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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 189 190 [191] 192 193 ... 374

Had this been a true battle, he would have spun around her in order to land a vicious blow to her back. But he needed to test her abilities, and just as he guessed, she was somehow manipulating her own aether in order to perform these feats. He guessed covering your own body would grant you superior defense, perhaps even offense.

He'd test that protection of hers first before the limits of her body.

He struck one blow over her arms, and then another around the edges of her defense in order to force her to keep moving in order to block, this time adding more power and lightning on top in order to test the extent of her power.


"Heh, can't say I blame you. I'd be lying if I said that kid didn't give me the chills. I could almost feel my balls shrivel for a second there." He added casually. "Sorry about the door by the way."


Vanguard looked at Molly inquisitively, wondering just what she was planning. Judging from her earlier display, her power was related to the soul, perhaps in a similar way to his. He didn't know enough to make a final judgement, but he knew she was not a fool. She wouldn't throw something so pathetic if it didn't have the chance to do considerable damage to him. 

Reflexively, he burst into motion and tried to catch the projectile. His hand caught the wooden stake, but the moment it did, something incredible happened. His hand was nearly ripped apart, joints cracked and the plating around his fingers shattered as his arm shot towards his chest, unable to handle the pressure. He blocked his arm with his other hand,stopping the massive force short of piercing his chest, but in turn the log shattered and its tip was sent flying on his shoulder, smashing it.


He cursed his rashness that caused him to take such damage freely, the weapon's nature was deceptive after all, for he didn't expect it to carry so much force in the first place. Dodging would have been the most appropriate response. But he didn't stop moving one bit, it seemed even something like this didn't bother his mechanical body all that much.

Gears spun and lightning cracked around his frame as he threw the splinters aside, though a maddeningly careful eye might have noticed that a few of them were missing. In that moment he shot forward like a cannonball, zigzagging left and right with tremendous force in order to strike his foe with a lightning palm strike.


She was on guard as he walked around her, sizing her up like prey. She knew this feeling very well. He wasn't going to be calm for much longer despite what his voice and posture might hint at. And indeed once he finished his lap he assumed a combative stance in front of her, lightning seemingly crackling through his eyes.

"My my that would be telling and does my name really have any meaning here? But if you really insist, it's Molly." She didn't bow to him or anything. Throughout his monologue her eyes had been glued to his every movement, calmly analyzing h despite her carefree facade.

"And of course it's me' you'll never find anyone better." She stated completely serious in that belief. Then a the same whitish aura from before surrounded her as she assumed a combative stance of her own, born from years having to fight for her life.


Hmph. Once again, it seemed youngsters weren't lacking in confidence these days. He'd be able to tell how true her statements were soon enough. An incredible pressure emanated from him, enough that the earth seemed to tremble under his powerful words.

"My name is Vanguard. If you truly believe in your words, come."


"Your enthusiasm is noted, but who said you were to be the heir?" He answered to her poke politely, coldly, thought not exactly with hostile intent. And yet, why did her finger feel like it would freeze the moment it touched him?

However, his tone did mellow, and he nodded. "Very well, I suppose that will be up to you to determine, But there is one problem."

He stepped around the girl, as if observing her, but his glare and expression would never betray something such as interest. If one didn't know better, one would think he was pondering on the ways to punish such a body for its owner's insolence. Perhaps, for once, they may be right.

"I admire your sharp tongue and quick wits, and your feminine charms suit that well. When it comes to womanhood, you are something  men would consider an ideal. But I have no need of a concubine, and you are more than that. Your little display was not ignored."

For a second, his eyes glowed while lighting cracked around their edges. HIs stance didn't quite change, or at least, it didn't seem to, and yet the way he stood right before her once more could only be described as a combative stance. Alas, she had simply gone too far, there was no way for her to refuse any further request at this point. The best way to avoiding quicksand was to avoid it in the first place, but she was already knee deep.

"Consider our little chat an initial screening. Now, it is time for an interview. May I have your name, miss?"


Once the boy left, the disintrested looking man couldn't help but crack a smile, or perhaps he was cracking it the whole time.

"Hehehe. You're not a very good liar, you know that?" He teased him, but there was no real malice in his taunt. He looked outside and sighed. "I don't think that boy is someone you'd want to see again. With luck like yours, I gotta feel sorry for you."


The man of steel stared down at the girl silently, but shook his head. "You are not lacking in wits, at least. Very well, the truth. I need to find a heir." He spoke solemnly, his sentence ending with such a foreboding tone that there was no way to assume he was lying. He grasped at his metallic chest, for a second it looked like he was about to rip it out of rage.

