Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 145573 times)


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Hmm, he could feel it. There were traces of a Beast or a Beast like monster within the mall. A Chamber or even a Lair, perhaps. Two armed men guarded the entrance to the mall, bearing tattooes and patches indicating that they belonged to one of gangs. They seemed to extort people out of money to make them pay a toll.

"My, my, some gang probably got greedy, seized the control of the mall, and I feel that a monster is lairing inside, possibly the head of this band of scoundrels. There are no victims yet, I feel, but you can earn fame indeed if you liberate it from whoever seized this place." He pointed out Noire into their direction. He himself indeed could use some assistance. His specialty were monsters, but he received no particular blessing against regular criminals armed with modern firearms. Rushing there on his own was foolhardy, but with a back up...

Lady Black Heart

Noire was suddenly enveloped in a white light, and when she emerged, she looked completely different. Gone was the short, somewhat snobbish black-twintailed girl. In her place stood a slightly taller, somewhat snobbish, white-haired girl who oozed an aura of confidence. She was a firm believer in doing all her work in CPU form.

"Those two men there do indeed look dangerous." Her voice had gotten significantly deeper and oozed an aura of confidence and every word dripped with an aura of superiority. She hoisted her oversized longsword over her shoulder and began to walk over to them. Even as she stood below them, it seemed as if she was towering over them as she addressed them.

"Excuse me, citizens. Why are you guarding the entrance to a public place such as this so aggressively?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Yes this place was more up to her speed. She showed her appreciation with a tiny nod of approval. "This place will have to suffice then, You were running out of options were you not Marie?" The blond Servant asked her with an almost gleeful expression. Could it be that she had sent her Master on this wild goose chase on purpose?

"We will be having the full course then, come on in Master, we don't have time to stand around all day now do we?" She walked into the high class restaurant with all the certainty of a king entering their keep.


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"Yes yes, that's probably a good idea. I fucked up, it'd be bad if he didn't know about it." He praised her casually, almost halfheartedly so. Such commendable loyalty and devotion, too bad he saw right through it. This was just his guess, but if it came to him he didn't have a doubt that she'd be the one chosen in the end.

Would he be able to make a choice too?

"I'm not telling you what to do. I just figured you might end up having a heart attack if you bother with all this stress. That would crush a million fans' dreams, and we can't have that."

All of a sudden, Blackmore stopped smiling. Something seemed to bother him, or maybe it was something she said. Maybe it was the thought of his reaction that made him uneasy. He put a hand on her shoulder, gripped it in fact, and it started to feel like the two were inside an oven.

He seemed to be looking past Molly, something just wasn't quite right. His heart was beating pretty fast for a while, but the temperature in the room was starting to become straight up abnormal. His lips were still curled upwards, but he definitely wasn't smiling, in fact it was odd to think he had been ever smiling in the first place.

"So don't touch me like that again and get off me." He told her seriously, and this time he wasn't joking. They'd have a field day comparing the skeletons in their closets, but it just happens he had been keeping care of his closet for a little bit longer than her.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 07:27:07 PM by francobull3 »


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Jeanne followed him to the bedroom. "No I actually walked or well rather ran, but I did manage to call a cab on the way here, those phones are really a handful."

She entered the bedroom and noticed the so called bags, 2 bigger ones and a smaller one. The blond immediately went for the two bigger ones and bent over to check their content for anything fragile before hoisting them up with inhuman ease.

"The cab should be here soon." She said as she straightened her back.

Umbra of Chaos

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Her face was kind of understanding but there was still an amused little smile stretched on her face. She knew how much it sucked to cheat yourself out of money, but it was so funny watching it happen to other people. "Don't worry about it! It was just one mistake. I could help you next time if you want."


If he was going to turn his back to her the White Rider had no hesitation in taking advantage of it. Victory charged closer as she let loose another flurry of arrows. All aimed to form a semicircle around the enemy, leaving enough room for the pillars not to merge but too little for a man his size to squeeze through.


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Of course she can just lift it up, he thought as a wave of jealousy and arousal flooded his chest.

He walked over and tried to grab one of the bags.  "Hey, you don't have to carry all of them by yourself you know," he said, tugging on one of the bags.  He could already feel how heavy they were.  He stuffed everything he could in them after all.  "Your not the one moving."

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to enjoy herself on the bike, riding at high speed along roads, across rooftops and through parks. But, then, suddenly, her hyper-attuned senses picked up on someone approaching her at a rapid pace. turning around, she saw a man covered in a black aura, travelling at what Rider estimated to be about her own top speed. Deciding she was interested in the man, she allowed him to catch her, before accelerating to match his pace.

"Who are you?" she asked, surprised at the existence of someone as powerful as she was.


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His objection only served to make the saint giggle light heartedly. "You don't need to prove yourself, but if you're that eager..." She  put the bags down again carefully and faced him with a brave smile.

"...Then you'll have to get past me. I'll reconsider letting you do it if you can move me from this spot." She challenged him all of a sudden.


