Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 32130 times)


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She did in fact take a seat. Her mom and sister usually asked the same thing of her when they brushed her hair. It felt... kinda weird. But nice. "Ehhh. We'll see. My family never managed to do it, and you're not as annoying as they managed to be."


"Of course. We can arrange that right now." So she stood up and began to lead the other woman out of the room, giving the other two a nod as she made her way to the fridge. Suzuko pulled out an apple, neatly broke into halves, and plucked out a few seeds. She handed them to the other woman they reached the rather spacious balcony.


Imbecile. What kind of foolishness was that? She would let Saber attack like a common brute for an excuse as asinine as that? She just sighed. "Disappointing." Then she focused her senses once more and watched the two fighters.

Her magic lashed out and began to create copies of the skeleton. They lacked physical substance but they still made sounds and their own false fires, and soon there were about fifty of them. For the most part they just swarmed around Brutae. More annoying than anything else all things considered.


It didn't take too long before the Blood God had found himself on top of Joe's shoulders. Whether he liked it or not. "So, mister, what do you do for a living?"


She spared the other girl a single, cursory look. "There is a police station near here. If you wish to familiarize yourself with the local law and join them that would be a good place to start." Then Erica turned back to the blonde.

"Do you wish to accompany her or..."

Olga Marie

Olga shook her head and began to watch. What, did she not get that she needed information? Couldn't she read between the lines? It wasn't as if they had a telepathic link so Saber couldn't hear. She wanted more information about her servant, and maybe to liberate some information about the skeleton's magic. She'd stop the fight if it got too one sided.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The flaming skeleton shot away faster than she could possibly react and dodged her blows with only his clothes getting scratched, that could have gone far better. She didn't have much time to consider her next action though as she soon found herself surrounded by numerous version of the same laughing idiot. Clones? This was the last straw, she wasn't worked up enough for this kind of stuff anyway.

Brutae gave a heavy sigh and then dashed to the left, smashing her way through the group and away from the clearing, With heavy steps she dashed away from it all, leaving them behind.

She wondered how long it would take her Master to realize she'd been ditched, the servant could easily imagine the wonderful expression Olga would make in that moment.


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Are these illusions? Niice!

The pirate braced himself and clasped his hand on his sword's hilt, ready to draw it while the tree became a fountain of flames. She'd probably pull off something, he needed to be ready. And suddenly... he blinked.

At least, if he had any eyelids, its probably what he'd done. This was simply incredible, he couldn't believe his own eyes! His jaw almost dropped on the floor from the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

But honestly, he didn't even want to question it. He tapped his poor bones and was just glad they were all still attached and healthy as ever.

"Hooo boy, that was close. I'm not sure if your little trick had anything to do with it, but thanks Grig!"

He sighed with relief before hopping down that tree, letting that burning tree immediately extinguish. He glanced around for a second before walking back to the group with a friendly wave.

"Well, that happened. So, what are you up to, buddy?" He asked the white haired lass with the sort of body posture that blurred the line between laissez-faire and easygoing.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 10:25:16 PM by francobull3 »


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Costin Andrei

The dead Apostle's eyes opened wide ad the sudden touch and feel of her muscles being torn, her bone being cracked open and her marrow ripped out. It was an uncontrollable sensation, no sane person would be able to ignore such agony. Instinct ordered for such a person to do the impossible in order to flee such a cruel attack, but Costin's eyes told a different story.

Even when her face was shot, all that was torn was her face, which regenerated as if the blast was rewinding, revealing a monstrous expression. It was as if she was coming closer and closer to a great climax, her thighs trembled and she tried to press her lower body over hers while blood showered them both.

hahahahahahh! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! Don't stop don't stop don't stop!!

She drove her hand deeper, deeper, so much deeper, until her forearm was about to split in half like a butterfly. This feeling was true, and it was beautiful, and it was love! But it wasn't enough, this wasn't nearly enough. He needed her to suffer too in order to share this love!


Chains erupted from her gaping wound as the chainsaw dug into her further and further, reeling so intensely they could grind stone as they wrapped around the girl's neck and chainsaw, grabbing hold of her arm with enough force to nearly break it. Her weapon slowed down as the chains blocked it until it began to crack slightly and halted in one go. Oh. She did stop. How sad.