"I cannot sire any children with this body of mine, but my spirit is crumbling. I lack the time and strength to fulfill my goal, thus I need to find a replacement. That is my goal, and for that I require your intelligence."


Baring the same bloodthirsty grin, she drove her knee right into her stomach with enough force to shatter a concrete wall, but that wasn't what hurt the most. The moment the blow connected, there was a burst, and the grotesque sound of bone and flesh breaking.


A bloody spear connected her knee to her stomach, sprouting right out of her foe's back like a grotesque thorn pulsating with hateful magic. There was no escaping her once her claws caught you, that was what it meant to be a predator of the night.


"Oh really!? You mean it!?" He cheered for a second, as if genuinely overjoyed by this little bit of praise before quickly recomposing himself. "Erm, I mean, of course! I'm pretty strong, yknow?"

He rubbed the back of his head and adjusted his hat with a timid laughter. "Sooo, what's your name?"


"That is fine. I don't care about your motivation, as long as it won't prove an impediment. Will you accept?" He said with the same hardness as before, the same pressure to his gaze. His words were cold, but not particularly towards her.


His grave voice did not betray any sort of emotion, but it was anything but empty. Its fierceness was more akin to a booming war-hammer, yet his words were no harsher than idle chatter, and despite all that it was by no means an oppressive power. "Not at all. I only bother with those who are worth it. But congratulations, you have passed."

Somehow, her words seemed to have pleased the silver vanguard. Had it been any other choice, they would be sharing words no longer. Indeed, they could not change the past, and they may not have a future to protect. All they could do was fight for the now.

"I have no need for your bad acting, but you seem to have some valuable skill. Interesting." He spoke, for the first time a hint of warmth slipped through his cold speech at the last word. His hand was laid on the woman's shoulder yet again, but this time his touch felt different, as if there was some sort of warmth that emerged from a strange glow.

The moment their auras connected, hers was reinvigorated by some inexplicable force, to the point her body was healed of its fatigue, letting her feel healthier than ever.

"You are a fine woman, wicked as you may be. I could use someone like you. What is your price? Money? Lodging? I have no such things, but I can promise you one thing. If you accept, you will never be hungry again." He spoke those last words with a certain foreboding calm, as if he understood and accepted her.


"I see." He said simply, wondering what could cause such discomfort in her eyes. Well, he didn't care. If he said something callous, it was what he truly believed. She was free to disagree, it wouldn't change his stance any more than his words would change hers. That was what it meant to have resolve.

But those eyes... he liked them. They were those of a warrior, perhaps not the sort who wields a blade in battle, but one who has its own battles to fight nonetheless.

"Then what would you fight for? The past that made you what you are, or the uncertain future of what you could be?" He asked her, as if he expected something out of her.


The machine obeyed with no passion or glamour, tossing her down as if by accident. If she truly understood, then there was nothing more to question. The whole world was his enemy, including himself, and right now he was once again falling into his bad habits.

"A foolish statement. I already know such things. They don't matter." His voice rang hollow and metallic, and most of all, cold. The sort of bitterness that was best reserved towards oneself than others.

"And what of it, maid? If I am mad, then I will fail, my actions will change nothing in the grand scheme of things. If I succeed, all my mistakes will be undone, and no one will remember a thing. Either way, I will be nothing more than the reflection of an obsolete past."

The air froze for a moment, or perhaps time itself. The pressure of his eyes wasn't such that it put others beneath him, but it was crushing nonetheless. The sort of gravity that only the twisted and the broken legends of yore can possess. They were old, cold and tired eyes, even the fact he physically lacked such things did not change their nature.

"You are strong, I wouldn't be able to gaze upon myself with your resolve. I like that." He said, for the first time sith some sort of smile in his voice, genuine perhaps.


Hmph. A trite reaction for such a little display. He had no patience for such jests, nor was he feeling particularly kind. However, her curiosity was commendable, it deserved to be seen through. At the very least, he would answer her previous question truthfully.

"I am the one asking questions."

He spoke with the sort of voice that belonged to a corpse more than a man of flesh and blood, a sheer pressure that was enough to choke the life out of the plants around the two, turning grass and shattered trees into mummified husks as he fed on their essence. She'd resist, of course, but not without feeling that presence drawing nearer, the sort of smell that all living beings seek to avoid desperately.

The end.

A powerful hand lifted her off the ground by the chin, the power of his grip was undeniable, yet there was no pain or emotion in his touch, as if she was being grabbed by a mannequin. He would neither look down on her nor lower himself to her level. He would bring her higher, so she may reach him. So that she may reach heaven. His soul dug deeper into hers, reaching out to her and grasping at her like a wild dance.

