Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 148026 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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With a nod, and her hand holding his, Xiu brought the sorcerer along with her to somewhere more private. The beautiful albeit small wooden home that she lived in was mostly passed over as she forcibly tugged him towards somewhere else. Not too far away a set of natural hot springs bubbled up, incredibly warm. "Behold, the treasure of this little grove!" Xiu presented it to him with a smile on her face.


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She laughed a bit at how she was lifted up, and she patted his burning skull with a smile on her face. "That sounds great, Vlad. But you know, you can call me Cara. I'm not really the King after all, bot like this."

And quietly, a voice spoke the words, "Heal." Nearly impossible to hear, just to see how it would affect him as he was.


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Dark Vlad

"Uoooh! Amazing Cara, this feeling could almost make me forget the pain. You truly are the kindest of souls!" He exclaimed as the magic acted on his body. However, a temporary healing didn't stop the burning or the flames, so he just burnt down again. Not that he could tell either way, it wasn't even what he was referring to. Nothing more than the gentle pat of his king was enough to send him in high spirits and soothe his burning pangs, eve if it was a moment he would be forever grateful!

And so he took flight, flames enveloping his feet to act as rocket boosters. The liftoff was rough, but nothing compared to the flight itself which could rival that of high speed jet planes.

"Rejoice my lord! Um... I mean, Cara! For it is not every day one can enjoy the view from so high! You may rule upon this entire insignificant city if you so wished, and teach these ignorant humans the joys of being ruled and dominated!" He told her with gallant cheer as he flew high above with her in her arms, slashing the skies with flames like a burning comet. Soon she might even notice their destination, the amusement park....


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A loud panting sound suddenly made itself clear to the woman, and then right after that sound was heard from around the corner came Stella running at a fast pace for a human.

"Does this park have no eeeeeeeeend!"

She sounded clearly distrought, running along with nothing but pure desperation to it. The blond then tripped over her own feet and crashed face first into the ground right in front of them.


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The moment the metal giant of a man raised his back she leapt backwards with Medaka, the sword was pulled out and the other vampire got stuffed into her shadow where she wouldn't bother anyone for a while.

"You are no monster.... You are an empty shell with nothing left but to go on, repeating through the same motions like a machine with no end in sight... Until now."  This man had been nothing but a nuisance since she had first laid her eyes upon him, but it was all over now. Like a true monster she woud devour him.


"Oh really? I'd love to see you try. We both have all day don't we?" His words were as condescent as ever, but the emptiness in his face made whatever emotions in his speech far more disgusting. His axe slipped through the wind while he took a more resolved stance. Lightning crackled around his body and formed a circle surrounding him, delimiting his range.

"Let's dance."


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? ? ?

She breathed in, he was being difficult, oh so difficult. But she couldn't go back on her word now, she couldn't have human end up looking better than her, no that will not ever be allowed. "Hmm? What gave you the impression I aim to save Humanity? No that is not why I am here..." Most curious, he was peaking out of regret, genuine regret, and considering the subject at hand he was most likely from another world.

"I have come to pass judgement... You've seen it haven't you?" She leaned closer, or perhaps it was the world that shrank to just the two of them in that moment. "What happens when humanity is allowed to run wild, unchecked...."


"I guess I did. So what?" He told her straight up. Yeah, he saw humans go to shit, but he wasn't going to buy that kind of absolute bullshit, even from her. If she really could read minds, she should know he didn't just see people doing horrible things. He saw it all, families building themselves back up, people surviving against the odds. Why did she think he raised his sword in the first place? If she couldn't tell what answer he'd give her then she'd never understand humans, and no mind reading would help against that. Only a good heart to heart.

Yeah. He hoped even someone as badmouthed as the devil could get that much. There was plenty of good in humanity too.

"Like this chocolately decadent banana split!" He said with a relaxed grin, ready to dig in the outrageous, utterly sinful dessert. It was a miracle that his body was that deliciously toned despite how often he indulged in these kind of things. There were probably enough calories in this thing to power up a space rocket. He took a big, generous spoonful and looked about to take the first bit, only for it to come moving in the opposite direction.

"Say aaaaaah~"
« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 09:41:58 PM by francobull3 »


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Not even waiting for any further words she lunged at him with sword in hand, they were far beyond the need for saying anything at this point anyways. And most importantly she would never let him open his mouth ever again, to speak with tha twretched voice was something she wouldn't allow anymore, this was the true limit of her patience.


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Ahhhh, the sun was just beautiful this time of the year. The smell of flowers, the sight of fresh bare meat. He was already in the mood for some fun, if only night could come sooner. He whistled as he found a nice spot of shade where he could relax, stretching his arms behind his back. His trusty bat was wrapped in-between while he grinned pleasantly.

To put it simply, he was living the life. Everything was nice, peaceful, going as smoothly as ever. This was the life.

And then he noticed the shadow was growing deeper, blacker. "Huh?" He stopped for a second and looked over his hand to make sure he wasn't making this up. What was up with this wind all of a sudden? He looked up, wasn't the sky supposed to be mostly-

"What the fuck!?" He jumped out of the way with beastly speed and instinct, covering enough distance in that moment to barely avoid being splattered. The earth split and he felt the shock-wave nearly blow his hair away. As the dust settled and he wiped it off his shirt and tie, tied it up gracefully and looked at what was in front of him with shock and awe.

He never saw a ship this big, it was actually kind of terrifying. His mouth was gaping for a second, incredulous. This was like, even bigger than the titanic. Even movies didn't make them look this huge or good.

