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Messages - Kat

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But that will be epic!

Nah, that's just random number without any meaning to it.

I hope my heroine wanting Karna and Gilgamesh to not get away with what they did more than regretting about dying itself is a good reason for turning her. She can make fine undead ally of justice if taught properly given the resolve.

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« on: May 07, 2014, 10:38:00 AM »
Good Lord.

Technically, Ash had been "raised" as a Catholic.  Her mother had been Irish by birth before immigrating to England in hopes of a better life.  Instead she earned coin on her back, and while she gained the attention of a nobleman, it was just for a night.

Then Ash had been born and she'd been raised to earn her keep.  She knew more of pleasure before she had her first menses than most married men at the time.  Her virginity had been sold for a high price, which she only got to see a small part of.  However Ash hadn't been an idiot, and she was fair of face and not eaten away by the pox.

She rose to become a cortisan and then became a vampire.  The period after her first feeding and being chained up with silver in a barn was fuzzy.  Apparently something she did had spooked her sire to do such a thing.  Once she had been sufficiently weakened, the vampire decided that despite being half-starved, in severe pain, and weakened that her holes were still good for fucking.

Luckily for Ash, Law Unto Herself really didn't like rapists and had heard of Ash's little mishap the first time she went hunting.  Instead of being granted a quick death, Forest had offered her hand in friendship and aid.  Ash took it, not looking back.

While she and her mentor didn't exactly see eye to eye, Being that good has to be painful, Ash respected Forest.  In a non-romantic way she loved her as her dearest friend.  And maybe because of her goodness, a reminder that the world wasn't the awful place that Ash was use to, Ash wanted to protect her.

And there were times like now where she could clearly hear Forest's voice in her mind despite the fact that Forest wasn't anywhere near her or communicating with her telepathically.

Ash wasn't exactly sure what had happened.  Apparently two overly-powerful wankers got into some giant cock fight and took half of the city out.  There were casualties, a lot of them.

So, not one to starve herself, Ash went out once the sun had gone down to act as an "Angel of Mercy" of sorts offering a last bit of pleasure while feeding on the dying.

Hearing a fading heartbeat, Ash lifted rubble off a young woman.  She knelt down, shaking her head.  "At least I can make this easier for you," the vampire whispered, stroking the girl's hair out of her face.

Ellen was understandably a hair's breadth from death. Not only her lung got damaged in a gruesome way, but she was bleeding internally. But still, her waning consciousness registered the face of the one who just picked up. It cannot be afterlife? Ellen thought to herself, entranced No, but it's not fair. She regretted her fate. Why she had to die this young? One of things she carved into her brain when she was lying down in the pool of her own blood was the sight of two figures battling against each other. Her insticts told her that they were the reason why she is now dying. The reason why the city she was fond of, despite all its faults, got just ruined. I don't want ... them get away with this... They should pay... The woman was clearly upset about those two even though she didn't have much time left.

Fan Clubs / Re: Cherry Blossom Club
« on: May 06, 2014, 11:13:42 PM »
what this is I don't even

Fan Clubs / Re: Made of Swords
« on: May 06, 2014, 11:12:27 PM »

Then these characters are OCs and in no way true canon characters.

No amount of randomness is going to make Shirou fundamentally evil (without making him "Shirou in name only", anyway) or cause a person to do things they normally wouldn't do (although it can, of course, change who the person is)

Then Lantz has no excuse to make canon characters act OOC, then.

Exactly, and Kirei gets killed in the process. Kirei's victory is always his death.

Show me a word of god that says 100% impossible for Kirei to live

Read Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. Avenger explicitly states why Kirei does not appear in the dream world he created, because only possible outcomes can manifest, and Kirei's survival is impossible.

quantum mechanics, quantum physics

Don't tell me you actually believe that with quantum physics everything is possible. Quantum physics is heavy on probability, and only things possible can happen. Impossible cannot happen. Unfortunately, the belief in quantum physics' omnipotence is the major superstition of 21st century which needs to be rooted out.

Sorry Umbra but the many worlds theory accounts for basically every variable being explored and as such I can't believe anything is one hundred percent fixed. What if there's no grail war? It's just one example but there kirei would live.

Except Nasu states it clearly. His word outweighs your speculations.

I'm waiting for Elf to post to get the storyline of my second character going.

only trolls and idiots use.

Except it's established term in a larger fan fiction writing community which even Wikipedia acknowledges. Which characteristics Satoshi unfortunately meets at least partly.

n current medicine you can revive someone before brain death

You overestimate modern medicine if you think it can pull off feats like Avalon or Sorceries.

loudmouth twat


It's not problem about being bizarre, the problem lies in Satoshi being overpowered to the point he makes more famous Sues and Stus like Samuel Haight blush. Avalon alone makes story featuring of him devoid of suspense, not to mention other overpowered skills like reviving death (True Ressurection is impossible in Nasuverse under but most exceptional circumstances).

I'm not close minded by any stretch, I just don't cave and take every piece of advice as necessary because I am not here to please everyone, nor would ever try.

Everyone has his own style, but if the criticism is objective and one doesn't accept it, one loses respect of the audience. If most of people keep pointing out at the same flaws for YEARS, it's more probable they are in right than the author.

And once again, about the multiverse fallacy. In Nasuverse, not everything is possible. Kotomine ALWAYS dies at the conclusion of 5th Grail War, whether he wins or not.

That Avalon kills any suspense since Satoshi is untouchable >_>

General Discussion / Re: New Fate/Stay Night Anime Announced!
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:18:40 PM »
In FSN manga Zouken could have as well act from the shadows. He clearly exists in UBW or Fate, but he still estimates he will survive long enough for the next HGW, so he is patient.

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