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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 191 192 [193] 194 195 ... 374

Kid was gutsy enough for him to raise an eyebrow, but seriously? There was having balls and then there was just pathetism. He found some leftovers and half finished cans of beer, but other than that, this whole place was worthless. Still, the beer would do, so he took the can without much mind to it and spared the boy a glance.

"Are you dumb? That ain't going to work on me. You're just gonna mess up your place more at best." By that he meant, of course, messing them up with his own ashes.

"Besides, after pulling that stunt and saving that sorry hide of yours, you owe me much more than just some food and drink. It'd be a good start though. Or could it be you actually wanted to die back there?"


The skeleton turned to the lady and gave her a definite shhh. His task was one of utmost importance, he needed the timing to be just right. After all, it would be a shame if the popcorn burned.

And in a few moments, less than a few seconds really, it was ready. He opened the lid and revealed the delicious snacks, piping hot and filling the air with a succulent buttery flavor. While he couldn't tell, he could see just how nice and golden they turned out, which made this an absolute success.

"Mhhh hmmm! Done!" He'd be grinning from ear to ear if he could in the first place, probably, but suddenly something bizarre happened. The mass of mana and fire began to shift and coil around his body like an amoeba before strange fiery appendages began to sprout from his burning bones.

First they were merely licking the air before solidifying their form and splitting from his body as dozens of bright orange beings, living elementals brought forth with magic. The light and magic was unlike anything in the world, it wasn't the sort of thing a human would see even in ten lifetimes.

The countless creatures of flame and magic began to chirp and come to life in less than a second, and they surrounded the poor man an his freshly cooked popcorn as if ecstatic, causing the pirate to chuckle.

"Attaboys, supper's ready! We got a big workout to look forward to, so make sure these bellies are nice and full!" He passed a juicy piece to one of the fiery babies, playfully hovering it over its hungry little head before letting it nibble on the meal. "There, heheheh. This one's extra buttery, yknow that shit's good." He said before stroking its lower jaws tenderly.

Ah, but while he was having his heartfelt family reunion, he forgot about a certain someone. How vexing. He shook his head and turned to face the girl while a few of the birds turned their attention to its blue orb of fire, slowly approaching it out of curiosity.

One of them even dared to go as far as to rest on the poor female mage's shoulder, snuggling her cheek warmly.

"Heh. Sorry, they get picky this late at night unless fed. Wouldn't want them to be picky during training, would we?" He slowly rose to his feet while his fiery hewels began to soar and fly around them, resting on different places while a few collected around the mage and his shoulders.

He bowed down theatrically, but there was true genuineness in his words, as in his actions.

"Please forgive any disrespect" He handed her the pan with some of the popcorn still left over, even for a fool he was anything but unfriendly. "It's still warm, and I won't go easy on you just because you're cute, so you might want to fill your belly with something. Eh?"


Blackmore took a deep,imposing breath and sighed before patronizingly petting the man's head.

"It's not all about you, yknow? My pal here just happened to be hungry, and there just happened to be a monster lying somewhere around here.Saving you was just a bonus really..."

He awkwardly waddled to the kitchen, trying not to bump into anything and looked into the fridge for something to snack on, or a drink, or both really. While doing so, he gave one final comment.

"You might want to get that door fixed in the future, pal."


"Sure sure..." He shrugged before he sat down with his legs crossed. All of a sudden, he pulled something from his coat. Its shine was peculiar and the way he handled it carefully would pique anyone's curiosity. Could this be some sort of mystical object? Or perhaps a relic of sorts.

A fire appeared before the undead skeleton. Was he planning to use that fire to power the object? Or maybe the object was something meant to control that fire more efficiently. The skeleton put the artifact on top of the fire and began to hum a cheerful tune.

And that is when the popping began.


"Heh, smart kid." He gave him a small pat on the back, but it almost made him fall on his knees. Whoops...

"Sorry about the mess by the way, but hey! At least you're all safe and sound." He kept that same grin before pointing back to Astarte with his thumb nonchalantly. "You ought to thank my pal over here for that little stunt. If he didn't smell trouble, you'd probably be a puddle right now. Heh heh heh..."

He took another puff of smoke and turned to his companion. "So, had your fill yet? I don't know if there are any more in here, so don't be shy."

