Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 104964 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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She pointed her staff at the girl and released a twisting gale of extreme force. It lifted the blue haired girl into the air and soon transformed into a twisting vortex, battering her body as the sand constantly tore the flesh from her body even as it found itself wrapped up in regenerating flesh.

"You know, I was gonna stop sooner but regenerators can be really annoying! So I decided to go a little harder on you. You okay with that, Meddy? I didn't wanna really hurt you."


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"I really don't care about getting pardoned for anything. But actually, do you have some pull in the underworld, big guy? There's a person I'm interested in." Who that could be? "Is a guy known as Vanguard familiar to you? I have some business with the guy."

Of course she had. Medaka had her goal of reclaiming her soul, but it's not like she would let the youngster hog any glory. She wanted to confirm all rumors and information she knew about the guy by herself. Her own soul stirred at the thought that maybe that man could prove to be a challenge. Last time they met, under vastly different circumstances, they were both in pretty 'awful' shape. 


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She put down the cup of tea being doen enjoying the sweet aroma for now. "That does sound very agreeable but for the moment there's something else I want." Lizzie suddenly climbed up on the table before crawling over to Engetsu with a slow but determined pace. "Something that I want much more than that... Yes." She had reached him now, leaning closer and closer over the edge of the table.

Then she took his sword from him.


She stood up with an excitedly. The sword was majestic, truly a piece of art given corporeal form. Her eyes glimmered as she examined it thoroughly


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Sakura Matou

Sakura laughed. He sure had that coming, but she had to wonder if it was really a punishment, being forced into a hug by a beautiful woman. Regardless, the purplehead tugged on them. "Let's keep moving, we're almost there."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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While Lucy was busy snapping pics of Noire with her phone, Neptune made a break for it once more. Her totally genius plan of getting Noire distracted worked flawlessly. There was nothing stopping her escape now

Not that there had been anything in the first place her being the heroine and all but now it was super duper perfect.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 01:39:54 PM by Thedoctor »


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Not a chance. Joe tried to evade his righteous punishment but that wasn't happening on her watch. So despite his best efforts he did not escape her hold,  It would have been for him if he hadn't tried.

"Just for that I'm going to be extra harsh on you." Jeanne didn't seem to heed Sakura's prompt for them to go on, she was busy couldn't she tell? Busy with delivering righteous judgement in the form of her lips touching his.


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Auspicious Breeze

A lot of things happened yesterday. The former gladiator had made a new friend, Sakura, and eaten a lot of nice food! And the friend was a nice girl and pulled in other nice girls and it had been fun though not quite as much fun as Breeze had been hoping for. But then, she knew better than to expect too much from these otherworld girls too fast by now. Also apparently her girlfriends had fun times behind her back, which didn't bother her exactly but she was a bit miffed they didn't go out of their way to invite her.

It was like everyone was having sex except her! It was weird. It was like back before she'd become as awesome as she is now. Auspicious Breeze didn't like that feeling.

But now it was nice and sunny out, and she was back in the city looking for fun! Distracting fun.


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Her weak glare intensified. The argument he made was good on the surface but only on the surface, she couldn't help but feel he was testing her again since a warrior of his calibre should already know the answer to all the questions he made. With great effort she pulled herself back up on her knees, she still needed to catch her breath before standing it seemed.

"Unless they can fight without limbs, I've seen it, there's a myriad Hatsu that allows you to do something like that... As for closing my distance. You said it yourself Vanguard. Against an opponent so superior physically it would be better to approach them on my terms than to let them come to me." She shook her head at that. Did he think she'd never fought, that she'd never killed before?


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Medaka's only response was a defiant glare.  While it was clearly more of a challenge than she thought to harm the girl, this level of force was not enough to kill her.  She gritted her teeth and spit out a glob of blood that was flowing into her mouth.


Time seemed to slow as those tinder lips came closer and closer to his.  This was checkmate, the ultimate defeat.  What would he tell Rin?  How would she react?  Would she kill him?  Would she beat him up?


Sakura was right there!  How would she react?  To some, a kiss is much more intimate than a boob grab.  Would she order Jeanne to kill him after this for falling for her trap?  Wait no, she said they were friends so maybe....

He flailed his arm like a drowning child, moaning with slight panic as her lips drew ever close to sealing his death sentence.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 03:08:55 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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Wow, right when she tries to be helpful too! "You know, regeneration isn't all that nice, right? Especially if you're stubborn about being captured. I'm trying to be a good person here!"

The winds grew a bit less powerful. "What do you say, Meddy? Friends to the bitter end? We can have all kinds of fun!"


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As the winds dropped, Medaka's body finally began to heal.  The burn's faded and her bones realigned.  She still felt a bit annoyed about losing, but she gave the girl a weak smile.  "I would love to be friends with you Set, but I just cannot compromise when it comes to killing.  If you want us to get along, we must find some understanding."

Umbra of Chaos

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She stroked her chin for a bit and frowned. "But what's so bad about murder, really? It's just death. People die all the time! Does it matter if it's by whirlwind or fallen brick? Why should I care?"


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Medaka shook her head.  She did say she was some sort of diety, perhaps she didn't know any better.  "Killing is different than someone dying from a natural death.  How would you like it if I killed you?"


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Medaka's only response was a defiant glare.  While it was clearly more of a challenge than she thought to harm the girl, this level of force was not enough to kill her.  She gritted her teeth and spit out a glob of blood that was flowing into her mouth.


Time seemed to slow as those tinder lips came closer and closer to his.  This was checkmate, the ultimate defeat.  What would he tell Rin?  How would she react?  Would she kill him?  Would she beat him up?


Sakura was right there!  How would she react?  To some, a kiss is much more intimate than a boob grab.  Would she order Jeanne to kill him after this for falling for her trap?  Wait no, she said they were friends so maybe....

He flailed his arm like a drowning child, moaning with slight panic as her lips drew ever close to sealing his death sentence.

Sakura Matou

Alright, that was enough. Sakura put her hand in between their lips and gave Jeanne a disapproving look. "He clearly doesn't want you to do that, Jeanne." She said simply.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Aww her master just had to get in the way of her fun, well there was nothing saying she couldn't turn this around. She gave Sakura an amused smile in return. "But he looked so cute so I couldn't resist. She had yet to let go of Joe, clinging to him brazenly so as to tease both of them.