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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 184 185 [186] 187 188 ... 374

"I'M NOT STUPID!!! Hmph!" He crossed his arms and pouted, totally annoyed at that remark. That was way too harsh, there was no way you could compare his genius intellect on the same level as that blonde blockhead with a totally lame style that was nowhere near as cool as his.

He gave a brief glance behind him, but was still definitely pouting.

"What is it?"


"Heh!" He chuckled approvingly and gave the girl a genuine thumbs up.

And then he remembered.

"Oh. Oh..." Crap, how could he had forgotten the most important bit. "Um, Hazel, remember the thing about the mission? There's something I forgot to tell you about."


"The girl escaped."


The pirate didn't flinch when the fist was about to strike him, but for the first time, he sounded sad.

"Live strong. Believe in yourself... Your wounds mean nothing so laugh more, stand up straight... fall in love... and stop lying to yourself. You want to become strong, that's fine. Then show me you can do it, that you can beat your weak self to a curb. Cry when you want to cry, laugh when you want to laugh, and scream when you want to scream."

He knelt before his lord truthfully and laid his hand on his chest, where his heart should be. He vowed an oath.

"If you can do this much, I promise, I will respect you."


Pfffft, she's so cute!

The poor skeleton rubbed the back of his head. "Huh? That? I just thought it'd sound cool, you know? No need to overthink it. Felt like something that might make you happy, sorry if it was awkward." He answered meekly. Damn, now he was the one getting all flustered over this.

"Hey, Hazel. Can you make me a promise?"


She was shouting so loud she might actually snuff his flames out through sheer vocal prowess. Sheesh, this woman was outright dangerous, especially to his mental health. Well, he didn't dislike that.

"Hey, can you please staph shouting? You'll wake up all the neighbors." He told her casually, despite the fact all the fire and explosions would have woken any sane person up already. That aside, he put a finger on his boney jaw as if pondering.

"And said... what exactly?"


Lorenzo couldn't think of anything about what she talked about. When she touched him, he could feel no warmness or coldness,making the whole example pointless. In the end, nothing she'd say or do would change the way he felt about her. So while his burning fingers flew back towards his arm, he rose back up slowly and wiped off his ruined coat.

"You're right. You're a mess, a stupid ball of flaws and annoyances. You're overtly harsh and reckless, and you act all high and mighty even when you're hurting deep down inside. You're the sort of person people don't want to associate with, you smoke without any consideration for those around you, and your magic is so sad even I can't laugh at it."

For a second, the heat around the two intensified as the skeleton recovered. His words might come as harsh, but his tone betrayed him. He felt sorry for her, because she reminded him of someone from long ago.

"And so what? Being a complete and utter scrub didn't stop you from beating me. Despite your weakness, you didn't give up, you endured burns that would have any man cower. So stop beating yourself over, and stop taking the easy way out and blame lack of talent for your shortcomings." He grabbed her shoulders tightly and locked stares with her. He wouldn't let her cry a second longer."You are weak, and that's okay!"


His hand split before her fist could reach him, though the bones had scattered all around in jets of fire, it kept his hand from being crushed.

"Respect is earned, not given. It has nothing to do with weak and strong, but you're not being very honest right now. You're jealous of my magic and afraid of looking weak, so you used a magical item to seal your strength in exchange for what you didn't have. It's fine to have talents in different fields, but in that case why aren't you proud?"



A booming whack deafened whatever sound was coming out of her mouth in the first place as he slapped her ass with no restraint.

"Yes, yes, I got it. Just shut up and take it then." He told her with the sort of grin that was more befitting of a demon king than a human while his grip turned into a merciless vice that held her tighter than any steel chain. He immediately pushed her down with his entire weight and began to thrust fully, swinging his hips harder and faster each consecutive time. His dick, much like his entire body, was not normal. Each thrust dug deeper and deeper into her with enough strength to shatter stone and bend steel while his dick scraped her insides violently. A regular would've turned into hamburger by now, but he didn't care.

Instead, he yanked her hair and pulled her even closer to his dick, entering her balls deep despite the ridiculous size difference. She could literally rub his dick from the outside while he was shaping her insides.


She had been awake for a long time, but she had pretended otherwise. With all the noise she was making, it would be hard for her to catch sleep anyways.

The poor purplehead's sheets were messed up from all that trashing. After she went back to sleep, it took a while, but the sheet moved by itself while her pillow was fixed up for her, giving her the comfort she needed for a well rested night. Meanwhile, another psychic hand patted her head.

The girl was sitting back up on the bed and looked down on the sleeping girl and smiled.

"Good night."


The skeleton didn't seem to mind the super powerful strike. Instead, he raised his finger (though from his position, it was more lying over the ground) and spoke up.



The pirate laid a hand on the girl's cheek and wiped her tears away. Despite the fire, not a single touch hurt her right now, in fact his hand was almost pleasantly warm.

"Honestly, I like this embarrassed side of yours much more. Compared to your lying cold face or your crying face, you look seriously cute right now."


"Pffffffftttttttttttttttt! Did you seriously buy that whole thing? I was just bored. Sheesh, it takes one special sort of blockhead to make up all these reasons for a good old scuffle. All you've won yourself is a medical bill to pay, hmph!"

He laughed it off as casually as ever, but something was different. Something was clearly left hanging in his words, she didn't even need to read his mind to tell that much. So he leaned forward and whispered the words in her ear, the sort of words that would make any girl blush, skeleton or not.


The pirate gave her gentle taps on the back to console her. There, there. It's alright.

And then she shouted, and so he shrugged.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo. How could I? Did you miss all the dramatic tension we just had? Totes real boss, totes."

Lorenzo Remei


He tried dodging, but it was no use. The floor cracked all over the moment his skeletal body crashed, along with his own rib cage. Despite that, he did not cry out or shout, being undead meant he could feel no pain from something like this.

This won't do. This won't do at all...

Her hand and entire forearm was charred black due to the intense flames coming off his body. Sparks, smoke and flames surrounded the two. He could manipulate fire at will. In the first place, her head should have been blown off the moment the fight began. It was impossible, even for her, not to realize at this point.

We're both too soft for our own good, eh?

And then, something absurd happened, something that the girl would never forget. The skeleton moved despite his broken body and hugged her.

"You did well."


Shit- !

The moment her hand came in contact with him, frost grew at the edges of his body. Before he could freeze, a gigantically potent burst of fire erupted from his body, shooting him away from her. The blast pummeled straight into her, with waves of heat so intense breathing them would kill any normal human. Looking at how the ice evaporated instantly, there was no doubt it was his hottest spell yet.

And yet, he couldn't burn her. He wanted to fight her, he wanted to beat her, but he didn't want to lose her. Because of that, his flames that could melt steel could barely sear into her flesh.

The pirate zigzagged at blinding speed under a trail of fire, only to land atop the roof's ledge, blowing all ice away with a burning blast. His sword whipped in the air as he resumed a stance.

"Are you hurt?"

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