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Messages - OPOI

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I was aiming for a Sephiroth that is from Final Fantasy 7, but had been affected by the Kingdom Hearts monsters, namely the Heartless.

I didn't know if I was making my version of Sephiroth appropriate or not, though, as it turns out, I guess I did. Thanks, Alice.

Also... what should I do to keep Sephiroth enjoyable?

@OPOI: If A++ Strength is a bit too much, then I guess I'll have to knock it down to A+, hopefully without any issues.

I was kinda thinking A, cause I thought Sephiroth relied more on speed than strength, but I guess I'm wrong...

Depends on your definition of enjoyable. If you're talking about enjoyable to write, write him however you want (just kidding, I'm not that unhelpful)

I personally think you should keep him as the cold conniving super soldier we all love to hate. He'll be like the Crisis Core Sephiroth basically. Whatever you do though, DO NOT turn him into your average hero. If you turn him into someone like Luffy, I will come after you with a rusty chainsaw

Er... moving on, I hope that my modification to my post in the character thread was appropriate, and actually made sense.

Could anyone please tell me if it works?
A++ for strength might be a bit too much...
I can't say I quite understand why you insist on your characters being able to access their multiversal powers, but in this case, it does little, except make him a nicer person.

All in all, much better than Haru Potter

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« on: July 21, 2013, 07:27:27 AM »

He had forgotten to account for the muzzle flash and the noise. It had been far too long since he had fought Servants or creatures equivalent to it.

Rider had noticed the loud noise produced by his weapon, and reacted with inhuman speed, twisting the girl away from the path of the bullet an instant before it struck. The other woman was instantly on the alert, eyes scanning in his general direction, evidently tracing out the path of the bullet, as well as keeping a lookout for further muzzle flashes. Her hands were clenching as if preparing to reach for her weapon. Rider had also stood, checking over the condition of the girl. There were definitely no more opportunities to euthanize the girl. He would have to change to Plan B.

Quickly ejecting the round from the chamber, sliding the bolt of the rifle in a well-practised motion, Shirou regained his composure, flushing away his hot-headed indignation and worry for the victim, and replacing it with the cold indifference and resolve he had come to associate as his 'Mind of Steel', his resolve to sacrifice the few to save many. He prepared to fire on the two now-standing women, intending to lure them away from the area. as he aimed at the vampire's head, their eyes met for a split second. Suddenly, an unfamiliar sensation filled his head.

It was difficult to describe. It was so incredibly vast, complex and above all, ancient, an entity far beyond that of a normal human. He was an ant standing before a giant, powerless to fo anything. The sheer volume of information from the mental link threatened to bury him completely, leaving only a husk behind. As he reeled from the intrusion, he felt, no, heard a distinctly female voice echo within his head, clipped and undoubtedly filled with anger: "You sodding coward.  If you have a pair, then come down and face us like a real man, or I'll let the Walking Sex Offense gleefully murder you."

The vampire then. Medusa would never label people like that. As the presence withdrew, he considered his options. Firing Caladbolg was definitely out of the question, they would definitely dodge or stop it from causing damage. On one hand he could continue with his original plan, but considering the new circumstances, this would cause much more harm than good, as the two could end up fighting over who would go, and who got the girl. Not to mention the chance that only one would rise to the bait, judging by the message, leaving the other free to roam the city.

 The other option, do as the vampire asked, was equally bad. To face a Servant and a mind reading vampire alone without the element of surprise, was akin to suicide. Whilst he wasn't particularly concerned at the notion of death, the thought if leaving the city vulnerable was anathema to him. But at the same time, there was a chance he could negotiate for the girl's life if nothing else. Few deserved being left to the whims of a vampire and a Gorgon. The vampire, based on his glimpse, was an not unreasonable person, afar cry from his usual encounters with Dead apostles. And there was a chance he could win. It wouldn't be the first time. He ignored the small voice in his head which said that he was curious about Rider.

Tracing out his bow and Caladbolg, Shirou leaped down from the building, reinforcing his legs to take the impact. As he approached the area, he began preparing himself for combat, bringing the images of Kanshou and Bakuya to the forefront if his mind, ready to trace out. Time to begin the next phase

Slightly more powerful? Oh...I usually forget that detail, too focused on her ditziness

@Lantz, There are only minor issues in the long run, mate, don't need to get so defensive. It is NOTHING conpared to Xamusel's character....

Not to mention Arc is usually nerfed by her bloodlust. Doesn't her power change according to the opponent? Don't quote me on that though, I'm probably wrong

Ok, well since SOME People have issues with the character I just posted a sheet for you might as well come out and actually say your issues formally. I'm particularly happy with the flak I'm getting especially after the other day. At least be honest with this if you have a problem
Well...mike's already talked about the power issue...
The main thing I have an issue with is
a) story. When did it happen? Why is Gil still around?
b) Anti-Gilgamesh sword. That is completely nonsensical. That's like me putting anti-Servant bullets in my gun, or minituarised Gae Bolgs in a Thompson Contender (now that's an idea...nah too OP)

Ah. That makes way more sense now.

If I get anything wrong regarding Sephiroth, please let me know here, alright?

By the way is it Alice's turn?

Video Games / Re: Pokemon
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:23:42 AM »
X and Y, why are you taking sooo long!!!
Consequently, have you noticed a lot of people seem to dislike the games from Ruby onwards? Why is that?

Gae Bolg?

Theoretically he can trace it, it just cost more than swords.

Also, Alice and I were talking and we were realizing that we've got more single ladies here than men that are available to go around, and not all the ladies are bisexual.  Part of the fun of RPs is seeing what relationships develop!
Obviously MOS Shirou with his charming personality and stable mindset will get ALL the ladies :P

I actually meant the abilities of the spear...
As in Shirou can trace a weapon like Caliburn, but can't actually use its laser beam ability

I was thinking of using seems to make sense for Shirou...

Actually did they ever say whether he could use it?

However it has to be "realistic" or rather probable.  If its something Archer can't avoid, then he should fall for it.

How does that work with regards to deadly actions? I mean, I don't want my characters to die, so what happens if they get stuck in a situation where the most likely thing to happen is their death?
Yeah I don't understand that either...Gae Bolg will really break things won't it?

When writing the scenarios, how do conversations work? I can't control other characters, so would conversations consist of a series of short posts between each character? How would combat work? If I said Shirou set a trap, I can't say that Archer for example just walked into it right?

Just his reaction to seeing Sakura and HF Shirou would be interesting I reckon.
I don't know about his reaction to Archer...probably same as UBW, both hate and admiration
As for saving Lantzblade's Saber still there? Or did she just disappear? I dunno, I'll be very interested to see what happens.

I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out MOS Shirou's UBW though. Would it be even bleaker than Archer's or exactly the same? For that matter, would HF Shirou have UBW?

Visual Novels / Re: Recommendations?
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:06:55 PM »
Also, do you like gameplay in your VNs, prefer them without it, or not care either way?

What do you mean by "gameplay"?
And I think an Oreimo visual novel had a quick-time event thing for some bizarre reason

Posted in the RP. If I broke something, tell me what I did wrong, and I'll try to fix it

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