Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 157648 times)


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He hummed in understanding and carefully walked past the stand to begin. He supposed he had to work for dinner, didn't he. Taking advantage of another's accessibility always came with concessions, and this was much more polite in spirit than most of his transactions.

"A fair agreement."

Airyaman looked back towards her before moving the vials for certainty that he was putting them as she wanted. These things required some safety measures, and as expected, her case held cushioned spots and elastic straps.

He stretched himself for ease of grabbing the items on the stands, his body proportions shifting and then shrinking momentarily, but found himself slowing to skim the labels and peruse the colors of each one.


He pulled the spoon out of his mouth with a wet pop and a sullen curl to his brow, looking between them before laying back. Less than half of the big-enough-for-three dessert cup was still full.

"The only thing that really ends a thug is a bigger thug. I was planning to, but you saw how that worked out," he said, shaking the cutlery at the dubious girl called Lucy. He agreed with her, but killing wasn't his preference either. Unless you were a rightly bastard who deserved it, that is. The hybrid scoffed. "Yeah, rough spot. Not as rough as my unsatisfied thirst for vengeance."

He chuckled at his choice of words and scooted forward, taking more of the now melting ice cream between his lips. "I'm Raikou. You've heard what I am, my occupation is usually monster hunting," he said, pausing in his gluttony to look directly at them. The spoon clinked against the glass.

Then he dug another piece of sundae out of the cup and extended his spoon towards them, neutrally. "Want some?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Noire pulled her drink out of the way of Lucy defensively. "You should ask before trying to partake in other people's things!" She complained. She scolded Lucy, wagging her finger at her as she lectured her. "And that's totally wrong. You just need to set people on the right path! Violence isn't the only solution."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Alexa sat a few tables over from Noire, Raikou, and Lucy, staring down at a blank page on a sketch pad and deftly twirling a pen around in her hand with practiced ease and heaps of boredom. Auriella had perched on top of her halo, whose glow was currently turned off, and Gray was sleepily draped across her shoulder in her dwarf wyvern form. However, even despite her focus, the word "angelpire" drifted over to her ears and caught her attention. The angel (among other things) looked up from her endeavor to see an interesting combination of magical sources that weren't familiar to her. Was one of them part Angel? Well, it just might be a good idea to look into it.

Alexa got up and moved to the table next to them, Auriella flapping down to the gold band on her left wrist as she moved. Among them, only one of them had a note of divine energy in them. It looked like this was the right place, but there were issues to address first. Alexa leaned over from her seat at the adjacent table with concern on her face. "So you were part of whatever people were running away from earlier?" Her question was mostly directed at Raikou, but also to the group as a whole. To the average person she did not look intimidating at all, but anyone capable of reading minds could sense that her consciousness is thousands of times more potent than the average human mind.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 08:45:01 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Nero suddenly felt an urge of mana spread from the side, as Olga's chariot race toward her at speeds unprecedented.

"Humpf! Two can play at that game!"

Facing the incoming behemoth head on, her car took on speed, the air crackled and sweltered, and her lips formed the words-

"Aestus Carrus!"

Immediately, the car was hardly recognizable, wreathed in flames, armored with what looked like crimson and golden painted wood of strongest oak, as the burst of flames concentrated on the underside, making the bumper car hover above the sweltering air and plastic, a manic grin formed on her face as the two "chariots" were about to meet!

Olga Marie

"Cheater!" Olga cried out in dismay. Quickly throwing out a few runes, Olga averted a terrible fate. Instead of crashing into her car, Nero simply crashed into a powerful shimmering barrier. The other cars had tactfully driven away from them, many stopping movement to simply watch the epic battle. Some people began cheering for Nero when her car caught on fire.

Olga's car dodged once more, slamming into the side of Nero's again. Surely this would spell her defeat!!!


"Haha! All is fair in love and war!"

Shaken by the tremendous impact, the wooden armor creaked audibly, the underlying metal bent, yet- it held. And it was time for her counterattack!

Revving up the engine, the red hot flames below increased further in intensity as the car burst forth, slamming into Olga's!


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Nero suddenly felt an urge of mana spread from the side, as Olga's chariot race toward her at speeds unprecedented.

"Humpf! Two can play at that game!"

Facing the incoming behemoth head on, her car took on speed, the air crackled and sweltered, and her lips formed the words-

"Aestus Carrus!"

Immediately, the car was hardly recognizable, wreathed in flames, armored with what looked like crimson and golden painted wood of strongest oak, as the burst of flames concentrated on the underside, making the bumper car hover above the sweltering air and plastic, a manic grin formed on her face as the two "chariots" were about to meet!

Olga Marie

"Cheater!" Olga cried out in dismay. Quickly throwing out a few runes, Olga averted a terrible fate. Instead of crashing into her car, Nero simply crashed into a powerful shimmering barrier. The other cars had tactfully driven away from them, many stopping movement to simply watch the epic battle. Some people began cheering for Nero when her car caught on fire.

Olga's car dodged once more, slamming into the side of Nero's again. Surely this would spell her defeat!!!


"Haha! All is fair in love and war!"

Shaken by the tremendous impact, the wooden armor creaked audibly, the underlying metal bent, yet- it held. And it was time for her counterattack!

Revving up the engine, the red hot flames below increased further in intensity as the car burst forth, slamming into Olga's!

Olga Marie

"Urk!" Olga's very core shuddered as she was rammed, sending her spiraling towards the wall. "Not yet!" She exclaimed, righting herself with herculean effort. She charged forward yet again, intent on destroying Nero's car, but then, just as she was about to deal the final blow, something unexpected happened.

