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Messages - VergAvesta

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Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 12, 2018, 12:38:40 AM »

They rose, and the sea swelled, and the sky stretched farther away. "If you interrupt the feeding of the fish I will eat you right now." Her nails and hair were coated in a brighter amber sheen while her flesh began to chafe like... scales. All the while the sky seemed ever distant and the oceans bulging and swaying below them as waves rose and fell. Yet the raft remained untouched.

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 11, 2018, 08:31:49 PM »

"Good. That usually doesn't work anyways. When you crush things to stand high they start biting back, and you're never strong enough to be completely safe. So you'll be watching your back for everyone who would want to stab it. If you don't want to be afraid then..." She thought a bit as the lure bobbed. If she kept this up she might actually wake up soon! That would be unfortunate. Mostly just for this guy though.

"Become alone," she offered. "Destroy everything that isn't you. Consume anything that is different. If you're alone there's nothing to be afraid of. You can make whatever world you want."

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 11, 2018, 06:38:12 PM »

"Sure. It's as good a dream as any." Titanic teeth severed the string with ease again as she prepared more bait. To someone who had eaten a sea of desires all of them began to feel the same. "What are you going to do to make that happen?"

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 11, 2018, 04:38:51 AM »

Then she opened her eyes. Once, they could have been as red as the deepest sunset. But now they were a cloudy orange, overwhelmed and blinded by her own greed. "I've waited so long. So hungry, pangs in my stomach with desire. But if I go and go I'll never stop, and then it will end and I'll eat myself." The sound came from her mouth, from the sea, from the sky, from the warbling abyss of a jaw that was the monstrous fish. It was Greed.

"I want eternity. An immortality that can never be abolished. To swallow the fruits of the world forever." Then here eyes shut and she turned back to the waters. "What do you want?"

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 11, 2018, 03:33:23 AM »

Unfortunately her eyes were shut. Her brow furrowed even in this state. "I have only two friends. All others I've devoured, and one day I'll eat them as well. It wouldn't be smart to try and be my friend. Or my enemy. Try to be unappetizing."

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 11, 2018, 02:51:04 AM »

She poked the ooze with the end of her fishing pole. "Gross. But it's still edible. Is that all you wanted to talk about? If you keep up like this I might actually wake up. And then I'll have to eat you." The King of Greed didn't sound mournful or exited about it. That was just normal in the end.

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 11, 2018, 01:58:53 AM »

"Why not?" She shrugged her shoulders and passed the bucket. Each brilliant light like a gem, and now that he was closer he could truly see what they were. Gems yes, but within the gems were scenes. Dreams and wishes and everything that people desired. Yet the hook passed through them with ease. "Each gem is a wish abandoned. They're buried and hidden like seeds but they slowly grow. Then the fish eats them, but that only makes it hungrier."

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 10, 2018, 10:19:32 PM »

"You were going to wake the fish," she replied almost absentmindedly. "It was too early, and you wanted to talk. So we will talk." The question of what fish she was speaking of could be answered immediately. The whole sea stirred from one end of the sky to the other, the ocean heaving as the raft shook like the ragged bit of wood it was in the rising storm. It was vast, too vast to even describe. It was as if a golden landmass had arisen from the waters, teeth that dwarfed mountains and scales larger than nations. Its eyes were shut just as the girl's were. The jaw closed around the fishing line which snapped without resistance. Then she prepared the next line as it sank into the depths.

The King of Greed turned to him with that serene smile carved onto her face. "Do you still want to talk?"

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 10, 2018, 09:27:10 PM »

For a frightening moment it seemed that the girl would wake up. But then the crystal glowed a deep orange and everything was gone. When the man could finally see again he was upon a small wooden raft. It looked rather flimsy, as if there was no way it could support a child's weight let alone his own. A look up revealed that there was no sun above. The sky had been dyed a murky orange which reflected upon the murky and still sea. There was no land in sight.

But there was the girl, sitting on the edge of the raft with a bucket full of spheres of light. She hooked one onto her fishing pole and sent it flying far out. Then she waited, peacefully, humming a soft tune.

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 10, 2018, 09:03:04 PM »

Silent and slumbering, the only answer he received was the glamorous glow of the amber. It was the only light source left after everything else had been swallowed.

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: July 10, 2018, 08:41:44 PM »

A monster had torn through the outskirts of the city. The rampage had been endless. Heroes came to help, beasts arose to defend their home, yet it was all meaningless. No, they had thrust themselves into even further despair. Even though it had taken all their strength they finally managed to trump the monster, believing in victory their weapons and spells clashed against the amber prison of the King. Then she awoke and the nightmare began again.

What was left could not even be called a city. The King had been relentless after its appetites were roused once more. It did not simply devour the people who drifted endlessly within her belly, unable to die. It did not simply devour the buildings, which floated eternally in rubble and pieces. It supped on the ground itself. It drank the waters dry. It took, and took, and took, until there was naught left of the area but a basin of earth deep that any traces of the modern land that once was was gone. In the center was a girl frozen in amber, a serene smile on her face as she dreamed.

Cross Effects / Re: Nexus Factions
« on: June 12, 2018, 04:05:57 AM »
The Magical Girls: A trio of girls who make their way across the Nexus’ borders. Two of them follow in the wake of the King of Greed, usually hoping to defeat it. However, while it is rare all three have gone on a rampage at once. Thankfully, their movements remain on the ever changing edges of the Nexus, so the scale of their destruction is usually kept in check. Their mutual enmity also means that they generally end up stalemating each other.

The King:

“In the name of Love and Greed.”

Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Incredible (Heroic movement speed)
Durability: Fantastic (Godly amber)

A girl preserved in what appears to be pure amber, the King of Greed is by far the most hostile of the three Magical Girls. When she awakens, she and the crystal transform into a massive, bloated yellow fish large enough to swallow a car whole. When this form is defeated she returns to her original frozen state. If disturbed while in this state she can immediately revert, which makes continued hostilities an issue.

All Devouring: The mouth of the fish may extend wide, but its properties are variable. Anything that it swallows will be lost, trapped in an endless void within the beast representative of the King’s own greed. It can consume magical and supernatural attacks, swallow in air to drag opponents in with Incredible force, and even devour space. This final move is its primary means of mobility as it is otherwise capable of little else than turning around.

The Queen:

“In the name of Love and Justice!”

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Fantastic
Durability: Incredible

The most helpful and stable of the three magical girls, the Queen of Hatred wield her mystical powers in the defense of others! Her powers are most grand in this respect, allowing her to erect stationary heart shaped barriers of Heroic durability. Her blasts and beams clock in at about the same power as her strength, but she can sustain those beams and apply constant damage. The Queen is also capable of teleportation, using it to immediately arrive at scenes of trouble in a flair of beauty and light. The range is about 30 meters and she can use it once every few seconds. With a rather lengthy chant she is capable of performing a powerful purification beam as well, This blast requires rather lengthy chant, but when fires its power scales to the sins of each individual hit by it.To someone who has killed many, wronged many, and does not regret it, the beam hits at heroic, but for those pure of heart or incapable of morals in the first place it just washes over them.

If placed under significant mental strain the Queen will be impaled by several lances of pure magical energy before transforming into a large pink serpent. In this state she loses the ability to conjure her defensive barriers and her special beam, exchanging them for consistent firepower. The blasts and beams are elevated up to Fantastic and require no chants. However her teleport is halved in distance and the duration between uses is extended. Upon death she will revert to her original form, unharmed but unconscious.

The Knight:


Strength: Heroic
Agility: Heroic (Incredible movement speed)
Durability: Heroic

At one point the most powerful of the Magical Girls prior to the advent of Greed and the distortion that was Hate, the Knight of Despair is accompanied by her arsenal of black blades. She fires the multitudes of blades at Heroic speed and they cause no physical damage but will pierce any thinking foe. Immediately their body feels both numb and heavy, a sensation that emanates from the area where one is wounded. As more blades strike home the feeling becomes worse and is accompanied with a degenerative mental effect. Soon every movement turns into a titanic struggle of wills, despair, hopelessness, and overwhelming tiredness crush the victim. Then the Knight simply tears their head from their shoulders as they struggle to keep their eyes open. Only beings of absolute will or singular emotion such as the King of Greed can resist more than a dozen of the blades without breaking down in utter despair. With time they can awaken from such a thing as the effects weaken with time, but that depends on the person in question.

The other ability left to the Knight of Despair is her weathered pride, her will to protect others even if they will never know her. Those that sympathize with her, even in the state that she is in, can awaken this ability. She veils them in blue light, reducing the damage that they take from any attack by two ranks and providing a massive barrier against mental interference and telepathy. This lasts several hours.

Notes: The Magical Girls are as much set pieces as they are bosses for PCs to tangle with. Not only can they be fought but some can be spoken to and with telepathy all three of them can to a greater or lesser extent. One can also explore the destruction left in their wake, the mysterious magical girl gangs that rise amidst the wreckage, and the rumors that the King of Greed chases after their creator. Their importance is primarily as plot hooks. But in terms of pure combat it is completely viable for less powerful PCs to fight them. Combat is rarely in a white room, and the Magical Girls can have already been injured or weighed down by the Knight’s despair. Flexibility is the main point in this.


Magical Girl Gangs: Having sprung up recently amongst the devastation left in their wake, very few of these little girls actually act their age. Many of them appear older, several leading groups and organizations with their cute but shockingly potent powers. Some can conjure weapons to form firing squads out of thin air or arm entire groups, others using good old blasts and beams to crush their foes, and some supercharge their own bodies using magic for terrifying effect. Most seem relatively grateful for their new powers, although there have been certain issues regarding some. From here scenarios such as Arcana Matrix can be discovered.

Arcana Matrix: Either through independent research, encounters with the gangs, or the powerful royalty of the Magical Girls, the PC has discovered the existence of their creator. Rumored to be powerful beyond belief through her possession of a mighty familiar, one can seek out this character to find out the truth… or perhaps become a magical girl themselves.

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: May 28, 2018, 03:32:59 AM »

"Well, it's a pretty interesting setup you have going here. Debauchery, excess, did you really need a whole area just for it? Could've just kept a club and it would have all been fine." He rubbed the back of his neck a bit. "Not that it's really my concern y'know? But we all get raised with some values."

Then he reached into his robes and pulled out the Perfected Cheeseburger™. "Well, I still got this. I don't suppose you'd like a bite, Liz?"

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: May 27, 2018, 02:22:37 AM »

"Jeez, you're a real special kind of person, huh? Nothing matters except what I think. If she seems bad then she definitely is, and I'll threaten her and put everyone else in danger without even knowing why. That's you. That's what you sound like." She stepped back with a huff, turning to face the door. "Kids these days."

With that little grumble she left the area.

Cross Effects / Re: In Character Game Thread
« on: May 21, 2018, 05:41:31 AM »

"Ah... is that what you're going to do? You really don't want to start a fight right now, Breeze. Anyone here could get hurt! You, me, your friend, all the innocent people around too. That's no good. Someone who would put everyone in danger like that, a hero would definitely need to deal with them." Her eyes narrowed, not even a hint of delight visible in them. The smile was still on her face, but it was more etched on than anything else. Not even this serious attitude could hope to throw off that carefree grin. The dissonance only made it more striking.

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