Lorenzo Remei

"Ah..." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, like he had just walked on a painful thorn. "I mean, yes and no? I've fallen on a troublesome master, but that doesn't make me some drone."

He bowed courteously, holding out a friendly hand. "My name is Lorenzo Remei, it's a pleasure." He paused for a moment, almost as if shy, before coughing and quickly catching his composure. "Erm, anyways, do you come here often? I was going to practice a few spells myself, but if you want I can lend you a hand. It's more enjoyable to train as a duo, don'tchathink?"


"Hehe, alright! Well, just report to the boss, wouldn't want to keep her lonely eh?" He gave the kid a good-natured nudge on the side before chuckling lightly. "I'll just go do my thing. If you need me, just call me or something. I'll leave you my pet so you don't get bored, so just study hard and eat some veggies. Its way past your bedtime anyway."

And so he did, waving at the kid without even looking back.

For a while, the mage had wanted to practice his skills. His combat magic hadn't rusted, but this time, he had a hunch to try something different. His birds had scouted the city, and he had managed to find a nice spot where he'd have a good affinity. This way, h'ed both recover quicker and get to have a good practice at once. Though it was weird to see such a consumed forest, he couldn't recall having ever stumbled around this spot...

Oh! He suddenly noticed someone unfamiliar. It wasn't a bad sight at all, but he didn't think he'd be beaten to it so quickly. He watched her for a bit, and noted that her craft was anything but sloppy. He never got to meet someone with the same talent in the pyre's craft as him, so this was kinda new, and probably fun!

"Woah, nice work there.  Are ya here to practice too?" He walked up to the girl and held his hand up to salute her.


The parts of the tree covering her exploded out of the way as she got back up, smashing the wood all over the place.

"Beats me. Maybe she's a fan or something? Damn paparazzi..." She answered with casual cheer and nonchalance to her puppet companion while scratching the back of her head. Honestly, she had no idea what that picture thing was all about either, and this was getting annoying. As if you'd need a reason to maim, kill and eviscerate. Destruction wasn't supposed to make sense, in fact it's only fun when its senseless!

Suddenly, her body shuddered and convulsed like a bubbling mass that tried to escape her spin, and before anyone could tell, her dress rapidly shifted and protruded thorns and branches of crystallized blood, sharper than a sword and sturdy enough to rival steel. Two large horns sprouting from her shoulders  revealed faces twisting in agony and gaping wide mouths before vomiting blood straight into her open hands, forming about half a dozen of throwing blades resembling boomerangs.

"Hey, be careful bro! It's dangerous if you stand so close!"

She called out to the newcomer as well while she dashed forward with incredible speed, throwing  the bladed weapons  in a twisting, unpredictable cone that zigzagged and shifted directions before focusing on the girl and her surroundings, capable of ripping any normal man apart and anyone who'd stand around said man, making this warning rather pointless.

While her thrown weapons would come flying for her prey, she'd dash forward and use that opening to claw her guts out.



"You idiot!"

The demonic sword dissappeared from the rooftop where he had been left. All of a sudden, there was a streak far beyond anything prior. The walls and ceiling  were split apart like cardboard paper,  and the unimaginable blur came dashing from all directions, practically assaulting the girl from all directions. The floor was crushed with his step, but his hand was clenched to his sword to the point they fused together. That was nothing. The blows, the violence.


Compared to the black aura seeping from that - thing, cloaking his entire frame and leaving nothing but two hollow blue eyes, the purest essence of a blade that attempted to tear his foe asunder did not matter at all. It was a chi so vile nothing could describe it, no wonder the dragon's machinations did not faze him.

And as another blindingly fast swing came an inch from the girl's temple, he did not resume his barrage. He had already gotten what he needed, while he blurred around blindingly, he grabbed the girl and leapt away. They wouldn't catch him, and most of all, his hollow eyes made one thing particularly clear. The last look that he spared them, that he'd ever spare them, spoke of a single thing. You didn't need to be a master swordsman or a kindred to understand their meaning.

Don't you dare touch her again...

Their exchange barely lasted two seconds, but it ended in a complete loss for that man. However, even if his defeat was bitter, he did not consider himself vanquished. He could not slay her, but he was fast. He'd definetely be fast enough to save him. That would be his victory, for the battlefield he chose.


