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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 190 191 [192] 193 194 ... 374

It was impossible to tell what he felt with his artificial skull, but if he had to describe the way he must be looking at the girl before him, it was curiosity. Was there a reason for her interruption beyond such trivialities, or did she perhaps know more than she let on. Her soul looked different from that of a common man, but he couldn't quite figure how.

Perhaps, it was a certain strength of spirit.

Vanguard nodded but shrugged nonchalantly in the end. "Is it truly so strange to train my skills? My body may be artificial, but it does not excuse idleness. Is that so strange?" He asked her like he truly wondered if there was an answer to this question.


The metal giant's head raised up to attention and he turned to where the voice came from. Did she... get the drop on him. For a second, he felt tense, as if he had been caught in the act. But he quickly recomposed himself. How foolish, it was enough to bring a chuckle out of a fool. She did not sneak up on him, he simply happened to lower his guard. If the gods were truly watching, their laughter would certainly shake the heavens.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't notice you." He said with an oddly surprised tone, a soft spoken and rather kind one in fact. It gave the sort of impression of something old, and understanding. He walked towards her and extended his metallic hand, as if confronting a child.

"Are you lost, little lady?"


A thunderous boom echoed throughout the forest. A crackling fist was swung upwards with colossal force against a nearby tree, shattering it into a hundred splinters. Kicks were struck against wood and air, and  as his form focused and his limbs whipped forth, this terrifying display of martial prowess advanced throughout the land.

Sloppy, far too sloppy. ,Such weak fists would never reach the heavens, let alone the gods. He needed to strike harder, faster, until his hands would grow so large he would be able to drag the gods down their shallow thrones straight into hell along with himself. His weakness flowed with each colossal strike, a testament to his inability and  frustration. This would not do at all.

The titan of metal stopped and looked. His form was shallow, his strikes were that of a machine. He was a machine, something created by man for the sake of man. A shallow tool would not be able to vanquish a grander existence that way. If he was to fight those who ruled over man, he should fight as a man. Despite its futility, he drew a deep breath and shifted his stance.

For a moment, the air seemed to tremble around the mass of metal, shaped perfectly into the ultimate body, a silhouette carrying both grace and power that dwarfed the common man of flesh. Grand, and powerful, and yet he simply wasn't enough.

His limbs shot into motion once more, and countless booms overlapped one another. This time, his form and strikes were true, his breath and will were synced. Sloppy, still too sloppy, each strike failed in one way or another, he could not consider any of these perfect, no matter their brilliant quality. His body spun, his kicks split the winds, his fists reflected the moon with such brilliance a man would confuse them for rays of light, but all he could think was this wasn't enough.

But the trees and rocks gave in all the same, and before long his training sundered  all the vegetation surrounding him. He stopped and collected himself, observed the results, and spoke.



The pirate barely had the time, but he immediately dashed away with a powerful gust of fire, dodging the slash with a hair's breath as he was boosted out of her sword's range.

"Woah, nice!" He cried out once, but the swordsman was as relentless as a fly, a mighty strong gorilla fly that would cleave him in half with a single slash. Boy oh boy this wasn't good, but as she came again he spun around her sword and used the exact same boosting technique to evade her strikes with graceful movements.

But his coat was cut in more places than he'd like, even if he avoided her blade with great speed this was too close.This gave him bad enough feel to remain vigilant. The moment he'd lose momentum, she might just topple him and do unspeakable things to his boney body. As if he'd let that happen. He landed over a tree and bowed, but his flames were as ready to propel him away as ever.


Woah. Not even a scratch? That was kinda scary, and hooo boy, she was a feisty one to say the least. He didn't like that look, and he liked having a sword pointed at him for such a stupid reason even less. Oh well, now to get his bony feet out of this mess...

He rubbed the back of his skull awkwardly and stretched back, at the very least his old bones felt better from that. He didn't ignore the swordsman's chilling words, but she looked so thick headed that whatever he'd say would probably bounce off her skull without reaching her ears. Instead, he turned to the white haired kiddo and scolded her gently, annoyed but still good natured enough to be friendly about it.

"And we were having a duel. You don't see me throwing a hissy fit over it, so please get back in line and wait your turn little lady." He said casually before bowing towards Grigori with theatrical grace.

"And of course, I aim to please. I wouldn't mind teaching you, but if you got any ideas of me doing it freely out of the kindness of my heart, I'd ask that you forget them. Well, if you could help me out by say, calming that beautiful lady over there down..." He pointed  to the very rude lady back there. "That would be very appreciated. Not bad for a trade deal, eh?"


"Hahahahahah!! Ow! Ow! Owie!" She shook her head, not at the pain but at the sudden impacts, but her body kept regenerating all the same. She didn't sound pained at all more than just a bit dizzy, like she just came out of an extreme park ride. Despite that, she didn't drop her cute and innocent childlike smile, even as she was flung like a cannonball towards the samurai who happened to have a beam cannon.

