Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54482 times)


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Auspicious Breeze

So wait, now Sakura was out of the room and she was okay again and Breeze had been freaking out for nothing?! Was that really how this was going? This Solar was a little skeptical of that sudden turnabout! Not that she didn't get weird sometimes herself. She always felt a lot better after having a total breakdown too, so maybe Sakura worked like that?

She hoped her suspicion didn't show on her face! Breeze made her face a smile real quick there. It wasn't even all fake because she looked to Oren and her eyes just said 'you're great!' to her.

"Ahh..." Then she turned her attention back to Sakura and rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry about earlier. You look really good in that, though!"


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The vampire turned ominously with bloodshot eyes in order  to cleave the girl before she could reach her with her stakes, but before she could strike her with her blood swords she stopped at the cold feel of metal against her neck. Before she could look back at the man or be surprised, a gunshot burst through her throat and her body went limp and off balance, giving the vampire a perfect opening to strike.


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"Well, I did say we should take a break," she retorted, nursing her right arm with her left.  "There is no need to worry about these things all at once.  But more importantly, I have been doubting my abilities lately.  I just worry about trying to protect someone who is completely 'normal.'  However, after that card game, I feel much more secure.  You may not have any special powers, but you are at least smart enough to handle yourself in any situation."

The blue haired vampire paused before breaking into a small smile.  "I am sorry," she said, rubbing her arm more.  "Yes, feel free to test me.  I will gladly accept any challenge."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Marcus was talking; the quips were a sign that he was unsure.  He was swaggering bravado in an attempt to show the other vampire he wasn't afraid.  Or distract her as he shot her with the .44.

Costin had started to swing her bloody blades at Forest, but the gunshot to the throat caught her off guard.

Her body went limp, swaggering off balance.  The opening was all too easy.  Twisting her new blood spikes like daggers in her hands, Forest got her makeshift weapons into position.  Her right hand went to strike the spike into Costin's heart while the left drove to impale her through the forehead.


Rin chuckled as Joe enthusiastically pulled her to her feet and led her into the lobby.  The harsh lighting stung her eyes for a moment before adjusting.  The smell of old popcorn and spilled soda was cloyingly thick here, enough that it made the back of her throat burn.

Then he playfully jabbed her arm with his finger and she grinned.  "Well, it was watchable at least," Rin answered while tilting her head, "The protagonist was more interesting than our hero I think.  The fight scenes didn't make me cringe too badly, which is a plus!  What did you think of it?  Other than the actress was cute?"

She studied his averagely handsome features, their wholeness making him look almost bland even for a white person.  She was Asian after all; white people were exotic to her, just as she was exotic to them.  Yet living in London for several years had made people of all races somewhat familiar by now.


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"Agh!" Marcus screamed as his legs rapidly grew back.  He stumbled backwards, holding his forehead as he moved back.  The pain of losing his legs was rushing back to him, overloading every sense in his body.  Light flowed in and out of his eyes, threatening to throw him into an unconscious state.

No!  Not yet!

He fell to his knees, staring helplessly at the two vampires, wondering who would win the clash.


"I loved the fight scenes!" he exclaimed, smiling passionately like an excited child.  Truthfully, it was one of the best action movies he had seen since he was a kid.  The characters weren't great, but it was like watching a james bond film.  Everything was just so crazy it was hard not to get swept up in everything.  "Like that scene right before they confronted the antagonist, it was great!"

Then he sighed, and conceited, "But yeah, the actress and the main antagonist was the only interesting thing.  And really, she was just hot, not really all that interesting herself."


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The vampire was slammed by forest's attack straight into a concrete median, cracking the pavement and sending a splashing cough of blood on the blonde vampire's face. The heart and head, that and sunlight were classical vampire weaknesses. If there was any way to kill an immortal vampire, that would surely do the trick. No mere apostle could perfectly survive impalement, it wasn't something the conventional curse of restoration could undo.

Costin did not move, twitch, or make a single sound. By all means she should be dead. And suddenly, a cold bloodied hand grabbed Forest's arm with the crushing grip of an elephant, pulling her closer. Her hair uncovered her two eyes, bloodshot eyes that couldn't have turned any more alive.

Indeed, even she wouldn't be able to shrug off impalement, but she hadn't been impaled in the first place. As soon as they made contact with her, the bloodied weapons melted, making it seem like they pierced her. That hit did pop quite a few ribs though, she'd have to pay her back for that.

"Are you retarded?" She growled in annoyance before her bloodstained hand turned into a blade that shot straight into her chest, piercing her heart as if it was a knife. Jeez, what a waste. She gave her yet another perfect opportunity, and this was really the best she could do?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 03:48:40 AM by francobull3 »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

So that didn't work, Forest thought distantly as Costin coughed blood on her face as she slammed her into the concrete median.

The sound of cars going by rushed in her ears as she realized that her impromptu weapons didn't work.  In fact, they had returned to their former liquid state.  Only to have something cold and sharp pierce through her chest.

