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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 179 180 [181] 182 183 ... 374

"H-hey!" He cried out in offense when the two suddenly left, only with the purpose of bullying him. Damn, was it skeleton bully day or something? They should at least pick a better one, he had carried them already without complaints.


It was strange, but even despite that, he didn't mind this. He was hardly able to keep up with the two, and it made him feel small. So he dashed under a trail of fire and followed through in order to catch up.

"Wait for meeeeee!" He cried out, extremely flustered as a poor bullied skeleton would be, but deep down he also felt happy.


Just before his blade was to boom once more with wrathful lightning, Vanguard's body shifted like an animal's and he dashed out of the way. Was it to avoid the holy man's unbalancing strike? No. It was only his instinct acting just in time to avoid the rain of unholy arrows. The roles were reversed, Vanguard had all but disappeared from where he stood and was advancing with thunderous might at the other foe's location, zigzagging behind covers and quickly closing the distance.



That was the final drop.

The maid sat down on his lap, her hands went to his throat threateningly. "He's dead, there's nothing left to play with, thanks for everything. I really really wanted it and look what you did. Why why why why? Why are you so smug, stop it." Maybe she should kill him.


The giant sighed with the same condescending smile as always, maybe it was the one facial expression he could muster. This wasn't really funny, he really wasn't in the mood to laugh about this. It was no good to burn trash, no good at all.

"You're being irrational right now. Why don't you take a deep breath and calm down?" He told her gently, but sternly. At the very least, you couldn't fault him for not being patient.

"You should look at things with a more open mind. It would be less stressful for you. I didn't go through all this trouble to preserve our wonderful seafood friend just for the kicks. It was unexpected, but things will keep going smoothly, so relax."


"Yes, I noticed. It's kinda funny, sushi lost due to being cooked. Eh?" He pointed upwards with a gun hand gesture while slouching on his chair, feet on the terminal and fish stick in his mouth.

The silence couldn't be more awkward. If one didn't know any better, you'd think the shit rubbed off on his sense of humor. He didn't seem to mind though, or rather, he found something else funny in the first place.

"That's on the menu. Anyways, why the sour face? No one said you won't get to play with him. I said soon enough, not in a month."


Heh. Such violence, but it wasn't a bad thing when put to proper use. He honestly didn't care about her threats, and hopefully she would never have to learn why. The hard way doesn't always equate the fun way.

"I'll keep that in mind sweetheart." He answered thoughtlessly, but that didn't mean he ignored her. Eventually, the three would come back to where they came from.

"Your snacks, sir Fallbright."

A puppet maid arrived at the room where Blackmore was resting with a silver platter filled with the aformentioned treats. Their golden breading was crisped and deep fried to perfection. Blackmore was just reading and analyzing the results of the terminal when he took one of the fish sticks and munched it carelessly.

"So, this wasn't a complete waste of time." He sounded satisfied, even while the other puppets were tending to his massive body it didn't stop him from inputting more queries and working quite seriously.

If its body was experimented on, it meant it could be recreated. In that case, why had he not heard or seen of such creatures until now, and what was the source of its ridiculous durability. Ohoho, so many questions, so little time.

Then, he remembered that there was someone else in the room. Good grief, at this rate he might just look careless, between that little failed attack and all of this.

"Want some?" He asked her, showing her one of the fish sticks.


Damn, just how was he supposed to say no in the first place? Their combined cuteness alone was on par with war weapons of mass destruction. His flames almost glowed red when she put the hat back on, there was simply no way out of this.

"Hmph. Ask, and you shall receive!" He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and burnt it high in the air. The flames and sparks flew out and converged before melding into three magnificent two legged birds that seemed like the burning mixture between a chicken and an ostrich, each large enough to carry them at top speed.

"Voila~" He bowed and waved his arm to the loyal steeds.


Vanguard's eyes flashed with genuine scorn, a hatred reserved for those high above their heavenly thrones had been grasped straight at the core by that man. There was no way his somber body of steel and machinery would find any mercy for him.

"Don't you dare speak of fate to me, boy."

Thunder roared blindingly, covering the entirety of his frame and weapon, seemingly morphing it into a mass of lightning more than a physical construct. His blade wept for the taste of that man's neck, a shared sentiment with its one true wielder.

He didn't even bother wasting breath, aside a deathly creaking of mechanical gears there would be no sound from his steps or from his deathly swing.
And then, there was a boom, a radiance of white as blinding as the sun drowned the scenery in all its unholiness. His back was turned, the warrior could not bear witness to the Antichrist's advent. But his heart and soul could feel her all the same, and that was the one thing that meant true. For the first time, he felt true love, the sort that could not expressed in the flesh but through the heart's devotion.
So let it fall down, this obsolete world, and paint it in the brilliant white of the devil himself it it must. He would step over such convictions a thousand times if it meant reaching the throne of heaven and dragging them all down.

