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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 183 184 [185] 186 187 ... 374

Adequate. Everything was going smoothly at the moment, the arena itself was fitting enough. It had taken less time than he expected, a testament to the manpower that those in the nexus could provide him. They would certainly be most useful in the future. Blackmore and his associate should be oiling the gears by now.

The sky was of an annoyingly pallid blue lately. Oh well, enough ruminations. The girl calling out to him snapped him back to his present thoughts.

He didn't answer her, in fact his silence was an answer in and of itself. Instead, his eyes narrowed as if the sight of her was something strange.


The pirate shook with thunderous indignation before this merciless bullying. He crossed his arms and pouted away, dispelling the beautiful roses in a heartbeat. How rude, the both of them, and especially the newcomer!

"Bah, why would I need something so useless? Only a thieving cur would bother hiding under the shadows and striking people on the back. Even if my self respect hit an all time low, I still have more pride than to resort to vile tricks! You wound me!"

He turned back to his new acquaintance Nep and implored her with the sort of body language that inspired pity and love from merciful women, though with all said and done he'd only achieve the former by default.

"Besides, I just compliment your hair. Can't you be a little nice to me? The fire's aesthetic, A-E-S-T-H-E-T-I-C."


The girl was devouring mouthfuls when she suddenly heard the harsh reproach. Her eyes turned droopy and she stopped, nodding with the big chunk of food still in her mouth. But it was so goood. ;-;



"Of course I'm on fire, after all, I'm on fire!" He forgot all about his initial embarrassment at the girl's sudden openness. A goddess? Indeed, she definetely looked the part, he didn't even doubt her one second. Just what kind of man would he be if he couldn't even keep up with her?

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Nep-Nep Supreme!" With hand motions that were dramatic enough to shake the heavens, he pointed straight at them before snapping his fingers and flicking his hat in a cool way, causing a spark to flicker between his fingers which he then presented to the lady as a bouquet of fiery roses. He presented them to her in a fabulous pose that radiated awe and splendor while fireworks shot behind him.

"I am the great wave of fire*, the crimson sorcerer from hell**, captain of the fiery moon*** and pirate lord**** Lorenzo Remei. But you can call me Lorry."

*No one ever called him that.
***No one would ever call him that.
***Former captain without a crew.
****Did he seriously just make up that title?


"~ ♪ "He whistled a tune as if agreeing with her. Well, it might just be a little trickier with his size, but it was definitely doable. So he punched right where his companion pointed to and caved a massive hole into the ground, leading straight into the sewers. His smile looked all sorts of sad as he peeped through the huge hole.

"Oh boy. Are you sure about this? My coat is going to get all dirty..."


The girl turned around, and the skeleton flinched as if horrified, covering his face in a flustered fashion. "Woah, woah, woah! You can't say those thinks to an old man before buying him dinner first."

His hand covered his otherwise empty eyesockets, but much like an embarrassed kid he opened his fingers a little as if to peek. "Erm, is that your natural hair color? It's kinda nice."

Lorenzo (The day next)

The map had been progressing well in no time, he had managed to cover pretty much the entire city and its outskirts, and a lot of the territories and more hidden locations were marked down as well. While it still needed some finishing touches, all in all, his little scouting side mission was a definite success. With that, boss should be able to plan her next steps more efficiently.

Once this was out of the way, as long as one of his elementals kept an eye on that man, he was free to do as he pleased. Because of that, he decided to take a little stroll. Who knew, there might be something interesting to report back. But suddenly, he noticed something that was very strange. In the blink of an eye, the world stopped.

Yes, pink, the world most definitely turned pink. Such beauty, such luscious hair...

But her dress, it was simply far too scandalous! It instantly caught his attention, just what was that even? There was no way it could keep you warm, but then why the long sleeves? The design completely and utterly intrigued him.

"Hey miss, doesn't that make you kinda cold?" He asked her, sort of concerned for her health and well being and all. Kinda.


