Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54507 times)


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With that her hesitation shattered like frail glass. "And miss out on the action? I didn't think you had it in you, you were such a beast." She sounded quite pleased despite what she was saying.

The maid moved a step closer and bowed. "I'd love to serve you master~" The cutesy tone from before was back, her eyes shone with mostly fake adoration for the man.


"You ain't the only one who keeps it proper on the outside, Molly." Then he held a hand out to her and nodded in her direction. "Now, how about you do some serving by helpin' me punish a few folk who've done some wrong?" Liam knew that sort of thing as a bit more up her alley than just cleaning. Though there'd probably be quite a mess to clean up afterward.

They'd work on the sincerity later.

"I'm open to suggestions if you got someone in mind."


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Did Gaddy fall prey to great enemy known as fake Intel? It sure looked like it from where she was standing. She pulled them closer, the crowd surprisingly making way for them much easier than before.

"Whoa that looks fun, the reward for the winner must be something real special." Not even waiting for a response, the purple goddess rushed ahead and stepped into the ring.

"Lo and behold, the heroine has arrived! It's your very own Goddess of Planeptune, the great nepper of many foes. Neptune!" Her arms spread wide as she introduced herself.

And with that, any pretense of stealth was irreversibly shattered.


... the great nepper? What did that even mean? He had not the opportunity to inquire with her as to the meaning, because now they were the center of attention for the entire crowd. It was not an unheard of thing for him, and clearly not for her, but they were obviously interrupting something.

The announcer, a short man standing on a box beside the ring, said as much. "Hey, you're supposed to wait your turn! And announcing people is my job!" He wasn't wrong. She did just steal his purpose for being here.

The crowds were quiet now, interested in seeing where this went. The two fighters were... less so.


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"It's the work of my magical hands of course." He moved his hands to her slim waist and pulled her closer. The night was still young and there was more that needed be done, always more.

And with that he gave her quick kiss to silence her foolish protests. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it my very cute goddess."


Noire was now sitting in an extremely embarrassing position. She was facing William, and was as close to him as possible. On top of it all, he'd kissed her!

"Mmmmnnmmmmmmnmm..." Noire made a noise vocalizing her complaints. She wanted this but wasn't this way too fast? But she could feel herself getting a bit wet. It seemed like she really wanted this.

The poor girl didn't know what to do.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The two young women ate their meals in silence, Olga ending up having eaten four whole meals without breaking a sweat, while Grigori on the other hand looked quite full from just her one.

"Ahhhhh..." Olga exclaimed contentedly, stretching her arms as they waited to pay. "Would you like me to teach you the spell? It's quite handy, as you can tell."

She wasn't even the least bit ashamed of her raging gluttony.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The priest tilted his head, staring at the balls curiously.  "No," he said.  "Not at all."


"I told you!  I'm worried about you," she said, taking off her duel disk.  "Even those gifted with supernatural talents or powers could be in danger just from being associated with us.  I don't believe you are powerless, even as a normal girl, but I want to know what your talents are.  That way, I can better understand how to help you survive when you are living with us."


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(Softreccing a thing after I talked with franco, Aiden and Umbra)


Meanwhile, it didn't take long for them to find culprits behind the murder. The monk was in his original male form, as that was his public face while travelling around the city. He intently observed the two murderers, not rushing into the duel. Compared to Engetsu, he could tell that the other sword was slave to its passions from the demonic aura he witnessed.


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The priest tilted his head, staring at the balls curiously.  "No," he said.  "Not at all."


"I just keep weird animals inside. I won't release the bigger one, but I'll show you the small one." She dropped the ball on the ground, releasing a feline creature. "Looks like a cat, doesn't it? Well, apart from that weird golden thing on its forehead."


"I told you!  I'm worried about you," she said, taking off her duel disk.  "Even those gifted with supernatural talents or powers could be in danger just from being associated with us.  I don't believe you are powerless, even as a normal girl, but I want to know what your talents are.  That way, I can better understand how to help you survive when you are living with us."


"Let me guess, either your friend or one of those lowlifes that tried to break into your home will try to off me for some reason or another." She morbidly remarked. The third option was one of her enemies catching up with her here.


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The hero's cloak veiled him from the night. He was walking with the same calm dullness you'd expect from a corpse, yet his eyes were flickering with life. He often enjoyed looking at the stars and making shapes out of their formations. Sometimes, he'd even dream of foolishnesses as trifle as reaching up and catching these shining lights in the palm of his hands.

Then he learned of what lied beyond the heavens. It changed him, surely, as it would have any man, that much he knew from the beginning. Well, he didn't care whether he'd break or shatter, his desire was still the same. He simply couldn't stand these millions of lights looking down on him so mockingly, even now he'd look up at the skies, reach up and close his hands as if to reach for something he had lost and forgotten, like a memory.

Vanguard smiled. How foolish, he was still too small. He needed something to make him just a little taller, somewhere to rest his useless feet and jump so high the earth would look like a pebble. Would he keep soaring then, or would his craving crash down along with his body and break once more?

His answer.

Which is exactly what a tall castle was for in the end. It was about time he took a closer look at the fruits of his labor, and perhaps even apologized to him.

He had been quite uncouth as of late, surely one would excuse the wild temperaments of a senile wretch as himself. Ahh, but he wasn't quite the one to blame either, was he? A mere phantom? How laughable, even now the truth would keep stirring his heart as if he was in a storm of emotions, a true roller coaster so to speak of.

"Good grief, the walk hardly seemed this long the last time I took these steps." He laughed as if there was something inherently funny about, to put it bluntly, everything. Settling for a fairly thick portion of the forest, yet brimming with life and warmth, he sighed and let his breath release what seemed like a colossal weight off his shoulders.

