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Messages - Kaze

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Lancelot gave a brisk nod at his former king’s words. He decided that the best course of action to protect what remained of his newly reacquired sanity was to simply pretend that she still was the ruling monarch, until she managed to explain what had happened. Until then he would treat her words as orders, the unbreakable law of the king.

“It will be as you say.” The dark knight briefly looked over at the street where he had been run over just moments ago, before turning his attention back on Quinn. “May I assume the other major transportation method in these parts are the horseless metal carriages?”


Mercer was entirely focused on the man-bird machine, calculating exactly how he would absorb the imminent dive-bomb and time his counter attack. As a result, it took him too long to notice that his connection to the REDLIGHT hive mind was active – something that should be utterly impossible. He had left the infection behind in New York when he had somehow been transported to this Nexus City place.

It was only when ZEUS heard a heavy footfall behind him that he realized he was being targeted by a new assailant. Abandoning his attempt to kill the bird, Mercer threw himself to the side in an effort to avoid whatever attack came his way. He wasn’t nearly fast enough.

Something sharp tore through the sentient virus, cutting straight through the biomass where his hips would be if he were human. He swore in irritation at having his legs cut off for the second time in the same battle. Landing hard on his side, Mercer quickly formed a few tendrils of biomass to reach out and grab his severed legs, reabsorbing the biomass into his body even as he constructed new legs.

Jumping to his feet, Mercer got a good look at his new attacker, and found himself face to face with the impossibility.

A young boy sitting in a cage, surrounded by toys. Him playing basketball on the roof. Two pudgy hands pressed up against broken glass.

“While MOTHER represents what we think is a simple carrier, something we’ve seen time and again, PARIAH is unique.”

The same kid standing against a wall, covered in the blood of the mutilated dog lying next to him.

“There are several intriguing anomalies: for one, the subject is male. Secondly, it exhibits no evidence of carrying any virus. However… we’re not at all certain what he is.”

Mercer grit his teeth as images and words from stolen memories assaulted him, bringing on the faimiliar headache.

“You… you’re…” ZEUS staggered back a step, trying to regain his bearings while focusing on the one REDLIGHT specimen he had never expected to see.


Quinn’s suggestion of dining a brewery made Lancelot frown, and not just because he didn’t trust the . . . man . . . whatever he was. While he appreciated a good drink as much as the next warrior, he had already caused one spectacle without any help from alcohol, and intoxication would only compound the problem. Before he could voice his misgivings however, Arturia turned and gave him a radiant smile while explaining how delicious the food here was.

Lancelot blinked, and then blinked again. The former King of Knights, the one he had fought beside for so many years, was standing before him undisguised as a normal young woman. She no longer wore any garments of royalty, her hair was no longer tightly contained in her usual regal bun, and she seemed to be maybe just a year or two older than he remembered.

And she was smiling. He had never seen her wear such a sincere smile until today. The Knight of the Lake came to the startling realization that for all the time she had spent masquerading as a man, Arturia Pendragon was actually a very lovely girl.

Lancelot’s brain threatened to dribble out of his ears. He averted his eyes, his mind racing desperately to distract himself and explain what the fuck was wrong with everything. The city, his former king, the voices in his head . . . none of it made sense. It was as though some twisted god of madness and discord had created a world in its own image and had just dropped him right into it.

Merlin. This is all Merlin's fault, that sick, sick fuck.

“Let us depart,” the dark knight bit out through clenched teeth, refusing to look at the blond. He did, however, keep a close watch on her supposed partner. While Arturia had expressed her trust in Quinn, Lancelot could not help the uneasy feeling that fanged smile gave him.


The improvised projectile hit home, and the bird tumbled from the sky. Mercer refocused the excess biomass from his arms to create four long, bladed tentacles from his torso. Projecting where his opponent would land, ZEUS cut lose with a wide-angle sweep from all of his newly created appendages, intending to slice the stupid bird into useless strips of metal even as gravity began to pull him back to the earth.

