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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 172 173 [174] 175 176 ... 374

"Hey, it's fine! You didn't do anything wrong, there's no need to apologize."He shook his head, wide eyed and worried for a second. "It was a kind offer. You're a good person." He smiled warmly at her. "Say, you didn't eat much. Are you sure I can't make you at least some tea?" He asked her, and though he didn't understand why himself, he felt like he had to do something for her.


"That's not the sort of thing any woman would understand. But I've lived all my life perfecting my body in order to master myself. It must look painful to you, maybe even sad, but don't worry. I find pride in those wounds, each and every single one is one I'd take a million times over. They are the story of my life."

And it was true, for despite him being an assassin, not a single wound on his perfectly sculpted body was that of a coward. They were his one and greatest pride, each taken for a noble cause of protecting someone dear. "I don't want to throw them away. So please, don't worry." He tried putting a hand on her shoulder, as if to comfort her.


"Eh?" The ninja was completely taken aback and blushed at the question, shaking his head in pure denial. "N-no, it's fine. Really!" He said, embarassed, and it was true, for he would not give up a single of his wounds. Each was an engraved symbol of pride in his body, a story he didn't want to forget. Undoing something like that would be like denying part of himself entirely, and throwing away his pride was the one thing he couldn't do.

"See? It works just fine, I made it myself!" He showed off his hand, squeezing his fist and opening it as if to show off or distract her.


The ninja would have jumped if he lacked self control. Only one person could ever catch him off guard in the past. But what surprized him the most wasn't her presence, but her words. Yeah, it was nice. Was what he wanted to say. Sometimes, he was too timid and weak to say such strong things. But he managed to muster a single powerful word instead.


Costin Andrei

"Pfft, fuck if I know. What kind of half-assed question is that?  Don't tell me all the crap around here turned your brain retarded or something buddy." She laughed her inquiry off. "Why, don't we all take walks around here? If you're going to hide something don't go poking your dick where it doesn't belong."

And with that, she pouted, totally offended by her remark. "Well, if you must know, snacks here come cheaper. It's the taste of freedom babe!"


Despite not looking like it, he was paying attention to the conversation. "How about you just call it a bad dye job next time? It might spare you others curiosity." He joked around, honestly not feeling very hungry right now. Despite that, his smile was as wide as ever.

Perhaps she was some sort of failed experiment. Interesting...

Ito Kizumi

Eventually, he got everything under control, though not alone. Everyone around him decided to help him at once, laughing and happily aiding him all the same. It was strange, he never felt this way before. This unknown feeling scared him. Maybe he just didn't have the strength to tell them otherwise. "Fine, just don't make a mess."He told them while working on his part, though no one could see what face he was making at the moment.

"Pwaaaaaah!!" One of the few onis who had kept himself awake managed to groan happily, touching his overfilled child belly. That was too good, teacher's cooking was the best but that was even bester. They had never ate something so good together.

Before long, all the onis fell asleep together, sharing their tatamis together like a family. Meanwhile, Ito was tending to cleaning duties, but even he was quite too full for that. Or rather, he didn't have the energy to make himself busy. For the first time in a long while, he allowed himself to smile.


The giant was surprised, but despite the shock he smiled.

"I am a misanthrope at heart, and I have grown weary of this world that won't change. You are right, it is foolish to lie to myself." He said gravely, as wearily as ever.

Her words rang true, her argument was an excellent one my all means. Why would he seek destruction? Even if he wished to take revenge, there were easier ways to achieve this goal.

But she had made one mistake. She aimed for a crack in his defense, not realizing he was already broken beyond repair. As someone sealed by the hands that created everything, everything became a vile poison to him. He was like a drop of water in a sea of ink, no matter what he'd do he would never fit in.

In his maddened zeal, he would gladly reverse the roles and submerge the world in perpetual darkness, as long as he could remain himself.

"I know I don't want to save the world, but no matter what I desire both humans and gods imposed their roles onto me. Why should I approve of a world made by these things? Even building something from these same blocks is completely unacceptable. As long as either exist, nothing will ever change. I will rip the page off and wipe the slate clean so I may paint it anew."


"That's not it! I just-" Suddenly the words registered and he realized where he put his hand, his eyes widened and he yelped before rushing to the sink in order to pour cold water on the hand. But suddenly, he smelled a dreary smell, that of the onions reaching full caramelization. If they were left for a second longer unattended, they could burn, or worse, the garlic!

