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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 186 187 [188] 189 190 ... 374

He let out a pleased grunt and licked his lips. Damn, she was good at this. Just how many men did she service like that in the past? If he was a leech, she was a carnivorous plant far too attractive for her own good. She might really end up killing him at this rate, and the worst part was he'd like it.

His wide grin did not betray his intent. He began to move as well, rocking his hips according to her rhythm with an expertly slow pace, rubbing her the opposite direction and increasing the friction between their nether parts. His hard length was pressing against her with inhuman force, and each slight motion only intensified the sensation.

"Why would I be anywhere else? Interesting places like these don't come and go every day. The world is changing young lady, and I'd be crazy to take the the front row seats when the stage is ripe and ready for me." He pulled the girl closer to him and matched her grin with his own before nibbling at her ear.

"Then again, I'm making sweet love to a murderer. I might be a bit crazy after all."


"Sheesh, now you're just making me look like a bad guy. Ahhh... fine, fine. You win, looks like I'm no match for a real woman after all." It seemed he was truly enjoying this, even for someone who had lived well over a century, you didn't get to feel like this every day. His arms were laying behind his head, his posture was the pinnacle of relaxation. But more than that, his body was no joke either, his muscles were as hard as steel and marvelously sculpted.

His canines showed right through his wolfish grin. All of a sudden, the giant kicked the girl up a little with his thigh, causing her to jump up a few inches before sitting right where she belonged: his immense shaft.

And he did not even tell her his name first. Truly, he was a terrible terrible man.

"Blackmore Fallbright at your service."


The pirate laughed and threw his arms in the air. "There is none. I get to talk to a cute lass I like, and you get to have information. Isn't that what you'd call a win-win?"

The bird took a dive and began spinning in the air, but even while it descended the pirate grabbed her close, preventing her from falling.

Olga Marie

Olga was unimpressed. What was this supposed to accomplish? Was he trying to look cool and masculine? This was pathetic. Ugh.

"Yes, sure, if those are the terms you want, fine." She said sardonically and with a visibly annoyed expression. "Now can you let go of me and stop this dive?"



And with that, he let go of her and the bird disappeared, dropping the poor girl like a sad potato free-falling freely while he simply flew away under a trail of fire.


Hah, he liked her, and he liked the way she was thinking. Well, he almost felt like telling her it wasn't really how it worked, speaking from experience, but crushing her hopes like that might be too mean. Besides, going any further and he'd be worried he caught something from that old man.

"Yes, yes. Just do your thing." He took one of the bacon shrimps on the platter and gobbled it down in one go, crunching the shell and everything without a care in the world. "You can help yourself if you want, you know?"


"Pffffft, hahahahaha! That's an interesting hobby you got sweetheart." He laughed it off as if he just heard a joke and just laid back further, letting her fingers do the work. God, this just felt too goddamn good. She was seriously wasted on bossman Van, but hey, whatever floats his boat.

He just took an entire gulp of a nearby bottle, not even caring about its context. It could be bleach for all he knew, but you'd need something ridiculous to even phase his stomach at this point. Most mundane poisons had no effect on his superior physiology. His grin was wider than ever, almost mockingly so.

"That shit won't work on anyone but regular people though. Normal assumptions won't fly when directed at someone beyond human. How would you manage to kill say, a God?"


The man whistled the moment she removed her uniform, as if saying that he liked what he saw. Could he even see through these two slices of vegetable? Honestly, the thought was rather eerie.

The girl reached for the cucumbers, but all of a sudden her hand was stopped as if it just hit an invisible wall.

"If you do that, you won't like what you see." He told her with the same calm attitude and smile as always, but despite that his words felt tense, as if he truly meant that. He stretched his arms and neck before spreading, taking even more space.

Luckily, the bath was massive in its own right, more than enough for more than one Blackmore.

"The back shoulders would be a good start. This cramp is absolutely killing me. So, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do when you're not bring cute?"


"Can't say I have." He answered with a cocky shit eating grin. "You sound pretty confident. I was getting tired of shitty puppets by now. I could use the taste of a real woman." He relaxed in the hot bath and gulped down a large drink himself in pretty much an instant before raising the glass.




A few moments after the girl already began to make herself ready, the man picked up the rose and walked out of the studio, ready to take his well earned rest. As he stepped down the stairs, he took a deep breath to scent the flower, as if to admire its beauty.

Suddenly, he cast it to the side as if to throw it away. But rather than falling the rose simply began disintegrating, as if burnt to nothing more than smoke and vapor. There weren't even ashes or traces to remember the flower by, as if it had never existed to begin with.


The moment the maid stepped in the spa room, the giant couldn't contain himself any longer. As if to greet her, the eccentric man burst into a volcanic fit of laughter.

"Khahahahahahahahahahah!! I knew you were a golden hen, but that was just amazing! You were gorgeous. A-ahhh, that's right, just put some more muscle into it..."

Rather than his usual attire, he was wearing a full cucumber mask, replacing what would've normally been his pair of sunglasses to conceal his eyes. He seemed to be taking a hot therapeutic bath, while three lovely ladies were tending to his muscles and massaging him, from his neck to his back, and even his gracious abdominal muscles. Next to him were platters of food and iced alcoholic drinks, and it seemed he was watching the broadcast as well, considering the t.v. screen right in front of him.

Well, the thought of him managing to watch anything with these two cucumbers in the way might seem a bit sillier than usual, he would've probably applied it afterwards. He should have.

"And the cat ears, how the hell did you do that!?" He asked her, fully and completely interested into her amazing showomanship. "Come on, come lie down a bit. I swear, seeing it is one thing, but actually feeling it is a whole different beast. These massages are absolutely divine."