It didn’t work out as he planned. Somehow the thing managed to right itself and land on its feet with wings fully spread. It only took a single powerful down stroke from the wide, leathery appendages to lift the man-bird-machine into the air once more, the tentacle barrage doing little more than carving up the ground and snow beneath it.

Mercer withdrew the tentacles back into himself as he hit the ground hard enough to cause the earth to crack and buckle beneath him. He heard his enemy screech and looked up to see the avian predator preparing another diving attack, this time with the AC unit clutched in its claws. This time, however, the Monster of Manhattan knew what to expect. Both of his arms warped and expanded, the left forearm transforming into a sickly looking black and red shield, while the right arm once again turned into a long scythe-blade. Firmly planting his feet, Mercer held up his shield to take the dive-bomb he knew was coming, and readied his weaponized arm to cut the bird in two.


The commanding voice of his former king made the Knight of the Lake cease glowering at the pretty boy in favor of looking over his shoulder at her. The young woman placed a hand on his shoulder and addressed her former knight.

“Lancelot, my friend, as . . . rough . . . as Quinn shows himself, he would never harm me. Please, be at ease. We have quite a bit to talk about and I am growing hungry. Matters such as this would be best handled as we dine.”

Her tone was soft, strikingly so, compared to the time Lancelot had spent in her service. Back then it had always been strictly businesslike and professional. However, even with the newfound warmth in her voice, the look in her eyes clearly brokered no argument. Processing her request as an order, he gave her a quick nod and relaxed his stance, hands falling to his sides unclenched. The obscuring fog surrounding him faded and his armor became clear once more.

Arturia then turned to speak to a nearby man and woman with foreign features that Lancelot hadn’t seen arrive, and the pretty boy – Quinn, he was called – apparently found something she said amusing. Looking around at the gaping crowd, the former Berserker class servant realized that he had made quite a scene out of whatever proceedings had previously been taking place. His cheeks flushed with shame, a feeling he was all too familiar with now, and was grateful for his helmet.


Lancelot shoved the voice from his mind, redoubling his resolve. He refused to allow himself to succumb to whatever evil spirit seemed to have taken root, but if the commoners started using their magic flashing lights and asking questions again it wouldn’t make things easy. Although hesitant to speak, the dark knight decided that the need to be elsewhere overshadowed his embarrassment.

“Yes, we should leave.” Hopefully right away.


Mercer's charge was abruptly halted by an enormous spiked fist in his face. The power the man-bird-thing had put into the blow was far greater than he would have guessed, and the infamous Monster of Manhattan was sent skidding across the roof on his back, smashing through an AC unit that happened to be in the way.

Touching the ground with his palms, Mercer flipped himself upright and grabbed the AC unit that had been dragged with him in his tumble as he skidded near the fence that marked the edge of the compound. Now armed with a heavy object to throw, the sentient virus momentarily focused the biomass that made up his new legs and jumped high into the air, just in time to clear the fence as the momentum from the avian robot’s blow continued to send him beyond the building's perimeter.

ZEUS watched as his opponent take to the air in pursuit, an irritated frown crossing his features. He hadn't come here with the intention to do battle, and now this Law Unto Herself character was probably going to be harder to deal with now that her roof had been fucked up. Unfortunately the only option at this point was to destroy the machine if he wanted to be able to go about his business here in peace.

The BLACKLIGHT virus channeled a disproportionate amount of biomass into his arms, causing them to turn a dark grey color and bulge gruesomely. With his effective arm strength greatly enhanced, Mercer hurled the AC unit he was holding down at his pursuer like a meteor.

Hey Kuro not to be rude but you've been keeping mike and myself waiting for long over a month now, at this point you gotta give us something or we will have to improvise.

long over a month

The rule is 24 hours. You are very well within your rights to continue on at this exact moment if you so desire.


Lancelot didn’t even feel the man’s hand on his shoulder, nor did his words register in the knight’s ears. He did, however, see Arturia’s assistant walk up next to him and thrust out his arm at something just beyond his helmet’s view. The handsome man had a predatory grin on his face, and something about it set off the former Servant. There was something abnormal about him, his eyes, and the fangs sticking out of his mouth.