His body twisted nimbly beyond words, and he grabbed one of the utensils with his feet in order to mix and churn everything, flipping back and forth akwardly while trying to keep track of everything and not have anything fall on his face. He was nervous, that much was clear by how he was practically juggling everything so it wouldn't fall, but honestly this was impressive in its own way.

"Wooooooaaahh!!" The onis looked at their master's skill wide eyed in admiration.

Kinslayer Kizumi, the string Spider

Ito took a spoon and tasted the broth, and decided it was good. The onions, celery and carrots worked incredibly together, as did the spices. Soon, it wold be times to add the other vegetables simmering and the meats. A hearty fish ramen would be excellent at this time of the year, and a salad would be adequate as well. He smiled at the taste, almost like it reminded him of a pleasant memory.

And then, the door slapped wide open, revealing the former assassin red handed. He threw the spoon upwards in shock. "ASDFGHJKL!ZXCVBJKAL!!!" He stuttered and mustered, nearly jumping and stumbling and catching it without spilling a drop of the soup before desperately covering the cooking broth and chopped ingredients with his body like his own life depended on it.

"H-hey! What are you doing here!?" He blurted out, nervous and sweaty, or perhaps he was too close to the stove. Rather, he was directly touching it.

Onigaru's Students

One of them beamed proudly and repeated the teachings that had been drilled into all of them. "Fist's aren't for hurting others. You don't need to just protect yourself, but also your soul! Osu!"

"OSU!" They all cried in unison.

And all of a sudden, a gentle yet aromatic smell filled the dojo, tickling all of their collective noises. It was faint, but its great smell lingered fiercely and made even the fullest of stomach rumble and the pickiest of mouths drool. Just what could be going on behind that kitchen? Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to investigate.

Ito and the awesome Onigaru students

The onis stood up straight and pumped their tiny arms into powerful fists, their eyes glowing red hot with fire and lighting up one at a time as they each took their turn.




"How to protect yourself!"

"And others!"

"You're forgetting calligraphy!"


Suddenly, they all took mighty combat stances and released a gust of wind that would knock the air out of a man, such was their combined strength and camaraderie. "We are the students of the Onigaru school, and we won't lose to anyone!!" They roared before charging at her once more, thsi time with even great strength and affection. One particularly pampered Oni came up straight at her face. "Hey, hey! Are you gonna watch out practice? Puhleeeeaze!!"

Meanwhile, Ito was measuring the dry ingredients and cutting up the onions.

What trouble are they stirring this time? He thought as he set the water to a boil.


"It is true. That would be my sin. Forgive my projection, it seems even now I still wish to find salvation." He held his arms out as if in some form of depraved prayer. 

"Live truly to yourself, and never forget your creed. No matter what others say, as long as it is your own, it will always be beautiful. But you must never forget your words. Never forget those you've trampled upon, look at them straight in the eyes. You might forget them, but they will not forget you. The world itself will reject you, in this case is there a need for such a world in the first place?"

Upon realizing the words that left his mouth, he frowned, like a roughened child realizing he had done a misdeed. He lowered his head down and covered his mouth. How bizzarre. For a second, he felt like he wasn't in control.

"Ah, forgive me. I forget myself. Just do as you will."


The warrior raised an eyebrow, unimpressed though attentive. If her words rang true, that would make her similar to him in more ways than one.

"That would make you nothing more than a depraved monster, the sort of sickening animal that would be best put down immediately. Is that what you want to hear?" He told her dismissively, as if her question wasn't even worthy of being answered by any sane man. Sadly, that was not who she was dealing with.

He looked outside the window, as if pondering.

"And what of it? It is no different than the consumption of flesh for sustenance, but on a larger scale. Attaining power, no matter the cost, is no sin. Weakness is.  Living with an unfulfilled hunger and constantly holding it back, only to suffer, I would not call anyone who'd condone something like this a just man. So rejoice and celebrate. No matter how many atrocities you'll commit, I'm sure there will be someone to forgive you. Even the devil may pray for salvation."

Ito Kizumi

Ito smiled, but her request only had him blush and look away embarrasingly. Stupid, how could he think of something like that!?

"It's getting late. I should prepare lunch." He managed to muster, which only made the little oni more eager. With that, he moved to the kitchens in order ot begin his work.

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