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Messages - Milbunk

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That urgent business has just gotten worse I'm afraid to say.

As such I don't feel confident in posting anymore and as such this particular adventure will from this point on be put on hold until further notice.

Sorry about that.

Sorry about the delayed responses but stuff comes up and I'm not often called upon in this thread so I'm slow to notice.

Ok, well my reasoning for Kayneth is that he wants to get a standing in the city and quickly so brute force is the best option. But yes basically Kayneth is going to be starting a press conference in order to say hi, I'd like to start dealing with nobles and such so I can get back to my own business. (Also who doesn't love noble tea parties?)

As for damage to Kayneth, uh while we do have a no kill rule I like to just go with the feel so do what you what, just be prepared that the more you may try to damage my characters the more I might bite back.

The votes are settled looks like you guys will be getting your wish after all, expect more news in a few days.

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
The Proditione Marquette

"Excuse me, is the esteemed Valencia Nostradamus here? I wish to speak with him at once."

"And you are?"

"Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, ninth head of the household Archibald." From his hand he held out a small silver card and bowed his head slightly showing he meant business towards the butler who had happened to open the door.

The instant the servant's hand touche the card a shock-wave ran through his body and the butler's eyes became clouded as he graciously accepted the credentials.

"Very well sir, if you would please wait a moment I shall go fetch the master."

"Of course."

After a few moments had passed a very well dressed young man who bore a look of nobility and boredom walk into the decorated living room.

"This better not be a waste of time, I'm very busy man, Kayneth."

The stranger known as Valencia shot eyes full of daggers straight at Kayneth, but Kayneth was not one to buckle to such mundane pressures.

"No of course not, as I'm sure you are well aware of, I would only come if it carried the utmost of urgency. You see, I have recently arrived in this town and wish to reinstate my name. It is therefore that I have come towards you so that I may broker a deal with myself."

The violent stare turned into one of stunned disbelief.

"Ha! This is far too good. You wish to use me? The heir to the Nostradamus fortune? You expect ME? To lie down like some rabid dog? I was merely expecting some paltry salesman attempting to get a glimpse at my money but this is too good. Now get out of here before the humor that you have presented me with fades and my ill temper returns."

Yet Kayneth refused to move, he continued to eye Valencia giving him a look of paltry concern.

"No sir Valencia, I believe it is you who is mistaken. This was not an invitation, this was a notice of your eviction."

Valencia's face turned to make eye contact in order for his head to receive such an insane comment, but by then it was too late.

"Though you may be from a long lineage you do not possess the same capabilities as my own family. It is therefore that I intend to accept tribute from yourself and your parents so that I may regain a sense of lineage of my own. Do I make myself clear?"

"...Yes, sir Kayneth... I will begin to make preparations at once..."

"Excellent, now I must be going, there are others who I intend to delight with my presence, if you'll excuse me."

"...Of course..."

This was the third noble already, whoever these people were they had come here for reasons unknown to Kayneth. However, he knew the lineage's after researching various names and reports about people of stature in the city.

Sons who were off living the grand life away from their parents, wives in the process of a long and complicated divorce from their estranged husbands, even younger children being kept in a home away from home. These were the reasons Kayneth decided to make this hotel his above all others.

With no real name of stature to call upon in this other world he needed to act quickly and decisively.

And he intended to do so before the evening newscasts began to air.

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
The Proditione Marquette

It was nearly time, noon had come and gone and the afternoon sun was high in the sky as Kayneth began to make call after call.

If he wanted his gathering to be a success he needed to act quickly and precisely, in order to target the most influential people he could find.

For most people creating such a gathering would take weeks of effort and a very large sum of cash, but for Kayneth, he knew the preciseness and just how specific he would need to be in order to accomplish the goal in just one afternoon with the resources he had on hand.

"Yes... Have you not hear my name before? You dare to beseech my family's honor?... Yes that is exactly what I intend... No it should not take longer than just a few minutes... Precisely... Very well then... I shall await your arrival with baited breath. I will not forget this..."

Creating something akin to a press conference was not easy, but Kayneth intended to accomplish it as quickly as he could.

Now only one more event waited before him.

Current Votes:

1. Return to the choices (Shirou): Li Shuwhere, BibliophileGoat
2. Continue in England (Bram):
3. Continue at the hospital (Sakura): Bdoom, TheMegas, mAc Chaos, Nuclear Consensus, Magus, CyberNinja, Mike, Kat

I'll leave the vote up until Tuesday night.