Lancelot had spent his entire life training his mind and body, and controlled them with an iron fist. Unfortunately, that in of itself was not enough to fully quell the darkness that was slowly encroaching on his consciousness, and combined with the great distress he was already enduring, reason lost ground and instinct took over.


Lancelot didn’t even notice the war cry as it tore from his mouth, and it was only a herculean effort that prevented the Knight of the Lake from attacking outright. For Someone’s Glory came to life once again, and an oily black fog shrouded his identity from the eyes of others. The features of his armor blurred and twisted, becoming unrecognizable in the supernatural haze. Lancelot reflexively moved in front of Arturia, putting himself between his former king and the not quite human being. With nothing that could be used as a weapon on hand, he raised his fists and spread his feet slightly in a defensive stance.


Lancelot’s head came up to peer at Arturia, his wide eyes hidden inside the dark helm. “Wha…” The normally eloquent knight was at a complete loss for words. No longer king? She considered him a friend? So much for the answers he had hoped for.

The young woman held his armored hands in her own, urging him to stand, but Lancelot still felt unworthy. Hesitantly rising to his full height, towering over the former king, he had to wonder if there was a discrepancy between his memories and Arturia’s. He wanted to understand her side of the story, but was at a loss for how to ask.

The situation was then taken out of his hands by the small crowd of people that had gathered nearby. A few scattered bright flashes of light went off, and several pushy commoners shoved strange looking black sticks at both of the former Servants. A sea of questions and loud voices rolled over Lancelot’s ears, but it barely even registered to him. The world tinged red, and he ground his teeth together trying to maintain his composure.

Atone atone atone atone every violence every crime every victim atone for everything die die die diediediedieDieDieDieDieDie Know the conscience to reform crimes.

The dark knight could feel a growl rumbling in his throat. Mastering himself, he closed his eyes and stood up completely straight, taking a deep breath to clear his head.


The Prototype had just reached the door on the rooftop when he heard a loud screech from above that sounded somewhat like a sound a bird would make. He looked up in annoyance to see what was making the sound, just in time to witness a giant-ass metal bird decide to have him for lunch and commence a dive.

What the fuck?

That moment of hesitation almost cost Mercer a lot of his biomass, but he was able to pull an all-out dive to the right before the machine slammed into the roof with the force of a falling star. Mercer’s legs weren’t quite out of the way yet, and all biomass that was located below the knees was ripped away. He landed heavily on his side, and the roof cracked and buckled dangerously below both him and the enormous bird.

In the second required to regenerate the lost portion of his legs, ZEUS assessed the situation. He was under attack by something that could fly, so it would be best to remain on high ground, but the roof was soon going to give way and cease to be a viable position. Therefore, he would have to ground the bird before it took off again.

Having decided on a course of action, Mercer transformed his right arm into a hideous scythe-like blade. Charging forward, he swung his newly formed weapon to cut off the irritating robot’s wings one after the other.


The dark knight was once again reminded of how much he really, really appreciated his armor. He would definitely be feeling that one for a day or two.

Staggering to his feet, Lancelot suddenly realized that King Arthur had already moved to his side, a young man with a pretty face in tow. She stared at him, her focused green eyes not sure what to make of the former knight standing before her.

Civil war, inducement, false statement, theft, robbery, kidnap, suicide, rape, arson, bombing, violation, negligent homicide, mass violence, death at work, overconfident accident,

He stared back, a combination of shock from realizing she was not hiding her gender and embarrassment from having been knocked on his ass preventing him from speaking.

Old habits took over at that point, and Lancelot dismissed his For Another’s Glory ability. An inky black aura briefly began to seep from his armor as white faded into dark purple, and then the aura vanished entirely, leaving the Knight of the Lake unhidden before the one he used to call his Lord.

The starting penalty is five.

Armor clinked as the former Servant took a knee and bowed before Arturia Pendragon. He wanted to acknowledge her as his king once again, but he no longer had that right. “King Arthur” he said simply, awaiting her judgment, and gritting his teeth as he tried to drown out the voices in his head.


Being thrown in to what he could only assume was some alternate reality with a hodgepodge of people and infrastructure from different locations across the globe had not made Alex Mercer a happy camper.