He sat in the middle of these trees, these hands of life that reached as desperately for the stars, yet were chained and bound by the earth. These thousands of unfulfilled desires weren't so different from him, he almost pitied them. Surely that couldn't be helped either, for his soul was still far too large, even rotting as it was, and mundane feed did little to sustain it.

He took another breath and circles and letters formed around him, like extensions of his hands reaching out to the forest, ancient words of power long forgotten were grasping at the trees. And then, from the smallest critter to the largest of trees, the lake, the fish, the stone, the dirt and the life surrounding the man of steel slowly began to wither and crumble to grant his sustenance.


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She went quiet in an uncharacteristic manner, was this it? Was the ride the true answer behind the nefarious that was brewing? Or was it something else entirely? He turned to her wondering what it was now. "What's the matter?" He couldn't really find the energy for any deeper questioning rigth now. He was hungry and wanted to get to that restaurant sometime today, how long was that ride gonna take anyway?


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The blond vampire felt elated at the offering, she could stop holding back now. With the offering of his blood her hunger could now be quenched and it was a relief to say the least. She leaned down and bit, her razor sharp fangs penetrating the skin of his neck. Blood flowed out, that precious liquid she so craved flowed out and into her mouth, filling her up. It tasted a whole lot better than the blood of average people and she happily consumed. But things had to come to an end, she still needed him to function after alll. After taking about half a liter of blood she let go, satisfied for now and ready to move on.

Shinobu jumped back to her feet and pulled Ron with her up. "Then go ahead and show us the way." She turned to the other woman. "He might become violent, so do not blame me if you get yourself killed."


Her fangs going in kinda hurt, and his body's natural instinct was to grab the vampire as if to push her away. Ron got about as far as grabbing her before stopping himself, and shuddered in a bizarre little mix of discomfort and excitement. It was almost like being in a fight for his life, only without the fighting part. The rush of adrenaline.

He idly hoped that didn't flavor the blood in a bad way; he doubted it.

Once she pulled him up the bite marks healed before their eyes on their own, and he stretched and shook his head a few times. "Just lemme get the rest of the blood flowing." Another shake of the head, and this time he fell back down to all fours and became much hairier. A wolf, the form where his sense of smell was strongest of all. He could probably even smell the guy's scent on Shinobu if she'd fought him at some point.

Otherwise he barked, and moved as soon as they were ready.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Sakura and Shirou continued to look at the girl with concern, obviously not believing her denial. The girl had been extremely hungry when they'd come to the ice-cream place, and now she was claiming she was full. There was clearly something wrong.

Moko, too, seemed to notice it and, before they could say anything, he jumped up to her, clearly concerned about her state. The two of them momentarily smiled, proud that the newest member of their family was showing himself to be a true Emiya, but they were far too worried about the girl's state to spend much time considering the actions of their pet.

"You don't seem fine", Shirou replied, obviously concerned. "Moko is worried about you, and we are too."


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Muramasa Katase

Another powerful weapon?  It was certainly far from a first. The Muramasa had sundered many potent weapons in her time, and left their shattered steel laying across the ground in the pooling blood of their equally inadequate wielder. But something was missing here. It felt far too sedate, too tame, to be kin to this demon sword. Katase quickly understood Meti's point as well, looking through her eyes.

i do not want to be interrupted

Another opponent formed to make this a proper two-versus-two match up. A samurai warrior of considerable strength adorned in armor and wielding an unwieldy tetsubo bubbled up from the ground as if it the asphalt had become a seething cauldron of malice. Katase's bloodthirst pulsed through the air at the expression of power.

Then she spoke through her wielder's lips. "Let us keep this fair."


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Fair? That thing, for he didn't even dare associate with such a terrifying presence, had a cruel sense of humor. But just looking at the blade gave him a chill. Such palpable blood-lust, even the battlefields he'd raze were a drop compared to this. And yet, the one that unnerved him the most was not the weapon, but the murderer adorning it.

He didn't like the look of that one, it was too piercing for his liking, made him feel too naked for comfort. For a second, every single one of his combat instincts screamed for him to flee, run away, and never look back. It was this instinct that told him this was not a foe he could defeat.

"A three versus two? That is hardly what I'd call fair." He japed, trying to ease the tension in a relaxed manner, but his guard didn't lower one bit. He'd draw his blade in the blink of an eye, he just didn't want things to come to that. "I don't know what these people have done to you, but we're not here to fight. Why don't we settle our differences over tea and cake?" He asked the two with the most jovial smile he could muster at the time.


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The purple haired goddess didn't falter for a second under the pressure of the attention. No, she thrived in it, acting as if this was the norm and anything else was abnormal.

"Shush, you're just an unimportant side character who won't be mentioned again after this scene." Somehow her voice was carried across the room, clearer even that the announcer himself, overpowering his.

"But he kinda does have a point. Even I'd find it unfair to fight like this, so why don't both of you come at me?" She happily challenged the two fighters with seemingly no care in the world.


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She went quiet in an uncharacteristic manner, was this it? Was the ride the true answer behind the nefarious that was brewing? Or was it something else entirely? He turned to her wondering what it was now. "What's the matter?" He couldn't really find the energy for any deeper questioning rigth now. He was hungry and wanted to get to that restaurant sometime today, how long was that ride gonna take anyway?

Oka Kurosawa

Oka smiled at him and put a finger up to her lips, shaking her head. She was very clearly not going to tell him what was up, but she by no means looked distressed or nefarious about anything.

And then before either of them said anything, a large red van drove up next to them to take them to their destination. They got into the car, which began driving towards the restaurant. Oka suddenly began rifling through her bag and pulled out half of a ham and cheese sandwich, offering it to Jin. "You look ready to collapse. Do you want it?" She asked him with a tender voice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end