Even though no one voted in my last choice that does not mean I will give up on you folks here on DSM. In fact you might be interested in reading my latest segment:

If anyone could save him, Shirou believed that it would be Shinji. He had to calm his own breathing and the dull pain was causing his hands to shake violently, but eventually he could feel the phone in his good hand.

Ignoring as best as he could the blood that had begun to smear all over the phone he struggled with the screen eventually reaching the number the one guy Shirou believed would be able to help him.

The phone had barely rung even once before Shinji answer the phone.

“Nosuke!? You’re still alive? Dude what is going on, I don’t know what happened but I’ve been trying to get over there.”

“..Shinji...  I think I’m dying, please, you’ve got to help me. I can’t feel my arm, there is so much blood…”

“Ah jeez man, what did I say about being careful, you knew this kind of thing could happen… Look, here’s the deal. I’ve been trying to get over there for hours after I found out what happened but those Berserkers of yours won’t let me get any closer than I already am. If I’m going to get over there to help you, you gotta do something to control your Servants.”

“Berserker? I don’t even know where he’s at… I haven’t seen him since I woke up.”

His head was throbbing, his shoulders were getting heavier by the second, Shirou couldn’t afford to wait any longer than he already had. He needed to act if he was going to live, and then he remembered the words spoken by his faithful Servant just a few days ago.

“Those Seals are an unbreakable oath that you may use on myself to grant the strength to accomplish the impossible. No matter the circumstance should you order it with one of those three oaths, the path shall be revealed.”

The pain was dulling his thoughts and clouding his judgement. Before he even realized it had happened his bloody hand that glowed in a faint red light was right in front of his eyes. If he used one of these seals he could allow Shinji to come and save him.

“Alright… Shinji, I think I know what to do, just give me a minute…”

If there was ever a time to use the miracles now was that time. Holding his arm as steady as he could prayed to the starry sky and to wherever his Servant was hiding in order to grant his savior safe passage.

“By this Command Seal, I order you Berserker. Grant Shinji Matou safe passage, you are not to harm him under any circumstance!”

“Alright Shinji, you should be safe now please I don’t know how much longer I can stay awake.”

“Yeah yeah I’m coming over now, hang in there… Say Nosuke, while I’m getting over there, would you care to talk?”

“What do you mean Shinji? Did something else happen?”

“Heh, that’s just like you Nosuke, you could be lying on the ground dying and you would still concern yourself with me first, as if it were natural. Well as a matter a fact a few things have happened. You remember how I summoned my own Servant right?”

“Yeah, just like me, were a team, and we’re working together to win this Holy Grail War right?”

“...Of course, of course. You’ve always been a faithful companion Nosuke, even going so far as to join me in my little ‘adventures’ just like at the museum. If it weren’t for you I have to admit my life would have been far messier without your help.”

“Uh sure of course, ugh, are you almost here Shinji? I’m not sure how much longer I can stay awake, you gotta hurry.”

“Just a few more minutes I’m going as fast as I can. But Nosuke, you know… There is something else I haven’t been telling you… You see, the Servant that I’ve summoned, Assassin is only partially mine. It was actually a gift from my relative, someone you never got the chance to meet.”

“What? What are you trying to say Shinji? I’m confused.”

“Hey Nosuke, you know… You know that you’ve always promised to help me right? Aren’t we a team?”


“Yeah of course we are. That’s the only reason you’ve stuck around for so long right? To help me out? Then there is something I need to ask you, it’s something I’ve been holding off on asking but now I can’t think of a better time.”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

Finally Shirou could hear Shinji’s approach as his friend’s footsteps echoed on the steel stairway that led to the roof, the door was already ajar as Shinji ran through the door.

“Oi Nosuke, you still alive?”

Quickly, Shinji ran up to his friend with a face full of concern and eyes brimming with joy.

“Thank god, Shinji, please help… My arm, it hurts so much.”

A flash of disgust flew across Shinji’s face as he finally saw Shirou close up, but whatever disgust he had was held back as he suppressed the urge to vomit.

“Alright, let’s see what I can do here, leave it to your good pal Shinji. First off we need to examine your body. Lie down on the floor so I can take a look.”

Carefully lying down yet again, Shinji did his best to sit still while Shinji looked over the wound, first his shirt had to be removed due to the amount of blood and cloth that had begun to stick to his body. After which Shinji attempted to clean the wound with whatever materials he had on hand from the small first aid kit he had brought.