It’s not as though he actually cared all that much about his old home. Blackwatch was full of sociopathic assholes and the REDLIGHT plague was worse only by virtue of wanting to eat everything forever. If he was honest with himself, Mercer could admit that regardless of how fucked up this Nexus City place probably was, he would be better off here than back in Manhattan.

The problem was that he wasn’t concerned about himself. Dana was still back there, and without him to make sure she was safe the young woman would be all but helpless against either the military or zombies. That was absolutely unacceptable. He had gone through metaphorical hell to make sure his “little sister” would be alright, and she had accepted him, even as messed up as he was.

Well, that wasn’t quite true. Dana knew that her brother wasn’t human anymore, but what she didn’t know was that her real sibling and the monster she sheltered in her home were two separate beings, and that “Alex” had simply stolen her brother’s shape and name. Even so, she hadn’t thrown him out upon discovering how monstrous he was, and that was a fuckton more than anyone else had done for him.

So he had to go back, dimension crossing magic be damned.

An information gathering tactic involving “politely” asking passerby where he could find someone to help him out and eating the particularly irritating humans, Mercer now had the location of some savant who went by the moniker of Law Unto Herself. Odd name, but that really didn’t matter. Hopefully she would be cooperative and he wouldn’t have to eat her too. It would be a shame to have to kill someone who allegedly did good things for the world, since the one he came from was severely lacking in such persons.

It wasn’t long before Mercer reached the compound. The building was impressively large, but he must be approaching it from the wrong angle because he couldn’t see a door. Indifferent to common courtesy as he was, ZEUS decided to hop onto the roof and see if there was an entrance there. If the roof was sturdy enough, it would probably only crack a little under his weight. If not… well, there wouldn’t be any need to worry about finding a way inside.

For the 6th time that day, Lancelot questioned his sanity.

Not counting the fact that he still retained his old class ability, the former Berserker class Servant of the Holy Grail War, currently probing through what he gathered to be a small shopping district, was unsure how he was even alive. He had been killed at the hands of the one who used to be his king, but instead of dying and vanishing from existence, he was now in a world that never should have existed. Lancelot had vague memories of the city he had inhabited while under the Mad Enhancement, but at the time he had been unable to truly appreciate how different it was from Britain. Looking back, it seemed more like a dream than anything.

That was no longer the case. The man who once held the title “Knight of the Lake” had regained his sanity, and with it the ability to analyze his surroundings. What he found deeply disturbed him.

The city was enormous, shaming even Camelot, the crown jewel of his old nation. Massive buildings that bore minimal resemblance to those from Lancelot’s lost home were tightly crammed together, separated here and there by incredibly wide roads that were coated with this black and white… substance that did not at all look like dirt or stone, and were traversed not just by people, but also metal wagons of all shapes and colors that somehow required no horses.

The largest constructions towered higher than any castle spire, and were seemingly composed of glass – GLASS – and he had even spotted what could best be described as a loud and enormous metal dragonfly as it flew overhead, far above. The shapes, colors, smells and sounds were all just so alien that the dark knight simply couldn’t wrap his mind around it all.

It felt so surreal. Lancelot couldn’t help but wonder if he hadn’t actually recovered from the Mad Enhancement.

And then there was that magic window that created a portal with which to see and hear people who weren’t actually there. But what really got Lancelot’s attention was the people who were shown in the portal – or more to the point, her.


It was her.


Arthur, the Once and Future King.


Lancelot ruthlessly crushed the voice as soon as he was aware of it. Whatever it was had haunted his dreams last night, before he had woken up in a no-man’s land and found his way here. He couldn’t remember it very well, but traces of it seemed to linger.

A passing pedestrian had been kind enough to inform him of the location the magic portal was connected to, despite giving the berserker some strange looks. Lancelot knew that the full plate armor and helmet he wore always stood out from among the common rabble, but the stares he was taking in from the commoners around him were more confused than awed or scared. It indicated that knights such as himself were not common here, and that was just one more oddity in this world of madness.

