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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 174 175 [176] 177 178 ... 374

"Woah woah woah! Slow down lass. That's a lot of information for a really short amount of time." He held his hands out as if trying to push the mass of info away from crushing him. Despite that he seemed to genuinely be thinking on what she just said, putting a finger on his chin as if to think.

"Heh, you sly dog. Your prize must be one helluva prize for you to ask me of all people. Who am I to deny a damsel in distress? A gauntlet of battles, the winner takes all, valorous warriors clashing bodies and soul to come on top! Oooooo, this gets my blood pumping already! Hehehehe! You sure know how to catch a fish. You've got just one thing wrong. I don't care about a body right now. There's one thing I want."

His grin turned wolfish as he revealed his true intentions. His fire seemed to glo and intensify around his eyes.

"I want a rematch."


The pirate was surprised, but his expression was as blank as it was accepting. He didn't even hesitate. "Sure. Someone bothering you? Hmph, unforgivable! Only I am allowed to do that!" He joked. "Ah, and don't worry about having to repay me or anything. You know what I want." He grinned amiably.


"Gee, you're making me look like a bad guy here." He rubbed the back of his skull awkwardly before flicking her forehead, pouting as well. "C'mon, don't pout like that. Just thinking of all the wrinkles your face'll get just breaks my heart. I'm here, so if you got something to say to me shoot."


The ninja was caught by surprise at her question, but his eyes soon gave in to sadness. "No."

He looked down at the graves solemnly. Even if they became mindless monsters, they had to have been human once. They probably had hopes, dreams, families, loved ones, and things to laugh and be happy about. He envied that girl. If her creed was true, then he had no doubt he would find himself in hell. But he didn't care about that. At least, he wanted to honor their memory in the now.

"Can you pray for them?" He asked her, his face looked pleading for a second.

Dr. Nimdok

"You are at a hospital, dear. My name is Dr.Nimdok, and this is my assistant Sarah." The nurse bowed in a curtsy. "You have been unconscious for some time, but your wounds and injuries have fully healed by now. I am happy to say your treatment was a success. You are free to go, but first we would like to ask you some questions. But before that, please, enjoy." He waved his arm to the platter full of food.

Considering the fact she just regained consciousness, she'd need strength, and it was only expected that the sight of food would be even more irresistible than ever.


The pirate acted purely on reflex, you may call it instinct or whatever, but the woman's voice or words didn't even register until after he shot the fireball straight at her, incinerating the intruder into a black charred mummy.

"Oh crap. I've done it. I've really done it this time." The pirate was biting his fiery nails as he looked down at his handiwork. His expression was the sort that said this was bad. Really bad.

"Hey, sorry Ellie, but it looks like I have work to do, so you're going to have to leave." He said, his last words sounding kind of ominous. Digging bodies was no casual thing to do, but maybe there was more to it than that.

The ship immediately moved at immense speeds, crossing a great distance as it descended on a rooftop like a sword of fire that cleaved the skies in half while he grabbed the blackened corpse and flew the opposite direction. Or was it a corpse? Did he really not realize who had entered his heart in that moment? Of course not!

The fiery man landed line a burning pillar behind the silver-haired girl, burnt body in hand. He just tossed it on the ground at her feet.



"Hmph. Did you doubt me? That's just weak dude. I wouldn't have gotten this far if I couldn't do this much. You need strength to survive. You puny humans should just bow down and offer all your dog treats to me from the get go. Mwahahahahaha!!"

Meanwhile, the ninja looked torn by what the two had said. Maybe he had been unfair, what he felt in his own regards didn't mean he had to tarnish their honor with needless abrasiveness. He took a deep breath and followed along, listening on to the hound and her company's ramblings. For a second, he coulnd't help but chuckle and smile genuinely.

Only to realize that just happenened and look thrice, no, four times more embarassed. He just rolled his scarf around his mouth and kept going.


The man's amusement was written as clearly as ever on his face as completely non-existant, and before she could even finish he began to twist her arm back in a merciless submission hold. He was looking at her as casually as one would look at a calm lake. If one didn't know any better, you'd think he was performing something no more uncommon or perturbing than a walk in the park.

"I believe I told you to drop the bad acting last time. If you can't tell, I'm not in a great mood." His eyes narrowed as her joints came closer and closer to the breaking point. His mood wasn't any different than usual in truth, at least not anymore. Misbehavior should be punished, and naughty children had no need for arms in the first place.

Despite that, he might just snap it exactly because she told him he wouldn't.