“Ah geez man you weren’t kidding when you said you got hurt real bad. I don’t think I brought enough cloth… Hey… Is this your Seal?”

As he continued to wipe off the blood, Shinji’s movements froze when he came across the glowing red mark that proved the contract with a Servant. He continued to glance at the mark as he caressed the dim magical energy that shined from the skin.

“What’s wrong Shinji? Is something the matter?”

“You know Nosuke, you promised to always help right? You would be my friend until the end right?”

“Ok Shinji seriously, this isn’t funny man, I need help, I’m dying here!”



“I said this is MY story.”

“You’re scaring me man, what the hell are you going on about.”

Shinji’s look of frozen concern began to change as he reached into his pocket he retrieved the small leatherbound book that Shirou recognized all too well, but something was different. Now he held two books in his hand, both were identical with that same strange marking that was sketched across the reddish brown canvas.

But why did he have two?

“You see Shirou, you’ve met Assassin before right? Well Assassin as a combatant is rather weak, as strong as they are compared to us humans, they are pathetically weak compared to the likes of Saber or Rider, so I’m going to have to take your Servant in order to strengthen my own position.”

“My Servant? You mean Berserker?” Shirou’s body was still weak, he was having trouble keeping up with the conversation, perhaps the blood loss was too severe.

“Yes… I’m gonna ask you to take part in my biggest plan yet, something that’ll be sure to grant me victory and allow my Grandp… I mean MY own wish to come true! He told me a lot of things you know, that old geezer. He even told me just what I could do in order to return myself to the lineage I deserve to have. All I have to do is win this war, and in order to do that, I’m gonna need your Servant.”

As Shinji turned away, before Shirou had even realized what happened the dagger was already flung. In one swift motion Shirou screamed as his arm was separated from his body.

His body couldn’t take any more, as the life faded from his eyes though his dimming conscious he could hear Shinji’s final speech.

“ALRIGHT! I was gonna do that later but you made things easy for me Nosuke, as usual. Now where are those Berserkers…”

Bad End


“It is time… Once more we shall take the stage, for a triumphant return! Too long have we waited hiding in the darkness. But now is our chance, we will strike with all we have!”

“Hello! And welcome to the Taiga Dojo! I am your host, Illyasviel, and together with my pupil Tiger, we have come once more to help those when they need it most!

“Excuse me?”

*Smack! Smack!*

“Such strength…”

“Ahem, as I was saying. Hello folks! Welcome once more! I am the leader of this grand establishment, Taiga! Here today to help you when you are your lowest point, to those who have been beaten and mangled, we will act as your shining knights, to bring light to this darkened path and illuminate the path of truth!”

“I thought we were just going to provide information on how they got a bad end?”

“Ah yes… Of course! As my pupil most kindly suggested you are here because of one reason and one reason alone!”

“You died…”

“Exactly~ But how did it happen? What did you do wrong? Well allow Student #1 to reveal it!”

“Their mistake lies in trusting Shirou’s friend far too much far too quickly. By relying on him before finding out his intention you placed yourself in a position that allowed him to take advantage of you in your time of need. And without Berserker there was nothing you could do, thus poor Shirou died. But it doesn’t really matter, especially since he’s nothing like my Shirou.”

“How harsh, doesn’t a little sister’s love extend past space and time? And yet here we are without any compassion, no love, no faithfulness…”

“I only state the truth~”

“I see. Well anyways, it seems like we are all out of time, this has been your host Taiga Fujimura together with my assistant…”

“Illyasviel von Einzbern!”

“We hope to see you again soon!”


Alright folks here is where things get interesting, you've reached your first bad end, congratulations!

I'm sure most of you remember my promise right? Therefore two options are laid before you, the chance continue the story, or the chance to retry from the last set of choices.

So what shall it be?

1. Return to the choices (Shirou)
2. Continue in England (Bram)
3. Continue at the hospital (Sakura)

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

The time was just before noon, as Kayneth's feet were beginning to tire from stopping to enormous building after building he decided to stop by one more location.

"The Proditione Marquette?" It was a five star hotel that stood out even among the tallest skyscrapers of the business district, a hotel dedicated towards royalty, one of the few five star hotels and signs of civility, a symbol amongst the chaotic backdrop.

As he walked through the great glass doors he was gently greeted by the doorman who quickly proceeded to lead him to a pair of desks that stood at a far wall.