The little girl's eyes shot wide open, as if awakened by some apocalyptic spell. Before anyone could even say 'hey', she leapt out of the bed and approached the source of the delicious smell like a voracious beast before jumping right into it, her mouth ready to consume. There would be no mercy, no survivors, n o n e.

And so, unless anyone would stop her, she would devour everything.

Blackmore (Later)

After their little recess, it was time to get back to business. With the announcement all said and done, he had one more troublesome task. By now, they were roaming their street in order to find their destination.

"Sorry for the constant work." He said with that same wide smile while his cape fluttered behind them. "Say, where do you think would be the best vantage point for a surprise attack?" He asked her, pointing to the different rooftops around them.


The girl didn't respond to any of the calls, even the smell alone didn't seem to be enough to wake her up. However, it did manage to leave her trashing the bed in her utterly barbaric sleeping posture, drooling with a wide sheepish smile as she dreamt of... whatever she could be dreaming at the moment. It probably tasted good.


The pirate sighed. Sadly for him, he wasn't picky enough to ditch such a sad pup, but she could use a lesson or two on warfare. Making unnecessary enemies was, frankly, not something she wanted or needed. But sometimes life is a far better teacher than a fiery spanking.

He threw his arms in the air like he had seriously just given up. Despite that, his tone was anything but cold.

"Welp, do as you wish. Just make sure you don't start crying when things go south. You've earned enough of my respect to make me want to bother a little, so a word of advice: If you spend all your time standing here and waiting, you might regret it once it's too late."

With that, the flames around him spread and swirled around him before he shot away into the distance like a burning comet.


The pirate crossed his arms and shook his head, as if he knew what she was thinking of already. Despite that, his voice was calm but stern.

"Because the price has been paid. She harmed you, and I returned the favor, smothered her with so many flames she looked like she was made out of charcoal. Further violence isn't necessary, but letting her live is beneficial for your name. It shows that you are tough, but you are fair. Do you really want to be seen as nothing more than a brutish killer?"


Despite her annoyance, he answered her patiently, as gently as a teacher, but he did not sugarcoat his words. He respected her, but only as an equal. Pirates did not believe in absolute orders, the only true loyalty was the one a man had for his own convictions. For all men are equal under the black flag.

"You are responsible for getting injured. I won't judge you, but I've fought more battles than you have and slayed more men than you've seen dead. With all due respect, the message was already sent. Further violence will only force her hand into going against us, are you aware of that?"


"I didn't fail to kill the girl, I refused to do it. Where's the honor in slaying a defenseless woman!?" He answered her, for the first time with an angered tone. Not that he was mad at her, mind you, simply at his pride being challenged so.

Well, he quickly recollected himself, and just like his flames his tone became nicer.

"In any case, this should be much easier. Oh, and don't worry. Just because I let her go doesn't mean I've stopped watching her. Just don't go after her unnecessarily, okay?"


Honestly, the fact she didn't break was very impressive, and the way she was shaking her hips to accept him more was nothing short but commendable. He felt good, great even, and the fact he didn't need to hold himself back made it all even better.

Despite being stretched to its limit, her pussy was hugging his cock as tightly as it possibly could, he could feel his skin sliding in and out inside her while his thick head scraped her walls and pounded her womb like a ram. He added a twisting motion to his thrusts, churning her insides more and more as she drenched his cock in love juices.

"Aw, no clever quip? I was looking forward to that. You act all high and mighty, but you don't really amount anything in the end hot stuff."

His hands were glowing a strange pinkish purple while he kneaded her ass and spanked it again, even harder than before. The slaps hurt, not just because of the ridiculous force applied but because it burned. Her rear was quite literally being tenderized, and no matter how much she squirmed or squealed, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Well, you asked for it, so don't come crying and accept it properly."

And then, something incredible slipped out of her overflowing cunt, emptying her just as she was about to reach her even greater climax, leaving her unfulfilled just as she was about to reach her highest of peaks. He changed her position and turned her sideways, pinning her on the ground while he spread her legs and asscheeks. In a moment, the girl felt an incredibly hot rod pressing in between them, throbbing as it forced its way into her ass with a mighty thrust.

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