Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 137309 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Lance Jackson

"I've got-" He flicked the other spoon with a lazy finger, catapulting it in the air along a nice spoonful of his prized ice cream. The spoon clanged and bounced back and forth against the ceiling's lamp, sparkling deliciously in an absurdly theatrical manner before landing right in his mouth, giving him the refreshing spoonful he so desired.  \

He then scooped it out his mouth and pointed it at her with a cocky grin.

"-no idea what you're talking about. I only know one thing, and it's that there are plenty of humans who play extraordinarily despite being handed the worst cards. I just happen to have been given enough power to fight where others can't, I wouldn't say it makes me any special as a person. Just lucky."


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"Huh? Can't you tell? I'm the queen of England, and you've just landed in Disneyland." He bowed at her like some kind of royalty if only to rub it in further, but his face looked dead serious enough that it almost could be legit.

"It's not my damn job to be your tour guide." Seriously, what's with these dumb requests? Sure women are nothing more than dumb whores, but you'd think they'd turn braindead after you shot them in the head. "Well, whatever. Nice ship by the way, is it magic or something?" He asked her with a bored shrug, but did muster a sort of amiable smile. He wasn't interested in fighting now, he already got the venting out of his system anyways.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 05:14:05 AM by francobull3 »


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But before he had even finished Xiu had already slipped out of her rather meager clothes and gone into the spring itself. A welcoming gesture and cheery smile were all Airyaman got. "Come now, Mr. Suleiman, I didn't bring you out here just to talk around it."


The sorcerer made a sound of surprise and his mouth hung half open as he considered what the polite response would be. This was an invitation to a private wonder that would be rude to refuse at this stage. Staring would normally be uncouth, but she made no secret that she had perhaps the opposite of shame in that regard, so by giving himself that platitude he wasn't offending her. There were so far, no symbolic clauses meant to trick him, and in the end she was answering his insistence with these opportunities.

Ariyaman looked down at the water, set down his possessions and began undoing his tie. Through magic, the rest of his clothes weaved and flowed around him, until he had slipped out of them too. It took him somewhat longer than her, but he stripped much more smoothly than anyone regular person would. His strongly built but lithe body was fully visible in its unusual metallic and mineral streaks for just a moment before he sank into the water.

It took another moment, but it brought a slight, pleasant spark through his bones, and a lazy feeling drifting from his breaths. The sorcerer stared at the surface of the water that reached to his chest, unexpectedly enjoying the instant.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 06:38:20 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"We have arrived! Behold, once your dominion spreads we can make sure to expand this area as widely as you desire." He declared proudly as he arrived, presenting a fiery landing in the middle of the park in top record speed.

"Shall I make a speech to declare your advent, Cara?" He asked her formally, though he might just be shy and unsure of what to do next.

Umbra of Chaos

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A shot rang out in the air, the smoking gun suddenly appearing into her hand. It was so easy to do something like that when it just popped into existence like that. Her finger was already in place and everything! And almost sadly the hair that was standing up on the man's head fluttered down.

Taking another puff from her cigar, she let out a sigh of relief. "That's much better. Damn thing was bothering me while you ran your mouth."


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A shot rang out in the air, the smoking gun suddenly appearing into her hand. It was so easy to do something like that when it just popped into existence like that. Her finger was already in place and everything! And almost sadly the hair that was standing up on the man's head fluttered down.

Taking another puff from her cigar, she let out a sigh of relief. "That's much better. Damn thing was bothering me while you ran your mouth."


"Ha ha!" He smelled the gunfire before the trigger was even pulled and did an amazing flip to avoid the shot, landing gracefully on his feet. He looked just ready for a fight, his veins practically popping out his forehead. Then, he noticed the hair fluttering down and touched his head.

How dare you...

He adjusted his glasses calmly, with an oddly beautiful smile. Almost at ease as he bowed. "Hmph. You are a fine woman, but your temper is even more vile than I. Most humans just get on your knees and beg for forgiveness." He answered, putting on airs and his hands up with a careless expression.

"Fine, fine. Name's Orlando." Hope I don't have to spell it for you. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he said that, he did look a bit paler for one reason or another. She made him sweaty, a sweaty boi indeed. "As for where you are.... beats me. It looks like a ship, but I'm not sure. Just where could we be... I wonder..." He looked away and rubbed his chin, glancing up pensively as if he was really trying to figure this out. Or just fucking with her.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 03:35:09 PM by francobull3 »


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? ? ?

"You can play ignorant all you want priest, but that doesn't change the fact-"

She hadn't touched the banana split herself, as she was merely watching whatever strange thing he was concocting. Her expression was growing more annoyed every second that passed between them. This degree of flair was one she hadn't seen in a long time.

"That you should be feeding me, so get to it or I will come over there and make you do it."


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"Oh, I didn't know you were such a glutton. Then again, I can't blame you. I don't know a single lady who wouldn't swoon over being fed by a man as enchanting as me." He said charmingly, with the sort of flair that would surely make nearby hearts combust. He picked her spoon and took another generous serving of ice-cream. And then another. And another. And another. There was no mercy, no salvation left for her. She would be fed as per request, until there would be not a single scrap of icecream left to lick.

Surely, he'd expect her to reach her limit before then. And then he'd take the rest of the serving for himself and more, if only to gloat his superior sorbet capacity before the devil herself. A flawless plan that could've only been concocted by a genius such as himself, truly.


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? ? ?

