Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 101064 times)


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Relius Clover

"Is it truly so wrong for me to be greedy?  The diversity of the flesh is almost as bountiful as the uniqueness of the soul, though many men would argue it is the soul that colors the pleasure of said flesh."

The second Relius's hand touched her head, he began his journey.  Perhaps the greatest thing about this city was the opportunity to go on such long pilgrimages, trips through the soul that could last.  Even without delving into her history, her soul felt warm but dry, akin to a rotting piece of flesh, one that revels in its own destruction.  To say this woman had a unique experience is an understatement.  Her body had experienced every torment imaginable, while her mind was broken long ago.  Somewhere along the line, she become a spectator to her own rotting corpse.

"I see," he muttered aloud.  "I suppose this one will be useful as a prototype, but her capacity for hate is... underwhelming at the surface.  But let us explore a bit more."

He glanced at Orienna for a moment.  "In the event that she escapes, I want you to prioritize restraining her above all else.  My safety is to come second as long as Ignis remains."

With that matter settled, he returned his attention to the canine.  He began returning the memories to her mind, a simple tactic, making them as vivid and real as the first time she experienced them.


With the winds faded, Medaka stood up, walking her and whispering, "I suppose I am not all that special, not in this city at least," she admitted, her sadness in that statement clear.  "However, I find that there are still things I can do that others cannot." 

Regardless of what the girl would do, Medaka would end the interaction holding the staff.  After all, her brand of stealing was one that transcended speed and even reflexes.  Of course, it would not be painless.  Her hand would be burned in the process.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 05:30:56 AM by yinsukin »


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Sheesh, they sure were wordy. She already got what this was about from the moment she saw em, so there was no need to fellate themselves about it. At this rate, she'd die of boredom before they even got started.

"Aw nah nah nah. Look, pal, it's not that I don't hate people. Its just that when you hate everybody, it doesn't really count as hate! Its like an expression of love! Write it down, its gonna be on the quiz later." She corrected him nonchalantly. Oddly enough, she seemed both utterly detached and as cooperative as it got, almost like she was kinda curious herself.



Her eyes changed, though subtly. As if she had been in this place before, smelled these smells before. One thing was clear, she wasn't laughing anymore.

"No... please... h-hey, don't do this. Stop..."


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Auspicious Breeze

Urk. Already off to a bad start again, wasn't she? That seemed to be getting more normal than the former gladiator would have liked. What was with this city that Breeze kept tripping over herself like this? This never happened when mistress was telling me what to do.

She tried to fix this one with a nervous smile and rubbing the back of her neck. "Ahh, well, I'll admit I didn't know I didn't know you, so I'm at a loss! Though now that I think about it, I'd like to know your names. I'm Auspicious Breeze! Have you been in this place for long?"


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Jeanne gave her a doubtful look. Her explanation didn't sound very likely, that wasn't the type of reaction you'd see if someone was doing something they weren't familiar with. It looked more like it was something else, something more troubling. "Are you sure you're alright Sakura? Is something troubling you?" She asked her.

If something really was wrong she'd feel bad about how much she'd been messing around earlier. Or maybe she was just overreacting and it was nothing.

Umbra of Chaos

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Set gave her a little clap at that. "Wow, that's really interesting! It could really turn a fight around. You need more things like that. Tricks, and innovations, and secrets! That's what makes a fight interesting. This little spar was fun, dontcha think?"

"Anyways, it's good to have friends with different ideas. Whadda you think?"


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"Wha- wait now, what do you think you're doing, starting the show without the star??"

Pouting for a second, Nero decided to take this into her own hands, jumping the violet-haired woman's back, cupping her enormous breasts in her petite hands and pressing her own massive meat against the tall woman's back.

Umbra of Chaos

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The city surely was a wonderful area. Its unique circumstances granted her a nearly endless amount of research material. There were always new things to look into and explore. So that was why she was in this park, her magic used mostly to examine the flow of energies in the area.

It was a rather flashy display, the currents of power visible as it flowed around her. There was mana, yes, influenced by the environment, but there was more there as well. It was an unwieldy process, like trying to wield a sword with tongs rather than hands.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 11:06:34 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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That had turned out quite uneventful. Engetsu had completely ignored her suggestion and seemingly gone to sleep as well. Now feeling bad about him she didn't just want to leave him on the ground, so she covered him up strapped him to her back nd then took off once more. No offense meant to the sword but this place was just a bit too dull for her taste.

Why is someone putting on a show in the middle of the park?

Having wandered around for some time, the Godslayer eventually happened upon a frivolous display of magecraft. Some practioner of the arcane was feeling particularly brazen today.

She approached the woman who appeared to be the cause of this, at least going by her being the centre of the magical swirl that seemed like the likeliest conclusion. Lizzie approached calmly as the chance of someone throwing that much ambient mana and not being aware of her presence yet was pretty slim.

"Aren't you worried someone might spy on you? I thought mages liked keeping their secrets to themselves." 

Umbra of Chaos

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"Only if they're secrets worth keeping." She turned around and looked at the girl who had spoken too her. Nothing about her radiated great amounts of power, but few things that were truly capable of such things did. Or maybe she was simply being paranoid.

Her eyes returned to her work. "Exhibitions such as these are rather common where I'm from. A performance of sorts would be posed and an onlooker would attempt to understand the phenomena. Regardless, this is a minor show at best."

Then the mage held out her hand. "I am Grigori. You are...?"


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"Hahahahahaha! Sure, sure! Let's do this!" He boomed into laughter. Thievery was after all his speciality and favorite thing to do. To put it lightly, he couldn't be any more hyped. "Finally, looks like you figured how to use me after all!" He gave his boss a hearty slap on the back and practically burned like an oven.

Much to Jack's shirt's dismay,

« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 06:12:06 AM by francobull3 »


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"Oh I've seen mages clutch the most inane crafts to their chest like the fate of the world depended on it." She shook the other girl's hand with a gentle grip. Gentle for her that is, which for a normal would be something akin to having a heavy weight boxing champion trying to crush your hand. It didn't look like she was doing it on purpose or was even aware it for that matter. "I'm Lizzie, it's a pleasure to make aquaintance with you Grigori."

"It's always nice to see young people trying to better themselves." She continued despite appearing like she was in her late teens.


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Relius Clover

"An expression of love?  Yes, love and hate are two sides of the same coin, but it seems you have merged heads and tails.  Perhaps that is why it is hard to discern your design."

The scientist slowly but surely raised the vividness of her experience.  At this level she may even fail to register reality, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer strength of the memory.  The sheer potency of the memory could easily be compared to an intense drug induced trip.

"But Costin," he said, his head creeping ever closer to the mutt's face.  "You have peaked my curiosity.  Now you must teach me how to love."


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Medaka nodded and said, "Yes, it was.  I always enjoy fighting someone stronger than me, especially when there is nothing at stake.  It is my personal belief that freinds are always a good thing.  However, I do not think we get along vary well.  Quite frankly, I am not sure if I like you yet.  Even so, I do still want to understand you, if only to push myself to grow."


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Marcus stood up with a groan.  "Yeah, i'm good," he said, looking around for an exit.  It didn't take long for his eyes to lock onto the door. "But I think its about time I head out.  I've got places to go, people to see."

That was total bullshit.  He had no friends here.

Umbra of Chaos

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Lucy covered her mouth with her hands at the sight before her. So she didn't burst out laughing at the whole thing. "...Noire, unless you're planning to keep her like that forever you should probably let her go."