Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 31040 times)


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The man turned around and rolled his eyes.  "Oh nothing, just surprised me is all," he said, returning his attention to the road.  "I mean I should have known better.  The only people dumb enough to be out this late in a place like that are supernaturals and teenagers trying to prove a point.  Honestly, I thought maybe you guys were just on the..." From Marcus's position, he could see him rolling his eyes over Forest's topless chest through the mirror.  "Wild side." he finished with a lusty but satisfied grin.

"Eyes on the road jackass," Marcus called out.  You could see the man's face turning red just by looking at his cheeks.  He probably thought he was being slick.

Ok I have an idea, but your going to have to do a lot of the work for this, he sent to Forest.  First, can you do that thing with your eyes?  You know, that bestial look you get?  Oh, and is there anywhere sort of sketchy or creepy around the compound?


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As instructed, Joe gave the detective an account of what had transpired in his home.  The more he talked, the more he felt his muscles relax.  At the end of his story, a wave of euphoria rushed over him, enveloping him in a feeling of relief.  Still, there was a tinge of fear in there.  The larger man warned him not to call the cops.  Even so, its best not to comply with the demands of a duo like that, especially when the police were more than capable of dealing with threats like this.

"And thats my story," he said at the end.  "Honestly, the worst part of this is the insurance.  "I know they don't cover break ins.  Its no wonder the class gap is so high here."

Umbra of Chaos

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It felt rather strange. Lucy was rarely ever stuck inside her main body after dying like this. She felt... powerful. Nearly unconstrained and free. Yet, no matter how hard she struggled the lock did not budge an inch.

Be ready. I'm opening the gate. And it did, the lock turning and her power escaping in streams of hellish energy that flowed into the Messengers within her. The mere trickles of energy compared to the true amount empowering them until they shone like stars.


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The blond vampire nodded to that, confirming her assumption."That is correct. We are the only ones who live here."

"My minion is just that, my cute adorable minion that does everything I say, just a few words praise here and there and you can get anything done."

She giggled softly seemingly thinking about something. "Are you saying someone as rich as you does not have servants?" She asked Sakura.


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"Yes, I'm indeed a one." He nodded with a smile. By a guild she probably meant an organisation which would ask her to fight threats. Cheiron wasn't exactly some organisation fighting for the justice, but it partly fit the description. "I am in fact hired by an organisation which asked me to seek out monsters and collect their body parts. For now I am on my own, heeding only my own judgement, but they promised to phone me when they identify a particular threat for me to handle. It is called Cheiron Corporation and it is a medical institution which owns one of hospitals here and seeks out rare ingredients for researching new medicine. If you are interested, I could refer to you to it. And if the fortune shines on me today and they call me soon, I do not mind if you accompany me on the quest."

He did not mind sharing the reward even if that would perhaps prolong paying off the debt.


"I'm not looking for any monetary rewards right now." Noire shook her head emphatically. "I need a way to get a great deal of publicity so people know about me and believe in me."

"Do you think this could help me with that? A hospital in my world wouldn't really be the biggest thing in the public eye."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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"To be honest, I'm not a soldier here. I'm just one of citizens. Preferably people who work in the law enforcement will take care of the issues which occur." Yes, it was primarily their duty, after all. "However, even if have no particular taste for vigilantism, I won't stand idle if something happens before my eyes. After all, the law enforcement cannot be in every place, so I will react properly to a threat I'm aware of."

She did react with extreme prejudice when monsters tried to attack her workplace, without waiting for the arrival of law enforcement.


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"Should be one right around here-"

True to her words a massive amusement park appeared infront of them after they turned the next corner. It had many attractions including an insanly fast roller ocaster.

Upon entering, the purple haired goddess dragged him in and beelined for a small shop where she immediately bought some suspicously pink coloured cotton candy and handed it to him. It was probably harmless though.... probably.

"It's pretty important to have a ton of fun when you can. You never know when the baddies are gonna kick down the door and then you have to fight them and stuff. And if you don't finish that I'm gonna be mad Lorry, the prices here are a complete steal." She jokingly threatened him.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 11:52:22 AM by Thedoctor »


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The pope simply nodded, silently agreeing with his master.  Truthfully, it was astounding how similar they were in terms of world view.  Still, there was one more thing he had to confirm before he said his piece.

"And then, what in this world makes you happy?  Why do you live?" he asked, maintaining a calm inquisitive tone.


