Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 93423 times)


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"I can be anything you'd want me to. But for this conversation, Vanguard will suffice." He told her calmly. His eyes trailed off to the unsightly mess that she left on the ground. He'd just have someone else deal with this. He bowed politely to the girl, but something about it looked off, like his movements were artificial and mechanical by nature.

"I couldn't help but notice how listless you looked, it was honestly quite pitiful. Is this city not to your entertainment?" He asked her curtly.


She hid away the pack of chips to lean to the side, her brows creasing lightly at the topic. Her words were light-hearted, yet they seemed measured with more than whimsy.

"I wish I had a good answer to give you, truly, but I don't know. It is not that it lacks in the fantastic or in the myriad of creatures which give it life, but I remain still. Perhaps, the problem is not with the city but with me, and my demands of the cast."

She straightened herself then, like a flexible blade returning to shape after being tested, smiling meaningfully at Vanguard. "Ah, yes. What I am missing is a hero, whether armored in kindness or soaked in blood," she said.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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The warrior shook his head dismissively, sparing her not one bit of his harsh words. Despite their coldness, he seemed to address her directly, with the sort of authorithy of one so conveniently expert in such matters. One might call this... providence.

"Then you are an idle fool. Salvation does not come to those who wait, I'm afraid if you merely sit here and bide your time, the one you seek will never come. Heroes are hardly such convenient beings."

He paced around her and laid a compassionate hand on her shoulder. Though his body bared no warmth, his words were hopeful ones that could touch even an empty heart.

"If you could allow me a suggestion, why not make what you cannot find with those hands of yours? Any story needs a conflict, and heroes are hardly emergent in peaceful times. If you were to test the masses..."


  • Sir Bonesington
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She reached forward to hold his rugged chin in her fingers, gazing past his worn expression. What thoughtful suggestions he had. It was even sweet, almost as sweet as Evil; and the ages-old will he hid underneath those sweet words even more delicious.

"So little we've seen of each other and you already know me so well. Did you know that was my work for eons?" Rafalia asked, giggling like a devil. But that was long ago. "The truth is, in my previous world, there wasn't a need for that task anymore. Here, it's different. There cannot cease to be heroes in a land like this, Vanguard, and the meaning of their plights has yet to be shown."

The excrucian unhanded his masculine face and closed her eyes, pondering. "I should technically be retired, so I was planning to remain observing for now... but perhaps that is exactly why I do not need to." She jumped to the next steel beam with her arms spread wide.

"Ah, but you shouldn't ask others to do what you yourself wish for," she commented happilly, producing the bag of chips again. "Want one?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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The Godslayer pushed her sword's body against a wall, blocking any route of escape by pinning him tightly. "I told you I was going to feed you properly didn't I? And besides I like it better when you're in that form..... So please, don't run away. Tell me what's bothering you, and I'll let you go... maybe~" He did look really cute when he was embarassed, she found herself lost in her own observation of him, just looking at him was a worthwhile hobby perhaps.


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"In that case I will take my leave for now.." She didn't feel particularly inclined to partake in some grand magical so she took her chance to get out as soon as she could, and due to her status getting out was quite convenient. Much like the blonde had appeared earlier, she now disappeared in a spray of blue particles, she'd remain nearby however to watch over in spirit form.


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The force of the blow would have been pretty devastating if not for the fact she could also regenerate. "Kuh, it's not like me either, getting trashed around like that!" She exclaimed in frustration at her mistake. Thankfully, the attack propelled her enough to put some distance between them.

Her tactic of switching to her more powerful but slower form when she was in Bey's range paid off only partly after all. She was able to deliver rather powerful attack, but her opponent managed to exploit Rikuyo's speed and reactions slowing down and countered too fast for her. She had no choice but too count on her regeneration again. She at least learned one thing: her foe was too fast for her trick to work. She had no choice but to whittle down him first. Maintain her speed and circle her like a wolf or shark and snipe at him from range. After all she could use her energy attacks. She couldn't afford to charge up, so she would just attack in small, quick bursts, hopping quickly from a tree to a rock and other obstacles and so on to hopefully not get caught again.


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"Very good! Just make sure you don't get burned!" Jeanne liked her master's idea greatly, and quickly moved to follow her orders. Instead of moving, however, she simply stood still, holding her flag upright as she gathered magical energy and began chanting. "This is the howl of hatred which was polished with my soul! The time for revenge has come!" Her sword materialized in her hand, and she pointed it forward towards the two. "Dodge!"

"Le Grondement De La Haine!"