The beam smashed right into her body, but she managed to harden her blood just in time and cloak herself in a bloody armor. Plasma ravaged her, but her defenses endured miraculously, and her body was tough enough to take something like this. 


She burst out of the beam with the most feral of smiles and a body littered in wounds, but even with her entire skin charred, she was ready to plunge on her foe with a deadly bladed fist.

Lorenzo Remei

All of a sudden, his bone's flames burst back as if they flinched, the closest thing the undead had to an expression of panic. A woman? But how!? He hadn't so much as noticed her, but now she had gotten in the way.

Perhaps out of panic, he couldn't retreat his flames in a timely fashion. The most he could manage was scream and hold out his hand in desperation and genuine worry. "Wait!"

And then, flames roared, earth shattered, and smoke flew in the air freely. Damn, he was too late. Had he gone too far? The last thing he wanted was to clean up someone else's mess. If he took Grigori's confidence seriously and didn't bother to hold back, it didn't mean he was inconsiderate. Mostly. At least, not to the point he'd be happy about this. Jeez, what a pain...

But all of a sudden, just as the flames and smoke cleared, the flying pirate was stunned twice in a row. He had seen his fair share of impossible things, in fact, by then he'd expect them. However, he didn't expect someone to be able to take an attack of such magnitude and remain unscathed.

He didn't know if he should shudder or bemoan his lack of skill, but more than anything, he was glad.

"Hey! Are you okay?" He called her out while slowly descending, the flames around him orbiting in order to slowly bring him down to earth.


His advantage in speed didn't only make dodging and moving around easier, but gave him a massive advantage when it came to spell casting.

A dozen of fiery circles emerged from his fingertips like ripples in the water while he remained in flight. Whatever he was preparing was big, and it would most likely cost considerable mana, but he didn't care. He wouldn't run out so easily, especially not here, and more importantly he'd leave her no means of escape this time. She went underground, but his birds quickly changed course and covered the area.  As they did that, the whale changed course and came closer to the earth.

When she emerged from the ground, they were already waiting for her and exploded, those immediately around her first while the others shot flying at her in order to bomb her with incredible force. Meanwhile the pirate shot down seven pillars that ran through the earth in order to converge where she laid standing while slowly splitting into columns of fireballs that came flying at her.

Meanwhile, the whale was approaching her with the intent of blowing her to pure dust along with the chunk of ash and earth that would be in its way.


The best, she was absolutely his best opponent yet! No one had made his heart sing so for years, for being pushed to his limits in a battle of magic reminded him too much of that man. The trauma would have once shattered his spirit, but no more would he bend the knee to fear. He would conquer it and himself, and show her which one of them was the better.

He didn't care losing to anyone. Had it been anyone else, he'd be fine with losing to a beautiful woman. But he wouldn't lose to her, he wouldn't lose to himself!

And as he avoided stone upon stone with graceful movements that radiated splendor, his mana boiled and sang before he shone like a star, sending a blast of flame all around him so mighty it burned and crumbled the earth. Even if he lacked sheer irresistible heat, the force of his full-power blasts was enough to sunder even the thickest stone walls. He was burning down his reserves considerably, but he didn't care. This duel was a dance he could not perform unrestrained.

But once all stones were shattered, he caught a glimpse of it, the faintest aquamarine marble. No, she was slow. How could she be one step ahead of him!? Damn, of course, he should have known. Even now, he realized the two were too similar. She had yet to attack him directly.

He couldn't help but laugh heartily before letting out a primal roar, and unleashing a fireball against the torrent of water that was immediately thawed. However, the blast of its explosion was enough to parry the blast, even momentarily, and launch the skeletal pirate even higher in the air at the expense of his ribs and cranium. Some of the water was not completely blocked and crashed right into his body, weakened but strong enough to cause him damage.

His flames would endure, however.

Her attack was not the only indirect one. His pillar had already carved a fire large enough around the mage. As he launched dozens of birds down on her to carpet bomb her, the flames surrounding her shifted immediately and a massive maw of fire erupted around her, the upper body of a burning whale engulfing her in a matter of seconds.

The moment its mouth shut, her fate would be sealed and it would explode, something that would be dangerously close to happen if she tried to carve it from the inside as well.


Blackmore crossed his arms and nodded sassily before looking around as if looking for something. Thankfully, he found the object of his desires. Without wasting breath, he just walked over to the still mostly intact couch and laid down on it, crossing his legs over the table and used the remote controller in order to turn on the tv.


Whoopsie, this was a bit more troublesome than before. Just where did all this water come from anyways, her *** ?

Anyways, he had no times for bad japes.  He charged and stomped the floor with his legs as quickly as he could, and burst upwards with a jet-like vortex of flame that coiled like a serpent. It grew and grew in an instant, causing a tornado of fire and force that made him fly faster than he could even move. He spun in the air, and his entire body became flame and leather as he shielded himself with his burning coat before reaching incredible heights.

Crap, that was close, but now he had the higher ground. Could she fly? He thought not. And now the pillar of flame he was riding was drawing ever closer to his target to incinerate her like a deadly firenado.