The great open entrance hall was ornately decorated with brass and gold, a great chandelier stood high above the room a shining symbol that lit the room in grandeur.

"Mr. Archibald I presume?"

He was quickly approached by a well dressed man, the manager of the hotel. Who proceeded to quickly show Kayneth one of their finest set of rooms located at the highest section of the hotel.

When they returned back to the main lobby Kayneth had seen enough.

"There were 14 scoff marks on the walls near the door, 12 major scratches and 53 minor scratches in the glass windows and pottery, in fact this place could be best described as a waste of land and resources not even worth the effort. However, of the places that I have visited this by far is the most suitable location. Therefore, I shall humbly accept the invitation of residence in this suitable abode."

The foundations in the walls were also built very well in order to best hold magical energy. From the fine white and gold trimmed paint that ordained the walls to ancient glass that decorated the stands, it would be suitable enough for one such as Kayneth.

"Very well then, I shall go make arrangements for my arrival, expect payment before the end of the night."

He had found a home in the Proditione Marquette now it was time for phase two of his Kayneth's grand plan.

His shoulder was on fire. It felt as if a thousand needles were being stabbed through his arm. He needed to move his arm to stand up but his mind was a haze. The more he attempted to struggle against the pain the worse it got.

He couldn’t resist, the pain was too much. It was only a glance at his painful arm but his mind nearly shut down at the sight.

Blood, so much blood was coming out of his arm. It was all coming from the huge hole that had etched its way into his arm pinning him to the ground.

He couldn’t even believe that the human body had this much blood. It etched a foul smell into the air and his throat went dry. He wanted to scream, he needed the pain the blood to go away, but he couldn’t do anything but stare at the wound.


A blood curdling scream that shook the very rooftop brought Shirou back to reality. Turning towards his Servant he couldn’t believe his eyes.

His face was bubbling and smoking in a disgusting manner as the knight’s forehead looked as if it might split into two.

But the pain continued its assault on his body, what was once a thousand needles became a thousand daggers as a heat ten times a strong assaulted his entire body.

He needed to breath, but his breathing was ragged and hoarse as he began gasp for breath only to internally scream as he found nothing but a heated vacuum.

Was this the end? Was Shirou Nosuke going to die here?

The pain was finally too much for his body to bear, with one last glance he looked on at his Servant as the man was split into two and his body had finally collapsed.


This was a tale from days long past. A distant tale forgotten by time and warped by memories.

It was a large gathering of people, a family reunion, but the boy didn’t care about any of that. He was more concerned with the recent birth of his newborn sister, about when he could go back outside and play with his friends, mundane everyday thoughts like these flooded his mind.

But he knew what was proper of a young gentleman like himself. Bitterly, he bore it as numerous older people who he knew nothing about talked to him, congratulating him and his parents about the birth of his new sister.

But he didn’t care much about that either. He had only seen his sister a few times by now but he still didn’t understand who she was. All he wanted to do was leave these annoying people and find someplace to hide until the reunion was over.

Finally the time for greeting was over and people were beginning to enjoy the feast laid out before them, after which the guests continued to mingle inside the large open hall. But the boy didn’t really understand the complex talk most of the adults talked about.

Quietly he wandered the open halls, doing his best to copy the actions he saw his father once carry out.

And it was then that he met, ‘him’.

He stood out because of the shining red hair very similar to the boy’s own but also his looks. He was by far older than the boy, but still younger than all the other adults in the room. But he carried with him a beaming smile as he played with the remnants of the night’s dinner, a smile beaming across his face.

There was something about the movements in his hands, the grace with which he hacked away at the leftover steak, and the gleeful mutterings that completely captivated the young boy’s innocent mind.

Eventually the older boy noticed as the younger continued to stare at his play, and closing his eyes in glee, his face gleaming even brighter he spoke out.

“Hi! Name’s Uryuu, wanna play!?”


As he grew older, the boy was often asked questions about his future. But one thing above all stood out to his developing ears.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

It was a question first asked by his teacher during his first years in school but the boy took the question very seriously. Even as it was repeated by his parents and even his younger sister he never allowed himself to answer halfheartedly.

Perhaps it was some empty thought from long ago, or perhaps he was twisted in some way but he never allowed himself the chance to respond improperly.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

As the years went by he often found himself considering that question, but could never find an answer. As the other kids often responded with their own youthful responses he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Even as his mind screamed at him to just say something, anything that would allow the older people to leave him alone he still could not bring himself to do it.