The former knight didn’t know how she could have gotten here, but then again his own existence was even more impossible. Truthfully, it was possible that he was mistaken and it wasn’t actually King Arthur at all. Her clothes resembled the local attire more than her kingly robes or armor, her golden hair flowed over her shoulder and her features seemed just a little bit sharper than he remembered, but Lancelot did not believe himself mistaken. The king simply could not be confused with anyone else.

A pit of anxiety was opening in his gut. He wasn’t sure how the woman who had once been his king would react to meeting him again. Did she remember what had transpired during the Grail War? Had it even happened in reality? Would she have him kneel before her and executed on the spot? Uncertainty ate at him, but the simple fact was he had nowhere else to go. He needed an answer, needed to understand, needed for something to make sense, and even if he were to not survive the endeavor, knowing that the king he once proudly served still lived on, even here, would be enough.

Finally, Lancelot reached his destination. There across the street she stood, commanding the attention of several men and women, some holding equipment he couldn’t identify. The former Servant had no doubt that this was Arthur, her radiance shining like the sun.

-Dirty dirty dirty you are dirty-

He didn’t allow himself to hesitate.

The Knight of the Lake stepped out of the shadowed alleyway to cross the street and was promptly taken the fuck down by the largest self-propelled metal wagon he had ever had the misfortune to encounter. The semi-truck crushed him under its wheels the way people step on insects.

Slowly, and painfully, Lancelot began to force himself onto his feet, gleaming white armor in Gawain’s likeness for all to see, and he had to wonder why on Earth being run over gave him such a strong sense of deja-vu.

So I should have done this awhile ago, but better late than never.

Hello, I'll be joining you all pretty soon with Mercer and Lancelot. I think most of you have already met me in the CE skype group, and I also lurk on Beast's Lair under the moniker Arramos. It looks like there is a great time to be had here.


Name: Lancelot
Titles: Knight of the Lake, Berserker
Race: Human (former Servant)
Age: mid-30s
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Good
Height: 191 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Purple

Scale: Servant (Stats listed in parentheses are when Mad Enhancement is active)
Strength: B (A)
Agility: B (A)
Speed: A (A+)
Endurance: B (A)
Magic Resistance: D (E)
Magic Ability: None.

Other Abilities:
Grants Lancelot a rank up in all stats except magic resistance, which ranks down, but this comes at the cost of his sanity. Because Lancelot has made penance with his king and now possesses a real body, he can turn Mad Enhancement on at will. However, he cannot deactivate this ability while in combat. While this power is active Lancelot will attack everything he sees as a threat with reckless abandon, and is too far gone to be able to tell friend from foe.

Lancelot can appear to others as someone other than himself. He ususally prefers to present himself as Gawain in full armor and helmet. However, he cannot mimic the voice and personality of those who's image he takes on. When the Mad Enhancement is active, Lancelot loses all fine control over this ability and it is reduced to a black aura that distorts his figure and obscures his combat data.

A blessing from Elementals, Lancelot's luck with drastically increase when put in a particularly dangerous situation. This ability can only be used on the battlefield, where one can perform feats of arms.

Lancelot's unrivaled skill in the art of weaponized combat is so thoroughly ingrained into his mind and body that it has effectively become his instinct. No amount of mental interference can take away his combat proficiency. This skill allows Lancelot to keep his Knight of Honor power and Arondight even with Mad Enhancement active.

KNIGHT OF HONOR- A+ (A++ when Mad Enhancement is active)
Anything Lancelot grabs that he recognizes as a weapon is turned into a D-Rank Noble Phantasm, from street lights to fighter jets, and wield it as though he has been training with it for all of his life.

ARONDIGHT- A+ (A++ when Mad Enhancement is active)
A fallen sword, now demonic, that was once a holy weapon before it was bathed in the blood of former comrades. It also has a powerful Anti-Dragon property and boosts Lancelot's strength, speed, agility and endurance while being wielded.

Lancelot's armor is extremely durable, yet still allows him an impressive range of motion. It saved his life twice as Berserker in the 4th Heaven's Feel, from Rider's chariot and Saber's sword. However, it has no resistance to magic.

