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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 188 189 [190] 191 192 ... 374

The vampire's grin turned wolfish, yet innocent. She held her hands out as if to push her away, despite having just shown this ferocity she seemed completely and utterly meek now, like a completely different person. Perhaps even nice.

"Heh, it's fine, no biggie. I shouldn't have lashed out like that either. It's just my nature, you know? I've had these urges for so long, I just can't control myself at times. It's kinda like your hair growing, or having to change pants. I just can't help it, muh bad."

If she had a tail right now, it would probably be wagging right now. She walked a healthy stride towards the two and squatted a few meters away from the two, her hands under her chin and her red eyes glimmering with good humor.

"Something bothering you?" She asked her with a casual, friendly smile, like a concerned friend.


Woah. Just like that? If she knew she was going to be that hard to kill, she would have ripped her head off instead. And she didn't even get to keep the other girl's lower half. Talk about a moodkiller...

She stretched back and yawned, as if completely and utterly bored by this turn of events.

"Well, that was fun! You're not bad for amateurs, I mean, you've got potential at least. But sheesh, when it comes to brainpower, you two are completely worthless. You butted in in my affairs, threatened me and even tried to expose me. Do you really think I'm going to let that slide?"

Two scarled eyes glowed like embers and an oppressive feeling crept all across the park, her fangs throbbed for blood still. From the sight of it, she seemed like a feral animal with an unquenchable thirst, but with her power she was more alike a terrible monster. Her expression and her stance spoke of nothing but killing intent, and for a second the smell of blood was the only thing that mattered.

And then, she pulled her tongue and grinned innocently.

"Juuust kiddiiing! Hehehe, you feel for it, didn'tcha?"


Lightning struck the vampire's body, searing her flesh and setting the trees around her alight. Her body flinched, but that wouldn't be enough to stop an immortal corpse. Instead, she turned an eye, looked past the curtain of fire and smiled at the glance of the other vampire who was trying to fix herself.

"Jeez, what a pain. Here, take her."

She grabbed her foe by the throat and ripped her off the spike popping out of her knee before jump-kicking her straight in the face with her ridiculous strength, sending her flying towards the other vampire. Her wounds vanished only a moment afterwards, and she wiped the soot off her body.

Olga Marie

"No, one should look to accomplish what they can in their lifetime, and then pass on their skills to their descendants. It's the proven way to build your family's power." Olga corrected him with this common knowledge. As long as one knew their limits, and worked to reach them, their efforts were admirable in her eyes. On the other hand, someone who tried and failed to surpass them was but a fool.


The mana and heat around the pirate intensified, if only by a slight degree or two. He scoffed and bowed as if accepting this as a well meaning joke.

"Well, if it's a lifetime I've got a pretty long one waiting ahead of me. As for descendants... hoo boy, yeah, no. Let's not even go there."

He held an arm out, the sort of motion meant to show something, but it was clear that in this barren piece of spiritual land and ash, the one thing he could pointing to was himself. It wasn't much, but could it be that bringing family up had somehow offended that man? At the very least, his tone was no less friendly, he wasn't the sort to take things like this personally in the first place.

"Besides, that's pretty depressing. I get trying to keep reasonable, but are you really going to tell me that this is all I'll ever amount to? C'mon lass, that's kinda cold. Even for a noble."


"There will be a time and place for excitement, rest at ease." He told her comfortably, though he couldn't say he was too surprised at her quick recovery.

Her power was peculiar, and while she was not entirely refined, her fighting style told of a certain experience, most likely self taught over the ages. But that wasn't the underlying issue.

If she did have such an experience, if she was no stranger to fighting, why did her body hold no trace of it? It was as glaring as ever, and her pristine skin stood testament to her words. But alas, he had learned better by now than to bet on a single horse. Besides, she had strength, that was already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

"Nen, hm? That must be the name of the technique you used earlier. You're not much different from me, though the process is different, we both  control our own souls." He declared solemnly.

"Where could you have learned such skill?"


The skeletal pirate rubeed the head of his head awkwardly, but the meaning of her words wasn't exactly subtle. He might have been one of the strongest pirates in his world, but he was anything but the strongest man. He wanted, no, he needed to become strong, so much stronger.

So he'd never have to lose anything again.

"Now, since when did not bad mean good enough? Hmph, not that either would suit me." He pouted her cheekily. "I'm the sort of guy who could only get an eighty when aiming for a hundred. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in this sorry state now would I?" He slapped his poor old bones as if to show off, though it was anything but prideful.

"Well, I s'pose in that case, I should aim for a million from the get go, eh Olga?"


"Nope, beats me. Pretty fancy though, even for a noble." He said teasingly, but he praised her nonetheless. Names were pretty important after all, the sort of things legacies are built upon are no laughing matter.