"Well, as I've said, we've got a studio and a script already set up for you sweetheart. It's just like you said, it's not the place that you're trying to sell but the idea. And I quote: I don't care how she does it. I trust her natural talents more than anyone's in this world. If it's her, the masses will definitely be drawn." He quoted with his very impressive salty old man voice impersonation.

He chuckled lightly and crossed his arms confidently. "I can see why. Your cat-ears are absolutely adorable. Just keep acting like you've been doing so far and you'll be fine."



There was a flat silence, and incredibly awkward at that. One couldn't tell if he was about to burst laughing or collapse in sheer disbelief.

"That's not the kind of video we're trying to shoot maam." He told her very flatly, very politely and professionally. Totes. He'd be lying if he didn't consider whipping it out for the hell of it, but boss would give him an earful if he ruined her clothes before the shooting, and the momentary satisfaction wasn't worth all that trouble. Still, he couldn't help but laugh at something so bold in the end, before slapping that back of hers silly once more.

"Now get to work you silly pervert. I'll be having a drink at the spa; all this walking made my feet sore and my throat parched, hehehe."


"Now aren't you cheeky. But if you say so..." He extravagantly checked over his biceps, as if to confirm her statement. She did seem pretty great, a little too extravagant for his tastes but hey, beggars can't be choosers. He had an eye for this sort of thing, so he could tell she was pretty strong, maybe even stronger than himself.

No wonder he put him in charge of keeping watch over her, she was the sort of thorny rose you didn't want to lay your eyes off of for even a second. Honestly, just the sight of her cheerful innuendo was enough to send a chill down his spine, the sort of chill that made his constant smile even wider.

"Heh heh heh, now then, let us go. The sooner we get this over with, the more time we'll have for our little showtime." And with that, the two departed into the coliseum's gates.

It took a fair amount of minutes, but by the end of it they had covered most of the perimeter, from the halls to the stadium itself, to the barriers, and even the different facilities. There was a cafeteria that had been already staffed and equipped with state of the art technology, and a spa area where participants could rest. It was the sort of thing five star hotels dream of having. Even the medical room, with advanced magi-technological facilities and tools, would be able to heal practically any injury short of dismemberment. It was utterly surreal, no one would be able to build such an amazing stadium alone, even a monster such as boss.

He had to have a secret helper of sort.

The thought of it made him smile internally. Old man sure knew how to run a show. He made interesting things happen, that was why he stuck with him in the first place. But it seemed that he might have gotten a bit too greedy, he wasn't sure if he could keep up...

"Well, that's pretty much it." He said with the same good natured tone as always, stretching his tired arms back before letting out a pleased yawn. "And of course, due to your position, you get this VIP card that lets you use any of the facilities free of charge without having to participate. Here."

He handed her a platinum card of sorts, which was supposed to be inserted in the different terminals near the facilities in order to allow her instant entry and access free of charge.

"Anything else you wanna ask? It's my job, so don't pull back the punches."


"Hah! As if I could do such a thing. Easy there, eeeasy..." He slapped the poor girl a few times on the back to get all the smoke out of her system. Sheesh, she shouldn't act so cocky for a first timer. Considering his own constitution, that was relatively strong stuff.

"There you go. Don't push yourself so hard, we have a show to run. So, as I was saying, cameras. We have a few, and a studio already set up. Bossman's expecting you to give us a show, get the people riled up for this upcoming tournament and such. No script, he seemed to be confident in your ability to improvise, though we do have the information pamphlets available already." He raised a finger as if he suddenly remembered something.

"But before that, would you care for a tour? Just to get a feel of the place, makes the performance all the more natural for the natural beauty. "


The pirate laughed and threw his arms in the air. "There is none. I get to talk to a cute lass I like, and you get to have information. Isn't that what you'd call a win-win?"

The bird took a dive and began spinning in the air, but even while it descended the pirate grabbed her close, preventing her from falling.


Oh please. Now that was just desperate, as if he could say no to those kitten ears of hers. "Yes, yes. Fiiine, you win." He chuckled before taking a lighter and lightning her smoke up with a pleased grin. He seemed to be in a particularly good mood just having company, interesting one at that.

"Good grief, that old pervert is unforgivable, keeping a beauty like you to himself."

Another puff of smoke filled the air, though it was his this time.

"Knowing him, our good friend must have been as vague with you as possible, but looks like he wasn't kidding. You're certainly dressed for the part, a true natural if I ever saw one."

Despite his imposing stature and eccentric demeanor, his words were as friendly as they got. It was seriously odd to think that someone like him would associate with a cold and conniving man like Vanguard.

"So, how good are you with cameras?"


"Hah, you sure are eager. Nice, very nice..." He grinned while looking the girl over, practically scanning her. He was worried that he'd have to handle another boring old geezer, but it seemed luck was on his side this time around. This might not be such a bad job after all.

"You'll probably get to hear my name during the announcements, so I'll save the surprise for later." He handed his pack over to Molly. "Want some?"


A cloud of smoke puffed out of the man's lips as he waited, just lying against the wall and looking out for any troublemakers. He was used to jobs like these, but he wouldn't mind a troublemaker or two right now. It might be ironic for someone on guard duty to say, but peace and quiet was boring.

All of a sudden, he noticed the girl and grinned widely, dust and ash dropped on the ground along with the cigarette before he spat it on the ground, crushing it underfoot.

"Hey, you must be the one bossman's talked about. Nice to meet ya." He told the girl with a wide grin before extending his hand to greet her properly.

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