"So, what brings you here then?" He asked her mercilessly.


The assassin shifted his body away and let go of her, glaring. Her words should have been comforting, but they only seemed to make him angrier. But despite that, there was a certain absolute calmness, even now.

"Don't talk like you know me." He told her, not even bothering to look at her direction. By trying to open his heart, she only shut it off even further, like she reminded him of something he'd rather forget.

Its not that he liked frowning. Its just he forgot how to show any other emotion. Despite that, he sounded like he regretted his harshness.

"Look, I know you're trying to be nice. I appreciate it. Don't worry, I got your back, but just drop it."

Meanwhile, almost as if to rub the salt in, Costin walked along the green haired girl and whispered."Baad move sis, bad move." Flicking her tail on her leg playfully.

"And nah. I'm no good in a fight. But who would hurt a cute little pupper like me? Sheesh, it would take one sick bastard to even think of laying his perverted hands on Nexus City's number one idol Cossie~."


The puppets in the small complex seemed to be ignoring her. But as the girl was oh so gleefully stealing the contents of the laboratory, a hand grabbed her arm before she could collect more of the materials. His eyes were cold and merciless, but the iron tight grip was nothing in compare to the shadow his massive frame cast above her.

To think he'd come home after such a long day, only to find this. For a thief, this was too shameful to go unnoticed or unpunished.

"You should be careful. There are mice among these walls lately." A calm voice called to her. "Did something pique your interest?"


Steps echoed outside the unfamiliar room, lingering like a rhythmic percussion. Before she could plan her next move or anticipate, the door slid open with little to no sound, revealing an old man in a white doctor's coat and pristine nurse carrying a platter of all sorts of food assortments. The sterile room was immediately filled with all sorts of smells from what could only be described as a complete breakfast.

She laid the silver platter on a table next to her.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked kindly.


His eyes narrowed while he looked elsewhere as soon as Lucy left him. There was one more thing to take care of. With nimble speed he stepped forth towards his new objective. Indeed, he saw what had happened, she shouldn't have landed far.

It took very little to find her body. Unconscious, and a check of her pulse confirmed she still lived. It was fortunate.

She picked her body by the shirt and sluched her over his shoulder. She'd wake up on a warm bed, in a proper room. Her companion had perished, but he had questions he wanted answered.


Hmph. How rude. As if he couldn't tell vermin was trying to board his ship. This just wouldn't do. With a wave of his arm, a blasting wave of flame spewed from the ship and showered the flying bunnies, incinerating them on the spot. The last time something like this happened, he didn't have a very pleasant experience. As if he'd let anyone in his moon uninvited.

"Welp. Looks like she left. Hey Ellie, think I should follow her?" He asked her absentmindedly.


Without him realizing, his heart jumped at the sudden contact. All his instincts told him to get away. He was too sentimental to control such things. If only he was an unthinking, unfeeling weapon, things would have turned out much better.

He was filth, a proper girl like her shouldn't touch him like this. He didn't seek salvation, nor did he desire or need it.

But despite that, he wasn't strong enough to pull back. How hypocritical. In the end, he'd just end up taking advantage of her too. Weren't all the lives he took enough? If she knew any better, she wouldn't say such rubbish.

"Tch. I need to get out of this dump too, that's all."


The ninja frowned angrily. But before he could even object, the dog suddenly jumped up and down and gesticulated dramatically, warning the other lady of the dreadful dangers about.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Some idiot decided to stack boxes around for some reason. Phew, if this lady didn't help me out, I swear I'd have been a goner. Watch out!"

This was just ridiculous, and the three weren't even listening to him or what he had to say. Damn, why did every woman he met have to shove more troubles on his back.

"Fine, whatever." He sighed and just followed along, stepping forward so he could protect the blue haired woman better. If something came for her like those corpses from earlier, he'd have her back no matter what.


"No." He told her as flatly as possible, with the sort of finality that felt like a halberd struck in your heart. You'll find out soon enough. Be patient. Words crawled into her head as his soul spoke to hers.

With that, he walked away. Both of them had work to be done. This wasn't a game he was willing to lose.


The hero wasted no time. He immediately picked the girl up by  the waist with a single hand, holding her like a purse and lifting her off the ground before jumping out the roof, landing on the ground unscathed. Then, she dropped her on the ground.

It seemed he wasn't one for treating women gently.

"Good?" He told her absentmindedly, but didn't even bother looking at her. Hardly befitting a gentleman, then again heroes weren't always known for their great tact.

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