The girl's eyes widened. People who'd get too close could hurt her, that information had been ingrained into every fiber of her being. She was nothing more than a weapon, a disposable tool, and yet, and yet-

Several massive clawed hands were now clearly visible, each barely more than an inch from the girl, ready to tear her apart yet still as if time itself had stopped. This was too surreal.

But she didn't want this. She didn't want to be a weapon. Not anymore. She wouldn't hurt anyone, ever again. The guilt of what she had done earlier, and how she had lashed out on those who were so kind to her was too much to bear. All the corpses she piled up, all the sins on her back. They were too much for any child to bear. And yet, she couldn't do anything.

Tears ran down her face, and for a while, she felt warm. Then, she returned the embrace.

"I'm sorry..."

A stream of blood dripped from her lips, and all color left her body. As soon as she did that, she lost consciousness.


The orbs and barrier disintegrated into nothing, fading like illusions without leaving a single strand of their pink luster. The giant grinned at the man as if amused and pulled out a cigarette from his coat's pocket, which lit all by itself as soon as he brushed it between his fingers before he took a deep breath of the smoke. Despite his maniacally gleeful smile, the sort that laughs about anything and everything, his words were incredibly composed, like he had done this sort of thing so many times it had grown into a tedious routine.

"You can start with a thank you. We did just save your life."

He exhaled, and the room filled with the aroma of smoke and scented spices. It was a peculiar contrast, but a somewhat pleasant and soothing smell. These sort of cigarettes were once popular among cigarette enthusiasts due to its deep aftertastes and their cheapness. These qualities made the product quite popular some years ago, but production had mysteriously stopped, making these once adored cigarettes near impossible to find in the surface world.

Nowadays, you were more likely to find a bootlegged, inferior product. One most likely spiked with far more nefarious but mundane chemicals that could produce, nowhere close to the original quality, but a passable imitation all the same.

But the reddish-golden luster of the insignia around the cigarette made no mistake. Genuine originals were incredibly difficult to come by nowadays, but there was no mistake the stamp of a serpentine dragon over the product. Some territories did still manage the production of these cigarettes, but they were exclusively controlled and maintained by gangs, and an original produce was considered a luxury item reserved for important or distinguished members of the criminal underworld.

Owning such items was a small but considerable display of power, though it would take more than a few good quality cigarettes to have true influence over such a vast web-like underbelly. Still, it was undeniable that whoever could lay his hands on something like this was anything but small fry.

"Want some?" He asked him casually with that same grin.


The gunshot pierced the tentacle beast, but all it did was split off its dead tendrils without stopping its charge. It hungered for flesh, hungered so much, in the blink of an eye it would reach the poor man and rip him apart. However, the black blur of death suddenly stopped short in its tracks, as if held back by some invisible force.

The monster squirmed and tried to reach through with its many tentacles, but a pink barrier split him from Joe completely, shielding the man like a fortress's wall made of hexagonal energy patterns.

And as soon as it was stopped, there was a sudden boom. A pink blur far larger and more monstrous than anything else appeared, revealing a towering man with the most bloodcurdling of smiles football-tackling the black beast with so much strength he turned into a black puddle. Everything around the impact shattered and was flung away by a great shockwave.

The appartment was ruined save for the man behind the barrier, who was now staring face to face with a crushed beast, a cracked barrier and a giant who was smiling with such glee it looked like he was staring right into the boy's soul.



The girl stopped and her hands trembled slightly. Why? Why!? Why did everything keep going like this? Why couldn't a single thing go right? She didn't want to hurt anyone, so why?

She should have never approached them. She should have never gotten close to them. She could have stopped this, it was all her fault, and this made everything around her hurt. Enough games. Enough pretenses. Enough of everything. If she wasn't going to be given this much, then she should take it and go. So her skin flashed a bloody scarlet and her eyes turned pitch black and fiery red before the entire ground beneath her was annihilated with a booming impact upon another, sending everything in her surroundings flying away.



"Yeah, yeah..." He smiled and shook his head before awkwardly trying to squeeze his way through the hallways. Indoor fights really weren't his thing, he'd think it would be obvious to the little Astarte. For the sake of not having to crawl his way into a stranger's home, and this was purely out of the kindness of his heart, he formed a dozen of orbs out of thin air and sent them in from different angles through the doors and walls like bubbles until they surrounded the perimeter, but hidden from the room where the poor feed would lie.