And then, an inferno of certain death burst forth.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"In that case I will take my leave for now.." She didn't feel particularly inclined to partake in some grand magical so she took her chance to get out as soon as she could, and due to her status getting out was quite convenient. Much like the blonde had appeared earlier, she now disappeared in a spray of blue particles, she'd remain nearby however to watch over in spirit form.
Valerie von Vincke

"Very perceptive of you, Saber. I had not taken you for one of these young ladies' familiar, but it does explain what I had felt..." Almost as clearly as she felt, at least in her own mind, the people around her become rather more hostile at the revelation of her specialty. But what option did she have, for now? At least until her dark majesty had insinuated itself into them, she had to appease her hosts. "I don't suppose you would believe a statement to the contrary?" Her smile was hopeful, but not naive.

Ah, but at that Valerie had to draw a line. "I would rather refrain for now, your grace. At least until I have my bearings in this strange place. Besides, I hardly think your sanctum has much in the way of corpses or restless spirits."

"All things considered, they are not that difficult to find. I had a reanimated dragon skeleton a a few minutes ago. Unfortunately extenuating circumstances forced me to abandon it. It is a sad state of affairs how certain magic can be so harshly judged." Grigori was definitely considering some sort of mystic poison or similar degenerative effect to deal with people like that.
Olga Marie

"Yes, a shame." Olga nodded. "One should judge a person by their character and skill, not for their chosen art." She looked at Valerie again. She sat back down next to Grigori. "So you can defeat dragons?" She asked her, clearly extremely impressed. Even the great mages and heros of old had issues with feats of that magnitude.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The Elites

Even while avoiding the myriad of projectiles, as seamlessly as he flowed between them the hound's heart was grabbed by a sense of dread. These two were strong, there was no doubt on the matter. But the chills coursing through his body were very real. Which is why he'd end it here and now, because he was the most cowardly of all the Elites, he wouldn't allow a single blow to touch him.

And all of a sudden, his eyes widened.

"You damn-!" His furious cry was cut short as soon as it began, because very soon his fear became a declaration. That black knight was charging something, and the chill coursing through his body became a freezing sensation. Flee, run and don't look back. If you face them a second longer, she will burn your body to ashes. That was the one thing his instinct told, no, screamed at him.

But he refused, and as he steeled his resolve more bullets came crashing down on the two, this time with even greater power. The sniper's forehead sweated,  but the fact she stopped was enough for him to finally take action.

Using that chance and the entirety of his muscles, Okami propelled himself forward like a cannonball. The shock-wave alone cracked nearby walls, and his heroic speed reached a point where he could've slipped through a barrage of bullets unhindered.  Projectiles were a cowardly way of fighting, but he was a coward as well. But despite that all he could perceive was his own death.

Each movement he took was the correct one, piercing through gaps to ascertain a trajectory that would without fail make him reach his foe. His fist would reach their throats and crush them without fail.



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"Eh? No no, you are making a mistake m-miss Lizzie. It is just the drowsiness from the tea, I can assure you!" The poor helpless demon was now pinned to a wall and was trying to squirm out of this situation and his embarrassment. Sadly, while he managed not to blush like a red lava lantern for once, it didn't stop his expression from betraying him ever so slightly. Or maybe it was the ears.

It was definitely the ears.

But feeling her touch again, and just how close the two were. The helpless demon felt like he was about to truly lose his mind. In truth, he couldn't be helped. The spell that had acted on him was a very effective one, not just because of who he was, but also because of who she was. Knowing about it didn't stop these feelings from becoming more and more real.

His eyes drooped before turning back and, for the first time, locking with hers.

"You're not going to believe a crappy lie like that, are you?" He looked bothered just thinking, and knowing, what her response would be. Despite that, he had to ask. For as short as he managed to contain that eye contact before looking away, it was all he managed to say. It almost hurt to think what he really wanted to say, and the fact that he didn't more than anything in the world.

"There's something... I need to tell you." He decided to finally say. Depending on her answer, this might change everything. Or it might just not make a difference.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 12:03:52 AM by francobull3 »


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And then she flicked his forehead. It was playful yet also serious, as the Godslayer exerted enough force to make it sting. "If you call me Miss Lizzie again I'll sever our partnership understood?" It was a serious threat, she didn't want him to be formal with her it would go against true development of mutual trust, an absolute must between a weilder and her blade.