: D

She grabbed her cannon arm with one hand, while the other closed off and healed, merging with the chains and blood in order to grab her other arm and pin them apart. Her slasher smile was nothing short but monstrous, a pure display of sheer killing intent and voracious hunger more befitting a beast than a human. And with a full, deliberate motion she swung her skull on her foe's face with so much force both her foe's face and her head nearly split open.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 02:43:51 AM by francobull3 »


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The maid shivered in awful delight as the spiritual tentacles crawled all over her, going inside, deeper than anything else, touching the very core of her being. It was simultaneously the most disgusting and pleasant experience of her life, but that didn't quite describe it. It was hard to put into words

Finally she managed a response, forgoing the artful aura manipulation this time, she instead use the normal means of communications.

"So aggressive, we haven't even been on a date and you're already inside me." She said bearing no I'll will towards him, like she just discussed the weather.

She tilted her heard in fake bewilderment as she pondered his question. "Who I am? Can't you tell?"

This time her aura was shaped into words once more. I'm  just a maid clearly!


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Hmph. A trite reaction for such a little display. He had no patience for such jests, nor was he feeling particularly kind. However, her curiosity was commendable, it deserved to be seen through. At the very least, he would answer her previous question truthfully.

"I am the one asking questions."

He spoke with the sort of voice that belonged to a corpse more than a man of flesh and blood, a sheer pressure that was enough to choke the life out of the plants around the two, turning grass and shattered trees into mummified husks as he fed on their essence. She'd resist, of course, but not without feeling that presence drawing nearer, the sort of smell that all living beings seek to avoid desperately.

The end.

A powerful hand lifted her off the ground by the chin, the power of his grip was undeniable, yet there was no pain or emotion in his touch, as if she was being grabbed by a mannequin. He would neither look down on her nor lower himself to her level. He would bring her higher, so she may reach him. So that she may reach heaven. His soul dug deeper into hers, reaching out to her and grasping at her like a wild dance.

The sensation was impossible to describe, the colors sinking into her mind unable to be recreated, it was all too otherworldly, the sort of thing that one can only imagine in fairy tales. If one had to attempt, it was as if unseen hands were stroking her heart, cradling it as gently as a babe. In contrast to the fantastical feat, his voice was as somber as ever.

"You are mistaken. My enemies are not imaginary. Open your eyes, maid, you should be able to see them."

And once their foreheads touched, something indescribable penetrated her soul, thrusting into her in such ways that her entire being felt like it would be split open,  yet there was no pain or discomfort. It was as if it was the most natural thing in the world, the same way 2+2 makes 5 or the sky is actually made of broken cookie crumbs. It was quite trite, no different than shaping your soul's aura into letters or numbers.

He just thought it would be easier to show her instead of telling her, so he let her see the world the way he did. The seas of stars chained in stillness, the milky rivers of time swirling around ad nausea, a sickening stagnation, and the strings of fate dragging each and every one of them along like driftwood on a river.

The skies, the trees, the ground, even people. Everything looked fake, and wrong, and twisted. Like this world wasn't what it was meant to be. Every flaw, every mistake, every imperfection was as glaring as ever, and seemed more and more utterly unacceptable.

Letters of aura formed around the girl, the same exact display she had offered him earlier.

Do you understand now?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 01:40:17 AM by francobull3 »


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With that much, he could hazard a sharp guess or two at the essence of her previous engagements. Butler didn't have reasons to press on the details, but he did understand that she and those she rallied with were survivors, and that her enthusiasm for the philosophy described came from a place of inspiration and gratitude. And likewise, he was inspired by having his ability recognized.

The skull-faced man suspended that line of thought as Suzuko passed with her other interview subject and nodded back in acknowledgement. Before he continued speaking, he shifted in place so their direction was in his line of vision, and then turned his head with its pale shadows back to the seated woman.

"Thank you for the kind words. That is the level I strive to reach in all I do, the better to be remembered and satisfy both myself and those who have my services." Perhaps it was a little exaggerated to be true, but he wasn't going to turn around and rudely decline the words.

[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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Well, at least Sakura understood these things. Somewhat. "I don't want maids though. It's weird." And it really was. The idea was fun and all if you had some sort of mansion with a ton of space but it's not like the house was that huge. It just felt strange.


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The maid showed now particular reaction to the show, her smile not fading one bit despite the disturning show he was providing. That didn't mean she was silent however as she did respond to his question. "Yup, I understand, understand that you really need a mirror." Molly let the insinuations hang in the air, leaving it up to the man to figure out what she meant by that.