Origin: Background covered in Fate/Zero.

After running out of mana and killed at the hands of his king, Lancelot achieved his goal and his soul was passed into the Holy Grail. Before it could be broken down for mana, however, the Grail was destroyed and his soul was lost to that world. Lancelot found himself standing in a bloated metropolis, still wearing his black armor. The knowledge normally imparted to Servants about the modern world was mostly lost in the berserk rage the Mad Enhancement induced, leaving Lancelot struggling to understand the world he is now trapped in.

Weakness: Lancelot is hyperspecialized for combat, and is an unstoppable force in melee engagements. However, he is restrained by his honor code, unsuited for more delicate tasks and subterfuge, and can be caught off guard by sneak attacks. He has no reliable defense against any magic that makes it through his resistance. The Mad Enhancement is a double edged sword while fighting as part of a team.

Likes: Honor, humility, respecting authority, one-on-one duels, training, cute women, alcohol, flying.
Dislikes: Arrogance, braggarts, crime, arguments, paperwork, being poor, obesity.


Name: Alex Mercer
Titles: ZEUS, The Prototype, BLACKLIGHT
Race: Sentient Virus
Age: 6 weeks old (Appears in his late 20's)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: Varies, 5'10 in default form.
Weight: Varies, approximately 1,800 lbs.
Eyes: Varies, blue in default form.
Hair: Varies, black in default form.

Scale: Servant
Strength: B
Agility: D
Speed: E
Endurance: C
Magic Resistance: None
Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities:
Having come to understand and accept what he really is, Mercer can boost his strength by a full rank (A) indefinitely with no risk of losing control of his body. However, while this power is active his form must remain a humanoid.

This ability is "false" because Mercer's mind is not actually corrupted, his mind is just so alien that most people have great difficulty understanding him. The effects resemble the "true" version: It is hard for Mercer to come to an understanding with others, but he is resistant to mental interference.

There are few in the world that can devour another's body as completely as Mercer can. He can devour a normal humanoid in seconds, although particularly tough or large creatures take longer. Feeding quickly restores Mercer's own biomass, effectively healing him. He is also able to perfectly take on the form of anyone he has eaten, including their voice and general mannerisms. If he takes particular care with the brain, he can even obtain some of the victim's memories and skills.

Mercer can alter his form to any extent that he desires, as long as he has enough biomass. This ranges from sprouting bladed tentacles to reinforcing his "skin" into a thick outer carapace that laughs at tank shells. This ability, combined with his skill in consuming the bodies of others, makes Mercer a master at hiding in plain sight.

Driving and maintenance of military vehicles and aircraft, military and improvised explosives, small arms, human anatomy, genetics, microbiology and 15 other skills in the realms of military operations and science can all be used at rank B due to having gained the skill from the hundreds of military personnel and scientists Mercer has consumed.

Mercer can adjust his eyes to see in the infrared spectrum.

Origin: Alex Mercer was actually a normal human geneticist who was hired to construct the most powerful bioweapon in human history. He was eventually killed for knowing too much about the project, but not before he released the weapon he created, a supervirus known as BLACKLIGHT, inside a public train station. Surprisingly, the released virus only infected Mercer's fresh corpse, absorbing and re-purposing his biomass for its own use. The virus took on Mercer's name and identity, and for some time even believed itself to actually be Alex Mercer.

Over a period of roughly 3 weeks, Mercer saved the island of Manhattan from an outbreak of the original, unmutated virus known as REDLIGHT, and a nuclear warhead set by Blackwatch, a branch of American special forces tasked in dealing with biological weapons. He grew close with the original Mercer's sister, Dana, who still does not know the full truth about what became of her brother.

Having been pulled into Nexus City while feeding from the remnants of the REDLIGHT plague, Mercer is hell bent on getting back to the one person that ever came close to accepting him for who he is.

Weakness: Extreme temperatures and magic due to having no resistance.

Likes: Explosions, guns, the military, helicopters, being left to his own devices.
Dislikes: Cooperating with others, people in general, water, Blackwatch, zombies, boredom.

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