  The grim on his face is not the least subtle; almost like a wolf smirking down on its prey, it shows the vampire is as serious as can be.


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The nobleman walked through the streets of the city, marveling at the scrap of the map he managed to uncover in a monster's hoard earlier. The map was written in a sort of cipher that it would take some time to uncover, but just a glean made him think that it possibly included some hints how to find other pieces of the map. After all it was 'torn' in a way that implied it wasn't a result of random damage, but a deliberate action. Anyway, he needed to find some kind of expert to assist his endeavor. He considered whom he could ask for help, but for now, he needed some rest.

Because of the fact that he didn't have much money left as he spent the recovered treasure for charitable purposes, he decided to visit a cheaper establishment. A pub, eh? He heard it's how inns were called in Great Britain. He could get some taste of the country's iconic beer, if a pub in this city indeed served British beer.

The gentleman seated himself and ordered a beer, glancing around in the currently empty pub. Not many clients at this hour? He could appreciate having someone to talk with.

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Sakura and Shirou

"Well, if she can detect my familiar, I would expect that she could detect yours", Sakura replied in response to the girl's backup plan. "And I don't see why she'd ignore it just because it was an animal, if it had a magical signature."

Shirou, meanwhile, took a look at the location the girl had picked.

"Yes, that looks like it should be fine", he said. "Should we get going?"

"Yes, let's", Sakura responded. "My familiar should be in place soon."


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Oh, someone was hiding after all under a rock she seemed to miss. Before she could respond to the man's accusation, she was under the pressure of a wave of predatory intent. This didn't cow the girl in slightest. Anyone with her relentless drive was thrilled and agitated rather than intimidated by any show of bloodlust. As if she tried to match the albino bastard, she grinned viciously herself.

"Haha, brat? Yer some kind of hermit geezer if you call this place your bedroom. Naaahhh, I've got no excuse. Such word is not in my dictionary. I wander wherever my whim takes and loaf around whenever I want. Umm, huh?" The redhead interrupted her tangent once she sensed something odd in midst of the bloodlust. His presence was heavy, in a different way than her own one. Ah, well, no point of dwelling on that.