Then she put a hand over the metallic one applying her own pressure on it.

"Let me down."

It wasn't a request, it was an order. Despite her unfavourable and the overwhelming strength he was displaying, the little maid showed no fear as she commanded him, with seemingly paying no mind to the possible consequences it might have.


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The machine obeyed with no passion or glamour, tossing her down as if by accident. If she truly understood, then there was nothing more to question. The whole world was his enemy, including himself, and right now he was once again falling into his bad habits.

"A foolish statement. I already know such things. They don't matter." His voice rang hollow and metallic, and most of all, cold. The sort of bitterness that was best reserved towards oneself than others.

"And what of it, maid? If I am mad, then I will fail, my actions will change nothing in the grand scheme of things. If I succeed, all my mistakes will be undone, and no one will remember a thing. Either way, I will be nothing more than the reflection of an obsolete past."

The air froze for a moment, or perhaps time itself. The pressure of his eyes wasn't such that it put others beneath him, but it was crushing nonetheless. The sort of gravity that only the twisted and the broken legends of yore can possess. They were old, cold and tired eyes, even the fact he physically lacked such things did not change their nature.

"You are strong, I wouldn't be able to gaze upon myself with your resolve. I like that." He said, for the first time sith some sort of smile in his voice, genuine perhaps.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 03:46:51 AM by francobull3 »


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She fell on the ground, her body all but falling apart under his immense presence. Broken but not beaten, that would be the words best used to describe her right now. The Hunter looked up at him not in defiance but in contemplation as she struggled to get back on her feet.

It was painful, her body aching far more that it should have but she did not let that deter her, no she used that pain to sharpen her resolve. None of the discomfort was noticeable at a glance but someone of his calibre should notice it nonetheless.

"Obselete past? The past... Will never be obsolete. It's what made you... And its just as important as any moment, as this moment..."

She finally managed to stand up, her height nowhere near being a match for his despite that,

"...It sounds really pathetic."


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"I see." He said simply, wondering what could cause such discomfort in her eyes. Well, he didn't care. If he said something callous, it was what he truly believed. She was free to disagree, it wouldn't change his stance any more than his words would change hers. That was what it meant to have resolve.

But those eyes... he liked them. They were those of a warrior, perhaps not the sort who wields a blade in battle, but one who has its own battles to fight nonetheless.

"Then what would you fight for? The past that made you what you are, or the uncertain future of what you could be?" He asked her, as if he expected something out of her.


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"Why would I fight for that? I fight only for myself, the me that is here, I couldn't care less about something that might never happen."  Her glare grew sharper and she shook her head at him.

This was turning out to be quite something she wasn't expecting. He was way too aggressive and she felt cornered, it both bothered her and excited. 

"Does everyone get this treatment?"


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His grave voice did not betray any sort of emotion, but it was anything but empty. Its fierceness was more akin to a booming war-hammer, yet his words were no harsher than idle chatter, and despite all that it was by no means an oppressive power. "Not at all. I only bother with those who are worth it. But congratulations, you have passed."

Somehow, her words seemed to have pleased the silver vanguard. Had it been any other choice, they would be sharing words no longer. Indeed, they could not change the past, and they may not have a future to protect. All they could do was fight for the now.

"I have no need for your bad acting, but you seem to have some valuable skill. Interesting." He spoke, for the first time a hint of warmth slipped through his cold speech at the last word. His hand was laid on the woman's shoulder yet again, but this time his touch felt different, as if there was some sort of warmth that emerged from a strange glow.

The moment their auras connected, hers was reinvigorated by some inexplicable force, to the point her body was healed of its fatigue, letting her feel healthier than ever.

"You are a fine woman, wicked as you may be. I could use someone like you. What is your price? Money? Lodging? I have no such things, but I can promise you one thing. If you accept, you will never be hungry again." He spoke those last words with a certain foreboding calm, as if he understood and accepted her.


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Marcus tilted his head slightly at her talk about a curse, thinking back to his own experience copying her telepathy.  He could still hear the endless voices piercing his skull, the obnoxious cries and complaints.  Its a good thing she can sing, he mused.

His thoughts shattered into a blank void as he felt warm lips caressing his own.  After a quick blink, he regained his composure.

"Well its not a bad power," he said, placing his hand behind his head again.  "Its a lot like my power.  A tool to connect with people beyond words."