The sensation was impossible to describe, the colors sinking into her mind unable to be recreated, it was all too otherworldly, the sort of thing that one can only imagine in fairy tales. If one had to attempt, it was as if unseen hands were stroking her heart, cradling it as gently as a babe. In contrast to the fantastical feat, his voice was as somber as ever.

"You are mistaken. My enemies are not imaginary. Open your eyes, maid, you should be able to see them."

And once their foreheads touched, something indescribable penetrated her soul, thrusting into her in such ways that her entire being felt like it would be split open,  yet there was no pain or discomfort. It was as if it was the most natural thing in the world, the same way 2+2 makes 5 or the sky is actually made of broken cookie crumbs. It was quite trite, no different than shaping your soul's aura into letters or numbers.

He just thought it would be easier to show her instead of telling her, so he let her see the world the way he did. The seas of stars chained in stillness, the milky rivers of time swirling around ad nausea, a sickening stagnation, and the strings of fate dragging each and every one of them along like driftwood on a river.

The skies, the trees, the ground, even people. Everything looked fake, and wrong, and twisted. Like this world wasn't what it was meant to be. Every flaw, every mistake, every imperfection was as glaring as ever, and seemed more and more utterly unacceptable.

Letters of aura formed around the girl, the same exact display she had offered him earlier.

Do you understand now?

Costin Andrei

The dead Apostle's eyes opened wide ad the sudden touch and feel of her muscles being torn, her bone being cracked open and her marrow ripped out. It was an uncontrollable sensation, no sane person would be able to ignore such agony. Instinct ordered for such a person to do the impossible in order to flee such a cruel attack, but Costin's eyes told a different story.

Even when her face was shot, all that was torn was her face, which regenerated as if the blast was rewinding, revealing a monstrous expression. It was as if she was coming closer and closer to a great climax, her thighs trembled and she tried to press her lower body over hers while blood showered them both.

hahahahahahh! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! Don't stop don't stop don't stop!!

She drove her hand deeper, deeper, so much deeper, until her forearm was about to split in half like a butterfly. This feeling was true, and it was beautiful, and it was love! But it wasn't enough, this wasn't nearly enough. He needed her to suffer too in order to share this love!


Chains erupted from her gaping wound as the chainsaw dug into her further and further, reeling so intensely they could grind stone as they wrapped around the girl's neck and chainsaw, grabbing hold of her arm with enough force to nearly break it. Her weapon slowed down as the chains blocked it until it began to crack slightly and halted in one go. Oh. She did stop. How sad.

: D

She grabbed her cannon arm with one hand, while the other closed off and healed, merging with the chains and blood in order to grab her other arm and pin them apart. Her slasher smile was nothing short but monstrous, a pure display of sheer killing intent and voracious hunger more befitting a beast than a human. And with a full, deliberate motion she swung her skull on her foe's face with so much force both her foe's face and her head nearly split open.


Are these illusions? Niice!

The pirate braced himself and clasped his hand on his sword's hilt, ready to draw it while the tree became a fountain of flames. She'd probably pull off something, he needed to be ready. And suddenly... he blinked.

At least, if he had any eyelids, its probably what he'd done. This was simply incredible, he couldn't believe his own eyes! His jaw almost dropped on the floor from the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

But honestly, he didn't even want to question it. He tapped his poor bones and was just glad they were all still attached and healthy as ever.

"Hooo boy, that was close. I'm not sure if your little trick had anything to do with it, but thanks Grig!"

He sighed with relief before hopping down that tree, letting that burning tree immediately extinguish. He glanced around for a second before walking back to the group with a friendly wave.

"Well, that happened. So, what are you up to, buddy?" He asked the white haired lass with the sort of body posture that blurred the line between laissez-faire and easygoing.


While his body had no such thing, he could have sworn he could feel his heart bounce fora second. If he had merely been intrigued, he felt that his emotions were closer to wariness after all.

He stepped aside and took note of her range. He paid attention to her hands, her knees, her mouth. It was no different than observing some interesting lab rat, but to him it was more than that. She was no stranger to combat, he could tell that much, but she was more than just some mere warrior among the thousands. She was closer to something else.

He laid the side of his hand over her shoulder, letting her skin feel the cold metal and something else as well. Wild, yet opaque, and overwhelming their surroundings like a fog. It slithered around her like serpents or tendrils, reaching past her limbs and stroking past her skin, but unlike her aura his had no true physical form. In a way, it was wilder and more uncontrolled than her, something closer to primal energy in its rawest state.

But despite being nothing more than rot, it was grand, and beautiful, and mighty in a way that only an ancient being could be. And as he traded her demonstration for his own and let her feel him, he asked her a question with the purest of curiosities.

"Who are you?"

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