Was there something wrong with him? Why couldn’t he respond properly to such a simple question? That’s all it would take, one simple response. But he couldn’t do it.

“What did he want to do? What was his purpose in life? Why did he live?”

There was only one answer he could think of even as he got older.

The hazy memories of his long distant friend and relative.


Pain assaulted the man’s body. It screamed at him to get up and move, he needed to move. His senses were screaming at him to move.

After spending what seemed like hours in darkness, eventually the man opened his eyes and saw the vast open night sky above him. As the stars twinkled in the darkness he felt like reaching up towards them but something was wrong.

He couldn’t feel his right arm. It must have just rained recently as his body was soaked and freezing.

Dark thoughts began to cross the man’s head, he felt that something urgent was going on. He needed to stand up, to look at his arm and assess the current situation. But his body was having trouble moving.

“Hey Berserker… What’s going on?”

The last thing he could remember was retreating with his honorable knight but he couldn’t remember why or when.

Yet Berserker never responded to Shirou’s calls.

“Berserker? Anyone? Where am I?”

He had to move, the numbness in his arm was screaming at him to move. He needed to turn and look at his arm.

Using all the strength he could gather with his free arm, Shirou pushed himself up with his left hand glancing at his right arm in the process. And his mind froze.


There was so much red all over his body, it wasn’t just his numb arm, under the dim light of the moon and the flickering of the nearby building lights he could make out nothing but red as far as he could see.

Like a switch flipping in his head Shirou quickly recalled everything that had happened up until he passed out, the encounter with Rin, the escape with Berserker, and Archer’s attack, he remembered it all.

And he wanted to scream, his injuries were too great, he knew he didn’t have much longer to live, his arm was already probably lost and Berserker was nowhere in sight.

What could he do? What had happened to Berseker? Was Rin and her Servant still looking for him? What about Shinji? All these things flooded his mind as Shirou needed to react and quickly before his mind gave out and he truly died.

1. Scream for help
2. Look around for Berserker
3. Call Shinji
4. Write in...

Spoiler for Hiden:




Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

"Bah, pathetic! You call this reviling trash a five star hotel? You embarrass yourselves and the people around you. I dare not think of what happen if an actual person of royalty dared step foot in this menagerie of disgust. I am leaving at once!"

Kayneth was not in a pleasant mood as he began to spend his morning observing the various hotels that dotted the landscape of the city. Glancing from building to building he would always find some trait most unsatisfactory towards his taste. Perhaps the lights were too dim, or the wallpaper was of a dimmed color, he was beginning to think this city was nothing but talk in regards to hospitality.

"Perhaps my business would be better off in that barbarian's abode?"

He still have a few places he wanted to check out before he had truly given up, hotels that rivaled castle's in their splendor and were said to be the best around, where the kings and queens often ended up after unsuitably arriving to this barren city.

He was a man of research after all, it was his duty to find the very best that this city could offer, something more suitable to his noble taste.

And as he stormed out of the silver doors of his latest failed discovery he immediately headed towards his next goal.

With three more people calling for Berserker to transform I believe the decision is pretty set in stone. Therefore I'll end voting tonight.

1. Stop Berserker’s transformation at any cost:
2. Allow Berserker to transform: TheMegas, Council
3. Force Berserker on the offense: G-Man

What reason was there to trust her? How many years has it been since I had seen my former idol? No, there was no way I could agree to just walking straight into the dark corner of an alley in order to fall into some sort of trap.

Yes if anything I should be the one demanding she come towards me. But then, something seems odd.

Why won’t my hand move?

All I have to do is stick my hand out and signal for her to come towards me. Just that one simple motion would be enough to convey my intent.

‘Come towards me Tohsaka...’

That’s odd, my mouth doesn’t want to speak either, to make matters worse it was as if my entire body had been buried in cement. No matter what I tried, it stayed still.

Come to think of it… Was Tohsaka really that bad? Sure we had not seen in other in years, but she never seemed that ruthless.

If that’s the case why not go towards that alley?

‘Yes… That seems like a nice idea…’

Just a few more steps, and I will be able to talk to my good friend Rin Tohsaka, a friend who means no ill will towards me. Three steps to go…


Two more steps and I will be able to talk face to face in this nice and quiet alleyway with my best friend Tohsaka…


Just a few more seconds… It really has been a while hasn’t it Tohsaka? I don’t remember your eyes being so beautiful…

“Master! Listen to me!”