A genius plan indeed, one for the ages truly. Therefore it was only fitting for it to backfire spectacualrly, and that's exactly what happened. Her belly was like an endless pit, forever devouring the every trace of the delicous dessert with a mad glee that wasn't of this world. With every gulp she moved ever closer to him, until she was there right next him, all for the sake of speeding it up. she wanted it, all of it, and she wanted it now.

"Oh looks like there is only a spoonful of if left." Indeed there was barely anything left. She took the spoon from him and angled it towards him. "How about we make a bet? I Think this is all you can take, if I'm right you'll have to follow me aroun~" She was clearly mocking him with that obviously fake sweet voice she was using.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Better than you thought, hmm? There is a locus of especially powerful energies here. It's why the place is so relaxing. And it's also why I wish to build my dojo in this area." Xiu's eyes never left Airyaman's form the whole time. Watching him with a playful look in her eyes.


Magic... A thoughtful sort of expression came onto her face for a moment. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I have some super evil Joan of Arc hanging out with me. That what you mean?" It's not like she thought much about what Jeanne said to her before.


Phew. Someone this dumb and infuriating, it was pretty much just like home! So she stomped her foot and the whole ship warbled and flowed like liquid for a moment before collapsing into a giant tide of seawater. As the streets were swept clean by the sudden she stuck the landing pretty well. There was enough for her to harmlessly splash into and float in place until it had lowered enough for her to stand in. "Heh, haven't done that in a while. Anyways, know any bars or brothels around here? Foreign booze and whores are the best things about new places."


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Oh fuck! "What the-" Before he knew it the ground was gone, and he was falling down like a sad miserable potato. "HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! NOWAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAYYYYY!!!  GOD PLEASE-" And then there was silence, accented by a disgusting, almost wet snapping sound mirroring her smooth landing.


Marrow leaked out of the poor man's brains, and he looked nothing short of a mangled mess.


And then he got up.

"Urgh, look at what you've done. Do you have any idea how expensive that suit was you fucking cunt?" He groaned like he had just been stung by a bee. How fucking annoying. His left side of his face was practically oozing with blood, and his neck was snapped disgustingly.

What was once a flawless body looked now like nothing short of a shitty mannequin on strings that just got hit by a truck. It was beyond grotesque, but despite that his form and exterior was mostly intact. Limbs snapped back unnaturally, and while he was all bloodied that didn't stop him from fixing his tie and  wiping the dust and blood off him.

He slapped the side of his head a bit, and parts of a brain leaked out of the shattered eardrum. Well, it wasn't his, so that was okay! Still a fucking pain in the ass though. So with a sigh, he picked up his bat and laid it over his shattered shoulder with a bloody smile.

"Well, at least it looks like you can also speak English. Nothing like head and a cold pint after a shitty day of work." The gruesome sockpuppet cadaver slapped her back amiably and even leaned on her while wrapping his arm around her shoulder sleazily, which made sense considering how bad he looked.

"They're not usually that filled at this time of day, but I know places for varying tastes. How about it pal, wanna have some fun? You won't even have to pay."
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 12:58:25 AM by francobull3 »


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W-what? No way... His eyes would've nearly ripped out his glasses. What was up with that? He didn't think she could keep up with his daily snack like that, even if she was the devil this was nothing short of a miracle. And to think she still managed to look this cute, damn he was jealous!

"Now now, I may be a gambling kind of man, but even I know there's some bets you just don't take." He put his arms behind his back and relaxed, pushing the nearly empty bowl to Lulu. "There's no way that'll be enough, I'm juuust going to order another one."

And thus one did, one that was far towering the previous one. It was huge, like a tower of babylon of sin. Even for the both of them, there was no way this was possible to finish. "Now, even if you're the devil that doesn't mean we shouldn't even the odds a little." He grinned. "And if I win, you're going to have to wear a maid costume and do all my chores for a year. Oh, and that includes paying rent."
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 01:40:38 AM by francobull3 »


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? ? ?

This had turned out to not be as ineresting as she had first envisoned, a minor setback however, but one that could be worked in her favour with just a bit of effort. Yes this posittion was even better depending on how you viewed things, and she was always for making things more interesting. She still shook her head at his silly attempts.

"No not at all, that simply won't do....." She took her spoon closer to the tower that reached for the very heavens. "Trying to conquer the very skies was mankind's first and greatest sin....." The spoon made contact at a certain point and as it did, the whole tower shook as if struck by divine lightning. "And the Lord punished mankind for their sin, by toppling the tower, their symbol of greed." It was ineviatable now, the collapse was too far gone, it all came crashing down at once. splattering all over the table, but most importantly, ruined the bowl of ice cream.

"Looks like you're stuck with my bowl after all Hero~"


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"Why did you really come here? You didn't seem very interested in what I was selling." Before the blonde had the chance to leave she bombarded her with a question. It was rather strange after all, she didn't really seem like she was a pursuer of the occult as she never even eyed up the real stuff.

Most strange indeed, instead of running away the moment she got threatened, she replied back with the police. So either she was a complete  moron or she had connections.


"Because I was interested in you, and your store sounded neat. Is that so weird?" Noel asked as she continued floating away. She was rather upset at how she'd been treated still.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Magic... A thoughtful sort of expression came onto her face for a moment. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I have some super evil Joan of Arc hanging out with me. That what you mean?" It's not like she thought much about what Jeanne said to her before.

Sakura Matou

Sakura would have spat out her drink if she'd had one. Joan of arc, evil?!? What the fuck was that. She couldn't even think of such a thing. It almost made her laugh.  "What in the world-how did that happen." Sakura began to chuckle a bit before recomposing herself.

"So how strong is she? Stronger or weaker than you?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end