And that gigantic pile of glory nearly crushed him! He grit his teeth and his veins nearly popped out his hand. Was this some kind of fucking joke? He was having a great time without having to worry about ships falling on his face. Was this going to be a thing? Huh!? Like, for real? How did you even react to something so ridiculous? Was he supposed to walk away and forget all of this ever happened? Like it was all water under the bridge? What a joke.

The vampire spat near him and jumped amazingly, gripping onto the wood with beastly strength and agility before scaling the massive structure. It took him a while, even with his speed, but he didn't care about any of that. If he wasn't going to get a good explanation for this someone's face would find its way in front of a new homerun record.

"Can't you watch where you're landing you goddamn brat?!" He spat vehemently as he finally soared up the ship with a final jump, addressing whoever the captain was if he wasn't swimming in piss and drunk leftovers already. "You could've splattered some old maam or something actually important! Like me."


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She was fast, oh so fast. the giant barely avoided the first strike that grazed his body while he seamlessly returned her slash with a sweeping strike of his own, drenched in enough thunder to shatter most foundations with the sheer girth of the blow.  The strike was wild, unpredictable, and followed not a single of his movements as if his weapon had just come to life. This sort of mastery was impossible for a man who sought any less than to overturn the world itself, and he would make sure to teach her body just what that meant.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 09:33:12 PM by francobull3 »


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A small yelp slipped from her lips as they went rocketing up, but a smile quickly spread over her features as they rocketed around. Still, it was a bit hard to do much other than curl in a bit with how fast they were going. Just all the wind blowing against her face had Cara shutting her eyes and trying to give an affirmative nod.


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? ? ?

What kind of metaphor was that even? Humanity being like banana split? It was one of the most preposterous things she had ever heard and it's what made her finally speak up after letting him say his mind on the way over here.

"Hey no one loves humanity as much a- mpfhhhhhh!"

She never got finish her statement as her mouth was filled with sweet sweet chocolate sin. It might even be more sinful than her, banish the thought!

"You saw that... all of it, yet you rose above it.... You overcame it." A flat tone spoke directly into the very core of his being, it being in sharp contrast to the wide eyed girl in front of him.


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Against any other foe such a formidable strike would surely suffice, no it would stop anything else in it's tracks entirely. But not here, not now. For what he was facing was no ordinary foe, it was a monster, a true monster, one which kind didn't exist any other place than the fairy tales, shouldn't be allowed to exist, but here it was right in front of him. Coming at him relentlessy, without pause, it was the epitome of preserverance, one that transcended human comprehension.

That was the true nature of what he faced, an opponent only a true hero could face.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 11:00:10 PM by Bern »


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Alexa sat a few tables over from Noire, Raikou, and Lucy, staring down at a blank page on a sketch pad and deftly twirling a pen around in her hand with practiced ease and heaps of boredom. Auriella had perched on top of her halo, whose glow was currently turned off, and Gray was sleepily draped across her shoulder in her dwarf wyvern form. However, even despite her focus, the word "angelpire" drifted over to her ears and caught her attention. The angel (among other things) looked up from her endeavor to see an interesting combination of magical sources that weren't familiar to her. Was one of them part Angel? Well, it just might be a good idea to look into it.

Alexa got up and moved to the table next to them, Auriella flapping down to the gold band on her left wrist as she moved. Among them, only one of them had a note of divine energy in them. It looked like this was the right place, but there were issues to address first. Alexa leaned over from her seat at the adjacent table with concern on her face. "So you were part of whatever people were running away from earlier?" Her question was mostly directed at Raikou, but also to the group as a whole. To the average person she did not look intimidating at all, but anyone capable of reading minds could sense that her consciousness is thousands of times more potent than the average human mind.


Fucking Christ, were angels and demons coming out of the woodwork today? Had someone stolen a Dan Brown book and cursed it to bait overly sensationalized figures to this city? Raikou pulled the spoon back and shoved leftover sundae from the bottom of the cup into his mouth, letting it sit there. Twintails girl was well-intentioned but seemed a little tense, and Raikou didn't want to get targeted for preaching right now. He was planning on just being quiet while they sorted it, but this new girl was testing his hackles something fierce.

"You could say that. What's it to you?" He asked.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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With a nod, and her hand holding his, Xiu brought the sorcerer along with her to somewhere more private. The beautiful albeit small wooden home that she lived in was mostly passed over as she forcibly tugged him towards somewhere else. Not too far away a set of natural hot springs bubbled up, incredibly warm. "Behold, the treasure of this little grove!" Xiu presented it to him with a smile on her face.


The creature called Airyaman inhaled deeply of the steamy natural air, feeling a measure of ease enter even his unnatural form, and set down the suitcase he'd taken upon himself to drag along to this point. Even his untrained eye could tell that this was an enviable untouched resource. For someone versed in the mystic potentially even more so. He could think of several uses that a spring like this could have, such as spiritual purification as well as physical treatment, even before getting into the minutia of geomantic power.

"Well, this is a sight. Are you sure about sharing it with me?" He asked. True enough, this was more than worth calling a reward. "You've got yourself a nice location."

He could hear the little spirits bubbling and singing in the stream that led here.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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The thing that woke Rachel up was how her blanket just jumped off her of its own volition. Then the whole room started getting into a jumble until her bed finely threw her out of it and onto the ground. There was some bustle as her whole cabin tossed her about, trying to get her ready for a fight. Roused and ready to go, she made the long walk to the deck. Sword in hand, a cigar in the other, Rachel waltzed over and exhaled a small but thick stream of smoke from her mouth when she saw the weirdo on her ship.

"So, who the hell are you supposed to be? And where are we?"


But before he had even finished Xiu had already slipped out of her rather meager clothes and gone into the spring itself. A welcoming gesture and cheery smile were all Airyaman got. "Come now, Mr. Suleiman, I didn't bring you out here just to talk around it."