Before the man's displayed resolve, before the shine of his blade, the ghost of a smile appeared on the vanguard's face. No, that wasn't right. There was no way such a thing could ever truly smile. His expression was as grave as ever. It only made his charge all the more terrifying. His blade was swung like thunder, the swing's arc impossible and the might and speed unparalleled.

If her light was the signal of the finale, his blade would be the final curtain that would fall upon the world.


"Relax, such a cold look doesn't suit your face. You'll have your fun in a bit, but time is of the essence."

The giant wasted no time and knelt over the corpse to check its pulse. Dead huh? Well, it was about time. Idiots that didn't know when to drop dead were the most irritating of them all. But its body was pretty interesting, maybe he should keep a sample. They could still make use of its genes at least.

So he grabbed the beast's head and, once that was taken care of, got back up and kicked the useless corpse out of his way. "We have to go. Can you use that sensing ability of yours to find a clear way?"


"W-whaaaaaa!!!" The helpless pirate cried out when he was suddenly, and without any warning, launched away with what he could only describe as a super gorilla strength. He was shooting away with fantastic speed, something that would honestly cause anyone reasonable to panic.

Damn, she was strong. Was this the sort of power that all gods had?

In that case, he had to be stronger than a God. Hahahaha!

The burning pirate used powerful jets of flame to reposition himself, soaring the air like a majestic fiery bird, drawing burning shapes in the sky as magnificent as they were simplistic. By that he meant, a shape, which was that of a burning heart directed at all ladies in the world. By soaring he also meant, temporarily losing control of his trajectory and desperately trying not to land face-first in the dirt.

Eventually, he landed on a tall sort of tower and gave his audience a kiss with a magnificent pose that did manage to draw some applause.

The kids must've thought he was a performer of sorts, and well, they wouldn't be entirely wrong!

"Phew~" He sighed when he realized all his bones were in place. "Fine, you win!" He ceded to the two ladies, they were just too strong for him. Tactical retreat, or well, advance, considering he closed the distance in a remarkably short time by using that same fiery boost.

"So, how about we try the rides already?" He asked the two as he finally landed back where he came from.


Despite his bloodied face, Blacmore's grin turned impossibly wide at the outcome. He snapped his fingers like a sneering jester and conjured an energy blade over his forearm. Now then, there was a reason oppose rhymed with dispose. He wasted no time and rushed for the opponent in order to decapitate him with a full power swing.



"Your body is pretty amazing. I never knew eels were this amazing." He groaned and wiped the blood off his smile after he realized he had been kicked in the first place. This time, he didn't even give him the satisfaction of falling, in fact he was just smiling for all sorts of different reasons. Sheesh, at this rate, his eardrum would give in first, not to say this all didn't hurt...

"Ever thought what it's like living up above?" He asked him while pointing upwards, managing to sound as dignified as his opponent despite the number of blows he had been dealt. Then again, the same could be said for his little aquatic friend.


Vanguard glared at the old man. SUch strength, wasted, and for what? It didn't matter. Right now, that man was an impediment to his dream, so he'd erase him. Lightning cracked around his body, screaming as it whipped the ground like merciless whips. He held his arm out and a brilliant light ripped out of the space around it, as blinding as the sun.

When it faded, it revealed a magnificent halberd held tightly by the warrior, a weapon unlike anything else.

"Your next strike will be the last."


The hook was shot flawlessly into Vanguard's plexus, but despite that he didn't stop or find his breath shortened in the first place. There was no breath to find in the first place. He took the opportunity to grab the man's arm with one hand to keep him still and fire a devastating palm strike at the man's face at the opposite side with his other, right where his foe's free arm couldn't reach.


Blackmore quickly realized what just happened, even if all he saw was the fish disappearing in a split second, and dispelled the barrier in a heartbeat. Good grief, he was too fast too hit and too tough to hurt. This was seriously annoying...

Specks of black matter emerged form his body like squares before bursting into a flash of blinding light. The moment the light would fade, Blackmore would be in two places at once. Aside the fish, barely in his field of vision, and his original location. Either way, if he could give in an opening, Molly should be able to pin him down.


Just when he was about to crack a smile, he was interrupted by a booming slam and an even more booming voice right in his face. Well, he cracked the smile anyways,. There was tenacious and then there was straight up obsessed. Did he want an autograph? He'd gladly sign it with that beast's blood.  More importantly, he really needed to rant less. Or maybe not. This was better for everyone involved honestly.

So immediately as soon as his good old aquatic friend got to that last word, Blackmore generated a beehive barrier surrounding the fish, pinning him and his arms right in the middle of the shield.

"Merciless Prison"

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