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"So you are a heroine of justice seeking recognition? I think there is a way in which I can aid an aspiring hero like you. I have a gift for sensing nearby monsters when they are around. And sometimes my God sends me visions, but of course Lord's ways are strange and I cannot predict when He points me out to a calamity. Hence the most reliable approach would be looking around crowded places where people could need your assistance. From my own experience the forces of evil have obsession with targeting malls. Really unfortunate."

Yeah, he still remembered this debacle when whole mall of people went nearly insane from being exposed to the evil of that evil cultist.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 08:10:41 PM by Kat »


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"Woah, thanks pal!" He cheered at her generous gift, claiming all the cotton candy for himself. "Heh heh heh, just you wait..." Ant all of a sudden, he spun with an incredibly graceful maneuver, swirling with impossible speed and beauty while waving his arm dramatically. As if by magic, the moment he stopped, something about him seemed different.

"Bow down to the sugar lord!" He claimed for all to witness, for the king of all modern capitalistic sweets now stood before them, with his lordly mane of sweet pink fluttering freely on his skull, curling with the most aesthetic of natural curls.


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Incredible. The more she opened herself to him, the more her own power surged. He could witness it now, almost in its entirety, just how beautiful her might was. But it was for naught. His own soul was coursing through her like electricity ran through circuitry.

Like a parasite or a virus, he was spreading through the tiniest of gaps and connecting with her, nearly merging with her soul but not quite. His hands grasped onto something, and all of a sudden, several magical circles appeared around them, spinning slowly like cd records as they ran through her information. But all of a sudden, the ritual was interrupted as crimson lightning cracked violently into his arms, shattering metal and magic alike.

Hrm. I see...

Had it been any longer, he might have permanently lost use of his arms as the threads forming his soul would've snapped and melted away. Instead, he managed to pull just in time, though the machinery and gears were already starting to melt inside her. Despite the gruesome sight, he didn't seem perturbed in the slightest, as if the loss of his arms meant nothing to him. The connection was short lived, but it was enough to get a good grasp of her gate, even if incomplete.

His mangled, burnt arm pressed onto her once more, and a lightning shock brought her heart back to life, awakening her forcefully. He didn't even give her time to rest or recover, as if he knew it was meaningless to give her such time.

"That seal of yours, was it a god's work?" He asked her with a grave voice that betrayed no sympathy.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 10:55:19 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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As her heart skipped back to life her body surged with a heavenly glow. Any damage that could have been done soon faded as her eyes regained sudden clarity. She coughed a bit too. Then, finally, did Lucy speak. "Yes. Just one. The only one. My father made the loopholes in it."


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"Sheesh, fine, fine! You two sure are gluttons." She took the fork and began to eat with it, but at this rate there was barely any food left. In fact, by now she ate practically two thirds of the breakfast herself, so she only needed to take about two more forkfuls of the delicious food.

"Phew! I'm stuffed. Hahaha!" She laughed embarassingly, rubbing the back of her head. "I'm kinda sleepy though, so I think I'm going to hit the hay."


"I see." He pondered on what her words meant, and despite his somber nature he smiled, truthfully and confidently, though it was far weaker than one would expect. He was but a corpse of metal, happiness was something far beyond his reach.

"Victory is in your reach. Your judgement was correct, no, there would not be anyone else in the world who could unlock your seal." He boasted with confidence, but it was anything but false bravado. Understanding its nature, he truly believed he could back up his statement in its entirety. "Lucy, will you listen to a boring tale?"
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 11:19:15 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Lucy wiggled a bit to get feeling back in her limbs and smiled. "Sure, sure. Besides, boring is a matter if perspective! It could be pretty interesting to me. Show me what you got."


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Was he so bored that he asked such a question? That's really the only reason she could think of that he would even ask it in the first place, she doubted it was sincere after what they'd been through. "You'd be surprised at what I'm suited for or maybe not, you should really know better by now you sly basta..... We have company."

Indeed, something had nudged her field right at te edge of her senses. Whomever it was was really good too, their presence could barely be felt. The maid grinned excitedly at the prospect of what was to come.

"Who dares enter the realm of Sushimoto Mizuhara, King of the Sewers!"

The maid froze at the sight of this.... this..... this monstrosity. It was a fish, no man, no defintiely a fish. No it was a fishman, yes a fishman. That was the only thing that could describe the slimy green 2 meter tall bulk of muscle with fins and a fishhead. Oh no.... he was wearing a yellow speedo.

His muscles bulged even more as he flexed before the unworthy intruders. State your business surface dwellers. Have you come to pollute my land like so many others before you? His voice boomed unnaturally, every syllable reverberating across the room.