He stretched his arm around over his elbow like some morning routine exercise. "And nah, sorry to disappoint. I have a bad affinity with other types of magic. Though I can do stuff like this."

A few pieces of burning grass turned to ash while the flames turned into... bunnies. Incredibly small bunnies, hopping slowly towards his new acquaintance. "Pretty cool, eh?"


The warrior didn't seem to mind, he picked her up by the back of her dress like a delicate bag and put her over her shoulders. "Don't get too comfortable."

There wouldn't be much room for comfort where they were headed.

The two were surrounded by four cramped walls, hardly what could be called a luxurious room. The wooden tiles and walls were old, and while the place seemed clean and maintained, there was little to no renovation for what must have been years. This place had once been a clinic in an unfavorable part of town, and by the outside it looked no different than any other shack in the area. It was unassuming and ugly, just like the places where you'd find such a place, and that was why it was perfect. A cupboard contained medicine and different medical tools, which were applied on Molly.

She was administered proper painkillers and bandaged neatly, had it been anyone else, this treatment would have been kind. However, the eerily cold touch of the woman taking care of her and her dull, expressionless gaze was more eerie than anything in this world. It was like she wasn't even human. An elderly looking man and a much younger looking girl were also taking care of Vanguard, though their tools were much odder than mere medical supplies.

A strange mechanism seemed to operate on his shoulder, twisting and turning the broken metal with dozens of insect-like metal appendages, each no larger than a pencil. All three had the same disturbing quality of being too perfect, even despite their wrinkles and human looking appearance, their features were too pristine, too purposeful.

Their movements were perfect and mechanical, without a moment of hesitation or wasted actions. It was more like looking at living corpses or dolls.

Finally, Vanguard broke the silence.

"There should be some food lying in the pantry if you are hungry, but I'd advise you to rest for now. More importantly, how are you feeling?"


A merciless karate chop whacked the girl's head with the might of the gods, but rather than breaking her with this brutal strike something else happened. Somehow, the pain seemed to have lessened considerably, though her body's wounds had yet to recover. It seemed that through his spirit he could perform some sort of unnatural displays, though it was but a trifle anesthesia.

"Indeed you did, and let your guard down. Can you walk, Molly?"


Hmph. He was an amusing fellow. Very well,at this point,both could use a breath of fresh air.

Suddenly, his towering frame loomed above him, and without warning he picked him up by the shirt like a tiny Christmas bag.

"So, how about we go for a walk?"


His eyes followed her every movement as if they saw through each and every twitch of her muscles. The man of steel blocked her vicious kick, but the earlier damage prevented him from blocking his other side effectively. He took her hit straight in the face, acknowledging its weight and wonderful strength.

However, his head was hardly moved by the impact more than a few inches, and his hand had already caught her arm with a vicious grip. There was no escape, and for a moment that stretched into an eternity two blue orbs stared down at her, as if fascinated.

"You pass."

That eternity was shattered instantly by a kick carrying the force of a cannon moving straight at her stomach.


The metal giant crashed into the earth, causing the forest to boom and the trees to be swept back under the powerful gales. Lightning spilled forth with such abundance that the night sky around the two shone with the brilliance of the day for a moment. Smoke and dust erupted from the area of impact, swirling around his body like a typhoon before revealing a crater crackling with lightning.

Despite the massive hole, the ancient hero somehow seemed to tower over the girl. Lightning danced around his massive frame, and despite having suffered damage himself he seemed to stand no less tall. Did she not tell him she was fit to become his successor? Did she not boast the fact she was peerless among any possible candidate? Then prove it, show  that your words are more than empty wind.

"Show me your victory." He said softly, yet his words seemed to shake the heavens themselves in their resolve. He would never take cowardice or no for an answer. His body awaited her next strike.


A voice rang far above her, too far to be possibly heard with such vigor and clarity. It was almost as if his words carried the weight of his soul.

"You are determined. I like that."

The ancient warrior had already soared up an unimaginable height, empowered by heavenly thunder itself in order to leap even higher and readying a deadly kick. Right now, one couldn't even say that his gigantic frame was bloating the sky. He was the sky.

And the sky was falling.

She had plenty of time to dodge, that is, if her body was ready and unburdened. But with such a strain, would she be able to avoid this in time?


"Haha, well, I guess I'm just that desperate, eh?" He said before lighting another cigarette, practically filling the room with smoke. "Besides, I thought he might be useful to keep around. You can never have too many friends around these parts, don't you agree?"

The kid might've been too tricky to control, it wasn't a safe gamble. On the other hand, even a normal guy like him could be useful.


"Oh please, you're just a normal guy. You did great for someone at your level." He said as if that was supposed to reassure him. "Just wear brown or something and you'll be golden."

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