"Hahahahahahahahah! Not bad, isn't it? Maybe you should've brought some sunscreen first!!" He boomed with laughter.

Lorenzo Remei

"Heh!" Of course water would beat fire, but just because she could neutralize his magical projectiles didn't mean she could neutralize the magic that was him.

Thus his foot clapped once against the ash beneath him and he quite literally danced around the water projectiles and the magician, striking over the top poses as he avoided each deadly bullet by a hair's breath. When that wasn't enough, powerful blasts of flame could parry the strikes, even if the water did always end up on top.

In a final display of blinding acrobatics, he flipped over backwards in a great somersault as countless winged piranhas erupted from his flame. The burning creatures quickly came flying around and formed magnificent glowing arcs in the night sky before directing themselves to their target.

She wasn't the only one who could make automated spells, but his was beyond an automaton.

Each creature was gifted with intelligence, they'd be able to dodge cleverly and coordinate and avoid her attacks as a group, even at the expense of one or two. Simply put, he wasn't one to fall to the same tricks twice.


Heh! He knew she had more to it than that, this might be interesting after all. Considering she could control not one, but two elements with such precision, she might be an even better mage than he'd ever be. Of course, he was anything but throwing the towel. He was confident in his skills as a warrior after all.

"You really are an amazing woman. But a duel, here of all places? You sure are confident..." He praised her with sincerity, looking up to her with admiration and fervor brighter than his own flames.

This city really was filled with fine treasures, he had just arrived from meeting an emerald when he stumbled right in front of a mountain of gold. He couldn't be any happier, this would be a perfect way to let loose what he held back against Irene.

Besides, he'd be lying if he said this didn't excite him. A forest of fire and ash under the night sky, was there any better scenery for an epic confrontation between wizards? Let this duel of magic be a dance of fire and spirit, but in this and all contexts he far preferred rough women anyways. He waved his hand in a theatrical fashion, his fires grew and encroached into the ashen earth around him like mighty roots.

"My name is Lorenzo Remei, son of Ronan and captain of the Fiery Moon! You may trample on my bones to your heart's content, show no restraint!"

His familiar shone with flames brighter than ever, glowing of all colors, some real and others outside of the spectrum. The sorcery making their life split once more into countless birds, but they strengthened with fire and life and became glowing brighter and hotter than mere birds, surrounding the fire mage with a dozen of burning spears launching at her with enough power to scorch and ravage even steel within their explosive force.

"That is, if you can!"

Costin Andrei

The punch was so brutal, so sudden, so fast and so unexpected that it crushed the vampire's innards to the point she felt this close to spitting out her own intestines out like lightning fast spaghetti drenched in tomato sauce.

Sadly, it didn't happen. Sometimes, life just isn't fair.

But.... s-sweetie? Boy oh boy, that was actually kinda cute. D-did he like her? He was kinda handsome after all. Maybe they could go on a date or something once this whole thing was done. But would he say yes? Did he really think of her that way? But they just met, they barely knew each other? Should she maybe buy him dinner or something? Gosh, this was too embarassing! And this was so rough and sudden, she didn't even know his name!

The thought of that kinda had her blush, just a little though.

But she quickly mentally shook her head and refocused on the situation. Anyways, she tried to barrel roll her way out of his next strike, but he was too fast, and before she knew it she was held by the ankle and swung like a vulgarly massive morning star.

Even more ghastly and suddenly, her eyes were wide in excitement and her grin was so wide it almost looked like it was gonna rip out of her face with sheer childish glee as she punched the blue haired vampire just as the two impacted with additional force, practically sending her flying. Now that's what I call teamwork!! She was so happy she couldn't help but laugh maniacally like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

"Mwahahahahahah! That's right honey! Don't forget your hips! It's all about the shoulders boy, square shoulders!!"


"Mmkay." Lorenzo said casually before burning the corn away and making burning flowers out of their ashes.

The pirate looked up at the blue orb with some sort of fascination. Her spell was flawlessly constructed, truly, and he could definitely acknowledge her as a powerful mage. However, that flame was sloppy. There was no real connection between the woman and the fire, he could feel it, to her it was no different than a tool like a screw or a hammer. Sure, it was a commendable way to think, fire was pretty useful after all, and so was magic.

However, fire was not some thing you could bend and hammer into whatever you wished. It had a shape, a will, and it breathed and ate until it eventually reached its end and waned. It was alive. The spell was wonderful, but it had no true form or consideration for the flame's life. It was only natural that a dead fire would be devoured by a living one. His fire being alive, it could split and grow easily, but it could also merge and strengthen itself with just as much ease.

"Woah, not bad. How about this?" He added before snapping his fingers, and his birds joined together and devoured the nearby fire, growing and expanding before taking a greater shape, this time that of a majestic whale of smoke and inferno. It slowly swam through the air, mouth wide open and eyes tinted with curious glee as if it had found a new ball to play with.

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