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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 173 174 [175] 176 177 ... 374


"Ito..." Alicia looked over the scene for a moment before smiling. It seemed they were not so different after all, even if he was a tad foolish at times. But she could hardly say that she was without her moments either.

She kneeled down so she was closer to the children and answered, "I'm Alicia. Ito brought me here to show me what he's been doing."

The timid oni smiled and nudded before turning back to the meditation corner. "Aww yeah! We got company boys!" A particularly rowdy oni posed awesomely and cheered while two sparred in the backdrop, playfully fighting before landing on one another like two big red adorable blobs.

"Hey now, kids-" Ito smiled timidly and tried holding them back, but that only made the wave fight back harder. Litterally. Because as soon as the students of the elusive Onigaru school realized who they were dealing with, primarily, a friend of their dear teacher, they banded together like a wave of tiny balls of fat and muscle in order to give her the signature Onigaru greeting tackle! Her might would be put to the test!!!

The Hospital

The nurse frowned, and the doctor answered to the best of his ability. "We have no idea. He didn't present himself, and he left as quickly as he came. This is a small team, and you were injured. We simply didn't have the time to stop him or ask any questions." He looked sad, almost like she failed to do something so essential.

Suddenly, the nurse brightened up, as if she had an idea. "If you could recount the events that led you here, we might be able to narrow down a list. If we could ask those who were repoted in the vicinity of the incident, we could find an answer to your question."

It was an excellent idea, and the doctor nodded. "I do remember him of being of somewhat dark complexion. He looked about my age, though a bit larger. Wecould find that person by calling for an investigation, I know of a private detective that would gladly help you. But even then, there is little to be done with so much missing information. Please, help us help you."


Hm, what a strange material. Could this be some form of nen? No, it felt different, trifling ever. He grabbed the cloth and spun it around his large frame, fitting himself with the cape in a single stroke.

"It is adequate." He stepped forward and looked at the maid inquisitively. "What will you do now?"

The Hospital

"Oh, you were knocked out pretty badly. Someone found you lying on the ground not too long ago and got you here. I have to say, you were pretty lucky." He told the girl sincerely. "I trust you don't remember how you got in such a bad shape in the first place?"


He'd probably be just as pissed if someone messed with someone dear to him. It must be nice having a friend like you...

"Yeah, I know. You're a good person." Despite his undeath, he didn't need to make a face to smile. He let go of her, he wasn't the disobedient type to begin with. It wasn't that he feared a God's judgement, he was the sort of idiot who'd go through hell itself in order to remove a friend's frown.

His tone was completely serious, cool and relaxed. There was not a single hint of hesitation, from the moment he spoke his heart had already been set.

"Whatever you choose I won't stand in your way. But this isn't the time to fight. If you act rashly now, you might regret it once it's too late. I know what you're thinking, but that's not going to help anyone, especially not yourself." He gave a hearty slap to the idiot goddess. He couldn't sound any more decisive.

"C'mon. We're going to save your friend. Right now."


"Kha! Hahahahahahahahaha!" The giant couldn't help himself and just burst into a fit of laughter, clutching at his face like he was trying to contain an explosion. They were making a complete fool out of him, and the fact he went along with it made it all the more laughable. Even if he blew this whole city into smithereens, it wouldn't amount to 1% of the frustration he felt at the moment.

And the worst part of it was, this only made his smile wider. He waved his arm dramatically and waved his cape behind his back, letting the feathers flutter while he walked ahead.

"Fine, let's go!" You better not regret this, I will shove every inch of the menu down your throat if I have to. He thought to himself as his steps intensified.

"...Fondue huh?"

Blackmore awkwardly sat on the ground, looking at the boiling pot. It wasn't what he expected. Not in the slightest. Honestly, he was betting on a steakhouse.

He started poking at the pot, maybe even curious somewhat. He couldn't say he had this sort of thing often. But couldn't you just microwave cheese on bread?


Lorenzo understood what it was like to want to do things on your own, which was exactly why he couldn't let her. Honestly, he didn't care if she got angry at him for this, but this wasn't about her in the slightest. He considered her a friend, and her friends where his friends too. With inhuman speed, he slipped behind the two and wrapped his arms around their necks, his posture and words as relaxed as ever.

"Hey, hey, hey. Buddy, look, I know we're all worked up because of this, but let's take a deep breath and relax. What's been done has been done, no point in fighting over spilled milk."

Gods must be great, he heard they had plenty of mercy and good grace. It was too bad he wasn't one. Flames flickered around the two silently, and for a second it was important to remember that Lorenzo was what many would consider an undead monster.

