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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 178 179 [180] 181 182 ... 374

"Heh, don't worry. What kind of man would I be if I couldn't handle this much?" He mustered a shit eating grin and managed to give Ellie a sparkling thumbs up, as if trying to look cool.

Then Nep slapped his back, causing the poor pirate to puke some more.

If he wasn't the greatest pirate of all time, he was surely at least the greatest idiot. Despite that, he wiped the burning oil off his mouth and narrowed his eyes at the goddess. Could she have said something that somehow struck an old nerve? He was a skeleton, no matter how you looked at it, there must've been a reason for his state.

Could her question have seriously managed to anger him?

Nah, actually he was just trying to get a better look of the popcorn stand behind her. He didn't honestly mind, in fact, he'd probably have asked the same. It would've been pretty weird otherwise.

He stretched and laid his sword on his back like a hockey stick, resting his arms around it. "If you wanna see it, I wouldn't mind showing off. But its better if I don't do it here, there's too many people and things in the way." He reached for the insides of his picket, only to curse and look absolutely disraught at their lightness, even when he turned them inside out there was nothing left.

"Argh, I'm short on change. Say, you wouldn't mind doing me a favor?" He clasped his hands together, as if to beg. "I'll even let you take a ride. C'mon pals, help me out..."

Ito Kizumi

"Tch-" He grit his teeth and decapitated the monster before it could even reach him, suddenly moving to strike the rest as they came. Each one dropping like flies as he cut their heads as cleanly as butter with speed and skill that could only be described as superhuman.

More came and rushed at the girl, but before they could even catch her off her guard, he cut them down. It seemed he was more worried about her safety, even if it wasn't part of his mission. A devastating kick pummeled the cut living corpses and blew away their remains. His movements, much like his blade, could only be compared to an asura's.

But she was strong too. Just what was she doing in a place like this?

Ito Kizumi

The assassin did not mind the stench. If anything, he should've been comfortable under the cloak of shadows littering the sewers. He was just doing his job. Nothing more, nothing less. So why the unease?

His step was silent, his form was fluid, calm, yet alert. He should get rid of such useless emotions, they'd only bring him down. Life taught him that much. And yet, as he traversed the putrid and dark corridors, he found he couldn't keep his heart steady when he found the unexpected sight.

A woman!? Dammit, those things were already attacking her. Without even thinking, he took a step forward and vanished from where he stood,  appearing right next to the girl and sending a shock-wave that blew all the water in his path away only after he reached his destination.

Steel blinked as his hand stroked the hilt of his sword, a normal human wouldn't even have had the time to think before  he stroked it around the crowd like a paintbrush, sheathing it back in the blink of an eye. Heads rolled, splashes of blood spilled, but despite the brutality of the scene it was also impossibly clean. He only got a few though, there were still more outside his range.

His eyes narrowed. Was he already too late?

"What the hell are you doing here!? You idiot!" He called her out with a scowl, his sheathed blade gripped in hand.


"Heh, heheheheheh." The giant clutched at his face and tried to restrain his laughter at the two, to no avail. This was just too rich, he seriously needed to put some effort or he might just get teary.

He raised his finger and stepped forward. "Hey, if I could make a suggestion..." He leaned closer to the newcomer's ear and whispered something incredibly lowly, the sort of profane idea that only the sickest minds can muster up. It wasn't just scandalous and outrageous, but outright evil.

Which is why it was perfect!


"W-wha?" The fire in his cheeks turned red as he was suddenly hugged. He didn't see this coming, he couldn't, and that was his downfall. He could almost feel her-

And before he could even consider his scandalous thoughts, the chariot fell. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" He cried out as his body was tossed all over by the chariot, twisted and turned and moved around at amazing speeds. One would hardly be able to tell if it wasn't the speed that was making his mouth gape so widely open or if he was smiling.

"Bluh..." A familiar voice groaned beyond the exit. The fire man awkwardly waddled out of the ride, trying to keep himself balanced. His eyes looked like they were still spinning, or maybe the whole world was spinning. Both weren't wrong.

He tried to rest over a fence, but all it did was upset his stomach more. A spew of fire and gasoline escaped from his mouth.


His cold eyes narrowed. In the end, his faith and struggles amounted to nothing. Impaled and hung towards the heavens, the puppet of God shone with otherworldly radiance under the sun. Even in death, he was showered with the light of the gods. But they would grant him no salvation, the dead had no need for such a thing in the first place.

