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Messages - Ambiguous_Ayakashi

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Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:58:27 AM »

Well way back when I wanted to start using those guys I made sure to bring up the fact that if anyone wanted to care about spoilers they should let me know but everyone was fine with it, this however was something I am desperately trying not to spoil myself and if that means stopping what I'm doing then you can bet that's exactly what I'm going to do. (There's a reason I fight so hard against this on BL in the first place.)

It is still a Type-Moon forum after all.

The information I've given is much less of a spoiler when compared to giving unknown Servants' Identities and explaining plot details.
Caster's past and identity has been explored in F/E to the fullest, so whatever there is in CCC, it isn't exactly 'accurate' to call them spoilers of plot, but rather, they're little tidbits of here and there - like cherries topping the cake mostly focusing on character development.

Most important of all, the huge bulk of the info comes from F/E. The CCC part isn't that much of a spoiler but rather re-affirmation of something that had been stated in F/E already. You already know about the fact that Casko is an aspect of a Divine Spirit.

If you absolutely want to skip whatever info I'm posting though, then feel free to do so -- but remember that my character in herself has nothing to do with CCC.

Such loyalty.

Very doge.
You go girl.

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:05:43 AM »

Eh, human Tamamo.

I just mean this as a fun observation, but wow man, your far-stretched mythological connections make it seem like you wrote for the Campione light novels.

This is not far fetched.

Basically, in Fate Extra CCC, we get to meet "Amaterasu gone delinquent".
However, the spirit that we meet is not labelled as "Amaterasu", rather, it is called "Golden White Face".
This is the very name that one uses to identify the 'disaster' that went from China to India to Japan. A group of Meiji Folklorists did an analysis of the legends and related this to Hokusai's information, found here.
Nasu himself has stated that Tamamo is not a Fox Spirit, but should more properly be called a Dakini-type. She uses witchcraft too (but opts not to in the game), techniques of Deva, which do not originate from Japan but find their roots in Buddhism. It's in the backstory of Tamamo herself -- I went to replay F/E and note down Tamamo's Dialogue, also, went up to check CCC's translations for this project.

Now, as to how they can be different embodiments. When the protagonist comes out of the vision of 'Golden White Faced', Tamamo tells them to 'forget what they've seen'. It is because she is deeply hateful of her 'past self', which she identifies as a different existence.

That 'past-self' is Daji.

Now, how can Daji and Tamamo No Mae be different if even in Nasu Canon, they're stated to be all aspects of Amaterasu, and according to legends (which Nasu correlates), it was the same Spirit that wrecked all of this Chaos?

Simple. In Daji's tale, it was said that Daji was originally a normal woman, however, the Spirit that took hold of her ate her soul and became one with her. A level above possession.

The same could be said for Misukume, who was potentially a human being at first, but them, the Spirit merged with Misukume and gave birth to Tamamo No Mae.

While it is the same spirit everywhere, the 'vessel' used is different.

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:38:01 AM »
This character sheet was prepared to setup one of the main characters that'd be featured in an upcoming fic of mine, but as a side idea, I thought that RPing her a bit for fun's sake, and because it'd actually maybe help me get further inspiration in writing her better, it all wouldn't be so bad of an endeavor.

Besides, I've been suffering from lack of RP at any rate. :P

The basic premise here is that this Caster is Tamamo No Mae, but she's quite different from the version of hers summoned in the Moon Cell. The concept in how she is Tamamo No Mae, yet not being the same as the Fox Spirit is complicated, but if you really want to delve into the matter, you can find it in the character sheet. It's based on canon and CCC info, so it's not something that I pulled out of my arse. ( OwO)

Ask me further details if you find things not clear enough.

As for the difference between here and the planned story line, she got dragged into the Nexus alongside her Master, right as the Grail War was about to get in its more intense phases. They were to fight in the 4th Grail War - Ryuunosuke's summoning circle did not bring forth Gilles but Tamamo No Mae instead, and Uryuu wasn't the Master -- the little gagged up boy was.

Caster has been settling down into Nexus city, trying to live a relatively 'normal' life. She's been taking good care of the young kid like a mother, although she does sometimes get a bit carried by the fact that she was bound to the wish of being a good 'wife', rather than a good 'mother'.

Reverse Hikaru Genji Project?

To view the Character Sheet, click here

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:29:07 AM »

Do I PM the sheet to Elf or throw it up on the Character Profiles page?

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:04:33 AM »
Hmm, I was talking to Alice on IRC and she said that a new character is welcome.
Well then, I guess I'll be jumping in the frame as Tamamo.
A Caster, but not the one you people are used to. :P

P.S: No, that's not a tail behind her. This is 100% Human.

Angra Mainyu is not only the weak being in the Grail, it is the amassed mass of prana and collective hatred of humanity thrown unto the monster. If AM is able to materialize, it will not be something similar to avenger at all, rather, having the Greater Grail as a vessel and such massive amounts of prana in reserve, it would pose an extreme threat.

The Materialized Angra Mainyu is pretty much a 'demon'. It is a materialized curse, and one of the most powerful ones ever, since it carries all of the world's evil. It will not only run on prana, but on the curse/negative emotions that it is supposed to represent, and seeing that it is a being on the scale of the world, that danger is massive.

Primate Murder has been stated to be Dead Apostle Ancestor N.1, but you have to recall that rankings isn't entirely descriptive of power. While there is a certain correlation, the ranking of the Dead Apostle Ancestors is based on their threat towards Humanity/the Church. Since Primate Murder is a monster created by Gaia to wipe out humans, and has absolute power over them, it makes a lot of sense that it is at spot N.1, but that doesn't mean that it is the most powerful of the Dead Apostle Ancestors. That rank should rather belong to ORT, theoretically.