The target would logically run towards he opposite direction of a mysterious threat, and he left enough space that dodging in a certain direction would be logical. His trap was complete, and the only way out was straight to them.

Once they were set inside the walls and littered the halls, they began to slowly close in and move independently like a net in order to force his prey out.


"Heh." He nodded and got up nonchalantly. So what if he knew? It's not like his desire was malicious, it was quite dull and ordinary if anything. After all, who doesn't want to reach greater heights?

"One more thing though..." He noted, for there was one excruciating detail both almost forgot. All these scraps of garbage wouldn't clean themselves.

He whistled, and as soon as he did that, a couple of orbs emerged from the ground, as if they had been lying down below all along waiting for a command. Their form was simple, but their composition and appearance was completely and utterly alien, there wasn't a single body in this planet that could replicate its properties.

At first sight, they seemed solid, but they passed through the earth like intangible ghosts. Pink and purple cracked in each of these orbs,  but even that hue seemed too unnatural, like it was the only way someone's mind could register such a thing. And as soon as these alien masses were stationed around their targets, their veneer broke and they reacted.

And then there was light, a silent burst of energy, and when the brightness faded, there was no blood or flesh remaining in sight. Their surroundings were nothing more than cracked and molten asphalt and the occasional rubble. He had barely charged them at full power, but he released precise amounts of dark matter, and the results were evident. There was no trace of blood or corpse left in this world, as if they had been smitten down of existence by an incomprehensible force.

"Dark matter." It was all he said, and all he needed to say. If he truly could read him it should be more than enough for him to put two and two together, but he didn't care about that in the first place. Instead, he departed and walked forth to the horizon, his new companion hanging by his shoulder.


Oh wow, did she just dodge like that? How painful, how deplorable! But she didn't need it, she didn't need it didn't need it didn't need it! If someone wouldn't accept her love and die, then she should DIE! Haha hahahahahahaha!

There was an impact crashing into her side like a meteor. She didn't have the time to register any of it, or rather, she didn't care. Instead, she laughed wildly as her skin bubbled and countless thorns erupted from her flesh and rammed inside the girl who had foolishly gotten so close to her.  Following that brutal clash, the girl had multiple holes burrowed inside her like swiss cheese while the vampire was kicked away straight into a tree, crushing it and cracking countless bones.

Concealed by the broken wood and dust, two eyes began to glow like crimson fire. She wasn't holding the puppet any longer, rather, she had decided to finally get serious. She did not move or removed the rubble from her frame.

If one didn't know better, one might think she was dead, but there was a bloodlust and murderous intent unlike anything emanating from where she landed, the sort that chilled the air and caused even the trees to tremble. Simply looking at where she stood was like sliding one's eyes onto cold steel.

Her blood crawled back where it belonged and her wounds closed near instantly, it barely took any time for her body to heal. She licked her lips and awaited for more. The night was too young, but she should finish this quickly.


The air seemed to turn colder at the boy's chilling declaration. No sane man would be able to hear something so horrific without feeling the faintest tinge of disgust. But in the face of this voracious madness, Blackmore couldn't contain himself.

At first, it escaped him slightly, breath by breath, not much differently from a balloon that is letting out its air little by little. Once he couldn't keep it in any longer, he laughed, booming louder and louder than ever, his entire body shaking and convulsing like an earthquake with such laughter that he had to hold his sides in order not to explode.

"Hahah...hahahaha....ahahahahahahaahahahahah!! Ah hah aaah! Sorry, sorry! This is just, haah, this is just too much!" His breath was heavy, all tension was completely and utterly shaken by his powerful laughter, but as he steadied his composure, something ins breathing made it clear that he wasn't joking.

His smile grew larger than ever, his curled lips were larged enough to make him seem like a snake, yet such teeth were more like a great beast meant to devour all in its path. In some respects, the two weren't so different.

That aside, his voice was no less humored than before, though it was jarringly calmer than his earlier outburst. Despite everything, he was quite serious about such things, he did not belittle or doubt the child one bit. That aside, there were things he wanted as well.

"And what if I accept? You don't expect me to seriously let you freeload just like that? Or are you asking me to become your faithful slave?"

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