Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 137427 times)


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"Hey! I'll give you something for free if you come back and have some tea with me!" She shouted after the girl who was now floating away, yes floating away of all things. That just made her even more curious about this whole thing. Just who was this girl? She wanted, no she needed to know. Of all the thing to catch her attention today, it had to be her.


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"Nonononononono! We can just hang out. Nothing about the king or anything. Just, you know, have some fun and stuff. Pleaaaaassssseeeeee!" Putting her hands together and staring at Dark Vlad with a wobbling lip. "It'll be great!"


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"Hey! I'll give you something for free if you come back and have some tea with me!" She shouted after the girl who was now floating away, yes floating away of all things. That just made her even more curious about this whole thing. Just who was this girl? She wanted, no she needed to know. Of all the thing to catch her attention today, it had to be her.


Noel turned around. She looked at the fox with suspicion, and rightfully so. She didn't trust her at all. She'd done nothing but be a huge jerk up until now, and now she wanted to play nicey nice? Noel smelled an ulterior motive.

Still, she could give her the benefit of the doubt.

She stood still and regarded her suspiciously. "Why are you suddenly being nice about this? I thought you hated me."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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She let out a loud laugh before returning the hold on the guy. "Oh god, you crack me up. 'Paying' for things. Let's just have a good old day on the town. If anyone wants to pass a bill onto us I'll pay them with some bullets. Rough estimates but what, is it still a couple dozen for a few dollars?


"About even. Eh, she might be a bit stronger than me, but I can get the drop on her if I'm close enough. Dunno how it happened, but we robbed a place together and she set a lot of people on fire. Good times." She let out a sigh of nostalgia.


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"Better than you thought, hmm? There is a locus of especially powerful energies here. It's why the place is so relaxing. And it's also why I wish to build my dojo in this area." Xiu's eyes never left Airyaman's form the whole time. Watching him with a playful look in her eyes.


"It's a very useful resource," he remarked, impressed, though his tone betrayed little inflection. It was as Airyaman had assumed, by her words, and that indeed made this an unexpected boon to share in. "You'll be able to get much out of it with where you've installed yourself."

The sorcerer leaned back on the edge of the hot spring, warming up gingerly. It appeared Xiu expected them to be at ease, and so he slowly lowered his guard. Desiring to soak the entirety of his form, a change came over Ariyaman with the slight sounds of bending metal and cords pulled taut. His build grew, the paleness of his skin inverted color, and his face opened into a canine skull of brass as his hair hardened into half-curled horns.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"I thought you were one of those teenagers with no money who comes in to take a look at everything for fun. You do seem very young and this being a speciality store I don't really have the kind of time to deal with that." She bowed to the blonde. "But I see now you're clearly connected to the supernatural in some shape or form and it would be poor form of me to not hear you out." She explained her reasons as concisely as she could.

"Hmm.... Could it be you're an Elite?"


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The moment when Anastasia noticed someone around Medaka while she was blown away by the wind she indirectly created, she realized that another third party joined the fray. She couldn't exactly make out what was happening, only noticed a presence of another person. Thinking again on her feet, she looked for a place where she could crash land relatively safely while protected by that spell. She set off another, weaker version of the spell she used to propel herself to begin with in order to deaccelerate. She made a quick calculation and chose crashing on the top of a large tree as slow as she could feasibly manage.


A broken rib and a bruised body were a small price for being able to crash relatively close to the battlefield. In fact, it was quite an optimal hideout for observing the battle and hopefully intervening. She grimaced from the pain of the crash, but recomposed herself thanks to the adrenaline. There was no time for succumbing to pain during such intense events. She had to focus and do her best to track the battle even if most of the movements of those people were impossible to precisely track.

If there was any chance she could actually help, then she would seize it in a heartbeat.


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She let out a loud laugh before returning the hold on the guy. "Oh god, you crack me up. 'Paying' for things. Let's just have a good old day on the town. If anyone wants to pass a bill onto us I'll pay them with some bullets. Rough estimates but what, is it still a couple dozen for a few dollars?