Who is this annoying knight that’s standing in my way of Tohsaka? Move man, I gotta see Tohsaka…


“A hypnotic spell? Curses, why was I so naive? Many apologies Master but I fear this to be the only option.”

Taking his leather book from a side pouch, Berserker who had materialized in front of his Master quickly raised the book in front of him. And slapped his Master clear across the face with his great strength, sending him flying clear across the sidewalk and through a couple of pedestrians who were passing by.

It was as if his entire head was on fire, his mind was screaming multiple different things at him and he couldn’t take it. All he knew was that his body had been thrown and that was all.

“W-what’s going on?”

As the scene around him began to come into view, he could see multiple people standing around staring at him with confused looks.

“Sorry, Master but I will explain later. For now we must retreat with all do haste!”

Berserker quickly ran over towards the fallen Shirou and easily lifted him with his one arm before buckling his knees and jumping high into the air cracking the concrete below with the pure force of his jump and throwing back the nearby people who began to scatter in a panic.


“You know what to do Archer.”

“I suppose, as long as it entertains me it won’t even take ten strikes to finish them off.”

“Oh really now? If you think you can do it in ten so easily, why not five? That should be well within your capabilities isn’t that so, oh great king?”

“You dare to underestimate me? How foolish can you be? Well whatever, as long as it proves entertaining…”


When he reached the first rooftop Berserker halted for just an instant to get grip on his bearings.

His Master was still greatly dazed by the influence of the spell and would be of little use, that left Berserker on his own. He had to escape, before that other Master’s Servant appeared, cursing himself for being so foolish as to believe others would obey the rules and attack only in the night he lept from the ten story office building onto a nearby apartment complex.

He never expected it. How could he?

Just before he touched the ground, he could tell something was very wrong, the air was far too quiet. But it was already too late, with all his might he threw the boy he held onto the roof of the building just as the air was sliced in two.

Berserker grimaced in pain as the invisible weapon shot through his arm tearing through the solid metal armor and sending a wave of blood into the air.

“H-hoW dARe yOu!”

Before Berserker could even scream in pain, he sent his body rolling across the rooftop as another blade sliced through the armor in his leg sending another trail of blood rolling along with Berserker.

Before he had even finished his rolling escape his silver sword materialized and he struck at the air sending the third invisible blade out of his path and into the roof.

Taking the small instant of time he had Berserker stood back up and charged the direction he believed the enemy Servant was located.

“Is THAT aLL YoU Can MUsteR?”

Holding his great sword in his free hand he easily smashed into the trajectory of the fourth weapon sending the flying blade ricocheting harmlessly into the air.


Only to freeze in his tracks when his Master began to scream. Turning to face the boy he realized his mistake.

Though the blade that had struck Shirou could not be seen the gaping hole in his arm and the bleeding was evidence enough.

His foe had made the attack nonlethal but such mercy would not last forever.

By turning to face the new Servant in his rage Berserker had neglected to protect his own Master. And now the foe had him at a checkmate and Berserker knew it without having to be told as such.

If he charged the Servant’s hidden location his Master would be skewered, but if he protected his Master he could not protect his own body in his weakened state.

As such, Berserker had only one option before him. Something he dreaded above all else, but could quite possibly save both himself and his Master.

‘I am sorry Master but I have no choice, I must leave you now, remember all that I have told you. I do not know when we can talk again… But I will promise you victory at any cost!’


Shirou’s body was on fire, the pain burned throughout his body and his left arm felt like it had just been hit by a truck. Something in his head told him he needed to get up and move but his body wouldn’t listen.

It took all of his strength just to open his eyes, and what he saw put his mind into a panic. Berserker was bleeding badly, his armor had been pierced in multiple locations, and it looked as if he was having trouble breathing.

But what made him worry above all of that was the knight’s face.

A hatred above anything Shirou had even seen was enveloping his Servant’s face. A sickly pale white was enveloping his skin while his eyes and teeth began to bulge out into grotesque proportions while the skin on his forehead began to grow like a huge bubble growing under his skin.

Still dazed Shirou was not sure what was happening to Berserker, but he knew it was no good. He had to stop it at all costs, he couldn’t allow his Servant to finish this transformation at any cost.

But something was stopping Shirou from doing so. His trust that Berserker always knew the correct course of action was greater than anything else he felt towards the knight. Why should he stop him when it seemed he knew what he was doing?

1. Stop Berserker’s transformation at any cost.
2. Allow Berserker to transform.
3. Write in...

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