"Well, that doesn't mean you shouldn't clean up a mess, or that you should drop every bottle on the floor. So how about we make sure something like this doesn't happen again?" He turned to ask the silver haired girl with the same pleasant chipper.

Ito Kizumi

The sun was beating, the cicadas were chirping. The ninja smiled and nodded before walking forward, sliding the door open. But behind it awaited their doom, sure death unlike anything else.

"Teacher!" About 5ive voices cried out in unison before slamming straight into him, with such crushing strength that there was a gust of wind that knocked the leaves off the ground.

"Oof! Woah there, you've gotten stronger haven't you?" He smiled with a huge grin at the sight of his usual companions, five young red onis had slammed right into him and were practically crushing him.

Some even noticed the girl, tiny little devils weren't they, though not all of them had the same complexion. Some were blue, green, or even yellow, baring different monstruous features. Yet who in their right mind could consider such beings monsters?

"Whozzat?" One of them tugged at his cloak and pointed at the holy girl, but he could hardly muster up a response.

C-can't breathe...


Before long, they had gotten away from the city and were traversing a forest. Just what could he be intending to show her, away from civilization? And what could there be in an isolated forest such as this one?

The answer was soon revealed when they arrived at a clearing by a pristine lake. But it wasn't just the breath taking view that he wanted to show her, but rather, the wooden hut by the lake. Its architecture was notably Japanese, and it was large enough to house about ten people.

"There, we've arrived. Are you alright?" he asked her before they so much as went inside.



The former assassin didn't answer the girl or let her affront him any further. Instead, a metal arm wrapped around her waist and he burst into motion, disappearing from the graveyard. Even if she wanted to struggle, it was litle to no use. He was strong. But even that was nothing compared to his speed, there was no animal alive that could match his speed.

"I want to show you something." He told her, his eyes fixed on the horizon. Despite the cold metal, somehow, it felt warm.


"You really are a kind person." He smiled and shook his head. He seemed and sounded truly grateful for her words. But if words could change his heart so easily, he wouldn't be suffering like this in the first place.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right. Maybe God will forgive me, maybe you and everyone else already did. It doesn't matter. I can't forgive myself."

And with a tired voice, he revealed a trembling metal hand from his cloak, cold and unfeeling.

"I just want to use these bloodstained hands for something good. Isn't it selfish? Even if I show regret now, nothing will change. But if I can at least make something good out of this pathetic life, maybe I can give some sense to all the death I've caused. That is the only reason I'm still alive. I want to believe..."

For a moment, his mind and words spaced out, as if he was in a completely different place. But as soon as he snapped back, regret crawled on his face and he stopped.

"Forget it. Someone like you shouldn't carry this burden too. I'm not going to crush someone along with me again. Let's talk of more pleasant things, okay?"

Ito Kizumi

Ito's expression turned soft, sad even. Despite that, he managed to smile bitterly under his scarf. His tone was kind and gentle. "There's no need for that. You've already found him."

Repentance huh? That was a pretty word. Exquisite even. If only it was enough to erase his sins, he might have found peace back then. But no matter how hard he'd pray, the lives he had taken would never come back. That was his sin to carry. He spread his arms wide. "The one who killed all these men... was me."


Mhh. She had a point! He probably would have straight up burned her if she did that. But then, Nep came back, which didn't surprise him as much as what she said next. Was a friend of hers in trouble? This made things complicated.

"Alright! Well, if you put it like that, I can't really say no now can I? Gee, you're really good at forcing my hands and tying them up yknow? But in this case, I do have another condition." He turned to glance at Nep, and it almost looked like he was truly grinning. "My friend here can show too, right? In this case if either of us win, you'll make your boss let her friend go."


The ninja didn't interrupt in any way. He just listened to her prayer and stared at the graves, thinking of her words. He only had one thing to say once she was done.



"Haha, sure! It wouldn't be a rematch if you were holding back now would it? Such a cheap victory won't settle our score." He seemed pleased and agreeing, but all of a sudden, something unexpected happened. A merciless karate chop slammed on the poor Lucy's head, bearing no pity whatsoever.

"Don't you think your approach is a little too on the nose? I'm not that easy to manipulate."


"Hmph." He let go of her arm as roughly as he picked it. Despite that, his features somewhat softened. "I see. That is unfortunate. But I'm glad you both made it back." He told her with no hint of gentleness, but there was a hint of concern in his words.

"You've worked well so far. I think a reward is long overdue. Is there anything you wish for?"

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