Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 32174 times)


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Ito and Cossie

The ninja glared at the dog, the sort of look that shot a thousand arrows. In response, the dog just shrugged with a shit eating grin.

"I oppose this idea."
"I'm totes cool with this idea!" The two said in unison.

Umbra of Chaos

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"If you are so opposed there is no reason to come, Ito. However, I would certainly be glad to have both your protection along with Irene's." Alicia gave a pleasant smile at him as well. It would be a shame for him to go off on his own after all.


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Sakura walked right into that one, it would be so easy now to abuse the situation and get back at her for not taking bringing her with her earlier. It was so perfect, the perfect way of having revenge on her, on both of them. Well not revenge, revenge is bad after all. Perhaps it would be better to call a lesson. 

She slinked in behind Joe, hugging him tightly as she used his larger frame as a shield against the not so evil witch in front of them. "She's right you know. The truly evil one is none other than me. I ensnare all my victims like this. You sealed your fate when you groped me earlier Joe~" Ah yes payback was truly sweet.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura internally sighed at the girl's actions and words. She was clearly not the most stable or reasonable of people. However, precisely because of that, she knew better than to contradict her. After all, she could not survive the sort of abuse that had been inflicted on the man. So, a little reluctantly, she agreed to the girl's statement.

"Yes, of course", she said with an enthusiastic tone, hiding her nervousness.

Yet, despite her nervousness, she still desired to have her ribbon returned. She didn't really trust the girl to follow through, and she didn't want to waste money buying ribbons only to find her own was not returned.

"Can I please have my ribbon back?" she asked, remaining polite despite her well-hidden annoyance.


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Ahh... so their guest reveals herself at last. Unfortunately for the newcomer, Shinobu had no intentions of heeding the request she had made. The vampire was far to engrossed with enjoying the taste of her beloved minion after so long. Said minion's words mattered little either, she could parse her true emotions through their bond anyway, rendering such objections pointless.

Thus the vampire kept feeding greedily, the precious red liquid intoxicating her like nothing else.


  • The God Tongue
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"Hrm. I had little control over it. It was meant to draw attention and excitement from the masses. While it lacked in substance, I suppose it was adequate for its purpose." He answered the man shrewdly. Somehow, it seemed that he had changed in more ways than one. Perhaps it was because he could feel his time growing dire, or perhaps something else happened.

His fist squeezed as if impatient. Had he grown tired of waiting by now? How many years had he ran in circles going after his tail already? No more.

Either way, he had no humor left for jests. "Was there a problem with it?" He asked the mage with an intense glare.


  • Moon Cancer
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Marcus leaned down and scooped up a bunch of concrete.  Then, he smashed the bigger chunks in his hand and lobbed the pebbles at the purple haired woman.  It wouldn't hurt her, but throwing rocks with this much strength would easily result in a car being punctured, let alone a bike.

"Well thats the point," he said with a chuckle.  "I kind of want to win.  Besides, all you have to do is dodge."

All that was left to do was weave through the streets, taking as few turns as possible to maintain speed.


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Between Sakura's poorly acted cartoonish laughter and Jeanne's over the top confession, Joe couldn't help but cringe.  Even with the nice warm feeling of Jeanne's arms wrapped around his belly, he couldn't help but feel that distressing pressure that comes from being made a fool.  Ok.  I can play along too!

"But Jeanne...." he said.  His voice had a fake meekness to it, almost as if he was being sarcastic.  "How could you?!  You come into my place, destroy my apartment and tempt me with your body!"  He closed one eye and glanced at Sakura.

Oh man.  Im joking but its actually true.  What the hell am I going to do?

He reached over and grabbed Sakura's hand.  "Oh Mrs. witch.  Please punish your servant before me.  I promise I won't resist!"
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 01:45:47 PM by yinsukin »


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A familiar warmth at her side told the Changeling that the purplehead had moved right up next to her. Her explanation prompted the redhead to briefly glance over the shorter blonde before nodding, "Yeah, we might need to get her something else before she attracts the wrong kind of attention."

Then the blonde turned around to lead them off and the changeling's eyebrows went higher. A butt-window at the back of her dress? Really?

Man, I feel outright old-fashioned next to this. I do not like this feeling.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Saber crawled out from under the table a few minutes later, having gotten what she wanted. Right in time too as the food arrived just a short moment later. It was better than she had expected, in fact it was quite delicious and she had a hard time hiding her satisfaction with the choice of restaurant. Not that she was particularly trying to, but it washed away any semblence of a sour mood she might have presented earlier.

"Do you usually eat in places like this Marie?" She asked her master between bites of the tasty food.


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The dark mage would have responded at that, he really would have if he could. There was just one problem here, one problem that would be almost impossible to overcome for any man, even one such as him. The problem of there not being a dark mage present on the roof in that very moment.

He was just gone as if he had never been there in the first place.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Oh my, would you look at that? It seems like I was spared master's rebuke! And seeing as we're done with this..." She winked at Vanguard as her Messengers popped back out in full cheer. "Why don't we start discussing more fun events! And how we can all play our parts. I know of a certain fiery skeleton that if anything else would make a fun fighter for this little competition.

Cherry Lover

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To Rider's annoyance, the man responded to her demand by smashing up a piece of concrete and throwing chunks at her, clearly intent on damaging her precious bike. Fortunately, she was just about able to avoid having her bike hit, even using her leg to kick away one of the incoming pebbles but, even for her, dodging fast-moving rocks on a bike was extremely difficult and, sooner or later, one would hit its target.

Realising that she couldn't win this race fairly, Rider allowed herself to slow down and turned at an angle, aiming herself so that she would cross his path. Then, as he crossed her path, she materialised her nails before throwing them both whilst keeping hold of the chains, aiming for the spokes of his back wheel. If either nail managed to hit, he would certainly crash as the nails got jammed in the fast-moving spokes.


  • The God Tongue
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That man was truly infuriating. No, what was infuriating was how he'd think he had a grasp on the situation only for it to slip out of his fingers. That was an utterly insufferable motion to the warrior, the fact that he did not have control.

He almost felt like laughing, to the point he managed to break a bitter smile. How laughable, and the worst part was he couldn't deny a single thing. But what of it.

"Ho?" His face was as cold and hardened as ever, but even then there was a hint of curiosity in his glare. That alone was terrifying in its own way.

Umbra of Chaos

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Her smile turned gentle and kindly. It was a strange look on her face, on that didn't seem to work no matter how hard one could try to look at it. One of the Messengers twisted into a bored while another became a tiny burning skeleton piece. "He is strong. Well, strong enough for this. With one hand he conjures life, with the other fiery explosions of death! In times of peace and life he may have held drink in one hand and a woman in the other. Lorenzo!"

The other Messengers leaned close to the board as Lucy pantomimed her announcing wordlessly. "The cardinal sin in his heart is greed! If all goes as poorly as possible he will choke on the goblet he wishes to drink from. But before then he can be a player in the game. To weed out the weak and inspire the strong.