Remember that ORT is the strongest one from Mercury, and is reputably one of the strongest Aristoteles when it comes to Attacking-levels. In comparison, Primate Murder does not qualify as Type-Gaia (we have Archetype Gaia in the Melty Blood Series), and its rule does not extend over beings alien from humanity/from being primates.

Thus, ORT is certainly superior to Primate Murder. If the two clashed, all the chances are towards Type-Mercury's side.

As for Angra Mainyu versus Primate Murder, it is possible that things could go either way... but as ORT itself is a being alien of any 'human' concept, I do not think that corruption will do much against it.

In the end:

ORT is supreme.

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 24, 2014, 12:38:34 PM »
Soldat, you know that we all used to be horrible noobs, right?
There's no shame in having some problems, we'll all go through it, no matter how 'good' we've ended up as. Someone that is truly 'good' understands that there's always room for progress~

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 24, 2014, 05:56:26 AM »
Why is everyone bailing?  :(

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:42:07 AM »
Well, I know that it's mostly General Discussion, just wondering if this forum had a place where the people generally hang out.
What is the name of your channel?

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:38:26 AM »
This was more of a joke, but thank you.
Also, I think that we're derailing the thread.

Question: Is there any IRC to discuss matters like BL's #notes on IRCHighway?

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:19:35 AM »
Thank you kindly good sir. :3 The sheets I might actually make another thread for like in Cross Effects. Should I start a sub-forum for this also like Cross Effects?
I am a tree.

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:09:54 AM »
And now a little setting information.

Basically - shit got real during WWII. The War scheduled during that time (the third war) went off without a hitch, despite the possible threat of a theft of the grail. And so the three families breathed a sigh of relief... only to have it blow up in their faces in 1946. The American occupation of Japan was a time of chaos and confusion among many Japanese magi, and the Tohsaka were no exception. So when a group of American magi managed to steal the grail, it wasn't noticed for a good twenty years - enough time for the group to set the ritual up in another location. The panicked families attempted nearly every route possible to discover its resting place, but the secret had died with the men who'd moved the grail. And what a location it was.

The North American West had always been a spot relatively untouched by the magus association. Possessing little to no authority over these magi on the very edge of their domain, the Association's basic system of power, the Second Owner model, was rarely in place in many western cities. As such, they became havens for renegades and Sealing Designates, families forced out of their dominions, and other assorted scum of the magical world. And it was here that the Grail was repurposed.

The Black Hills have always been a hotbed of spiritual power, and unclaimed leylines. In fact, similar to Fuyuki, a ley line convergence of significant spiritual power was found within it, the perfect home for the ritual to be transplanted. This convergence point centers on Mount Rushmore, a national monument and symbolic structure of America itself. A lucky circumstance lead to the rediscovery of the grail, fifteen years after the ritual was supposed to have taken place. The transplant delayed the War, but with five years left on the clock before the ritual would trigger again, the rush began.

That was nearly five years ago.

This is the siren call of the west. This is the clash of heroes on soil none of them tread before. This is the Fourth Heavens Feel, and who ever wins, one thing is certain - this will not end the struggle over this miracle.

Alright, Master Sheet Time.

Magical Tradition:

Now the next stats go from A to E. You start at D for each one (Except for Crest Generation, which goes down to F and starts at C, and Master Potential which starts at E), and get 5 points to distribute. Each rank up costs one point. You can take away from starting stats for extra points. It costs one point to increase each attribute.

Circuit Quantity:
Circuit Quality:
Master Potential:
Crest (Generation):

Circuit Quality and Quantity dictate your potential as a magus - along with Crest . The higher your Crest, the more prestige your character has in the magical world, and the more family specific spells you have access to. For a price (one point) you can also choose a Sorcery Trait for your master. For another point, you can choose a nonstandard element (One that isn't one of the following: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Spirit, Metal) or a second of the standard.

Every point of Master Potential gives you a chance of increasing a Servant attribute.

So for example, you could have the following stat spread -

Circuit Quantity: C
Circuit Quantity: C
Crest: C
Master Potential: C

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 19, 2014, 03:57:57 AM »
Actually, I have a few questions concerning the RP's flow, if these have been hammered yet?

1) Will we take into account the fact that Servants tend to be summoned at different intervals?
2) Will we be playing alongside NPCs that might be as important - if not more important than players to the plot? A sort of central driving force? I'd imagine the Tohsaka might want their Grail back, or even, the Einzberns might not accept that Capitalist USA still has their treasure. *cough*
3) A Grail War just isn't Seven Masters and Seven Servants. Just like what we've seen, there are observers with agendas, civilians, passerbyes, and even sometimes, unexpected people that show up out of nowhere because GRAAAIIILLLL. Will we have a vast open world, or just limit ourselves to something that occurs 'normally'?

I do understand that some of these questions could break out some spoilers, so if there are indeed some spoilers, do point out (or not) that you'd rather not answer some questions.

I just have Point Zero on loop right now and feel like rubbing my branches as the beginning looms ahead...

Also, Alice, shouldn't you update the OP with some of the setting information that Malgos has provided?

Role Playing / Re: Fate/Yet Another Grail War RPing Idea
« on: February 19, 2014, 02:37:09 AM »
Application sent. I suppose that all I have to do now is wait and pray.

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