"Are you retarded?" Costin growled at her.

Forest felt blood bubble forth from her chest at the sharp pain and spill across Costin's hand.  Her glowing crimson eyes narrowed and she retorted, "Are you?"

Then she grabbed Costin's wrist, pulling herself closer to the other vampire before swinging a leg up and around Costin's arm.  Her other foot planted firmly into Costin's chest as she kicked herself back.  The blade of blood tore out of Forest's chest in a fount of her own blood and sharp pain that steeled her as she fell back, landing in a crouch.

She stood to her full height, her chest already knitting itself back together before she lead off with a double jump kick, her foot catching Costin under her chin.


Rin chuckled at Joe's enthusiasm and nodded.  "I actually really liked that motorcycle chase midway.  Now that was really exciting!  That had to have take some real skill to pull some of that stuff off, I was actually kind of impressed."

She shook her head with a grin, "But one of those fight scenes was really hard to follow with too many quick takes."


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Anne wasn't wrong. This wasn't their fight, not really. The fur stood up in alarm on his back, his senses becoming all too aware of what kind of threat he was facing. If he did push himself here then there would be no half-assing it. Either he took this thing down with spirit-rending teeth before it could rip his heart out or take his head off, or well... yeah.

This all took a fraction of a moment to consider. A stronger feeling dismissed her point. It was night. The moon was overhead, and the hunt was nearly complete. The prey was right there and he couldn't just leave it be.

do not be cowed

He nudged Annabeth's hand aside, and glanced sharply to Shinobu. Were they doing this? He was ready.


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Olgamally Animusphere

Olga picked up a plate, and after ensuring that nobody would be paying attention, transmuted the plate into a pile of pure gold coins with the Animusphere crest on them.

And with that, the two left, with the taller white-haired girl leading the way.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The boy fell on his butt, looking up at the woman with fear.  His body was shaking, his mind racing as he stared at those sharp fangs.  His hand curled into a fist, ready to fight back if she followed up on her threat.  However, she didn't.  Instead, she began talking to the fire mage.

 A voice spoke from his hood, lecturing him like a worried older brother.  "Mason, next time try to be more...ahem, subtle. I was trying to get the attention away from you."

"Sorry," he whispered back.

This time, he waited until the girl was arguing with the pirate.  Then, he calmly walked away, his finger glowing once again with a blue light.  Just like before, a line was drawn behind him as he moved forward.  Hopefully, she wouldn't notice this time.


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He truly did tear into the poor sandwiches like a man possessed for such was his unquenchable hunger. He almost missed the question, but he would never do that, no. "Picnic... good.... go..... spring...." every word accompanied by a bite, some drowned out, no more like most of them. At least he still had his priorities straight, justice couldn't be carried out on an empty stomach.

Then it came, the dreaded question that you never ever wanted to hear while in a car. "So.... Are we there yet?"


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"Yeah!  The motercycle scene was cool," he agreed, maintaining his enthusiastic smile.
Then, her criticism hit him, causing that smile to weaken.  "Yeah, that fight scene wasn't as good as the rest.  But..."  He stopped.
They were outside, in the dark, surrounded by the endless possibility of danger.  He reached out and grabbed Rin’s hand.  With his other hand, he whipped out his phone from his pocket.  “Huh, it looks like that guy plays villains a lot.  No wonder he was so good.”

Cherry Lover

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Taking the phone, Rider entered her details into the contact, before passing the phone back to the girl with a smile.

"There you go", she said, before taking out her own phone.

"Do you want to call me so I can get your number?" she added.


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The priest nodded.  "Very well, but I ask that if a conflict arises, you let me take on the bulk of the fighting.  I will benefit greatly from long range support and other forms of magical assistance."

Ruler began walking towards the door, before turning around.  "It has been...nice to meet you Paladin.  If you require any assistance, come find me.  Any debt carried by my master must be shouldered by me as well."


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Antonia San Nicolas

This clean air unsettled Antonia. It smelled fresh, with a tinge of industrial fumes, but that was to be expected in a large city. She had accustomed herself to the nauseous scent of burning and rotting flesh back home and reveled in its intoxication. Maybe this new atmosphere would do her some good.

She marched through the streets, but it was for mere pretension. Antonia knew nobody in this strange land and knew nothing of its customs, but that didn't mean that everybody had to know that. Her eyes searched for something to do, something to entertain her until she found a new purpose. Though, based on the appearances of some of the Nexus's residents, it seemed that she wouldn't have to.

But she didn't want to raise hell picking a fight with anyone. It would cause unnecessary chaos to what was a peaceful scene. Her hunter instincts told her that something dangerous was ingrained in some of the inhabitants' hearts and that she needed to exterminate them. Antonia had enough civilized blood in her to not do that.

Someone pushed her out of the way, as if in a hurry. Although somewhat miffed at the person's rudeness, her interest was piqued. She decided to follow the stranger and see where that would take her. Antonia smiled. Just like a game of cat and mouse.