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Uh oh, I guess she wasn't that amazing at using swords, even makeshift ones like this, compared to good old brawl. If she had more skill, she wouldn't get caught off guard by what he did with the sword. She tried to tilt her head to avoid the punch, but took it to the left side of her head. Strong punch, but the bruise already started healing as soon as she received the damage, giving Raikou another hint what she was capable of.


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Her face was kind of understanding but there was still an amused little smile stretched on her face. She knew how much it sucked to cheat yourself out of money, but it was so funny watching it happen to other people. "Don't worry about it! It was just one mistake. I could help you next time if you want."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka looked pretty depressed. She just kept sort of murmering to herself like some sort of depressed anime character. "I could have sold him for double-no triple,-no quadruple..." Oka felt like the biggest loser in losersborough. She perked up at the offer of help though. She was never the kind of gal who would turn down somebody's genuine offer of help. "Are you a bussinesswoman, then?" Oka asked hopefully. Her big blue eyes bore down on the girl like an abused puppy.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He knew there was something more to her, but a transformation wasn't something he expected. It certainly didn't fit his current occult knowledge. He knew about people who got abducted by Erlfolk and whose real appearance differed through those they usually showed to others, but his gut feeling was that Noire wasn't related to them in any way. But this was no time for deliberation who exactly Noire was. He would just take her word and not think about the transformation's true nature. Julius for now observed her from some distance, ready to jump in fray if she got into trouble. He assumed that this transformation made her more powerful considering that she seemed more confident about it.

Meanwhile, those thugs actually weren't anyone special, so they couldn't really tell if there was something abnormal about Noire.

Mohawked thugs who are clearly low level mooks to punish

The big boss ordered them to guard this entry and only let in people after paying the toll. This seemed like really easy job. They were well armed, even had a body armor, and didn't have to worry about the local monsters because the head honcho of this operation had some uncanny talent for gathering them and convincing them to join the gang. The thugs didn't know whether this was something comforting or really creeped them off.

Anyway, this woman was armed, so they pointed their assault rifles at her. "This public place is claimed by our boss, no one is going through without paying the tribute. Put the sword on the ground and pay up or scram." One of the men issued a stern warning.


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Godamn it I was trying to be polite! he thought.  I didn't mean to challenge her!  Now that I think about it, isn't she one of Sakura's superwomen?

He took a good look at her again, accidentally gawking at her more... filled out parts for a moment or two.  "Ok, fine.  Even I can do that," he said.  "And I can do whatever right?" At the very least, this would be a good excuse to indulge in some touching.


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He knew there was something more to her, but a transformation wasn't something he expected. It certainly didn't fit his current occult knowledge. He knew about people who got abducted by Erlfolk and whose real appearance differed through those they usually showed to others, but his gut feeling was that Noire wasn't related to them in any way. But this was no time for deliberation who exactly Noire was. He would just take her word and not think about the transformation's true nature. Julius for now observed her from some distance, ready to jump in fray if she got into trouble. He assumed that this transformation made her more powerful considering that she seemed more confident about it.

Meanwhile, those thugs actually weren't anyone special, so they couldn't really tell if there was something abnormal about Noire.

Mohawked thugs who are clearly low level mooks to punish

The big boss ordered them to guard this entry and only let in people after paying the toll. This seemed like really easy job. They were well armed, even had a body armor, and didn't have to worry about the local monsters because the head honcho of this operation had some uncanny talent for gathering them and convincing them to join the gang. The thugs didn't know whether this was something comforting or really creeped them off.

Anyway, this woman was armed, so they pointed their assault rifles at her. "This public place is claimed by our boss, no one is going through without paying the tribute. Put the sword on the ground and pay up or scram." One of the men issued a stern warning.

Lady Black Heart, the Most Popular Goddess of All.

"I don't think you're in the position to be ordering me around, you thug." Huh that was weird. Their weapons seemed to have disappeared and were in her hand now. She crushed them without a second thought. She then dropped the ruined weapons on the ground. "Who is your boss? I want to talk to them." She asked again calmly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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 "Of course." Her competetive smile never wavering. she got in a ready pose, bending her knees. "Come at me with everything you got, and don't worry about hurting me. I'm a lot tougher than I look."

Hah, he's so out of his water, It'll be fun seeing what he tries to do. I might even learn something about him.


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If she is really as strong as Rin says, this shouldn't kill her, he thought as he took a step back.  He slowly backed out of the bedroom, keeping his eyes on her the entire time.  Eventually, he reached into his couch cushion and grabbed a pistol in one hand and a grenade in another.  After pulling the pin off the granade with his teeth, he lobbed it into the room.  Then, he fired five shots from his pistol, aimed directly at that enormous chest.  Once that was done, he took cover behind the couch to protect himself from the shock-wave of the inevitable explosion.

She'll dodge... right?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 07:19:34 PM by yinsukin »