"BBBZZZZZ!" The cars stopped moving. The game was over, and they'd have to get up and leave. Olga sat still for a minute, stupified as her heart pounded.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Of course this troublesome girl had managed to pick out one of the actually magical items in the shop, and a cursed one at that. If she remembered correctly all that one did was give you a severe headache for several hours if you were to touch it with your bare hands. Yukari quickly approached her and snatched it out of her hands with one of her tails, thankfully she was immune to it's effects.

"Don't just touch stuff at random you fool! There's cursed objects here, like that one. I'm sorry for misjudging you, you're just as dumb as you look." She chided the child, clearly annoyed at her foolish behaviour.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 07:21:40 PM by Bern »


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Of course this troublesome girl had managed to pick out one of the actually magical items in the shop, and a cursed one at that. If she remembered correctly all that one did was give you a severe headache for several hours if you were to touch it with your bare hands. Yukari quickly approached her and snatched it out of her hands with one of her tails, thankfully she was immune to it's effects.

"Don't just touch stuff at random you fool! There's cursed objects here, like that one. I'm sorry for misjudging you, you're just as dumb as you look." She chided the child, clearly annoyed at her foolish behaviour.

Noel Vermillion

"Ehhh!!!" Noel exclaimed in shock. She looked crestfallen. "Why don't you put warning labels then? And I don't feel anything! What does it do!" Noel said, beginning to panic. She took several steps back from the skull before calming down.

"So do you sell any potions or stuff like that? Or things with mysterious powers?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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As Nero's car powered down, she seemed quite confused; the flames still crackling, it finally dawned on her:

"There was a time limit?!?"

Dispelling the spell, underneath appeared the battered and charred car, stopping it's hovering and falling a few centimetres to the ground with a loud bump.


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The moment the machines she was out of there. Those two seemed to be entirely occupied with each other so she took advantage of that to sneak out right under their noses. This whoel amusement park had turned out to be a mistake and she had no intentions of staying any longer. So she followed the crowd making their way out and headed for the exit of the park.


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"Oh you'll see hehehe.... Consider it rightful punishment for messing with things you don't understand hehehehehe..." The Kitsune laughed at her openly now, a fool like her deserved to be made fun away. How she was still in one piece in this city was nothing short of a miracle, perhaps she had a guardian angel watching over, it sure couldn't be through her own merits.


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? ? ?

The man was lucky she had told him to take her there, or else he would be missing his arms right now from darign to lay his hands on her body. Nevertheless she answered his questions, although with a majestic tone to show him his place. "What else than humanity? I saw their plight so I came..... And don't call me lady or I'll throw you off the end of the world." Even if there wasn't one that wouldn't stop her. She'd make one so she could throw him in that case. Even Lucy was better than that.


"Oh, scary, scary. Is sweetheart out of the window as well?" He chuckled to himself while he kept riding past the cars at outrageous speeds. "Well, I won't deny some people are idiots, not everyone's all bad. Take this as humble advice if you want to, but humanity  isn't so small that it can be saved by a single person."

He stopped smiling for a second. Yeah, he didn't lie or anything, but humanity was also the sort of fragile thing that coul dbe destroyed with a push of a damn button. That, he didn't say. But sometimes he could still see the wasteland sands around him.


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"Oh you'll see hehehe.... Consider it rightful punishment for messing with things you don't understand hehehehehe..." The Kitsune laughed at her openly now, a fool like her deserved to be made fun away. How she was still in one piece in this city was nothing short of a miracle, perhaps she had a guardian angel watching over, it sure couldn't be through her own merits.

Noel Vermillion

Noel suddenly grabbed her forehead. "Owwww..." The girl was now keeping a wide bearth of anything that looked interesting. Didn't this foxgirl know she could get sued for this! Labeling dangerous objects is always a must!

Noel bit her lip and pushed the pain to the back of her head. It wasn't anything near the worst pain she'd experienced. Barely a pinprick in comparison. So she powered through it. "I'm sorry for randomly touching stuff. Do you have anything to help the pain, Ms. Fox? Please?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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? ? ?

She breathed in, he was being difficult, oh so difficult. But she couldn't go back on her word now, she couldn't have human end up looking better than her, no that will not ever be allowed. "Hmm? What gave you the impression I aim to save Humanity? No that is not why I am here..." Most curious, he was peaking out of regret, genuine regret, and considering the subject at hand he was most likely from another world.

"I have come to pass judgement... You've seen it haven't you?" She leaned closer, or perhaps it was the world that shrank to just the two of them in that moment. "What happens when humanity is allowed to run wild, unchecked...."


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As Nero's car powered down, she seemed quite confused; the flames still crackling, it finally dawned on her:

"There was a time limit?!?"

Dispelling the spell, underneath appeared the battered and charred car, stopping it's hovering and falling a few centimetres to the ground with a loud bump.

Olga Marie

Olga's car, in contrast to Nero's, stopped floating slowly and appeared somehow no worse for the wear. In fact, it shone with an elegant brilliance, still enhanced by magecraft to impossible levels of durability.

"Haha, looks like I win, empress." Olga climbed out of her car and headed for the exit. It looked like Stella had ditched them. "That's too bad." She muttered to herself looking forlorn. Just her luck. Fated to be abandoned and ignored forever. The white haired girl began to sulk, just standing still sadly for a bit.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She gave the foolish girl a fierce glare. Ms. Fox was it? She hadn't been this insulted in weeks, and she had just about had it with this human. "No it's your own fault for being nosey...." She stook a step closer as she threatened the blond girl. "Now get out of here or else I'll use you to evaluate the rest of my collection."

If she dared to refuse her than she'd be in for one nasty surprise.