"Lighten up a bit will you. Of course I don't believe it's the tea, I had it myself." She continued without the threatening tone sounding much more lighthearted now, and more importantly she was smiling again. "Just tell me what it really, I promise I won't make fun of you." He was probably embarrassed because she was so close to him, but that was far too an amusing prospect for her to seriously consider.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 12:18:00 AM by Bern »


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"Kyah!" He yelped at the flicker, his fangs showing in his gaping distressed expression, only for the poor demon to droop subtly at her reprimand. He wouldn't do it again, absolutely not. Still, being this close to her, and being figured out so easily. It was all so embarrassing.

His eyes traced downwards, trying to hide a small blush. Then, he turned to face her and talked to her truthfully. "Do you remember when I told you I was a demon? That was mostly correct. But I didn't exactly paint a full picture."

He took a pause, thinking of where to exactly begin. He didn't want to ramble tirelessly and annoy her. That was the one thing he did not wish for. He didn't know why, but seeing her displeased face once more was something he simply couldn't bear at the moment.

"Usually, a demon will be formed from a strong desire. It doesn't have to be negative, any strong emotion can do. Because we are made of emotions and desires, powerful feelings can change us, either in positive or negative ways But emotions that outright change the way a demon interacts with the world are rare, and usually very powerful."

He shifted his gaze back, then focused back. He clasped her hand and brought it to his chest, so he could feel her pulse. He had tried to hide this shameful side, but it was no easy feat. He wanted to be closer to her, to protect her and to be hers and make her his. Even now, these insidious feelings were lingering in him.

"A human might be able to find ways to cope with a mental manipulation. It isn't always the case, but sometimes its much harder for a demon to do the same, especially when that emotion was already there to begin with."


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"Yes..." Sigurd said, his voice trailing off as he turned around to face the massive pile of bacon and eggs.

The smell was intoxicating and the oils still present on the food gave it this gleaming, almost otherworldly quality.  Drool began to trickle down his lips as the scents of addictive fats bathed in his nose.  A near silent step accompanied his approach, as if this was pray that needed to be stalked.  It was as though he expected the food to suddenly sprout wings and fly away.  Dirty hands sunk into the pile of eggs and bacon, the food parting as his dirty fingers disrupted the pile.

There was something uncomfortable about how the food felt against his skin.  It reminded him of something comfortable, something he used to have.  Yes, that is why he stayed away from anything resembling luxury.  It was a reminder of the things that he had just lost.  As he stuffed his mouth with bacon, tears began to stream down his cheeks.  He remembered the smiles that accompanied each meal, the disgruntled frowns that came with the rising sun.  He remembered how once those fats sunk into their taste buds, those tired frowns weakened, just a little bit.

The former hero king turned his head, the tears of the past gleaming in the light of the future.  "Thank you," he said, his voice cracking a bit.  He wiped those tears from his eyes and continued.  "You are a kind soul.  What is your name?"


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"Hey no need to get all down and dirty lady." Neptune backed off and let go of Elizabeth's tail. That was a bit too provacative even for her, at least in this stage of their relationship. They'd just met after all, plus they were here on serious bussiness, so she'd actually have to make it look like she was being serious or her fans would be mad. Yup that was how it was she thought to herself while nodding seemingly to no one or anything.

"Yeah Lorry show her some respect, Liz is laying down her first term." She cleverly added to the demon's statement.


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Elizabeth's cheeks flushed a bit and let out a little moan when Neptune began grabbing and carressing it. Her tail twirled an wrapped itself around the girl's arm, patting her on the head with the heart shaped tip. "Of course I am, silly girl. If you're lucky I'll pay you a visit sometime~" She pushed her ass out right in front of Neptune's face, giving her a full view of her perfectly shaped posterior.

The girl wagged her finger at Lorenzo though and scolded him. "Ah-ah-ah, show some respect first. I'll be Madamn or Mistress Elizabeth to you. That's my first term."


Well, it made her sound older and stuffier, but if that was the image she wanted to go for who was he to judge? Besides, he wasn't going to say no to his adoring fan.

"Sure, Madam Elizabeth sounds just fine. It suits a lady with class like yourself. Honestly, I kinda like it better." His grin sparkled as he said that last line. "Though in all seriousness, that's awfully generous of you. I really owe you a big one..." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly before giving himself a lighthearted chuckle.

"Well, it's fine. I don't mind repaying debts, especially when it comes to people who do me good. My old man did always say never to leave debts unpaid, and this is one big debt I owe. I can't promise the impossible, but I'll do my best to make it worth your while. What's the actual price?" He got straight to the point, flames in his eyes flickering sharply.

Despite that, his words were good natured, even friendly. Unless she proposed some unimaginable atrocity, he wasn't the kind of guy to doubt a cute Mistress's word.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 03:49:45 AM by francobull3 »