And then, a miracle happened. As if brought back to life, the phantom gripped his blade and roared a declaration that shook Vanguard. His  eyes widened, and without even realizing it he took a step back.


Could it be that that man had made him feel fear!? No, impossible! Absurd!! This notion was nothing more than rubbish, but for a second he felt that if he did not deal with that man adequately he would be the one to perish. Despite having no life, his metallic body instinctively chose the path of self preservation and dispelled his weapon. That was all.

With a swift motion, he grabbed the holy man's face and ruthlessly charged without a shred of hesitation, as if he was possessed by the devil himself. He ran with the wounded man's face in his hand and slammed him straight into a pillar, causing fire to erupt from the holy man's back as his limbs burned away into ash. There was no escape, no mercy in his grip, nothing but wrath and desperation.

But at the last second, he let go. In that moment, a second miracle occurred. The servant had been ravaged, his body close to complete destruction.

His grip was enough to crush metal like a vice, and with no pity he threw the body out of his way. Despite the moment being short, it seemed to stretch forever as if time was frozen. Or perhaps Vanguard himself was frozen.

His face was hidden from that man, all the holy man could see was his back. The only thing that could be heard were his solemn words.

"Your faith was superb. If your strength was able to match it, you would have been able to best me."


The giant looked incredibly amused by the two, not that he ever didn't look unamused. In fact, he might just be enjoying this. "Hehe, what can I say? I tend to sleep upside down a lot." He said, his tone making it hard to tell if he was joking or serious. And then, he heard something wonderful, something very interesting. He might just kiss this newcomer on the cheek, she was seriously a really big help.

"That sounds important. Is your sister's gift worth so little you'd ask me without offering anything in return?" He answered her with the smuggest of expressions.


"Oh yes, I can tell. With those tiny arms of yours, your presence alone is clearly enough to leave this city shaking in its boots. But you know, confidence won't do you any good. It's really easy to get robbed around these parts." He chuckled at her confidence, almost like he was looking down on it.

And all of a sudden, a blur flashed right in front of him faster than his eyes could register it. In fact, he wouldn't have known there had been a blur in the first place, or that it belonged to a quick little rat that had taken an interest to that little ribbon.

"My, did you see that?" He told her with the same joking grin. Her hair did look better without it, honestly.


Kh-! A sudden force slammed on the back of his head, crushing metal and forcing his body downwards with merciless force. Blunt trauma to the head or anywhere in his body meant very little, he lacked brain matter or organs to damage or destabilize by such a blow, making his reaction as swift as if the hit didn't matter in the first place.

His body was smashed downwards, but he quickly managed to shift his position and use his arm and knee to cushion the blow.

Meanwhile, his hand gripped on the shattered ground with enough force to grind it and his face was already carved by cold fury, and in a flashing motion his blade spun faster than the eye could see. With a fluid motion no different than a single slash, the halberd was thrust straight into the man's stomach with the sudden speed of a pointblank cannonball and impaled him right behind the kneeling vanguard.

He had been underestimated, his level of skill went beyond notions such as range or blind angle. Entering his range was a mistake, shattering his arm would have been more fruitful. His metal legs ground into stone and concrete, and as if the earth itself wasn't enough to stop him he moved it out of the way in order to stand and lift the holy man up, forcing his weight to have him sink into his blade further and further.

"I told you, your next attack would be the last." He growled with frigid wrath while locking stares with the pierced man.


Eh? Did she notice something he didn't? No way, at this rate he'd miss it too. "Yes, it's very cute." He jumped out of his cart over Ellie's, giving her a pat on her fluffy dog-eared head before reaching the front kart, which happened to be Neptune's.

"Woah, you're right Nep! This looks amazing! It's like I'm the king of the world!" He noted, wide eyed and full of shock before smiling happily.

Little did he know, he made a mistake. A big, big mistake. He would come to regret this decision for the rest of his unlife.


The warrior braced himself for the incoming storm and sidestepped just in time to avoid the frozen avalanche, though not fully. He swung his blade into the edge that would've slammed into and through his body to deflect it with an explosive lightning blow, and while the ice shredded his forearm's skin and revealed his metallic face around his left eye, by doing so he mitigated most of the damage.