"Probably? I wouldn't know since I just make my own. Besides, why buy em if you're gonna end up using it to pay for em anyways?" He shrugged nonchalantly with his free bat-wielding arm and grinned smugly while walking along, but he did think about it a little. What an amusing human, it wasn't often he found them so entertaining. But even so, how would that even work...

A) Buy bullets

B) Shoot shopkeeper

C) Take money back

D) Rinse and repeat

As he figured it out by himself, he blinked flatly behind his sunglasses. Sheesh, even he wouldn't go that far (that was a lie). He just turned to her and spoke up like a grandpa who was very unimpressed with her life choices. "Wow, you're a dick."


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"Nooooooooooooooooo!!!" He gaped wide in horror as his meal was demolished down to its very foundations. He paid for that too, all for nothing. His fist slammed weakl against the table and his face was buried on it, it looked like he was about to cry. This was all just too cruel. Then, he picked her spoon and pouted with a determined glare. "Tsk, fine fine. I'll kick your ass and have you do all my chores for the rest of my life!" He wouldn't accept any less, not after she just ruined his meal. So he picked the last piece of icecream and sent it straight ot his mouth, consequences be damned. He would finish this like a man!

Umbra of Chaos

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How interesting. "Is this your original form? Or is it simply one of many that you can become? I have known of some beings who lacked a defined structure and could shape themselves as they willed." Xiu's smile at least never changed a bit.


"Eh? What are you talking about? It's a completely legal transaction!" Her pistol materialized again and gave it a good whack. Then the bullet and some gunpowder poured it. A few more whacks and she was leaving a nice pile of powder and metal all over the place. Good thing there was still water everywhere to make it useless!


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The corpse grinned widely after she said that, no differently than a kid who had just walked in a candy store. He just knew he'd say that, and was more than glad she didn't have as much of a stick in the mud as everyone else.

"A pirate caring about anything legal, now that's a bad joke. Hope you can hold your ale brat, I'm not ready to drag your ass to the hospital room." At least not without a helping. He smacked her back before dragging her along to the sleaziest, sexiest place he knew. But after a while of fun chatter and laughing at his own lame jokes, he looked at her with an oddly childish, innocent pair of sun-glassed eyes.

"Actually, what do you like better. The cheap stuff or the fancy stuff?" He asked her curiously. "Also is it just me or does it smell *sniff* kinda funny?"

She couldn't possibly pick it up, but to him it smelled far too familiar. Far too forbidden. But so succulent.

He clutched at his head with a grimace, like he suddenly got a bad headache.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 04:52:32 AM by francobull3 »


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? ? ?

"There there, don't cry." The devilish woman patted him on the head like he was a little child. "A big boy doesn't cry over some spilled ice cream now does he?" Yup, no doubt about it. She was totally and utterly making fun of him. Little did he know, that spoon was all he'd ever be able to eat, he'd fill stuffed to the point of exploding once he's eaten that.

"After all you can't be crying when you're supposed to clean up for me."


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"Grrrr, I'll show you!" He roared before devouring the spoonful whole. As he did that, he felt a wave of sensations hit his stomach like a tsunami. In thatmoment, his eyes widened behind his glasses, and the spoon trembled. He looked struck, barely holding himself up as he muttered weakly with grinding teeth.

"No... no way... how could you..."


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? ? ?


She burst out laughing at the sight of his pained expression, would he ever be able to live with this shame?


She stood up, said action being almost uselss due to her barely inching out over him even as he was sitting. Not being deterred by this in the slightest however she continued.



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"Ugh..." He groaned as he felt his body falter. Could this be true? Was this the end of a hero? He looked like he could barely stand, let alone fight. In the end, a mere human was surely no match for the bringer of light. And yet, Lance did something unimaginable. Even at the brink of defeat, he smiled and chuckled, as if there was something she had overlooked. Or could it be his own crushing defeat brought him amusement?

« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 02:22:26 AM by francobull3 »