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Messages - Soldat der Trauer

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I heard Rapeman was mentioned here. :V

/scrolls above.

Oh hey! It was! Bwahahahaha.

Role Playing / Re: role playing ideas thread
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:50:53 PM »
Yolf, that DECAPITAAAAAAAAAAAAATIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON only happened b/c the mook was just that, a mook. My Adept raped him in pure numbers. :/

Need I remind you of yours and Mags' Cannonball Run into the compound w/ the van? We were screeeeeeeeeeeeewed. So, so screwed at that point.

Role Playing / Re: role playing ideas thread
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:39:52 PM »


The dice gods of Roll20 hated us in a Shadowrun game.

>I don't have her full name finished, but as a surname she uses Summers as sort of a pun.

...Moore E. Summer, amiright? xP

That feel when you have no PCs to contribute.


Role Playing / Re: Changeling The Lost: ALIENS [Tentative Name]
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:26:47 PM »
Aaaaaaaaaaand it begins. -___-

Role Playing / Re: Changeling The Lost: ALIENS [Tentative Name]
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:15:46 PM »
Please describe what players should do to get ready (note: please skip over mentioning to "read the rulebook(s)" or "make a character", b/c that's just being retardedly redundant, even if for kicks).

And please frame it in a way it's understandable to someone who's researched into Changeling and has a copy of the core, but has never had the opportunity to play even though they'd really would like to. :V

@StrayKat: ...I know. xP

I was making a Snow White reference b/c Changeling!Sakura makes me all tingly inside and I was reading fairytale comics, but okay, the more you know!

@StrayKat: ,,,Please run Changeling!Sakura, she sounds like the fairest of them all~ >/////<

The Pure Light that Cleanses all Unclean

How does this tagline seem to *always* occur among different people for an antagonist? It's a fascinating example of parallel conceptualization...

Pray tell *how* that's even bloody possible?! Mistress of Porn, I know, but HOW is she even planning on achieving such a thing???

Role Playing / Re: Changeling The Lost: ALIENS [Tentative Name]
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:05:21 PM »
>crazy redneck abducted by True Fae

Oh lawd.

Role Playing / Re: Changeling The Lost: ALIENS [Tentative Name]
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:46:28 PM »
If I don't know Nachos, and am being overly blunt in admitting I don't care what he is, does it actually, honestly, matter as far as trying to apply?


Further, Kiyoshi and his shadow giant is the justification I have for sending Sakura, Shirou and Aoi into the Nexus when I'm ready to do so, so taking him out means I have no justification for getting my characters there.

Have you perhaps considered the option of making Kiyoshi your "antagonist" submission, perhaps in the sense as an unwitting/unknowing one?

His power already sounds like the sort of thing that can drive that sort of character-specific sub-plot down its own direction, and lord knows that a literal child "villain" (here used loosely b/c I figure you're touchy on literalism) done reasonably well can provide for a tripped out kind of roleplaying experience w/ regards to how others end up interacting w/ him.

Role Playing / Re: role playing ideas thread
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:29:10 PM »
Well, you needed to be human to make a Reason, and you needed a sponsor to help put its concept into motion.

But once you've done those prerequisites, let's say, do you need to *stay* human? :V

Or would being changed at that point nullify the Reason you previously established?

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