He was pushed back despite having dodged to the best of his ability. A powerful spell caster no doubt, but her efforts were futile, they only delayed his charge by a few feet he recovered in an instant. The pillars bursting behind him were the only signal he needed to keep charging and taking cover to confuse her line of sight with his incredible speed.

Blackmore (In the past, with Mikura)

The giant was observing the city from a high vantage point, taking note of anything interesting. It was pretty amusing, looking down on people from so high above made them look like ants.

At least, he had to be finding it amusing. Why else would he be grinning so viciously? But suddenly, he noticed something that piqued his interest. She wouldn't be unusual to see, and he was tasked to keep his eye open for her, but something about her looked different from afar. Maybe it was just a hunch, but...

Heh. You almost gotta feel sorry for the kid. He thought. Oh, if only she knew. He stood back up and a second body that eerily resembled his own shadow overlapped with him, splitting away from him before breaking down into a ray of energy. In the blink of an eye, his projection had traveled through the walls and ground before materializing behind her, casting a massive shadow over the purple-head.

"It's dangerous to walk alone. Don't you know you're getting pretty close to a gang territory?" He told her with a wide grin.


"Yeah, you could say that. I haven't been taking care of my muscles a lot lately, and let's not get into all that cardio crap." He sighed and took a big puff of air while the ride was gaining altitude.

Despite all that, he was taking this whole thing pretty easily. Skeleton bully day or not, he was having fun, and honestly didn't mind having to struggle to keep up with the two. But that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun of his own. Since they had such a blast flustering and humiliating him, there was no way he'd return the favor. Hehehehehe...

He put his two feet over the vehicle's hull casually and stretched. "Right, well, since you showed me your transformations earlier, it's only fair I showed you something of my own."

And all of a sudden, magical signs and bright lights danced around his body, and his flames shifted and expanded before taking a beautiful shape. This was more than just magic, it was something to do with the spirit, you could say it was the closest thing to his soul manifested through his flames. It was the sort of sight even the most cynical couldn't take their eyes off, between his athletic body sculpted by countless battles and a shapely young face.

This was the sort of distinguished appearance that just happened to stand out for many different reasons than the usual burning skeleton. Despite the violent, beautiful sight, he seemed as relaxed and friendly as ever, if not very attractive.

Because he wasn't wearing a shirt under his coat, his glowing yellow body was displayed freely with no shame, it was almost like looking at an entirely different person. But the most striking feature was his long hair, grown into crimson flames stretching over to his back. But even with that into account, it'd be really hard to complain about the heat.

"Surpriiiize." He said casually, though he didn't even seem to care all that much about it. He was just enjoying himself at this point, their reaction was just a bonus.


Wait! He thought for a second, reaching his arm out.

The scoundrels, after he had gone through all the pain of getting them there. Like hell, he wasn't going to let these two get the better of him! So he stomped on the air and released an even stronger jet stream of fire, using all of the momentum and force to boost his way onto the tracks in front of the vehicle. It was risky, but  the timing was impressively flawless, for he dexterously flipped before sitting on the chariot right behind them.

"Haaah... god, that hurt." He groaned, using his own fire was never very pleasant, but he might've went a little overboard. Well, it was fine, his fire quickly grew back to his sturdy self.


"Yes yes, that's probably a good idea. I fucked up, it'd be bad if he didn't know about it." He praised her casually, almost halfheartedly so. Such commendable loyalty and devotion, too bad he saw right through it. This was just his guess, but if it came to him he didn't have a doubt that she'd be the one chosen in the end.

Would he be able to make a choice too?

"I'm not telling you what to do. I just figured you might end up having a heart attack if you bother with all this stress. That would crush a million fans' dreams, and we can't have that."

All of a sudden, Blackmore stopped smiling. Something seemed to bother him, or maybe it was something she said. Maybe it was the thought of his reaction that made him uneasy. He put a hand on her shoulder, gripped it in fact, and it started to feel like the two were inside an oven.

He seemed to be looking past Molly, something just wasn't quite right. His heart was beating pretty fast for a while, but the temperature in the room was starting to become straight up abnormal. His lips were still curled upwards, but he definitely wasn't smiling, in fact it was odd to think he had been ever smiling in the first place.

"So don't touch me like that again and get off me." He told her seriously, and this time he wasn't joking. They'd have a field day comparing the skeletons in their closets, but it just happens he had been keeping care of his closet for a little bit longer than her.

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