The assault on her rose in intensity, the elecrtircally charged axe seeking her form with every swing. She didn't speak anymore, the more outraged her opponent the more serene she seemed. The intensity rose and rose until he was akin to a raging god out to dominate the world. His skill was awe inspring, it was ferocious but also divinely beatiful and it was so utterly flawed.
Lizzie maintained her composure in the face of it all, never showing a single unneeded emotion. Yes if he was a god out to dominate then she was the vision of a calm monk walking down the golden middle road. A being who had broken the eternal cycle and stood above it, that was what she was.
"As you wish."
In that moment she drew her weapon for the first time in their rather one sided exchange. Knowing it's master's will it immediately assumed the form proper, the form most suited for this undertaking. The form of a beatiful scythe, her most deadly and beautiful weapon.
She made a sweeping blow at him, ofrcing him to either pull back or step into her range, her execution grounds.